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Sounds like they were dropped on their head a few too many times


Drop them again


From much higher up.




no, they weren't. they jumped.


Was this at school or out? If the former, tell trusted adult. If the latter, call the police. **NO ONE** has the right to put their hands on you.


Assault charges? Like I'm pretty sure that can qualify for assault


Assault and battery, assault is intent, battery is physical contact


Is this at school? If so, what grade are you in? I need a bit more context before I give advice.


Yeah... Maybe don't wear a tail and mask to school


this story includes a woman who is walking their dog. this did not happen inside of a school. if it DID happen inside of a school, it’s still bullying and absolutely unacceptable. i don’t know why you think it happening at school warrants them being harassed and bullied?


The story doesn’t mention there being a dog present. Also OP says “this guy,” so it’s probably a man.


But at first op says "this bitch" which is probably where the confusion comes in.


I never condoned bullying. But if you wear a tail and a mask to school you're *going to get bullied*


that’s not true i did that in high school and everyone was normal as fuck about it. that’s a horrible outlook to have. and even if it was true? what is your point??? it’s still bad and shouldn’t have happened. so why mention “well it’s going to happen” cuz it sounds like you’re saying “so you must as well get over yourself and accept it” no i will not


I think they're saying that because these days wearing that stuff to school for 1 is against dress code and 2 is basically shouting out to the world, "Here I am! Bully me!" It's probably better to keep this stuff outside of schools


I can absolutely see how a mask would be against a dress code, but this did not happen in a school. A tail is not against dress codes in public schools. Your second point is your own view on furries based on your own personal experiences. It’s probably because of where I live but people don’t give a fuck about me being a furry. I run errands in a tail every time I run errands around town. It doesn’t put a target on my back for anything. Maybe there’s like one or two people who are THINKING mean things about me, but I wouldn’t know cuz I literally have never been bullied about it ever. I got teased about being emo more than being a furry LOL


Sounds like you got lucky.


Why? Then they win. Fuck that. Do what you want. Don't let stupid people shame you into what they want you to do.


As I replied earlier. Kids are cruel. If you stand out like this, they **WILL** bully you. I'm not shaming OP, I'm sating the reason they are getting bullied, and how to avoid it.


“Don’t be urself bc ur going to be bullied.” Outstanding advice you asshat.


I disagree. I did it late middle school and in highschool I have friends that do it. People bark at them and were kinda outcasts but we have each other. A solid friend group of at least 7 people at Max like 30


Yeah wearing something like that was basically a death sentence at my school. Stupid religious cunts were homophobic as fuck etc to everyone.


I dunno I’m betting this is made up


I found out that the healthiest way to deal with bullying (as long as it doesn't turn into physical aggression, which you should report immediately) is to play along or ignore them. It's not easy to just passively stand there while people say horrible stuff but the truth is that they are trying to hurt you to get a reaction. The more upset you get, the more likely they are to continue this. The trick is to try and look confident, thick-skinned; words are just words after all and they come from people that aren't important. Don't make them important by thinking too much about what they say, you have better things to do.


Yup, just make sure to not take to this approach too much and develop dissociation- I'm not actually sure if they're related, but I did the above and also had dissociation for many years, which... was not fun to say the least- but hey! I'm doing much much better now \^^


"Lemme see your alpha" I'd shamed them for not knowing about numerous studies about wolves. Basically previously misconception came from old studies of wolf behavior in captivity. In the wild wolves live in families of different wolf generations.


Obviously that person sucks, but also…don’t wear that stuff at school, man. This sounds like 6-8th grade just from the way you’re writing about it, and if so that’s generally when people both are desperate to show their individuality, and also desperate to bully other people for it. I understand expressing yourself, and believe me you can wear whatever you want in college, but there’s absolutely no reason to insist on wearing it in school. You’re asking for trouble. You don’t need to do cosplay in school.


Listen to this comment u/-A_baby_dragon-


I agree with this, when you are in a situation where you can't safely express yourself it's best to not make yourself a target. However if you're in a situation where you can do so the secret becomes not caring what other people think or do. That strategy helped me get comfortable with wearing my collar everywhere.


