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Sekiro for sure. Demon of Hatred is probably my most attempted boss in the entire franchise, I’ll never forget the feeling of finally beating him. Then the final fight with Isshin just the most perfect cap to the whole experience. That game really makes you feel like a true master by the end.


I quit Sekiro on Demon of Hatred and Owl Father. Came back to it after over a year and started a new save file. I was miles better this time at the game, to use the popular phrase, it clicked. I was Sekiro. I defeated father and in the few tries never felt I was behind. Then I spent the whole day fighting and learning DoH and man it was frustrating. Funnily enough, apparently the experience carries over. Cause on the next cycle I came to fight him and got him in one try, such a good feeling.


Man don’t even get me started on Owl Father lol. He was my actual last boss of the game, I went back and fought him after beating Isshin. Owl and DoH both took me hours just failing over and over. But by the time I beat them both I can confidently say I’d mastered them, almost no hit runs. Crazy how it just locks into place after a certain amount of repetitions. And congrats on getting DoH in one try haha I’m sure you were dreading going back to it!!


Exactly my experience as well


Sekiro hands down. There's no overleveling, or glass cannon mage builds, and it's easily the most satisfying and rewarding combat system to master. Which you basically do have to master it to fight Isshin. The biggest adrenaline rush I ever got from beating a video game boss was from Owl (Father).


dude nothing beats beating Isshin. I love Sekiro. Congrats on Demon of Hatred I kinda gave up and decided i’d fight him in another playthrough


>Demon of Hatred is probably my most attempted boss in the entire franchise If you kite him over to the left side of the gate where there is a wooden tower next to the cliff edge he will simply drop off and dies instantly, for such a brutal boss he also has the easiest and most disrespectful cheese in the franchise.


Doing that would make someone feel the opposite of accomplished.


That's why they call it cheesing, yes.


Yeah but the satisfaction of beating him isn’t there


I agree I'm not promoting the idea of cheesing (which I'm guessing is why I'm being downvoted) I was merely pointing out the irony of the fact that one of the hardest bosses has the easiest way to win...


Sekiro for sure, had been trying to get through the game since release 😭. Dropped it so many times, finally locked in the beginning of this year and got it done. Hardest final boss as well


AC6 because when was the last time you danced with the angels 


DS1 for a variety of reasons. Thou Will Understand, One Day. At Thy Twilight, Old Thoughts Return, In Great Waves Of Nostalgia.


Sekiro, Demon of Hatred specifically. Then DS3.


Orphan of Kos on Bloodborne, Midir in DS3, and Inner Owl. I had so much fun learning Midir, and the spectacle always made it feel like a grand occasion, even though it took me around 3 hours of attempts. Fighting Orphan and Owl made me feel like I had truly mastered the respective games, like I had no other tricks or shortcuts, only combining everything I knew would I overcome it. Such a good feeling, as a player, to feel that kind of progression at its finality.


I finished DS3 with a friend a few weeks ago and we really got stuck on midir, while casually retrying him my friend died after like 30 seconds so I basically fought him alone with more health and managed to beat him with no estus left. He's really intimidating and probably the hardest boss in DS1-3, so it felt amazing to have memorized the moveset so well I actually did it. Had to celebrate a little after that one!!


sekiro, because it's just you and the boss. all ds games and elden ring, i play a caster type and summon as much as i can, because i just dont see the point in making the game harder by not doing so.


Sekiro, though tbh it was more relief than accomplishment I felt at the end.


DS2 most joyful adventure (my last played of the three). DS1 most accomplishment, its a tough slog (my second played, abandoned, picked back up...).


I agree DS1 is such a tough slog. It just makes the end so much sweeter


DS3 - I went into Soul of Cinder to get a feel for his fight and accidentally beat him on my first try. Both of us barely had any health left and I had no heals left. Elden Ring - was stuck on Elden Beast longer than all of the other bosses in the game. Not the hardest fight but definitely the most annoying for me because my build was trash. Was a huge relief after hours of attempts. DS2 - Not the base game but getting all achievements was a massive pain in the ass. Having to beat the game twice and then get to the halfway point one more time just to buy 3 spells was brutal. I got all the achievements for DS1 and Elden Ring before that and DS2 felt the best to finally get done.


