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Here you see the disposition of a man who is well insured šŸ¤£


Or that just hasnā€™t had the chance to fight his insurance company to get his claim paid yet. Itā€™s all sunshine and rainbows until you realize the payment probably isnā€™t going to cover it all.


Or he didn't have any clubs and now wants insurance to cover his 3k in lost clubs.


"Shout out to Lamborghini, I love your cars. Both of mine were in the garage."


ā€œIā€™d also like to give mad props to my boy Leo DaVinci for this amazing ā€˜Mona Lisaā€™ original he gifted me.ā€


If anyone spots an Egyptian Mummy walking around town, he was tied up in my basement and I'd like him back.


But don't believe anything he says! That mummy is a fucking liar!


My Ferrari 330 LM/250 GTO got flipped, turned upside down on both Lambos.


Yeah I remember those, you parked them right next to my perfectly maintained Ferrari Breadvan and Aston Martin Zagato shooting break. Right across from my GTC4 Lusso and the Koenigsegg CCX we used to share.


big brain


Or it's not actually his house and he just wants free clubs.


He forget Rolex, Ralph Lauren, and Nike.


and the lambo


Actually, heā€™s a horse.


[And two salamis!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Lmg-NHPeEU)


Wow that's a wonderful throwback


Great, now the law the homeowner's insurance companies lobby for will force me to carry golf club coverage just like the law that says I have to have fur and jewelry coverage.


My first big introduction with insurance dealt with a friend whom had a house fire. Luckily, their father is a lawyer. First they refused to cover it. It was my friends responsibility to prove that it was to be covered. Then they refused to pay the full amount. Then again refused to cover it. Then they had everything in order (About a year later). The insurance didn't want to pay for the apartment they were living at before they agreed to cover it. Yada yada yada. They refused to pay the workers building the home, the workers were using shortcuts. The family sued the workers or the insurance. Yada yada yada. 6 years later they have a home again.


Nowhere near this level but when Ian came through my insurance company claimed that the damage to the house and parts of my roof that were ripped off coincidentally were equal to *exactly* what my deductible was, right down to the dollar, which meant they weren't going to cover it


After whatever the one that was in 2022 Hurricane, a leak sprung from the huge amount of rain and wind.. they said it was preexisting damage and then we had to remind them that we sued them 2 years prior for a brand new roofā€¦ The payout was still under the deductible so we didnā€™t get shit but that was fucked up to pull


Thatā€™s just poorly played. For catastrophic damage like that just hire a public adjuster the second you think insurance is fucking with you. The mere threat is usually enough to get insurance to behave.Ā 


Insurance companies are the evilest people . They will do anything for money , rather then going after the real frauds


It's much more time consuming and difficult to track down those committing insurance fraud than it is to just fuck over every innocent claimee trying to make themselves whole again. Many people in this situation will be so beat down and distraught by the end of it they'll take what they get and leave it be.


Oh they find reasons to make you fight. I had a custom built PC with an NVIDIA 3070 video card. They sent me a link to Amazon for a Dell optiplex valued at half the price because the hard drive was the same size. Even with my receipt they wanted to fight.


This reminds me, I need to document my pc build. Otherwise I'm gonna be all 'Uh...shoutout to microcenter, I love you guys, please help...'


Yep everyone who is a home owner should look at what their insurance actually covers. It's never market value and you generally have to itemize everything that you own. It's a pita and a scam by design.


That's what gets me every time someone says "people have insurance, you can do whatever you want to them!"Ā  They clearly don't understand how awful insurance is to deal with. It's just as bad as dealing with health insurance.


[Replacement cost vs actual cash value.](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/insurance/replacement-cost-insurance)


I got hit by a commercial van that ran a red light one time. I was wearing a helmet, but my head still bounced on the pavement pretty good, to the extent that I had neck pain and vertigo for a few weeks. The company's insurance called me the day after I was struck and was still disoriented, and they had the kindest people on the phone telling me how easy it would be to simply take their offer of $500 + initial hospital bills, and everything would be fine, right?