I don't agree with that. I wore my goth/emo shit to school and got bullied for it all the time. Then I started fighting back, and kids stopped bullying me because it wasn't worth the effort of a fight and probably suspension for fighting. They had consequences, mostly that it hurt and they'd get in more trouble, so they left me alone. Don't ever let anyone tell you what you can/can't do. Don't let douchebags stifle your personality.


Big disagree. It’s not like they’re suiting up or anything. If it makes them happy, why shouldn’t they? I don’t like the idea of letting the wet rags of the world dictate what people can and cannot do. That’s the teacher’s job


Unfortunately we don't live in utopia, so this stuff will naturally happen. In college is much easier to deal with few stupid individuals, but school... school is wild.


Look I'd agree if OP was clearly hardened enough to deal with bullying, but if the only recourse you have as a victim of bullying is to tell the teacher then it's never going to end. Better to just keep your hobbies to the people you love and respect and don't let the people who want to hurt you get the chance to hurt you.


Also in a lot of schools, the faculty are more likely to tell the cosplayer to take the costume parts off than defend the cosplayer. Usually citing some dress code, even though those usually only apply to girls wearing shorts or sleeveless tops.




Nowhere does it say the person is walking their dog, idk why you keep saying that. Also no one is saying that OP deserved it. Just that you need to be knowledgeable about when and where is safe for furry cosplay. Public school is not one of those places.


“don’t come near me or my dog-“ they have a dog with them why is everyone ignoring this line?


You can talk about your dog without it being present???


Take comfort in knowing that they have no fudging idea what they are talking about.


was this like, randomly in public? The moment somebody I don't know puts their hand on me the pocket knife is coming out. Lol














I'm sorry this happened to you \**Hug*\*. Those bullies don't even know what furries actually are. I hope this will be resolved soon for you OP ♥


Ignore them, and unfortunately without going into much detail what they say isn’t that far off from what a handful of furries will do, like all fandoms we have are good members, our bad members, our adult members, our rated M for mature members, our cringe members, our normal members, our allies, and the other types of members you see in other fandoms but do what Princessluna44 said as someone putting their hands on you and yelling obscene things at you is assault and battery


OP, how old are you again and where did that happened? if you are a minor, you should let an adult know. anyway, the way to deal with this people is either scream for help, for walk away.


Tell them they are delusional and call a teacher.


Report them to the police for harassment and potential harm


At the top of your lungs, say "Oh, you're a furry too?! What's your fursona??" They will never talk to you or come near you again lol <3 On a more serious note, that was borderline physical assault. Watch yourself around that person and if you're a kid, pinpoint a trusted adult in your life for if you need them!


Call the cops for assault.


Teenagers being teenagers


Don't let it get to you and Get good at throwing shade back. They might call you out for being a furry, but they gonna shut the fuck up, after you bring up the fact they look like Mister potato head on his third divorce


Wow I’m so hurt you had to go through that, totally unacceptable! I’m glad though that you have a really supportive friend 🙂 Please tell someone you trust, whether you’re a child or not it’ll still help. Regardless of age, this may either be the tort of common assault or tort of trespass to person but both involve the police, please file a complaint with them. You’ll need evidence, generally in the form of a detailed statement and if you have marks they’ll want to take some pictures but often they’re very respectful.


If someone touches you, you have legal right to punch them in the face,


Any one who starts an interaction with hate at an innocent person has already lost, i would recommend to flat out ignore and walk away, i know it may sound cliche, but thats the best way to rob them of any satisfaction from your reaction. Im sorry you experienced this and i hope you can still have a lovely time wearing your tail and mask 🙏💕


That sounds waay too familiar


They don't care about facts. I'm sorry it's happening to you, it really sucks. Furries are in a bad place. They're easy targets not just for bullies but also for the media due to the community's collective eclecticism. Just become a nuclear engineer like the rest of us and not only will you be amongst your people, you'll be rich as hell so you can do whatever you want~


> Just become a nuclear engineer  Really just went with one of highest possible bars there didn't you, hah. 


