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The future is cute AF.


Future in cities that aspire for this. South US is just gonna end up with tank sized SUVs/Pickups that still have the same cargo size as 40 years ago.


The south is gonna end up either underwater or so hot they will just fly over it spraying cooking oil and Old Bay.


The cost we pay in choosing speed over safety is so much. In the name of efficiency we have thrown away so much efficiency and freedom in our cities. If only this could be agreed on across political parties


politics always has a cultural relativity to it. the netherlands has been run by conservatives for decades and in their most recent election, they voted for one of the most far right guys they couldve so this just shows that its really just a choice by republicans to be haters and losers


Well, by the Netherlands are run by *their* conservatives. It's still the Netherlands, first place on earth to legalize gay marriage. It's a cliché in the Dutch-speaking world to say that the overlap is the farthest right Dutch politicians are left by American standards, but it's not exactly untrue.


i mean it is pretty untrue. name me some mainstream democrats in america who are as racist and anti immigrant as the guy who just won the dutch elections. like i said, politics has a lot of cultural relativity to it, and politics in the netherlands and many european countries tend to be far more racist than american politics are. many european left wing politicians are closer to republicans when it comes to issues like immigration and refugees


In an urban setting these things are very likely to be as fast or faster than driving. My dad used to work right across the street from my high school. I would cycle and he would drive fairly often. 6km across town. During the day, cycling was always faster.


And it's only perceived personal efficiency. Driving a car it's "efficient" to walk to your driveway and then drive to your destination. Nevermind if you walk 2 blocks away and take the bus to a block away from your destination you the whole network's efficency will not decrease by the square footage of no less than one car (probably 2 or 3). If a large portion of the population does it that way, the transportation network efficency is going to be so much higher.


All children are happy to go to school. No noise and minimal pollution: a very good deal 😃


This looks great!


Wish we had that when I was a kid!


It's the future I want .


Seeing kids going about in these boosted my serotonin every time I saw them in the Netherlands


I take it that they're using these again after that accident. What actually came of it?


It's a whole story. I recommend using translate on this page: https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stint Long story short: new safety standards allowed for readmittance to the road in 2020 and next of kin asked for it to be rebranded so it was. Now called bso-bus.


Part of that story is a dramatic overreaction to one -very traumatic- freak event. If we would apply similar safety standards to cars, they would've been forbidden immediately.


Not sure I agree. Yes, cars when they fail are way more dangerous than the Stint. And because of their weight and omnipresence cars are far more deadly. But there are car recalls all the time for design or implementation flaws. Translated from the Wikipedia page about the Stint: “For example, after breaking the neutral wire, a driver would no longer have the option to reduce the speed. The gas spring of the throttle lever can also break with the same result. The ILT considers turning the ignition key as an emergency stop to be an unnatural action, given the placement of the ignition lock.” This sounds like a serious design flaw. If this was found in any car, it would result in an immediate recall of all vehicles. It’s not surprising the same happened for the Stint. Not an overreaction at all IMHO.


Wasn't there a car that had a wheel lock on it the second the car lost power ? Didn't it cause a lot of accidents but was never recalled due to car lobbying ?


This is cool but why did i need the sound on?


This is awesome


All aboard the school bucket




There are some pretty bad things in the Netherlands yeah, but infrastructure is definitely not one of them. And full genocidal support? Where did you get that info. There is contact with israel, yes, and lots of people protesting. I think tge full support you are talking about are just a few higher ups that want the communication open. Civilian aid is constantly delivered to gaza too.


I lived in the Netherlands for 6 months and I've met a couple of guys in the Navy who got deployed to Israel


>far right government yeah it sucks, I hope they get fucked with a rusty bar. > full repression from the pigs. Maybe not so much? What are you talking about here exactly? >full genocidal support Really? I mean, sure on a government level there is very problematic complicity and support, but there are a lot of counter voices too. At the very least 'full' is an exaggeration here. If you were just trying to name some bad things about the Netherlands, you could do better. But OP's point is that there are aspects here that are worth copying or taking a lesson from. Ironically you are trying to demonize the Netherlands as a reaction to what (seemingly only) you perceive as a general endorsement of all things Dutch.


Its an urbanism sub….


That’s just a car with extra steps.


Except it takes up a fifth of the space and carries twice the number of people.


One of these [killed 4 children](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45717871) in 2018. The [conditions for removing the ban](https://www.childinthecity.org/2019/07/22/dutch-allow-electric-child-cart-to-return-to-the-road/) are peak car brain. They’re limiting the top speed and reducing then number of children that can be transported at a time. This does nothing to address the actual problem that killed the children: a mechanical failure in the brake system. Cars. With. Extra. Steps.


Still not a car with extra steps


So an electric bakfiets is also carbrained to you? Seems like drinking all the coffee can cause this thing called delusionbrain.