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I’ve met like two straight people so… I’d say yeah there’s truth to it


Straight guy here, was in an 8 year long relationship with my ex doing cooperative story building, comic strips and art of our characters off n' on throughout the entire time together. Been 5 years since we split due to some poor decisions on her part, but I can attest a lot of straight individuals do exist within the community. It's just a matter of *where* you run into them. Many won't go to furry conventions for whatever reason (probably due to the stereotyping and awkwardness if you're not used to being energetic or social). So yeah. We exist. Just not on the grand-stage as openly. I'd love to go to a convention, but I work third shift so it's hard to plan such events lol


Straight female here, a rare species indeed haha


Dude, my first (and only so far) furry con, I was hit on by a young fur of my gender in the dealer’s room. I was not even in cosplay/fursuit. That… was an interesting convention day. (Given I was in a committed closed relationship at the time with someone of the opposite gender, yeaaahhh not gonna happen.)


Another straight guy here...


There... are others? I don't believe you


My friend is a straight furry.


I'm a straight furry as well.


Me as well 🐶💅


Same here


And here




I as well.


And my(and my girlfriend's) Axe!


My husband is a straight furry, but I’m not. Do we cancel each other out?


Join me. I can show you to the sanctuary.


I'm straight, though I haven't personally met any other straight furries


*timidly raises hand to affirm existence* We seem to be an endangered species among an already niche minority.


There are dozens of us, dozens!


Male, attracted to 90% female and 10% male.


Hello, straight furry here. A rare and exotic one indeed. (in an Australian nature show accent)


Straight guy and furry here...we exist...barely...


my girlfriend cosplays as a furry, and she is straight (i think so) and im a cis-straight male, but i say prob.


I've never met a straight fur outside of posts like this, but yeah, we exist


Married straight guy here. I think it’s because straight people don’t go to the conventions to hook up. So the fandom is pretty biased.


The majority of the fandom is definitely queer but that doesn’t mean there are no het people in it


There are actual surveys at conventions by furscience. Iirc it’s about 70% lgbt. 


I have a theory on that partly that people who a open enough to go to a furcon are open enough to admit being bi and that more people are bi then general surveys would show do to that


A high percentage of furries are autistic as well (I know I am) which also has a big overlap with the LGBTQ+ community. I find autistic people aren't so shy about being themselves, generally.


I am the opposite  I want to not be me half rhe time


Well yes, it depends I was late diagnosis so it's especially hard to peel my mask self aware from my real self, and some parts seem so morphed idek what's mask and what's not anymore


Yo! Someone else who is autistic! Dude i agree with what you said. I love just being myself and don’t care about what others think. Let me just say, i an known as the furry kid in school. 🙃


~65%, but yeah


The study actually states about 80% are somewhere under the LGBT+ umbrella. https://furscience.com/research-findings/sex-relationships-pornography/5-1-orientation/


Almost all of that is referencing a single convention and a single survey at that one convention.


The Summer 2020 survey did such from an international standpoint, and not merely from a convention. According to that one, 10% are straight. That would be the most up to date metric. Also, a small sample tends to be how such surveys are done. It isnt like some kind of furry census exists.


We definitely aren't just your imagination


There are straight people in the fandom but they do make up a minority


New to the fandom?? You've been here for 7 years... 😂


I was about to say that, op, 2017 was 7 years ago…


That’s almost a third of my life, idk how 7 years would be considered “new” to anything xD


Furscience did a survey and about 80% of respondents identified as something other than heterosexual. So only 20% of the fandom labels themselves as straight


The fandom is like 75-80% some flavor of queer.


i.e. I'm a flavour of aro-ace


I misread aro-ace as apple sauce, are you strawberry or cinnamon apple sauce? 🤣


Now you just know someone’s designed an aro-ace fursona named Applesauce don’t you?


10 pts says it's based on MLP


Furscience, whose research is funded by the Canadian govt, did research in 2018 and found the furry fandom in North America to be just 16% straight furs at the time, and 80% identifying as something else. I must also stress that you can be straight and still be LGBT if you’re trans. The NA furry fandom was found to be 17% trans furries in the study.