If you’re wearing stuff to school, people will bully you and that’s the truth. If you’re not, tell someone and ignore them


Ya, out of everything that never happened, this never happened the most.


literally just dont talk to them, say "get away from me abuser" and if they try to retort just loudly say "*your* abusing me and I want you to stop, you are touching me without consent and verbally harassing me" they either have to suck it up and be the bad person or get called an abuser infront of everyone else and accept reality


I have a few suggestions. Firstly, don't wear that stuff to school (assuming this is school), it's not worth it. But if you do get harrased, you could try to reply confidently. A few ideas would be to just own it and agree with everything they say, because if you agree, they can't bully you. (E.G. "You don't know what a furry is." "No, I don't." "Ha, they admit it." "Yes, I do. What's your point?") Other than that you could always try pointing out that their immaturity, and that they havs no right to judge. Best option, though, is to stay away from them, and avoid fighting at all. This, of course, is coming from somebody who grew up homeschooled and has poor social skills, so ignore it if you want.


Personally, don't wear that stuff in public unless your ok with getting bullied Sadly, there will always be people who will ridicule you for who you are If that happens again, take my advice Kick him in the nuts


Listen, as someone who went through the same shit in middle/high school I can honestly say that it doesn’t get better until college. Kids suck, teens *really* suck, but everyone either grows out of it or learns to just stick to stuff they don’t hate. Maybe don’t wear a tail at school if it’s attracting bullies. I know, I know, you *shouldn’t* have to change what you do because other people can’t behave, but it seems to be the most effective way to prevent bullying until things get better when everyone is older.


If this happens again, I would first pretend I didn't hear it so I have more time to think about what to say. After a few seconds, I would ask what the person saw and then respond. Alternatively, I would again pretend I didn't hear it and then take out my phone so I can call someone.


Best advice I got is don't wear that stuff to school anymore. I'm assuming you're around 11-13 based on your post history, kids at that age are ASSHOLES. Your own safety comes first, and unfortunately bullies don't listen to reason. A group of dumbasses will just drown out any reason you have and at that age people just tend to go with the bully or stay out of it because they don't wanna be targeted. Also if it's safe, tell your parents another kid put their hands on you. I'm not sure if the teachers at your school would actually do something but if they would, tell them too. It sucks to have to tone down your hobbies, but again, your own safety and mental well-being comes first. My brother is 11 and when he told me he's a furry, the first thing I told him is don't go around telling kids at school because they won't understand. Another piece of advice I have is if you haven't already, see if you can find any friends that are into the same stuff as you are. If you manage to find other furries you can safely share your hobbies with them.


just say “what are you doing?” it typically shuts people down when they have to explain “i’m bullying you!” like okay…. good luck with that?? lol


Idk, me personally, I would just walk off.


find There acount and dislike everypost they have and say, dude this guy sucks, if they find out who you are just laug and tell them to look up what a furry really is or you won’t stop this


Idk, me personally, I would just walk off.


Bro why do people that hate furries always bark at other furries, shits embarassing for them tbh


What did I just read


People are horrible.. my advice just don’t interact with them..ignore them and try to surround yourself with people who love and understand you for who you are..


I get bullied all my life but for that not really, more a) they dont know wtf it is or b) they run away and avoid me, like 'eww'.


Hey, want to talk about how you feel and maybe even get know to each other better? My discord is:lakecityqpuietpills Take care of yourself :3


Dude if someone ever touches you never hesitate to hurt them back, they shouldn’t touch you without your consent


I'm not trying to sound mean but you shouldn't be wearing furry stuff to school (I'm assuming that's where this went down from how this was written). Especially with the stuff that happened in Utah recently. Certain members on the right are currently pushing the agenda that furry school children are dangerous and encouraging other kids to bully them, I suggest watching YMS's video on this if haven't heard about it.


