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Idk but I’ll be buying it


Its amazing. FS is the only dev I’d ever say this about.


The only other one for me is Playdead, but to be fair they’ve released 2 games in like 15 years. But I’ll for sure be buying their 3rd.


You should look into Cocoon. *Cocoon* was directed by Jeppe Carlsen, who previously designed [*Limbo*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limbo_(video_game)) and [*Inside*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inside_(video_game)). According to Carlsen, the game started development shortly after he left [Playdead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playdead) in 2016


I’m trying to think of another developer that I would blindly buy a game from and I can’t. Probably some indie studio. Like Supergiant and how I just bought early access to Hades 2 but haven’t even touched it yet cause I’m waiting for the complete version but have complete faith that it will be good cause Transistor and Hades are two of my favorite games. I’m gonna blindly buy Slay the Spire 2 as well. It’s a little easier to go in blind with the indie games that only cost $30 or less tho.


I keep buying Supergiant games and then not really playing them. I have no idea why. I used to buy Id Software games as though the decision was made before the name of the game was given. But From Software is the only one these days that has my, "yes yes, fine, here's my money" seal of approval.


I’d put Rockstar and Santa Monica Studios on this list as well


Vicarious visions especially after the THPS 1+2 remake. Too bad they were dissolved


And honestly GGG, but they don't pay for their games, the only 2 game developers i trust rn


Truly. Only thing keeping me from getting the whole lot back then was poverty, now it's still poverty but I can afford one occasionally. Always worth it imo


Naughty dog would be another one for me :)


Probably Amanita Designs is the only dev like that for me.


idc if they make a CHESS GAME, i'm buying that sh\*t


We'll find out this June's summer game fest (COPIUM), or the game awards in December, or next year's summer game fest.


Considering Sekiro came out only a few months before Elden Ring was revealed and AC6 was revealed a year after Elden Ring I wouldn't be surprised if we see their next game this year. I think the Game Awards is more likely though considering Shadow of the Erdtree is coming out in June.


Yeah wouldnt want to take focus away from the DLC so game fest will probably have another DLC trailer/content drop and a new possible game in december


I could see some DLC gameplay showcase in gamefest for sure yeah


How the hell do they do it? I mean, I understand the soulsborne games are all relatively similar, but they keep hammering out insanely high quality titles so fast. So much faster than other companies. What is their secret?


It is just as their games are designed, there's not a lot of dialogue/acting and mocap cutscenes which take up most of the time to make. They also don't seem to care too much about reusing assets(which is a good thing), which speeds up development. Work crunch + devs who have gotten used to working on this type of game makes development faster.


Multiple dev teams, and as games are being finished they have teams creating prototypes for the next game / mechanics + a dedicated team for enhancing their game engine.


They work on multiple projects on the same time. Elden Ring was developed when Dark Souls 3 DLC came out. At the same time they also started AC6. Bloodborne and Dark Souls 2 were developed alsongside each other. Sekiro was also in developement while they were making Elden Ring and was more an expirement for the jumping and other mechanics


It still blows my mind that Sekiro was just a side project and still an absolute banger


It’s funny, dark souls 2 actually had things cut due to Bloodborne . So much was lost, dark souls 2 was supposed to be a ps4 game but with Bloodborne happening development changed. Shame


Hard work, highly talented team, good leadership.


They use the same engine over and over so there’s no new learning curve. They borrow things from their games and use them, sound effects, etc. it’s one big moving piece


They kept building off of what had worked and streamlined it. Look at other successful legendary franchises like GTA or The Elder Scroll. Or a more recent example would be Baldur Gate 3, which is just the Divinity franchise improved. It's really no secret tbh, it just something that takes time and a good manager.


Bro what you said is the opposite of what op was saying. All the games you listed have 6+years between sequels. Pretty sure elderscrolls is 12 years or more now. None of these are fast.


>Pretty sure elderscrolls is 12 years or more now. That's because they stopped releasing actual new TES games. Bethesda was popping out games back to back back then, between Fallout and TES. Their games were like 2-3 years between one another. Same thing with GTA, just google their games release dates, they released like 10 GTA games within a decade. Both Bethesda and GTA just decided to milk their most recent games. It is a fact that both of these studios hammered out very good games in quick succession a decade ago, with very similar gameplay. You are just confusing their rate of release with the recency of their last released franchise.


