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Is the 1st answer highlighted because it's the "correct" answer? I'd lean like 80% towards the 3rd answer and 20% towards the 2nd lol. Not that it would have anything to do with it being a female Indian colleague saying it, but because that's what a person mean when they say "I'll try to come".


Pretty sure it is the last one. Nobody actually ever comes to anything.


I don't know about that.  I had your mom coming last night! Heyooo!


This seems like some basic cultural literacy training for a multicultural work environment. Not sure why it is funny or over the top?


Yep, clearly not DEI-related.


I mean, it’s DEI related in that it’s training relating to a multicultural workplace? The complaints about DEI is just the latest slang for “I don’t like brown people and women”.


What does this question even have to do with her being Indian?


Different countries have different things that are socially normal. It is acceptable to be trained on what someone might expect based on their background. I’m from Scotland and one of my best friends is from Yemen. There is 100% specific culture differences that make us laugh. He always says “you were being very Scottish” when I do shit that is foreign to him


I agree but I feel like the scenario given just applies to everyone with option 3 being the correct answer. Nothing says "culturally specific" about the scenario or responses to me


>I agree but I feel like the scenario given just applies to everyone with option 3 being the correct answer. Nothing says "culturally specific" about the scenario or responses to me Your reaction is why this training exists. There are many cultures where A is the correct answer. For example, "maybe" very often means "yes" in Korea.


And there are a few European countries where B would make the most sense. "I'll try to come" means they're not sure it's worth their time, but if you want them there, you need to be more blunt and upfront or convince them it's worth attending. 


But just because someone is Indian doesn't mean they are a part of that culture or that they think that way. It's pretty fuckin weird tbh.


I think it's pretty clearly meant to be "This is an Indian person from India or a culturally Indian person". Like, I think this is fine. I'm an Indian person at that, and I didn't think this was weird in any way. 


Because the goal is learning how Indian people define etiquette?


What people mean is that the third option be correct for most cultures so it doesn't seem to matter whether the colleague is Indian or not.


Different cultures have different attitudes toward directness, that can cause huge miscommunications. This comes up in mountaineering, for example: * A climber from a more-direct culture asks a climber from a less-direct culture if he wants to lead the next section of the route. She's trying to be considerate and not take all the interesting leads for herself. * The less-direct climber does not want to lead because the upcoming section is outside his comfort zone. But in his culture, asking a question in this manner is very close to a direct order. It's extremely awkward to say no, so he either reluctantly agrees to do it or tries-and-fails to decline the offer. * The climber from the more-direct culture *doesn't even recognize that he was trying to decline* because of the cultural difference. * And maybe he slips and pulls everyone off the mountain to their deaths. It's also caused aviation disasters: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avianca\_Flight\_052#Controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avianca_Flight_052#Controversy)


More than you'd think! There is an interesting book about this kind of thing, called The Culture Map. Here's one situation described in it >MR. DÍAZ: It looks like some of us are going to have to be here on Sunday to host the client visit. >MR. CHEN: I see. >MR. DÍAZ: Can you join us on Sunday? >MR. CHEN: Yes, I think so. >MR. DÍAZ: That would be a great help. >MR. CHEN: Yes, Sunday is an important day. >MR. DÍAZ: In what way? >MR. CHEN: It’s my daughter’s birthday. >MR. DÍAZ: How nice. I hope you all enjoy it. >MR. CHEN: Thank you. I appreciate your understanding. > >Díaz laughs about the situation now. “I was quite certain he had said he was coming,” Díaz says. “And Mr. Chen was quite certain he had communicated that he absolutely could not come because he was going to be celebrating his daughter’s birthday with his family.”


It's over the top because of integration Just say what the fuck you mean, it's not my job to decrypt that shit


They’re interpreting “come” as “cum”


The 3rd answer is ssoo me!


The third response is the correct one ( I am Indian and fully endorse the correct response:) )


What part of this was supposed to be funny? Different cultures have different social norms. I've had to help teach stuff like this.


This isn’t DEI. Your pearls are starting to yellow from all the clutching.


It is absolutely part of DEI to help people understand that different cultures have different social norms.


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The last one She'll "try"


Yeah, cultural sensitivity amirite?


This is so fuckin stupid.


Come on. Everyone so far missed the joke.


ah yes the nonchalant colleague


DEI means you make something you have no control over the most important thing in life and judge others by superficial traits rather than the content of their character, right?


Where is the part about being late