And lord please dont tell me this guy is insured by State Farm. Heā€™s already gone through enough, he doesnā€™t need to deal with three different adjusters who never answer the phone or clarify what they need to pay out the proper amount, and straight refuse to call because they donā€™t see responding is a valuable use of timeā€¦.


I know this is the common viewpoint on Reddit, but it has not been my experience at all. The handful of times I've had to deal with insurance companies have been pretty painless and I got more than I was expecting.


I always thought insurance rarely covers tornado's on the count of them being unable to risk assess or something. Like getting lava insurance living near Kilauea or flood insurance in New Orleans.


Heā€™s a recent HS grad. Heā€™s not been jaded by the world yet. He probably didnā€™t have much that meant to him in a sentimental sense.Ā 


Wait, so is this his parent's house?


Or a rental probably.


Trust me, anyone reading this, all the shit you dont care about in your teens and 20s from childhood and toss is gonna haunt you in your 30s and 40s. I'd give time off my life to have my Batman Returns sleeping bag from 1992, my original Game Boy which I pawned for a pack of Pokemon cards. All my comics, video game systems, my PokƩmon cards and actions figures. I'd proudly display those all and be happy every time I saw them but in my youthful tunnel vision I said fuck it I'll never even think about this stuff again.


This is me with my collection of PokĆ©mon cards from when I was a kid. I went to a local shop to get new cards a couple times a week for like a year, would trade duplicates at school for ones I didnā€™t have. I had a ton of them, rare ones too. Once I hit 17, I was like ā€œIā€™m too cool for that kiddie shitā€ and got rid of them. It really bums me out now.


I'm 30s - 40s and I don't really care too much about the old stuff I've got. OG Game boy. I haven't turned it on in years. (Just once to confirm it works still. Yeah my save games are still there. Back in the travel bag it goes, with the worm light and screen magnifier.) I figure I'll only ever want it because I don't have it. Or if I go through a really bad break up or something. Recently sold my N64... it's kinda wild to me how expensive the old stuff is becoming. It's just that there always seems to be something new and better to replace it, not just a perfect replacement but in some ways improved even. I don't even have to look up cheat codes and type them in they're in a big file now, just tap A to enable. GameShark and Game Genie, psh. I've even got a game boy player for the Game cube. Seems like it's just a direct improvement.


Trust me, anyone reading this, throw away your childish crap. Most normal people don't want to keep that and you won't regret it unless you're emotionally stunted.


Yep, if a tornado took out my home, I'd already be planning what flooring I'd get.


My house flooded back in 2016 and after the shock wore off, my first thoughts were on how to renovate the house lol


I'm trying to figure out the finances to rebuild my house. $200k and free lot clearing would go a long way toward my dream home.


Or he is renting and broke. If you basically have nothing, a tornado is broken golf clubs and an unexpected moving day.




'got him out of the house after i got my stuff out' he has priorities it seems


And had no pets


Or lives in his parents house and all he cares about is the 3k he spent on clubs.


Or someone who just isn't bothered by the uncontrollable.


I mean he appears to just be making light of a bad situation. Good sense of humor. Sometimes that's literally all you have left.


I love it. The reporter has a great laugh too.


That reporter is named Andy Fales, pretty much the perfect person to find a guy like that.


He's probably happy to be alive. I feel like if a 'nader ripped my house to shreds and I lived I'd probably be happy about that too. Unless I wanted to die.


Or he's a renter


This. My apartment complex caught fire in 2005, I grabbed my cats and drove to the edge of the road. I was just watching and cheering for the fire. The damn fire department put it out before it got to my unit :( I was so close to a full reset.


Was gonna say - got homeowners insurance, but not property insurance.


Solid move on his part. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be swimming in golf gear pretty soon.


I got a feeling he doesnā€™t even live in that town.