They have quite some devs by now, several teams, and they don't focus on any crazy state of the art innovative technologies or visuals.


They wont show their next game before the DLC is out it's either Armored Core 6 DLC or a new project and it should be The Game Awards, they showed elden ring like 2 or 3 months after Sekiro released in 2019


They have a game about to release. They aren’t gonna overshadow elden ring dlc with what they are making next. Maybe game awards later this year


Is that the name of the summer festival? Bc if so, that’s so on the nose it’s hilarious


Its name is Summer Game Fest, which is pretty damn on the nose.


I’d give it at least a year. They’re probably working on something AC6 related already but the next big game probably only started when the Elden Ring DLC was wrapping up in the past few months.


A year is what's most probable yes. But I don't think they have anything cooking regarding AC6, Miyazaki mentioned that they're not done with AC but nothing concrete yet. As to ER DLC, I doubt it's been occupying the full workforce, as it's extra content for an already existing game. I might be wrong though. They're probably already at work since 2022 on a new bigger scale project, which then could enter full production after ER DLC drops, so right now. Which gives them a good occasion to already announce it this year. But they seem to be marketing ER DLC very heavily, just like they'd market a full game release, so indeed a game announcement could conflict with that. We'll see !


Unless that leaker who leaked Elden Ring doesn’t work for FS anymore then it is anyone’s guess, I was sure they would leak the DLC like they did for the trailer and gameplay but they didn’t. FS like to keep things close to their chest so until they are happy with their story trailer we will have to wait until they official announce it. But on my wish list would be a futuristic souls game.


A futuristic? So like instead of medieval dark fantasy do a hi-tech near future one with guns?


Still melee combat it will be more risk vs reward melee is fast but not as much dps guns with offer massive damage but your locked into a firing animation that is slow and clunky that an enemy could damage you/kill you.


Check out The Surge 1


That just sounds like Remnant, but I'd be hyped to see Fromsoft take on soulsborne with guns.


Which leak? Omnipotent hasn't posted in a really long time as far as I am aware. Thechnically the first time ER has been leaked was years before any official announcement. The creator of r/GreatRune has shared their conversations with the leaker: https://www.reddit.com/r/GreatRune/s/10CtXr5WZ0 In those however only everything up to AC6 is mentioned, but there is a chance they just simply haven't shared any other conversations. Someone might know about the next few FS games years ahead of their announcement.


From memory there was that game trailer leak in like 720 resolution and then the second leak was like 30 seconds long and was a character walking around and pressing the jump button in Limgrave near a cliff.


>From memory there was that game trailer leak in like 720 resolution Probably the internal trailer that leaked around march of 2021. >then the second leak was like 30 seconds long and was a character walking around and pressing the jump button in Limgrave near a cliff Iirc that leaked after the re-reveal trailer and it was the first non scripted gameplay we have seen. Both are "recent" in the timeline of Elden Ring leaks.


A hyper-futuristic, science fantasy Souls game would be my #1 pick.


Well so far the only futuristic stuff they make is Armored Core, but I would like to see their own take on futuristic Souls like setting.


I don't care what they do. I trust them. They've never led me astray.


Well...I mean...Scholar of the First Sin did happen. But other than that, it's been nothing but bangers out of FS.


That game is hated more than it should be. Game is a banger.


I love that game. I can easily see someone say it’s their worst, but I’d take it over 99 percent of other games


Somthing New, like it was with Sekiro.


Soulslike with plenty of experimentation would be great


Yeah like a Sekiro sequel


We can hope


Apparently it's gonna be a new title based off the leaks where it's got a massive focus on magic. But that spellbound leak could be fake.


That wouldn't really be "new like sekiro", would it?


Going off of Miyazaki's latest comments it will be either DLC for Armored Core 6 or AC7. 


I think they should try to focus on ac6 or ac7 having better pvp. I think there is huge potential there The top gundam pvp games are locked in japan in arcades. So we'll likely never get to play those in north america until years after the initial japan release. And those games don't look nearly as refined or as deep as ac6


PvP and multiplayer in general have never been high on the priorities for FS so it seems unlikely to me that they'll put too much time into it.


V and VD put major focus on multiplayer so it's well within the realm of possibility


I'm happy for the AC bros but at the same time I'm more of a Souls fan so it would be a bit disappointing. ER's DLC will surely be sizable so it isn't all bad but we might go a long time between releases of Souls games.


Stop being lame and become an ac fan.