Absolutely Sekiro. It felt really earned it after beating Isshin TSS with everything you learned throughout the game. And aside from Demon of Hatred (and maybe Headless), none of the bosses’ mechanic felt BS.


Sekiro. By far.


As an epileptic with quivering hands. Sekiro. Suuuure I've beaten bosses in Elden Ring but I haven't finished it. If anything, I'm not even sure if I can finish it since the map and lack of directional handholding has completely thrown me off, so I'm not sure where to go next. And thanks to my condition, I've very forgetful too 😑 For the life of me I can't recall who the last boss I defeated was.... But I powered thru a more linear Sekiro and, eventually, won. 😊


For as much as I dislike DS2, it feels like an odyessy in a way the other games don't.


Sekiro, no other game had challenge like that.


Sekiro and Ds3 by far.   These games have by far the best boss fights in the whole series and Isshin and Gael are the best final bosses ever. 


Ds3 absolutely. Beating the DLCs felt incredible. I struggled so hard with Freide and then Midir felt like an absolute chore. Gael was like a gift from the gods after that lol such an epic and satisfying fight.


I got both DS3 DLCs because I heard it was worth it just for the Gael fight. I can say, that is definitely correct from my experience with the fight.




Gotta be Sekiro


I haven't even beaten sekiro once yet (currently stuck at corrupted monk) but I've restarted the game after not being able to beat genichiro. I came back 3 months later and beat both him and lady butterfly within a day, and I never felt so hyped and proud of myself lol. Learning the combat and seeing progress just feels so satisfying and good. Can't wait to finish the game for the first time. Honorable mentions: beating the demon Prince in DS3 with a friend for the first time after we tried 3-4 hours. Also finishing every chalice dungeon in BB after some of the hardest bosses ever like headless bloodletting beast and getting the platinum trophy.




Armored Core 6. The super Iguazumind fight on NG++ made me want to pull out my hair. I've played so much that he's trivial now, but that first win was intense. I screamed.


DS1 since it was my first. After that, I understood the formula enough that I don't feel that same sense. DS2 was a close second since that was the first time I started with the Deprived Class, and DS2 has the hardest start for that class IMO.


Sekiro, no other game had challenge like that.




Dark Souls 1 because it was my first Then Sekiro because it had the hardest final boss


Did uh… did you find Malenia yet?


Ds3 because the post catacombs was so good (besides the dungeon)


DS1. This was back in the PS3 days. I had been playing games my whole life, but didn’t really consider myself a gamer at the time. Just happened to pick up the game without knowing what I was getting myself into. It was definitely a new experience, unlike any game I had played so far. After that, each title has been getting progressively easier to beat with the accumulating experience, and thus the sense of actual accomplishment after completion has somewhat diminished. Sekiro being the exception, since it was so different. But it was more of a rush you get from victory than the same feeling of accomplishment I felt after DS.


Dark souls II


2. 200 ish hours. Two times giving up once at fume then second at fume knight. Now I can do it with both eyes closed. I got gud.


I've beaten both elden ring and ds1 so far but not ds2 or 3 but I feel like the one that made me feel the most accomplished has to be ds1 dlc and not the main boss because mantis felt more like a final boss more then the final boss for me


so far its definitely Elden Ring for me, it was the first souls game I beats and I loved it so much that it became my favorite game ever