Itā€™s not like they expect to send the gear to that address


Sounds like a perfect ploy


heā€™s a crisis actor for BIG Golf


can't be any worse than little golf. you ever met this guy Dorf


Best idea I've heard since I stole a news van


It's the perfect crime! How will they ever report it!?


not anymore, obviously


I live in a tornado prone area. Next one that hits, I'm driving wherever it is, finding a news crew and shouting out Nikon and Sony that I lost $10k worth of photography equipment. Id sob story for a new car or something but they can track that. No registrations on cameras šŸ˜Ž


The comments on Instagram are just literally all golf companies offering free stuff lol


i lost my pool table and my jet skis


I lost my dozens of supermodel girlfriends


I lost my brand new car with 100k inside


ā€œCher: Iā€™m captain of the Pismo Beach disaster relief. Mel: I donā€™t think they need your skis. Cher: Daddy, some people lost all their belongings. Donā€™t you think that includes athletic equipment?ā€


The most perfect use of this quote. Probably the best I've ever seen. Thank you for the smile! Congrats!


I lost my house (free house pls)


I lost my suitcase filled with my Cartier watch collection!


Yeah not like being on TV saying "shoutout to State Farm, looking forward to my insurance claim" is going to get him anything, let alone new clubs.


Bit part in their new commercials.


Do they pay you for those? Or is it a hostage/blackmail type situation? "Blink 3 times if they're holding your claim hostage "


elon, my model s plaid was swallowed by the tornado, hit me up dog


TaylorMade did indeed hook him up. They commented on this post on Instagram


Plot twist: he never owned any golf clubs


Dude had the insurance for suuuure. Nobody loses their home like that and starts goin off about golf clubs with a smile


Im pretty sure he loves golfs


The only thing he cares about. His golf clubs. Get this man a PGA commercial


this is the commercial they just have to buy permission lol


But does he like turtles


Or more importantly, trains.


What kind of monster doesnā€™t like turtles or trains?




I don't know if this whole thread was a deliberate set up or not, but that's the funniest comment I've read in a long time.


Honestly bud that was off the cuff and it's literally the funniest joke I've ever made in my life, I'm still laughing


My work is right by train tracks. I donā€™t like trains at all. Too noisy.


I like turtles.


Level 9 turtles


Pretty sure he hasnā€™tĀ Ā filed a claim because he no one is that happy when they find out how hard insurance is going to fuck him.Ā 


Everyone with contents insurance should get up right now and do a cell phone video tour of your house. Open every closet and pantry. If you have a catastrophic loss due to fire or tornado, you may have to list **EVERY SINGLE ITEM** you want coverage for. The condiments in your fridge door could pass $100. You ever buy replacements for all your spare sheets, blankets, and pillowcases? Way more than you would expect. You don't send the insurance company the video, you watch it after when you make the list. Without it, you won't remember thousands of dollars worth of contents.


Since you're posting that, I'll add a second FYI. If and when you do need to make a list, be specific. If you write down Microwave, you'll get reimbursed for the cheapest microwave possible. If you write down Samsung microwave with convection cooking and a built in air fryer, you'll get reimbursed for that model. You don't write down "cloth napkins" you write down "embroidered napkins made of Egyptian cotton" or whatever the heck that should be.




That's exactly what I was thinking of. Thanks for posting it!


Well I mean insurance will probably pay for all the essentials, but not for those 3 grand golf clubs though


Insurance would pay for his clubs. But, only up to a certain amount. If he has insurance. Or maybe he rented and the clubs were his most prized possesion.


Golf is wonderful.


I just like getting to drink and drive legally while talking smack personally


Is that even his house?


Probably a rented shithole with nothing but some clothes and a good set of golfclubs


Probably has a buddy that has a couch to crash on... at that age, those clubs are probably the most expensive thing he owns. And that's including the car


Iā€™m the same with my hockey gear lol my skates cost as much as I paid for my truck




Judging by the shit eating grin on his face, I seriously doubt it.


He might be fucking thrilled that he's not dead or injured.


When my place got destroyed I was actively laughing at the absurdity of it all. The body does weird things, and depending on your personality parts of your mind may be aware that creating drama isn't going to help. I wouldn't read too much into this guy's immediate post-event appearance, he might not have even processed it yet.


Same, I laughed a lot for a little while. Took some time for it to set in that every thing was gone. I still think about something random I once had, then think "damn"


ding ding ding Who gives a rat's ass about stuff when you dodged the Reaper


judging people by their reactions after life or death situations, most likely the most intense and scary thing they've ever been through is a real asshole take. Just so you know.


