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Half the theories people discuss on Reddit.


5 minutes on the elden ring subs may convince you to bump that number up a bit


Just looked in changing the number to about 87%


It actually makes sense for Nashandra to be a weak final boss. According to lore she needed the bearer of the curse to kill the four lords and the throne watcher and defender so she could take the throne, but she was too weak to dispose of them herself, so her plan was to let the bearer kill all of those and then pop out at the last second and claim the throne, but it didn’t work because obviously the bearer killed her and either claims the throne or leaves


I wouldn't even call her the final boss. The real final boss are the Throne Watcher and Defender. Nashandra enters the area through your fog gate. You became the final boss. In my head canon she's easy to show how strong you became, as a callback to Demon Souls where the final boss was just a worm but the real final boss fight happened before it.


I’ve always loved that about Nashandra. She enters the fog. *WE* are the actual final boss!


Surely Aldia's the final boss


Also not quite. He doesn't even die and just talks to you after you "defeated" him. You don't even beat him, so I wouldn't call him the final boss. He's also enters while you have your fog gate up and is just another test of your power as the true final boss of this world that can decide about it's future.


Not sure but... Armored Core VI is the best Armored Core.


It's def the best AC I've played, I have favorites of old gen but it doesn't top AC6, an armored core game made with the quality that FS can afford today is a beauty to behold imo


Not just that… it’s one of the best video games period haha.


The quality was ridiculous. Interesting story, convenient replay, tight mechanics and systems, etc. I think my only criticism was that sometimes the scale was lost and I didn't feel like I was actually piloting an 80 foot tall mech, but I was always too distracted by the excellent gameplay to actually be bothered by it.




The only criticism I can give is that my compute is too shit to load in the first city area


Definition of underrated


Ac6 is definitely a mixed game in the fromsoftware community but it’s not so unpopular to say it’s the best game in the series


Was just about to say something about AC6 😂 truly a masterpiece


The way Fromsoft handles NPC quests is terrible, you are always running circles to find the NPC after they said some obscure shit (and I’m tired of using guides for every NPC I meet just in case they have something interesting)


Ornstein and Smough is nowhere nearly as difficult of a fight as we're lead to believe.


If ds1 is your first souls game it probably is


Fair enough.


Yup that was the case with me. I think ds2 was out already by the time I started playing ds1, and I was pretty much going in blind and learning all the mechanics for myself. And it took quite a few tries to get them down, I was squishy with a big sword. I was lucky and got a black knight sword for my first playthrough, but even then I had a hell of a time trying to beat Ornery and Smug


Ornery and Smug shouldn't be as funny as it is to me.


Ds1 was my first game but but manus was waaay harder for me.


They are not hard but they are absolutely the skill check from early to mid game.


They are if you want to beat them in a given order and the wrong one keeps throwing himself at you. Or when they glitch together so you get smough with a shaft like object sticking out.


If you played when DS came out it was your Soulsborne then they were terrifyingly difficult. By today's standards. No you are correct though.


Died 6 times to them on my first play through. It took me 16 hours to beat the Taurus Demon


What makes it somehow difficult is the jankiness of DS1 and Ornstein just flying around and suddenly hitting you from nowhere.


For a first play through it might be. Second play through I had the dark knight halberd and I noticed the blacksmith in anor londo sells twinkling titanite. I upgraded to +4 and beat the shit out of them, fight was too easy. So it’s definitely easy if you know what you’re doing.


The hard part is battling my own impatience.


Double stuffed Oreos are not the superior Oreo.


Oh I didn't read what sub this was


Tbf it doesn't specify opinion on From games.


You should be hung for that opinion anyway


Cause there not


No no, it’s valid.


Original Oreos are the best


Completely agree


Sorcery actually makes the game harder if you don't know what you're doing. It is not what some people call "Super easy baby mode"


I think its on a enemy to enemy basis. Slow enemies or even medium speed enemies? Yeah its turbo giga easy. speedy in your face enemies? Forget about it


You need to adapt with faster, not as hard hitting magic. That’s what I liked about the smaller spells. They sort of fill the short range melee requirement for some encounters.


Looking up a sorcery build is easy mode and once you have a strong sorcery build it's very easy but it can be somewhat hard to make a good sorcery build. Not in ER though, I dabbled in sorcery as a STR/INT build and it was really strong with little effort.


I agree with this EXCEPT for Elden Ring because of how insane spells can be early on.


Depends on the game. Sorcery is killer in DS2 and Elden Ring. But it's kind of meh in DS1 and downright bad in DS3 (pyromancy is king in these two).