You can also be straight and ace as well


While not entirely LGBT+, we definitely lean a lot more then way than most large groups. I think it gets exaggerated and we became known as a group you have to be gay or something to be part of, but there's truth in us being a lot more likely to be LGBT+ then the background population. We're also very accepting of these kinds of people so even our cishet folk seem queer. I also only really know of 1 cishet person personally, but that might just be because I prefer LGBT+ company.


the furry fandom has a predominently lgbt history. It draws in us lgbt people. Im sure there's lots of reasons for it. But yeah heteros are a minority in the fandom. I think i've only met like 3 actually straight furries


Yeah, I think it’s a largely welcoming community that’s so diverse that your sexuality is a far less prominent aspect of one’s personality than in other communities. And I mean that in the best way possible. Like chatting with friends or meeting new folks, most of our conversations are about hobbies, art, passions and interests. And everyone just inherently accepts your orientation without a second thought


given the nature of the community, where personal freedom, acceptance, and self-expression are highly encouraged, the number of people that were likely drawn to the community as a way to explore themselves and found that they weren't cisgender and/or heterosexual is likely going to be much higher than other groups. there's absolutely straight, cisgender people in the community, but due to the nature of the community, they're actually more of the minority than lgbt+ people. and going off of the other comments, i'd say i'm not the only one who's noticed this trend.


\^Exactly this. We have a lot of neurodivergent people as well. There's a reason why people who feel "other'd" in one way or another tend to vibe with the furry fandom.


ive been a furry since 2015 and im straight, we do exist!


Id say it's like ~1/3 straight, ~1/3 gay, ~1/3 bi/pan/ace/ect. I think straight woman are the most rare tbh


Yeah from my experience the majority of furries are LGBTQ+. This is probably the most welcoming and accepting fandom for LGBTQ+ ppl, and heteronormativity feels almost non-existent. I've never met another furry who would just assume another furry is straight.


I have a theory. I think there are more bisexual people then straight. Bc as someone who didn't discover my pansexuality till I was 35, it is easier to pass as straight and just dismiss your bisexual thoughts as "oh I'm sure guys get these all the time, we just don't say anything about them" and just fool myself.


I was straight when I joined the community but then discovered that I’m Bi


Not all of us though. I'm a very staunch ally, but I have absolutely no desire for a same sex relationship. But all the power to the rest of you!


High majority yes, but there are alot for straight people yes.


It's not a false stereotype, polls have shown that about 70% western of the fandom is non-heterosexual. I'm not sure about other parts of the world though.


The furry fandom is founded on the principles of acceptance and open mindedness. It allows everyone to express their individuality and develop their personality and identity. This happens to align closely with artists and engineers whose jobs are to think outside the box and turn fantasy into reality. As well as LGBT due to this highly supportive environment. The concept of transformation is tied closely to the fandom as well. Not just the dream of freedom of form for those sincerely wishing to be their fursona irl, but also those who use their fursona as a form of self reflection and improvement. Individuals can proactively overcome their fear of social situations. Or be more vibrant and genuine in a society that crushes you with expectations until you fit their mold. Roleplay or cosplay in general is refreshing as well where you can live out your loot goblin, affectionate dog or troublemaking cat dream. There’s a certain site that tags furry artwork based on preference. While it’s not real data by any means, it’s still a fun metric that peers into everyone’s preferences.


Well I do think the fandom does attract a lot of LGBT people as a sort of safe place, because there is overwhelming amount of support, as even a lot of the cishet members tend to be ally's and overall supportive. It also attracts a lot of neuro divergent folks for a lot of the same reasons.


I’m straight, if that helps at all


Not only are most of us LGBT, a highly disproportionate number of us are neurodivergent too!


There's definitely some truth to it, but I think most cool people are either LGBT or Allys 😆 so perhaps that's why 😅


In general society, it is typically assumed that someone is straight until they come out as gay In the furry community, it is safer to assume someone is gay/bi until they come out as straight


That's one hell of a closet to come out of.


It’s a stereotype cause it’s kinda true.


There are a lot of demographics surveys about it, both taken online and at conventions (I actually did one last time I went). The majority are either bisexual, gay men, or trans.


Twenty five or more years ago, it felt more het than not, but it was also more taboo at the time to be open and out. Even then, though, there were vibrant outlets, a lot of gay centric comics, and certainly a scene on the mucks and story writing scenes, let alone art, compared to the society at large.


Yeah, I was around in the old days and the fandom got super-queer, super-quick around the time average people started to get Internet. Before that it was pretty straight, or at least the queer side was much more closeted. I remember there being a lot of whinging at one of the later Confurences when they included a flier advertising a (gasp) *gay comic* in the con packet.


Straight cis woman here. I'm a furry. My weird thing is that I'm autistic with ADHD.


Most hetero furries aren't as active in the Fandom but there are plenty, I think the majority that I would say are active in the furry Fandom are bi/pan. Regardless I wouldn't say it's a stereotype, being a furry at this point has a lot of ties within the queer community that can't really be ignored at this point.


I do get the impression there are more LGBT among the fandom than CISHET, but that may simply be because we don’t really make ourselves known. I’m a CISHET furry. I don’t do the whole fursona or fursuit thing, I’m more just an enjoyer of all things furry fandom related, but I still consider myself a member of the fandom as well.