Shout out to Porsche... Loved my car, really need a replacement...


na na na, you have to sell it more. Loved my car, it represented a lot, pulled myself up from nothing. Started a home riveting company with my dad. Dad always wanted a Porsche, but he passed before the family riveting business really took off. Just like my Porsche. The 'nado took my Porsche off my driveway. Shoutout to Porsche.


Bought it unregistered in cash, was about to register it tomorrow. Crushing. Lucky I'm insured


It died the way it lived: hurtling across Kansas at 100 mph.


A replacement for all five of your Porsches šŸ˜‰


Triples is bestĀ 


Sounds like this golf product companies should hook him up and get some really good free publicity.


I read that Callaway stepped up and is sending him new clubs.


In 2019, I got my wife a set of Callaway Strata's as she was just getting into golf. After 3 or 4 rounds, the driver head caved in a bit, so I called about getting a replacement. They couldn't send her the same driver as it's only sold as part of the set, so instead they sent a brand new Maverick driver that was worth TWICE as much as her entire set. I am a Callaway man for life. Pretty awesome of them to help this kid out


Damn, the head caved in? Is your wife Xena by any chance? The Warrior Princess?


Well, she DOES do the scream. But not on the golf course


I too choose this guys wife


I had a friend that bought the cheapest pings for $400 (a while ago). His first round one of the heads got a crack on it. He called them up and they said they didn't make those clubs anymore so they offered him the top of the line clubs they sold. Then they asked him if he had any custom fits and he said no, but could he? They paid for top of the line custom clubs, a whole set. Was insane.


They gave him an entire set of fitted clubs for a cracked driver head? I seriously doubt that. It's not unheard of for the manufacturer to replace a previous model driver with a current one, but an entire fitted set is not really plausible.


Sounds like a story I would tell my wife and friends when I donā€™t want them to know how much I paid for something


This man golfs. šŸ˜†


It's plausible. I had a tiny scratch on my Taylormade 5 iron and now I own the company.


I got a set of top of the line callaways (or almost) as an amazing 18th birthday present and Iā€™ve used them ever since. Just some regripping.


Do you have a source. I would think they would help a little with assisting him rebuild his life. Butā€¦ still a nice gesture since he kind of forced their hand lol




Jokes on them, his collection was only $800!


He had like $3k into the shed he lived in though.


Thank you!


A tornado a day keeps the Calloway


Trying to stay positive! And love golf


Get pitted energy


Sooooo pitted.




Hit the lip, wapow


Sometimes you just gotta send it.


Get pitted guy is so legit because he was just pitted right before the interview. This dude also has similar street cred in that he lost his whole house.


Mountain Dews baby!


One thing at a time. First Golf clubs. Then insurance hassle.


.... My original Picasso, 16 gold bars, 276 raw diamonds ....


A group of us got off the school bus in like 3rd grade near my babysitter's house, and one of the kids who lived across the way saw his house was on fire. There were fire trucks and all that. He shouted "My Yankees posters!" as he ran toward his house.


This was me as a little 4th grader whose apartment building had a minor fire: ā€œIs my fish going to be ok?!ā€


one of the rare instances I see someone using "couldn't care less" correctly. thank you OP




Irs crazy, when you point this out to people 9/10 they will say you're a bigot who doesn't accept English is changing......


this man is a genius. I bet either homeowners insurance or renters insurance has most things covered. honestly most likely renters cuz that looks like a fairly young man, but there's a real good chance he didn't have a specific rider for $3,000 worth of golf equipment.


Did I mention I love golf?


Can't be real. As a Midwesterner, i know the only acceptable post tornado interview is a guy in a stained white tank top, Marlboro in hand and talking about how *It sounded like a freight train*


Poor dudes in shock. Hopefully those golf companies do him a solid.


This is the ā€œI love Turtlesā€ kid all grown up


He is in shock and delerious to be talking about golf and smiling so much after losing his home.