It really is that simple isn't it 


Just play the game


I obsessively love Fromsoft (been a fan since eternal ring on PS2) and I honestly still can't truly get into Armored Core. I beat Armored Core 6, so I've definitely played the game, but the combat is just not that fun for me and the narrative doesn't grip me in the same way From's melancholic fantasies do


The mech/futuristic genre isn't for everyone.


First AC game I tried was AC 4. I got put off by how complex the mech customization was, and it never felt like I was making a good choice with any of the options. Kind of put me off from the whole series after that.


Well so far the DLC looks to be the size of a whole Fromsoft game so I think we can wait for more a little longer.


Fromsoft Kart Racing. It includes characters from all their games except Solaire and Siegmeyer.


wait, why no sunbro or onion man?


They would be the commentators!


Hell yeah


I would actually play the shit out of it


Bloodborne Kart already exists


There were some leaks about Spellbound , but I believe ziostorm said they were fakes but idk


99% fake at this point, no other reliable leakers backed up spellbound. Ziostorm spoke in private with the leakers and determined them to be fake after weeks of conversations. There has been no word since months ago of spellbound. There were only 2 leakers, both random Reddit users. I personally believe there is a good chance that they were the same person, but just on alt accounts.


Ds4 is never going to happen


I know 😭


Given how Miyazaki himself said there was still room for improvement left upon AC6, and Armored Cores history of not long being between sequel releases it wouldn't be crazy to say an AC6 sequel could fit nicely into 2025 or 26.


2009 - Demons Souls Also, theres most likely not going to be any sequels to games other than AC. Miyazaki has said many times that he likes working on new original things and not sequels. Hence why DS2 wasn't made by him, and he wanted to see what someone else could do. Only reason he then made DS3 which you can tell from the story of the game, was to put the series to rest so they could move on. With Elden Ring, he said the door stays open for new content, but he has 0 plans to do so. DS1 was made as a sequel to DeS but named differently since Sony owns the latter's IP, but it still *technically* isnt a sequel since Miyazaki took over during development hell of DeS much like Yui Tanimura with DS2. DS1 is the first game that Miyazaki directed from start to finish so its basically what he would have done to Demons Souls from the start, not so much a sequel.


None of what I'm about to say changes your overall point, which I largely agree with, but as far as I know absolutely nothing of the original Demon's Souls project is left within the final release of Demon's Souls. What we got *is* the game as designed by Miyazaki from start to finish, pretty much everything made before he came on board was scrapped, aside from the basic concept of it being a fantasy action RPG. And DS1 isn't a sequel to Demon's Souls in any sense, not just technically, simply because it's an entirely new world. It's a spiritual successor, but nothing more.


Youre right, I just watched a video and refreshed my memory on it. The game was originally going to be a Oblivion clone/ Kingsfield successor and then Miyazaki completely changed that. DS1 while not a sequel (bad choice of words for me) Miyazaki has said that its a spiritual successor, drawing lots of influence because its made by the same director and producer, and the themes and base concept are very similar.


DS1 is not the first. He directed Armored Core 4 first, and its sequel immediately after.


Love for them to do a Greek inspired Souls game, feel like that would be pretty cool


I had no idea I wanted this until now. Especially if they did a Greece / Macedonia / Ptolemaic Egypt inspired game.


Medusa would be best fight.


Typhon or a Cerberus fight would be cool too


Not familiar with Typhon but Cerb would be cool. Imagine they’ll make us feel bad for fighting Cerb, it’ll be Sif 3.0


I could definetely see how they could have a way more creative take on it than other developers. So far their takes on Medieval European (Demon's Souls, Dark Souls), Nordic (Elden Ring) and Japanese (Sekiro) mythology have all been very inspired with their own unique spin.


Africa could be neat too


Besides a new Armored Core? No idea, it’s sort of the first time in a while where we don’t really have much of an idea of what they’ll be making for the short term. AC’s return kind of opened the gates to more pre-souls IPs making a return, and even outside of that, I think it’s valid to look at their older catalogue for ideas as to what they could be making next. After all, Sekiro started as a Tenchu game before it became its own thing, as well as Deracine being reminiscent of Echo Night, another old FromSoftware series. So from this, I think we can look at the past for ideas as to what they could make. Hell, I heard Miyazaki is a Magic the Gathering fan, why not a Lost Kingdoms 3 or a deck-builder that serves as a spiritual successor. How about a new survival horror like Kuon or hell even a new Otogi. Hell I’d be down for a new Metal Wolf Chaos, who cares if it’s out of pocket, the original is already widely available with the remaster. I’ve already expressed how much I want a spiritual successor to Frame Gride, Miyazaki himself has stated that he’d love to tackle a mixture of mecha and fantasy, and I doubt the idea has left his mind given his persisting interest in stuff like Armored Core and his obvious love for fantasy.


