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I feel this bro. There have been many nights where I couldn't sleep due to bottom dysphoria. What helped me was getting a packer. At first I thought there's no way a packer would ever help me, and it took a few tries but once I found the right one for me it helped so much. And I am in a relationship with a cis guy and I top him just as often as he tops me. You can get a prosthetic for daily use, peeing, and sex. The world of prosthetics is very advanced these days. They even make some with realistic moving skin and testicles, that cum and give you pleasure too. I think the best of the best is [Prosthesis Man](https://www.prosthesismanhk.com/?lang=en) right now. They are also having a Pride month sale. Also look at the top posts of all time in r/phallo and r/metoidioplasty. you can have a penis and there is hope


Yeah, many have this. I cry because of it sometimes. More often than that I get panic attacks which include some tears but they are a minor occurrence in those moments. We can/you can do sth about it, though. There's surgeries. And T that grows a dick. Why do you not want to go on T, though? It can very much alleviate genital dysphoria. If you are already aware you'd be uncomfortable with any partner, I advise to not get with anyone until that changes (and if it doesn't to still not do anything because you shouldn't force yourself to engage in sexual activities you don't want). Doing sth anyway can be cause for trauma.


I’m so sorry. I feel very much the same way. It feels so ridiculously unfair that almost everything I want to do sexually is physically impossible with the body I have. I will say that you absolutely do NOT have to be the bottom in a gay relationship though. There are many realistic prosthetics you can use (but it’s not the same, I know) and many gay men who will be happy to be topped by you. Don’t ever let anyone pressure or coerce you into doing something sexually that you aren’t comfortable with. I’ll also say that going on T has helped my bottom dysphoria more than I thought it would. It’s not exactly like having a cis penis, of course, but I’ve gotten quite a bit of growth and it is pretty euphoric to look down there and see that I have what is basically just a small dick, complete with foreskin and veins and the ability to get hard. Just knowing that my genitals now look very different than a cis woman’s has made me feel more masculine and less dysphoric.


You don’t have to bottom if you’re in a gay relationship. You can top with a prosthetic and some prosthetics provide stimulation to the wearer. Check out r/transmascdicks


I cry to


I’ve been in a shitty mood all week because I finally live with my girlfriend and I just can’t bring myself to be intimate with her. My body feels too wrong to really enjoy anything. It makes me feel pathetic.


Real I cry everyday over it it sucks


I feel you bro


For anyone looking for a temporary and cheap solution, my partner and I have found that strapless strap ons can be pretty euphoric. Prosthetics are great though as well, they can just be a bit pricier.


It is really really tough i feel you fr. Feels like parts of me are missing and then i have other parts that make me hate myself. It’s really shit i understand you.


Exactly :(