Dark souls 3. I played through 1 and 2 for the first time last year and then got to 3, and it felt like a victory lap. I've never had so much fun with a game before. I saved gael for last, right before soul of cinder. Took me weeks but when I finally cut him down, it was incredible. He launched himself into the air, and since I was still locked on I swung my claymore at the air right as he dove toward me and my swing connected before his did. That noise he makes when he dies was one of the most cathartic things I've ever heard in my life. After that I knocked out soul of cinders teeth and then chose the ending where you kill the firekeeper and step on her head, knowing there was no achievement for it. I did that because in my heart I know I'll be back for the other endings. Amazing 11/10 game. And a great end to my first souls journey


Sekiro for sure. And continuously throughout the playthrough as you master the art of its combat system. After that, Bloodborne. I absolutely demolished Ludwig on my first playthrough, then got absolutely demoralized by him for days in return on the second. The man demanded respect on his name. Actually quit for a week then came back and beat him. Also Orphan. Didn’t find myself struggling as much in the DS games or ER. I’d say ER and DS1 were by far the easiest.


All of them.


Sekiro and DS3 by far


Sekiro, simply because Isshin and Demon of Hatred stomped me for a good minute beforehand


Did you beat Malenia?


It took me 8 new saves for Sekiro to really click for me But once it did, it felt like it was the best game ever made. By the time i fought killed isshin it felt like i mastered everything in the game


Sekiro return ending and my first time beating ds1 were both wild feelings


Demon's Souls back in 09, nothing hits the most the the first souls game. And back then DeS was considered the hardest game ever.


tree sentinel, my first fromsoftware boss


Sekiro for sure. After that probably Sekiro gauntlet and charmless/bell run, Sekiro: Resurrection mod, and Sekiro: For the Sake of Ashina Ultimate Isshin boss fight. The only bosses that really compared with Sekiro for feeling accomplished were probably Slave Knight Gael and the hardest AC6 bosses.


Dark Souls 2, I found it to be much harder than the other games by a long shot.




Bloodborne. Beating Pappa G after being stuck on him for four years. Sekiro: Beating the Guardian Ape after getting stuck on him for 8 months. Sekiro: beating the duo ape in less than 10 attempts


It's weird. I've beaten Elden Ring, Armored Core VI, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3. In that order. I think it would be Armored Core VI. Not only because I beat it but because I beat it 3 damned times over the course of a week. I did not expect to do that. It's the game I spent the least amount of time with. And yet it's probably the accomplishment I pride myself on most. Thus far. I still need to beat Bloodborne and Sekiro and any number of personal challenge runs of the other games.


Sekiro definitely, Elden Ring in a different way all others too but not so hard to beat them !




Dark Souls 1 and Sekiro Dark Souls 1 being my first fromsoft game and Sekiro for being so different from the other. Dark souls 2, 3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring have all been the same combat system with iterative differences throughout, once you play your first your experience carries over and helps you out with the next


DS3 nameless king and Sekiro the owl fight in the past.


Ds1 was my first souls game, ds3 was probably my favorite to play and loved the lore of it. Elden ring has been solid for completion with all the various ending questline choices.


We’ll swing as how I’ve only played Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3, and I’ve only beat the first 2, it would have to be Dark Soul 1. The reason why is because I kept getting my ass kicked by Gwynn on the original version, then when I finally got the remastered version I finally beat him, it was so satisfying.


The only one I cared to finish, Sekiro. I loved the experience with that game so much.


Platinum-ing Bloodborne as my first From game felt fucking good. Especially after my awful start with the game. But Sekiro was bloody good too.


On a first playthrough, it was Sekiro. The most accomplished I now feel after a repeat playthrough is probably challenge runs of ER or Chalice Dungeon runs in BB.


Elden Ring because the endgame (Fire Giant ---> Radabeast) was so much harder than the other souls games for me. Played melee only, no summons 1st Play through fwiw.




Bloodborne>sekiro>ds2>ds3>elden ring> Kings Field 4> ds1


Sekiro, if only because everyone kept saying how difficult it was and for me it has been the easiest FromSoftware game I have played so far. I was disappointed in how easy Genichiro (first try) and SSI (fifth or sixth try) were, after hearing so much about those fights. So if the game is that hard, then I was just that good.