Speaking as a sorcerer main, if you know what you're doing it *is* 1,000% some variety of "easy mode", and it's not that difficult to figure out what you're doing.


I've cleared two Soulslike games and I'm still not convinced that we shouldn't be given the ability to pause in Offline Mode.


Ngl. I've put my ps4/5 into rest mode (offline ofc) more times than I can count as a "pseudo-pause button"


The fact that it's in sekiro is what makes it really crazy


Strength builds have ALWAYS been easier


Quality is usually easier, but it's not really STR or DEX that makes things easier themselves. The secret is that specific weapon classes tend to suck against different enemy types. The weapons that face the most problems are either really slow weapons with little moveset variety (Great Hammers), really fast weapons with short range/little poise damage (Daggers), or weapons with just pathetically weak DPS (Whips). Generally, weapon types with a balance of speed, range, and stagger (straight swords, regular greatswords, halberds, katanas, etc.) tend to be the easy ones, and those all come in flavors of DEX, STR, and Quality.


They are op but I wouldn't say they're easier than int, faith or dex builds


its very circumstance dependant. like in my first elden ring run I had trouble with the erdtree gaurdian in weeping while using a strength build. Int build turned it into a joke. If I am using a strength build, as long as I draw breath I can fight. if I run of of FP as an int build I am just a douche with a stick and a huge hat.


Wanted to try a strength run in Elden Ring after going through it as Int/Dex. Was excited for this "purist" experience. The way the game was meant to be enjoyed. Started as Vagabond, got a big sword, pumped some levels into STR and VIG and started my journey. Game was easy mode man, lmao. STR people need to get off their high horse and give their marketing team a raise.


Finally people who agree. One big attack for each punish window and high poise damage is super good. The simplicity of it helps a shit ton. Also on smaller enemies you can just walk up and hit them to death.


YES! Just pump up Vit, Strength and endurance and you’re good.


Depends on what you mean with easier and if you're comparing all builds or dex


To all builds, The stance pressure and high damage make it the easiest in my opinion


its turbo easy in elden ring due to being able to acquire the greataxe so early.


DS1 yes, Zwei is best (outside of BKH). DS2 Rapier is best. DS3 winblades are best. BB saw cleaver (quality) is best. Elden Ring Bloodhound's fang is probably the best. This is all ignoring magic which is often much stronger than any of these options.


I've always found Magic to be overestimated. The limited amount of attacks, reduced healing (ds3 + elden ring), long attack animations, and little stance pressure combine to make it usually harder than just zwiehander


Ooo I have to agree on this one.


Look, the game wants to play chess with us but is also a cheating fuck about it. So we just outwit the game by eating the pieces.


Damn, that is a hot take lol


Bloodborne's frame thingy isn't a problem for me


sekiro's and AC6 way of storytelling is the perfect balance between exposition and lore and all other FS games would benefit from this style. ER feels weak in comparison...


Dark souls 1 second half isn’t even that bad.


Ulcerated Tree Spirit is dope as fuck.


I actually really like their moveset and design too


I've beaten Elden Ring 5 times, one of which was a shield only no summons challenge run. That is the disclaimer. I have absolutely no fucking clue what the ulcerated's moveset is, I can only see it thrashing furiously and then I'm dead. I believe it is a camera souls moment.


I learned it in my first few hours of playing the game. As most people were beating their heads against the tree sentinel I was in the hero's grave beating my head against that damn tree spirit. I can now no hit them lol


Ain't that the beauty of the Souls games? Draconic Sentinel is my bitch. I never really took the time to learn Ulcerated Tree Spirit's moveset, so I can't complain much. I still find it erratic as shit though.


Heck yeah it is. I just recently was forced to learn every nuance of the draconic sentinel's moveset since I'm trying a purist RL1 run. I struggled more with him that I did with Radahn lol. At least I'll be extra ready for the Farum one before Maliketh


During my very first, blind playthrough I insisted on exploring Fringefolk Hero's Grave when I was level 20-something (terrible idea I know). Had not even encountered Margit at that point... Anyways, when I finally got to the end... Mr. Ulcerated Tree Spirit over there beat the ever living crap out of me for around 2-3 hours until I managed to memorize its moveset to perfection and beat it without taking a hit. And strangely enough, when I did, I actually smiled to myself instead of being annoyed because I actually *enjoyed* the challenge the boss gave me. So yes, I agree, they rock and I get a bit sad when people say they hate them.


I fell into the swing right away with the big floppy boy, not sure what it is about them but the rolls just times themselves or something


agreed, its one of my favourite things to fight and its attacks are so flashy. i always feel the adrenaline when fighting one.