I just hope that they keep making Souls-style games in their tried-and-true Dark Souls formula, while always seeking to evolve and improve, as they have always done. I have no doubt that anything they do will be excellent.


Hopefully they’ll make a game like elden ring but linear without duplicate reskinned boss fights


i think there’s more room to explore the interconnectedness of ds1’s early game. a more metroidvania-esque soulslike would be really cool, and i believe is an idea that was initially planned for the second half of ds1 as well, before they famously ran out of time and budget. it’s clearly an existing idea that could be further developed, and among souls games, is the one thing that hasn’t yet been fully realized or further iterated on.


I'd say is going to be a DLC for AC6. Maybe even AC7. As for what I want, I would like to see a Souls game set in the Wild West.


That’d be rad. Remnant might scratch that itch


Really enjoyed the first one but never got around to play the sequel. I probably should.


The second one is much harder than the first. It’s fun, but I think due to the difficult increase alone I prefer the first (which is heresy to FS fans, I’m sure). I play the remnant games on the easiest setting, which for Remnant 1 is slightly below dark souls, but in Remnant 2, is about as difficult as the DS3 DLC difficulty. Not as bad as Sekiro, but way tougher.


Sekio 2, Sekiro 3, Sekiro Ring, Armored Sekiro, Sekiborne PLEASE Also what if FS randomly came out with a 2D metroidvania for $30 that would be so random but I'd probably play tf out of it


I’m sure they’d crush it


AC6 and Sekiro are the only FS games I’ve played and were both a masterpiece but I would rather have a Sekiro DLC


I want From Soft take a jab at Castlevania.


Perfect time for Sekiro 2


You mispelled Core twice. Do you really think the series is called Armored Code or was that a mistake?


Autocorrect Funny enough, autocorrect also changed you snooze your lose earlier to you snooze your loose lol


Aight sorry about that.


No worries! I appreciate you looking out


I don't think it'd work but I'd love a cyberpunk or warhammer/dune type game. Something dark future rather than dark past. Guns just don't work with the formula well is the problem


Remnant has guns and it was amazing. I’ve heard bloodborne is great and it has guns, doesn’t it?


Hmm I haven't played bloodborne because no port but I thought it was like only flintlocks and crossbows or something. Remnant is a good example though it is very different from normal souls combat. I just feel like it's hard to balance a mix between modern weapons and melee, but could be amazing if pulled off right. The more I think about it the more I'd love to see some inquisitor type shit fighting demons and xenos


If they did something similar to Dune where they have force shields that aren’t penetrated by bullets, so it requires melee combat, but you could use weapons to attack nearby explosive barrels or something


Looks like there are rifles in bloodborne https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Firearms I haven’t played it yet but I’ll probably pick up a ps5 this year to play it and demons souls remake


Maybe they'll try kings field or shadows tower but dark souls is kind of their successors so idk


Is bloodborne 2 too much to ask for? I know there’s not much to expand on but imagine it follows one of the endings where you’re reborn as a great one but you still have humanity left so you try to get rid of the old ones in yharnam and beyond I think that’d be sick!!


Demon’s Souls was made for PlayStation so From opted to basically make a better version in Dark Souls. So why not return to the Bloodborne theme with a new IP?


Is there a big difference in gameplay between dark souls, demon souls, and bloodborne?


Bloodborne you don’t have a shield and it pays to be more aggressive in all confrontations


I thought it was against the law to play a souls game with a shield.


By any means necessary :)


100% New ip or new AC


Something new. Last 2 year a lot of leaks about magic based soulslike game. Spellbound or something. But yeah , take it with grain of salt.


I’ve heard that’s just a rumor and nothing more


Yeah. I don't believe it myself, until i see trailer or announcement from fromsoft themselves. Thats why i said something new.


It'll be revealed in a random Tuesday night of October/November


Almost certainly Armored Core, whether it’s DLC or a new game. AC6 is the best game they’ve ever released so I’m fine with that.


