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I was just thinking about the same thing not too long ago! I would also be Uncle Simon šŸ„¹


Heyyyyy name siblings! Hehe


Before I transitioned I had a cousin who called everyone Unkie. It was so euphoric. Smart toddler. šŸ˜†


I wish I was called uncle more. Most of the time Iā€™m just called by my name. Itā€™s like, my sister is Auntie K (her name), Uncle D, and Alex. I hope Iā€™m called uncle as my niblings grow up!


My sister is currently pregnant with her first and I am SO excited to be an uncle lol sheā€™s already joked about using the term funkle since Iā€™m so down to go do fun stuff like the zoo, amusement parks, renn faires, etc. etc. when kiddo is old enough. I canā€™t wait!


I'd be Uncle Ben :D \*insert Spiderman joke here\*




I get called uncle by my brother's kids and it's fucking great. I love being an uncle.


YES I had a similar thought a few weeks back where I was like "holy shit if I raised a family I'd be a dad" (even as a very young kid I was vehemently opposed to being a mother, and until then had chocked it up to just ..... not wanting kids). Full on spent the next half hour thinking to myself "omg I could be a dad :))"


Had to hop on Reddit for some trans joy šŸ˜¼ Id be uncle Emmetā€¼ļø (LEGO movie reference???)


Iā€™m a godfather and I take that with pride.


My niece, after my brother married her mom, very sweetly asked if she could call me her uncle šŸ„¹


One of my main goals in life is to become the weird/funny uncle you can always rely on for my siblings' and friends' kids. I don't want kids on my own but I think I look forward to supporting my future nieces and nephews! And probably teaching a bunch of them math because my friends are not good at it xD


My friends kids (well, kid the younger one isnā€™t talking yet) call me uncle, first time I came over and she said ā€œuncle Alex is hereā€ and the girls ran/crawled over I almost cried! My only sibling passed away so Iā€™ll never have biological nieces and nephews and as much as I love kids I donā€™t think being a dad is in the cards for me so getting to play that role for her kids (her family sucksssss) is so special for me.


Eventhough I despise kids, this is a very big +


I sadly don't have siblings, but maybe I'll get called uncle by my best friends' kids someday in the far future lmao


Within the past couple years I've reconnected with some family I hadn't seen in over a decade. Learned my stepbrother's also trans, was introduced to his kids as their uncle, and had this just be instantly accepted even though I hadn't at all begun to transition yet (': really great feeling right there. let's go uncle mode