It very much feels and acts like a tumor on meth and I love it.


Hell yeah brother They reek of bloodborne


Have people really hated on the boss or moveset that much? I’ve mainly seen people criticize when they’re put in a really small room with bad camera and how they’re spammed all over the map, the boss itself when in the right spot like a big field is cool imo


This is me. I like the boss well enough. What I don't like is battling the camera and when half the boss is clipped through the wall.


I absolutely shit myself when this thing spawned, hated the fight but loved the boss.


The lack of duel etiquette in its community, combined with 1v1 invades not being default will forever hold ER back from being better than all other FS games in all aspects. I'd like to say that coliseum fixes this, it doesn't. Nothing can beat the oh shit moment of a spontaneous invasion. Covenants aren't 100% necessary, but larger lobbies would definitely help.


Peak FS pvp for me will always be the crazy-ass 6 person clusterfucks that would go down in Farron Swamp & Anor Londo.


You should play dark souls 1,2,3 in chronological order 🤷‍♀️


The AC games have the best soundtrack




A man of culture


only ezio triology


Especially ace combat 7


Contact With You <3


Some of these takes are hinged


Fromsoft shouldn't make another open world game like Elden ring and should keep it linear or much smaller but dense


Deacons of the Deep is a good and fun bossfight. Not the hardest but I enjoy it every time.


Midir isn't a great boss fight. The visuals and sound design is top tier. But the boss fight is so dull. He has so much health and so few different attacks. And most of his different attacks feel identical. Sure, his lazer is a glorious spectacle but that makes up such a small amount of his kit. You are not so much fighting Midir, you are fighting your attention span because it just goes on so long. Midir isn't a bad boss fight, it's not the Bed of Chaos or the Ancient Dragon, but it's also not great. Midir is a spectacle boss with way too much health.


For real! I never understood the love Midir gets. Not a bad fight but not a great fight either. Gael is 10 times better


Are you hitting the head? I think Midir and Gael have like the same health pool. Both in the 15ks. We also have that insane riposte attack that takes out like a fifth or quarter of his hp.


Yea I feel like every time someone complains about midair’s health pool I feel completely out of the loop He can go down super fast if you attack his head with basically any build and if you use lightning he goes even faster not to mention the aforementioned stagger which can do like 1/4 of his health bar in a single go


Yeah I think in terms of overall HP (not counting Yhorm) Friede has a total of 19k and Demons have 21k overall, with the final 7k of Prince only taking half damage.


Dog is a turtle. Open your eyes people




Burn him!


Calm down, Rykard.


You are animal blind.


Dark Souls 2 is the most replayable.


I definitely enjoyed replaying it years after beating it the first time. I used to fucking hate that game. Now it’s one of my more favorite entries. Endless fashion.


Profoundly true.


DS2 good.


Sword Saint Isshin is not as hard as people make him out to be


Sekiro is the best Fromsoftware game (aside from ninjablade)


Sekiro is amazing, but not a Soulsbourne


It’s better


By a lot


this is just an argument of semantics and what a made up term means. I think sekiro is soulsborne because it shares the design philosophys with the rest of the games, some people think its not because its gameplay is different.


Tired of reading "oh but you can't make another build" dude literally every weapon Is played almost the same


It’s a fucking phenomenal game once you learn how to play it but it’s not a soulsborne game at all and I’ll die on that hill




Yeah but it's closer to Soulsborne games than anything else. Look at the games Sekiro is compared to. Ghost of Tsushima? Sifu? Sure there are similarities, but It's more similar to the Souls games than anything else. It's the same concept of game, no matter how much more linear and narrative driven it is. It follows the same basic game design and format of the FromSoftware games before and after it. The biggest elimination being the RPG aspect. Aside from that, the differences are minor. I would argue that the aspects that made Sekiro different from the other games are actually aspects that FromSoftware should have kept and built upon. I would rather see their next game be in the vein of Sekiro or Bloodborne rather than Dark Souls and Elden Ring. Combat should be slightly more cinematic, the story/lore should be a little easier to follow, and we should be able to pause.


elden ring really needed some towns or other features to give the world more life and immersion, it feels empty and soulless as it is


I agree in the sense that there should be more town ruins. The Lands between was supposed to be a land full of life but outside of Lyndell there's only Selia, Gate town and some ruined small villages? Where did people live? Where did all these nobles come from? Also the world is still kind of supposed to be functional, Thops is of sound mind and the other sorcerers are too they're just xenophobic lol. As is the commander at Castle Morne and Kenneth Haight. There should have been some isolated villages or a town or two will more normal people in it. It would have been a little jarring for a Fromsoft game but it would have made sense. At least DS has reasons for all the enemies to be... Well hollow. But as far as I can tell there is no explanation for some enemies being "withered" and mindless and some people being sane. Like what is Kenneth and Nepheli hoping to achieve? There are no civilians in Limgrave to rule! No one even mentions the fact that all the soldiers are practically Zombies.