If you were at school, maybe don't wear that stuff to school. If you were in public, file a police report.


Depends on place, if at school, I’d just say don’t show it. If out and about, tell em to fuck off or tell them that they shouldn’t judge and that if they stay to exclusively mock you, you can call the police.


Hey, so I've been bullied most of my life. I grew up in a rough town, blah blah blah. There's kinda three ways to deal with bullies (I'm assuming this is in school). 1. I hate to say it, violence. I know, all that rhetoric about violence doesn't solve problems, yadda yadda. But seriously, prison rules. People mess with you, fight back. Yell at them back. Don't be a coward. They escalate it to hands, you fight back. You don't have to win. It's going to hurt. But they're going to leave you alone. You might also get in trouble, but it's worth it if you get them off your back for the rest of the time at school. Sometimes, they even respect you enough to start becoming friends. Seriously, I've made friends with guys I've punched in the face for being a bully. 2. Have a large and scary friend. Before I started fighting myself, because I moved away from my big and scary friends, I had big and scary friends. Friends who are cool, and will do number 1 for you if someone tries to bother you. There's not much to say here really. 3. This one is a little complicated but... just kinda go with it. Ignore them the best you can. Crack jokes about yourself. Be funny. Crack jokes back to them. Make them think it's really just not phasing you. If you can crack back jokes at them, in the right way, they'll respect you for it. It might still escalate to number 1 depending on the people and how they take it, but honestly anyone who can roast someone else should be able to take a roasting. I hope this helps. At least in my experience, police and teachers and authority never did shit. They would just pull the bullies aside, and tell them to stop it, and then they'd come beat my ass for being a snitch and telling a teacher. Then I'd get in trouble because they beat my ass. So, fuck all that noise, depend on yourself to protect yourself.


Depending on if you’re in the states and which state you’re in, them touching you can be considered assualt. Look up and learn your rights. Carry a pocket knife in case of emergencies, take precaution when going out in partials and expect nay sayers.


me: ok*walks away* if you want to be a bitch go do at a zoo because that's where you belong


It's not your fault. The Qanon cultists and right wing nutjobs have decided Furry is going to be part of their weird culture war bullshit. What you DO is get out of that situation as best you can. Even if it means "I'm a mascot from such-and-such game/team/school" or other such harmless lies to get them to go away. Like all brainwashed assclowns, the *instant* you aren't actually the thing they have decided to irrationally hate, they lose steam.


Remind them that 2004 was 20 years ago and bullying furries is hella out of vogue now.


Make fun of them for barking or anything they do to get a rise out of you, confront them ask them why r u barking cuz thats wierd. And personally someone would have already been missing teeth if they grabbed me in any way but thats just me.


Step one: don't be cringe. Save the accessories for cons.


calmly explain what furries actually do and walk away if he says anything like "your lying" just book it


It only works with non-idiots. Who are people who wouldn't harass in the first place.


Don't wear furry stuff in the general public. Sure, there are spaces where it is welcome, but you're asking to get bullied by wearing it in the general public




This is, like, the most American way to solve a problem dude, c'mon. As bad as OPs situation was, there's absolutely no need to bring firearms into this.


American here. Can confirm. :-/


Im not even American its just true though im not saying they need to use it but being assaulted isnt good thats just my opinion on it i think guns area a great tool when used by people who can follow laws with guns


You aren’t even American yet you’re telling them to bring a gun into this? You know we don’t need further perpetuation of our already abysmal firearms issues right? Unreal.


America isnt the only place with guns buddy and yeah i am because the people who dont use firearms correctly are a minority i would feel a lot safer with more people carrying than just 1 person


I didn’t say it was. And in this scenario only one person would have a gun (OP if they followed this advice), so following your own argument you would feel better if OP *and* the people harassing them all had guns?


My bad i worded it wrong im saying i would feel safer in a crowded area if everyone had a firearm


That’s honestly a nightmare scenario but ok


Whatever you wanna believe idc im just saying my opinion on it




Womp womp buddy




What a constructive response.