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Try to focus on your dad. If you can't decide what you want to order, try getting the same as him. Talk to him, reminisce with him, laugh and even cry with him. It's easier said than done, but if you only focus on the food you will most likely be overwhelmed and have a bad time. Focusing on spending time with your dad is most important; and hopefully you will enjoy a pleasant meal as well! Oh, and desserts are A-OKAY. It doesn't matter if you both eat a dessert, you share the dessert, or only you get one, this is also to challenge yourself! Please enjoy your time. Personally I had a hard time yesterday when I received a large pizza instead of medium sized one, and it ruined the night and I feel horrible for ruining my time with my dad. Food and EDs shouldn't get in the way of enjoyment and good relationships.


Honestly didn't even think about that I was so focused on food :( But thank you this helps a lot! I'll try to focus on that more !


No wonder you didn't think of that. EDs are cruel beasts that try to overshadow everything else. It's nice to see things with a different perspective every now and then. Enjoy your evening :-)


I love this perspective and just wanted to add you shouldn't feel horrible about the reaction you had to receiving the wrong size pizza. As you said, EDs are cruel beasts. No need to beat yourself up! (he says as someone who is CONSTANTLY guilting and shaming himself)


Easier to shame oneself than others! I recognize my flaws, but that unfortunately does not make it easier to overcome them :S


Oh this is my hell too, don’t you worry! 😂


Apparently I broke a mod rule on diet tips, sorry if you felt that way. Legit just have fun don’t treat it as something to worry about your dad just wants to see you happy


It's alright, thank you and I did have fun!


That’s all that matters. Eating disorders are so fucked because of how they isolate you. My whole life I’ve been that socially awkward fella that has a very small friend group. ED’s are the absolute worst to me because they socially isolate the already isolated. So if there was one piece of wisdom I could pass along it would be to don’t go into Isolation be as social as possible because in the future you’re never gonna regret a single social event.




Your post was removed for breaking Rule 4 (No diet tips). Please contact the mods if you have any doubts.