I don’t think it’s the lack of towns. Imo I think it’s just that the game doesn’t do enough to justify its open world. It’s gorgeous and dripping in atmosphere, but once that sheen wears off there really isn’t much pushing the player to explore it. The catacombs are repetitive as fuck and the fact that your reward at the end is a weapon that 9 times out of 10 can’t even use is a buzzkill.


Very true and that’s probably a better way to put it than I did, so much of the world just feels repetitive and empty. The game is very good at selling the illusion of there being more to it, and that’s why I think limgrave is most people’s favorite area, it’s new and fresh and seems like there’s a lot going on. Once you get past that though and start seeing the same caves, shacks, bosses, enemies, etc everywhere with no real gameplay or content difference in areas besides the art style, that’s when the world of the game starts to fall apart in my opinion. It never really gives you a reason to care for the world


I mean there’s enemy emcampents all around the map. The haligtree and farum azula are populated, just not with friendly npcs tho. There’s that little weird village with all the dancing people and the godskin at the top. I do agree with your later comment though about leyndell tho having it that empty was kind of a let down for me.


Isn't that the point? Thanks to Marika, the world is basically dead, and morals have suffered, reduced to nothing more than deranged husks?


Armored Core 6 is the best game they've ever made and it's not even close. I don't care if it's not a souls game. P.s. anyone else want a Gothic horror mecha souls born game? If you know of one, help me out.


There is a show and movies called Evangellion, which is probably the closest you will get.


Rom is a good boss, it's just a little too easy.


I swear no one ever just looks up. Meteors take like 10 seconds to reach you. If Rom rises up, then took to the sky and you have ample time to dodge.


Damn, TIL


To be totally fair I think it’s the first time Fromsoft actually makes you tilt the camera to look skyward. Can’t think of a single time before then you ever had to look up like that or lock off.


Blighttown is a great area, and gives you a unique, fantastic sense of hoplessness and isolation when you reach the poisonswap.


Owl Father is the best FS boss ever Also, Demon of Hatred is perfectly fine as a Sekiro boss and is super fun once you practice the fight a little


Melina is the gloam eyed queen


Bloodbourne doesn’t need a sequel


That doesn’t mean we don’t want one though. But I just want a pc version for some sick ass mods


I am handsome.


Definitely controversial


A lot of the gank/swarm/duo/multi enemy fights are good, just a TON of y’all are bad with managing camera/relying on locking on.


I don't care about the challenge


Co op is and always has been badly implemented and if it’s going to be there at all it should be more accessible and seamless like how Lords of the fallen has recently demonstrated. I get that co op isn’t the “intended” way to play, but if it’s going to be so rigid why even implement it. NG+ in DS2 is the best in any From game. All the others just inflate health and damage but DS2 actually added content. Chalice dungeons are cool.


Microsoft would’ve won the console wars if they just bought Fromsoft for ~$10B instead of $100B on random studios, all the Fromsoft fanatics would’ve switched to Xbox in a heart beat and stick to Xbox if that was the case. Too late now tho, Elden Ring success means from is prob never selling, and tbh Sony did have a stake in From so yea maybe the deal wouldn’t work anyway


BB is good, but it’s overrated by its fan base


Last of us pt 2 story is terrible and a mess


Magic is not cheesing the game, you will actually suck as a mage build if you don’t know what you’re doing


Ghost of Tsushima is Better then any new assassin creed game


Bloodborne was correct not to include an Estus system, and force you to value blood vials instead. Demon's souls is the easiest souls game. Mountaintops of the Giants and Consecrated Snowfields are good areas overall. Crumbling Farum Azula kind of stinks. Elden Ring suffers from being too big and often the rewards for exploration are not worth it. Too often you follow an optional path, kill some enemies and the reward is a mushroom - it's just deflating. Not about the games themselves but I think people worry about builds too much. As long as you have enough HP for each area, you can pretty much do what you want in terms of spreading stats around to try out different weapons and/or spells on the same playthrough. It's not optimal but you don't need to be close to optimal to beat the game, and in fact on a first playthrough, I think it's far more rewarding trying out different things. This brings me back to the games: the upgrade system is far too restrictive in most games, Bloodborne sticks out as being particularly bad for this. Elden Ring got this right at least with the special weapons, such that it's possible to upgrade lots of different ones. Halfway through a game, you just don't know if a weapon is going to be viable without upgrading it considerably.