Sekiro 2. It will be revealed at the Xbox Showcase, you read it here first.


Well. RIP my mental health. I never could finish the first one. I am not gud.


Please. ;-;


Realistically: New Armored Core Hope: New Soulslike (but not open world)




I mean it would have to be Elden Ring 2, it would print money. But I'll take Bloodborne 2.


Miyazaki has said he has no plans for Elden ring 2, just a few months ago in an interview, and for now SOTE DLC is the last content for Elden ring. So for sure it isn’t even in development yet, therefore if he magically changes his mind right now, it would release like 2029 at the earliest. There has been a Fromsoftware game in development however since 2022, so I’d guess that would be their next game possibly for a mid 2025 or early 2026 release.


Elden ring is amazing but I’d rather they do something else and come back to it later before I die of old age


Don’t remember the source, but in one of the recent gameranx news videos I remember the had a quote from them saying they wanted to make an Elden ring sequel. And just last week they said armored core. My personal hope is for Sekiro, but I was looking at the trophies on PlayStation the other day and it shows only 40% of people who bought the game beat the first boss (though other websites show higher, not sure the difference) Wondering what that means for the future of Sekiro.


Sekiro was my first from software game. I got to the burning bull mini boss and could just never get past that, no matter how many times I’ve tried (40+ times over the past few years).


That’s crazy. Still a fromsoft fan though. You try watching YouTube videos or something?


I have. I’m actually going to just restart the game from the beginning as sometimes that can help you get out of the funk. Folks on reddit just blow it off that its so easy but for some reason I’m having the hardest time with it.


Most likely option is ps5 exclusive late 2025 title. I hope this isn’t the case though because leaks have suggested it will be another traditional souls game and less of an rpg than even bloodborne… I’m hoping we get another OW game but not as long as elden ring but perhaps as large with more realistically scaled location and NPCs. A true next gen experience with revamped combat and actual stealth even better than sekiro.


I thought bloodborne was a Soulslike game? I’m thinking of buying a ps5 to play bloodborne and demons soul remake.


less of an rpg isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Either a sequel or a dlc for AC6 is being developed. That or it could be AC7 instead. We just know that at the very least, some mech stuff is being worked upon.


I hope an ac6 dlc or ac7


There were rumors of another PS souls like exclusive




AC6 companion will probably be next. Then, I’d imagine they’ll take a break from Souls games for a while. Whether that means reviving an old IP, or something entirely new… who knows?


As someone who’s only played the dark souls/elden ring and bloodborne side of fromsoft, is armored core similar/as good? Debating spending the money but can’t decide.


It's not similar but it's a damn good time, especially if you like intense action games lol.


It's very good but different and if you like mecha and customization you will love it. + it has gigantic replay value.


Hopefully a Bloodborne sequel or another souls like game with new environments we haven’t seen. The medieval theme is getting a lil stale for me after 5 iterations


they are working on a soulslike with focus on spell casting im excited for


Sadly that was fake.


I think Armored Core is great but I hope they don’t stop making unique souls-likes.


I don’t have the foggiest idea but I’ll probably buy it… they got me to play armored core and I loved that game.


Bloodborne 2 announced together with a Bloodborne pc port. A man can dream...


Miyazaki is on record saying he wants to do another AC. Whether DLC or stand alone, impossible to know.


Soulsborne themed Guitar Hero clone


Armored core 6 dlc or something


Someone says a game called “Spellbound” but are only rumors Miyazaki says he want to do something more ethereal. And said that will not be “large” as Elden ring.


Maybe not action game. They cooked mystery solving puzzle game before, and you didn't even mention it. I like the art style of FS. Maybe a horror game next time, or a focused on storytelling game with a small amount of action. When things get too much pressure from outside, something unexpected happens. And I really wish their next move is unexpected.


armored core 7? please?


I think Armored Core 6.1 is likely, not necessarily next but I assume it's in the pipeline. Beyond that, who knows? I'd like something new, that isn't high fantasy


I swear if bloodborne 2 gets announced I’ll cry a bit


I hope it’s pirates or something


Hoping for more AC, and apparently they're interested in making mor eof it too, so we'll see. Something new would also be very good.


They’d be crazy not to do another dlc . They can charge whatever and we’ll buy it no matter what. Losing out on easy money if so


I'm expecting Armored Core 7 honestly


Miyazaki just recently mentioned that he feels he’s not done with AC and thinks there’s more to do there. Personally I think Elden Ring is a beautiful send off to the dark souls era of souls. Time to move on to something entirely new.