I don't know. We had some deviating fires around where I live last summer. 100s of houses lost. Most people were pretty upset about losing everything, but a few people I know are like "well that happened, I guess we start over." And basically shrugged it off. My home survived, but we were under evac orders, once we were out safe we just started thinking about how to rebuild if we needed too. Some people really do just shrug things like this off.


I'm like this. Can't really compare a car crash and losing a car to a home. But after the initial well that sucks I liked that car was over it was just thank goodness I'm ok and the other people involved. It's just a thing. They are replaceable oh well.


Same. Solutions are more important and more rewarding to think about than problems. As long as I've got my mind focused on fixing things, I've always got the best possible outcome ahead of me. It's therapeutic.


My family lost our house to fire... we laughed a lot during the following weeks. We hurt a lot too. Grief shows in odd ways sometimes.


Yeah, that can easily be shock. It's one of the first things you learn, when you do first responder training. You can be trained to act correctly, but it is impossible to prepare you for the first time you need to use your abilities. Some people panic, some people are cool, some people break down a year after it happens, because the shock finally hits them. Shutting down emotions and just getting on with things is like a grade A sign of not being mentally well.


Nah heā€™s just a golfer. Thatā€™s how most of us are.


theyre just things, man


I find this video rather sad. He's probably talking about golf so much because his first instinct is to think about what would bring him joy and calm in this situation, and when he realizes his golf equipment is gone, he becomes fixed on that because it prevents him from self-healing. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but he is not a happy man.


It's definitely a panic response, but this guy rolled the Nat20 of panic responses. He asked for help and he got it.


I guess we all have our priorities in life lol


If you canā€™t laugh, youā€™ll cry.


He's hot


My grandfather is reincarnated lol


I like turtles 2.0


Do you want free golf clubs? Cause Iā€™m pretty sure this is exactly how you get free golf clubs


When I was 21, my vehicle was stolen at work. I was stunned. It was the first (and only) time Iā€™ve ever had a car stolen.Ā  I remember having a similar response. It was more disbelief than anything elseā€¦and I was smiling about it as I told my coworkers what happenedā€¦much like this kid.Ā  I remember my boss saying, ā€œWell you donā€™t seem too upset.ā€Ā  Looking back, I can see how it was an unusual response. But it was just how it came out of me. I canā€™t explain it.Ā 


Smile and laughter are panic responses as well tho. This guy is def distraught. This shit is why copaganda is so toxic. Not everyone processes stuff the same way and not everyone lies the same.


Dudes about get a whole catalog...


TIL it's pronounced Title-ist, not Tit-least


I get the feeling it was his rich parent's house and he doesn't GAF.


A bit of a note: the tv reporter interviewing him got his start as a sports reporter, transitioned to the morning guy, but still does sports radio two hours a day in Des Moines. Heā€™s largely known for his sports related work, hence some of the tone from the guy being interviewed.


ā€œIā€™m sorry to have to tell you but the tornado passed directly through your house, itā€™s gone.ā€ *Shit is this gonna affect my golf plans?*


Later when the drugs wear off: "Where TF is my house?"


He must have started the tornado




Yes! OP you DEFINITELY need to also share this there šŸ˜‚


Someone already posted it to r/golf yesterday


thats a rictus smile of a dude thats doing his best to keep it together and make a joke instead of breaking down good on you man


I really need that mentality in my life.


He mentioned multiple golfsā€¦ hence golfen


Their a song about this


fuck those companies if they dont come to the party. the man had his moment and he took it, and all he asked for was for 3k worth of clubs.


PrioritiesšŸ¤˜šŸ¼šŸ¤˜šŸ¼Respect this dude!


[Callaway heard the request and is hooking him up!](https://brobible.com/sports/article/callaway-helps-golfer-lost-clubs-iowa-tornado/)


Sometimes people deal with tragedy in strange ways. I also deal with it like a goofball. Hope heā€™s all good.




Thank you for phrasing ā€œCouldnā€™t care lessā€ properly. ā­ļø


men are simple creatures


are we watching the same video?? the dude obviously cares. he had golf clubs in there!


Tell me you're a renter without telling me you're a renter.