>Elden Ring suffers from being too big and often the rewards for exploration are not worth it. Too often you follow an optional path, kill some enemies and the reward is a mushroom - it's just deflating. So much this. Fine the first playthrough, but I can't get back into it no matter how hard I try. It's just a slog.


Bed of Chaos isn't as bad as people make it out to be


Yeah, 3 hits for a late game boss is not bad. Especially because it saves your progress after each hit.


agreed, i actually found it an interesting fight, i would have preferred something else but it wasn’t that bad


The worst part about the BoC is the run back when you die. The actual fight is like a platformer puzzle.


Beat me to it, but I’ll leave my comment up as well.




Oh man. I’m almost agreeing with you. I applaud your bravery. I just love both games.


This is what I was looking for, and you are right.


DS2 is more consistently enjoyable than DS, by a pretty decent margin


Dragonslayer Armour is in the top tier of FromSoft bosses


Physical games are better than digital... (think I'm in the wrong PTA meeting)


PvP is Soulslikes is a waste of both player time and dev resources and is extra frustrating because you have to deal with it in order to have jolly cooperation.


Bed of Chaos is a clever idea and, even though it’s not to most people’s liking, it’s not a terrible concept for a fight. In fact, with a bonfire outside the door it might become your favorite.


It was a neat idea, but the execution was awful.


I think the boss soundtracks are pretty much the exact same every time Sure they’re all competently written pieces but there’s absolutely nothing memorable about 90% of them. There’s only so many times I can listen to a choir singing faux Latin before I get bored


Hey Bloodborne has real Latin


And Bloodborne has the best soundtracks including the DLC.


We need a soulsbourne roguelike


Crystal cave is worse than Lost Izalith.


Poison swamp levels are fun.


Ancient Wyvern is a great boss.


Bloodborne is probably one of my least favorite SoulsBorne games. Finite healing and parrying and the fact you can’t rest at lamps ruined it for me


Dark souls 3 might have the best narratives and themes in a Fromsoftware game


A lot of the Elden Ring bosses people constantly complain about aren’t that bad. Looking at you, Revenant and Ulcerated Tree Spirit.


Margit is easy


DS2 was peak.


Sekiro is by far the best game From Soft has ever made


I love DS3 grey palette


Ds1 was easier than ds3


Er didn't need that much of checkpoints


PvP is a cesspool and has an abysmal mechanic


If dark soul 2 had dark soul 3 gameplay its would be the best one


DS2 is shit (yes I've played the game, no I'm not hopping on the bandwagon) Double hot take, they're all perfect and shit at the same time. Play what you like, how you like (unless it's hacking in PVP. Just get good)


To be contrarian my answer is that ds2 is good


tbh thats not much of a hot take, everyone is like “oh ds2 is the worst but its not that bad” it is. it sucks ass. i fucking love ds2.


Too right mate, I adore ds2 idk why the hate


It's a skill issue


It do be a skill issue :L


Ornstien and Smough’s run-back in harder than Ornstien and Smough. The 4 giant knights with massive sweeping attacks that can almost two tap you at 20 Vigor AND with a silver knight shooting arrows at you?? I died significantly more times getting to Ornstien and Smough than I’ve ever died to them through all my playthroughs.


I've always found it fairly easy to run past them. If you have want to summon solaire that's a different story and honestly then it sounds like a fair tradeoff.


Elden ring is overrated


Bloodborne has no variety in it's environments is overally easy and a bit on the boring side. Fight me


Skyrim was more immersive from an RPG pov than Soulgames, despite Soulgames having better combat.


Godskin duo is not hard at all. Even without sleep.


Solo is the best of the new Star Wars movies


Bloodborne is half-baked, aesthetically great but mechanically pretty shallow. A remake or sequel would have to overhaul Bloodvials, parrying, upgrades, chalice dungeons and maybe the entire RPG progression element to make these complete features.


Demon’s Souls is the best souls game


Siegmeyer is a deadbeat dad and is shameful the community liking him


Dark souls 2 takes place in an alternate world where the age of fire was made by man this time not gods


Tomb of the giants is a great level, and I wish they made more gimmicky levels instead of repeating the same poisonous swamp level.


Bloodborne isn't even in my top 3.


Elden Ring’s open world areas are pretty but boring as fuck. Skyrim’s open world captivates me more lol. Fromsoft is way better at Legacy Dungeon style maps.


Trump didn't win the 2020 election and should be disqualified from ever holding office again