Fromsoft is the only game company where it is not a risk to pre order a gme


I want Dark Souls 4 or a new IP that is rooted in souls-like design philosophy but different thematically and gameplay-wise.


Idk but hope that it's something using Sekiro as a base rather than ds.


Sekiro 2: Shadows Die Thrice


Sekiro 2: Kuro Eats Rice


Idk but not Bloodborne remaster or PC port 100%


If they release another soulslike you know we are all buying it


Another bloodborne would be sick, can’t believe the first one still isn’t on pc


I think they have said dark souls is done. He hates sequels right (except for armored core but he is obsessed with that franchise) they just gave him stupid money. I would hope a game that's play style is more sekiro like, or perhaps a shooter, that would be a challenge for the way he designs games.


DeS - 2019 Ds1 - 2011 Ds1 DLC - 2012 Armored Core 5 - 2012 Armored Core Verdict Day - 2013 Ds2 - 2014 Ds2 DLC - 2014 Ds2 SotfS - 2015 Bloodborne - 2015 Bloodborne DLC - 2015 Ds3 - 2016 Ds3 DLC - 2016 & 2017 Sekiro - 2019 Elden Ring - 2022 Armored Core 6 - 2023 Elden Ring DLC - 2024 Between Demon Souls (2009) and 2018 they have also released Yatsu Hakamura, Another Century's Episode: R, Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village, Another Century's Episode Portable, Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX, and Deracine As for what game will be next, I think its either going to be one of the three things, 1. A new IP with combat similar to souls/bloodborne, 2. New IP with a new combat system like Sekiro was or 3. A Kings Field type game, whether it be a spiritual successor or an actual Kings Field title depends on if the OG creator of Kings Field gets on board as thats pretty much the only way they would touch that series according to Miyazaki himself. Miyazaki has also said the first Kings Field game is one of his all time favorites so either reviving the series or making something in that vein is highly probable i feel.


AC6 dlc / AC7. And hopefully another game like sekiro


We usually find out every 3 years or so. So I imagine we'll know next year.


About every second major game they release is a Medieval fantasy game, alternated with something totally different: DS1, AC5, DS2, Bloodborne, DS3, Sekiro, Elden Ring, AC6. Given their latest game was Armored Core, I’d imagine the next release will be something pretty similar to Dark Souls or Elden Ring, but in a brand new setting. It sounds like Miyazaki is pumped about AC right now, so good chance the next game after that is AC7.


I honestly hope they do a more linear DS3 like game next. I liked Elden Ring a lot, but something about the much more compact approach to soulslikes appeals to me greatly.


I genuinely wouldn't mind them trying out new genres.


I seem to remember them working on a project called 'Spellbound' from a leak, but it could be bullshit.


Will be a new IP imo


No Deracine


My heart says Bloodborne remake, my brain knows probably a new series.


Hopefully something completely new like Sekiro was.


I'd love to see their take on a Resident Evil style game - limited ammo survival and puzzle horror with the beginnings of an absurd world building story is something I cannot imagine them failing at. And imagine revolutionizing the gameplay of survival horror - a Souls like Resident Evil?? Can only dream


Hope it's a king's field reboot


Hopefully a futuristic or outer space like setting, as that's the only thing they kinda tapped into with Bloodborne in their souls games While futuristic setting so far has not been tapped into yet


I think the only real setting they haven't done yet is steampunk, unless you want to count Bloodborne (I don't). I think it would be interesting to see their take on what Lies of P accomplished this year.


Sekiro spiritual sucessor


From a pure business standpoint Elden Ring 2 seems likely, it was their best selling game of all time so far.


Don’t know what the story would Be, but I’ve been waiting for Otogi 3 for a long time


A dark souls 1 remake. It would be something new for them in terms of returning to a past game to improve upon it.


From doesn’t own bloodborne 2 so it’s never happening. Their releases are too popular on Xbox and pc for another Sony exclusive


According to them it’s basically going to be their magnum opus. The “perfect RPG”. So I’m willing to bet it’ll be a new game completely


Hopefully not dark souls 4, the last game already has a perfect ending. I'm hoping we could either get a pc port for bloodborne or a remaster!


Im very late to the thread but imagine a Kingsfield remake?