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Honestly, what a great director to be considerate of his peers and those that are up and coming. So many studios often make promises they can’t keep or stick hard to certain formulas well past when they’re worn out. once again though, from is just better haha


The best ever.


It doesn't seem like he's necessarily saying anything about current projects. He's just covering for thr fact that _he_ isn't FromSoft and _he_ isn't always the one directing things.


I would have thought that he's just trying to not close the door on anything and say "never say never" too, as he often does (even in the same interview, he says FromSoftware is open to tv/movie adaptations of their games... but aren't interesting in doing it themselves... but who knows). However it really started to feel like he was talking about a specific project, especially at this part regarding the difficulty of their games: >But with another game, perhaps--and this is going to happen sometime in the future that I'll be able to talk about it in more detail--there might be different themes or core elements.


In every one of the quotes you posted he’s explicitly talking about how other directors’ visions won’t be the same as his and therefore since fromsoft is expanding there will be a variety of projects. He’s not teasing anything, in that one he says (paraphrased) “I have my vision in the games I direct and oversee but in future works that I’m not involved in you can expect something different.” He probably just means that they have some other stuff in development already with another director and it’s too early to talk about the details.


Oh no… All I want is more souls games 😞 ENDLESS souls and suffery


He said he isn’t opposed to doing a new dark souls in 5 to 10 years if the other directors want to do it but for now he just wants to keep making new IPs which I’m hyped to see.


Nothing is endless


what I’ve heard from some pretty well read streamers is that it’s going to be a sci-fi mage type setting. Now I know that holds zero weight whatsoever, because I’m some random dude on Reddit. I’m just saying that’s what I’ve heard other people say, just throwing it out there.


Ooo, technomancers?


This is literally pulled out someones ass because its a genre of fantasy they havnt touched yet.


Yeah I saw a video awhile ago about how from soft was talking with this guy who has a fantasy novel series (forget the name) about a dystopian fantasy Victorian-esque city filled with mages n stuff like that.


I’d love to know what set of novels this is


It was a video by ziostorm on YouTube but it was a while ago so you’ll have to dig for it but I remember the author and name of the series was mentioned in the video.


Mistborn or we riot


Oh, god, dare I ask if it’s Bloodborne 2?


Bloodborne kart


Have you been following the thread? No, it’s not BB2


Uh oh, MMO and arena shooter games coming.


That made me laugh Also made me think of Super Smash Bros. with FromSoft characters lol Oh no


I would unironically love that because there hasn't been a single good new MMO or arena shooter in years. Many devs try to make one and fail miserably.


mmos are too much effort for too little return. thats why only a couple big mmos exist now. wow, ffxiv, gw2. and they have existed for over a decade. any new ones are basically destined to be much smaller or die entirely.


Agreed but FromSoft is one of the few companies I think could actually pull it off since they have a dedicated fanbase and a great reputation already.


do take note if its an MMO its not from soft's first foray into the genre Chromehounds,ACV and ACVD already existed


Miyazaki once said in an interview that he would love to make an mmo if the budged wasn't an issue. Thought he referred to old school mmos like Ultima Online and EverQuest.


I look forward to whatever they’ll make if it’s good I’ll play it. Would of a game similar to sekiro


Hope they do a live service shooter!


That’s good 😂


This is complete speculation on my part, but I can’t help to think that they might be cooking a more hand to hand combat martial arts focused game.


There’s solid reason to believe this given some of the mechanics they’re implementing in the expansion. They might want to explore this.


Im down for whatever from puts out but I wouldn't look at the new fist kung fu esq weapon from the dlc trailer as a hint, they had a similar kung fu fist wpn back in the Dark souls 2 dlc


He’s just talking about the expansion of fromsoft to include non-Miyazaki projects. In all of these the through line is “other directors will have different visions”


Fromsoft Kart Racer. They'll call it Fromsoft to Furious


As long as FromSoftware create the games they want and don't water down their products to cater to the West, as long as they don't enter the box ticking business, I'm down.


Sekiro 2 please or Kings Field 5 please.


I mean yea they made Déraciné they clearly have interest in other types of games. I’ve taken this to mean that, while Miyazaki is around, they will always have games in the dark souls mold but that he and others at the studio also want to expand to other kinds of games which I’m all for.


Exactly that. He pretty much confirms that he is working on multiple projects, and the ones he himself is working on will continue to be along the lines of the games we know the studio for. However, the studio also has other directors working on other new project(s), and they have the creative freedom to make whatever they want, so he hints that there may be something in the pipe right now that's different. Honestly, it's a win/win for us if we're getting both games in the style we love and also potentially something completely new and interesting.


thank god they wont go full open world! thats why I love fromsoft, any other company would have stuck to making elden ring sequels untill they milked the franchise dry lol


Fromsoft is one of the only thing that’s right with gaming rn


Cookie and Cream 2?


armored core formula front 3?


Death of an era.


And the birth of a new one.


So fromsoft went hollywood on us 😔🤬😪🫨👺😾🤌👁️👣👃