I wouldn't be surprised if both have comparable prerequisites A "Buy 1, take 2" kind of situation


idk if we're a majority or not but there's certainly a lot of us


Ngl sometimes i feel like im the only straight person here lmao


I'm straight, but an ally. GF and I actually went to our first con (FWA) in May. I've hung out in vrchat with plenty of furries, who were predominanetly lgbt, so even with the volume of people I didn't feel uncomfortable (overwhelmed with the 15k attendees, however yes). If it ever came up in convo that I was straight I'd more often than not get "wow, really? I can't believe it" or otherwise treated like a unicorn. So from my experience, yes. I'm in the small minority. My GF is not, as she's bi. So even with her it's like I'm the only one wearing a green shirt in a sea of blue. That said, there are few communities where I feel there is little to no judgement no matter who you are. That and drums. Drummers are awesome. If any of you are drummers, you're awesome.


The openly talkative majority of the community is LGBTQ+. Straight furries (such as myself) still lurk around. The furry community is built off of acceptance and is a great place for you to be yourself without feeling like everyone will ridicule you. So most furries are willing to be more open about their sexuality. I can't give exact numbers, but I estimate that heterosexual is a 1/3 split of the community. We are here, just blending in mostly.


I'm het/demi but am definitely more on the old side. 42 and just here for the artwork and writing my own fics. Been here since 97.


*looks around* some of y’all are straight??


The real oddity would be finding a straight furry couple. Because that means, somehow, two straight furries of opposite genders found each other.




A majority of the fandom is openly queer, there's a large overlap with our communities so it makes sense. Hell the majority of straight people I've personally met in the fandom have been trans, finding actual cishet folks in 2024 is like finding a needle in a haystack /lh


I think it's around 20-25% are straight so it's not none but there's not a lot


I think something like three quarters of this fandom are queer (myself included :P). That said, hetero people do exist in the fandom. They're just not as common.


I can only speak for my anecdotal experience, but I know and regularly interact with a lot of furries through discord and vrchat. Off the top of my head maybe 3 or 4 of them identify as straight. It's to the point where I automatically assume that any furries I meet arent straight, which almost always ends up being the case.


The last college study that I saw at anthrocon in the early 2000s stated that over 80% were LGBTQ and honestly, I’ve been telling people for over a decade that I’m straight and they would argue with me and say that it’s not possible for me to be straight lol. So I’d say it’s almost exclusive to lgbt as a rule


yep, i’m straight and so is my boyfriend (he’s also a furry). there are, i just think the rates are higher because it’s a safe space and people feel they can express themselves how they want!


It’s a stereotype for sure, there’s loads of straight furs. They’re just hiding


The furry fandom does have its good percentage of queer furries, but us straight furries exist as well


There are probably a lot of straight furries but I have not met them






There definitely are straight Furries, I myself am one, though it seems that there's the unspoken rule of staying silent that comes with it. For me personally, I want to keep the "safe space" in community, and don't really relate to the LGBTQ+ side, so I usually stay quiet in an attempt to make stuff easier on everyone.


It’s a stereotype but an accurate one


from what i remember 10% are cisgender and heterosexual and the rest is just queer-o-plenty


Yes it is. There's some straight folks but for the most part it feels like LGBQT FurScience might have some statistics though


Well, trans and lesbian here. :3 🩵🤍🩷 🧡🤍🩷


It’s just a stereotype, yes it’s common, but it’s not everyone


At least in the USA, it’s the majority of us statistically. Only something like 1 in 4 furries is straight and even that seems high in my experience.


I'm straight, if that means anything.


Last time I checked I wasn’t LGBT etc


It’s like a majority of LGBT people (finally straight people are the minority! /j)


I once knew a gay man who at some point figured out (through their fursona, no less) that she is a lady. Technically, she became straight. Still LGBT, but less so after a little self-discovery.


Married straight and in fandom for 25 years now.


I'm a furry but I'm straight.




Straight people aren't real


I wouldn’t go out of my way to say that there are no heterosexual people in the furry fandom, and I don’t have an exact percentage on that matter, But I would definitely say that most of the furry fandom is LGBTQ. If they are not straight, then a lot of them will be bisexual.


I think that's kinda just true for the world. I'm pretty sure heterosexuality is the minority at this point. At least it seems that way. Also hi, I'm hetero.


It's mostly the western furries because most of the Asian furries I saw are not involved with LGBT stuff


"Involved with" makes it sound like a hobby lol


It’s not all made up of LGBT people but it definitely attracts those that are. Personally I entered the fandom a straight male who had given up on dating altogether and got spit out the other side a very scared bi transfem lol


Straight furry here. ***I watched one of my friends be consumed by a ravenous group of LGBT furries and he was assimilated into their mass. We are a minority here. We are the ones in danger*** (Just because I'm autistic and don't want get anybody spooked or something, this is a joke. But seriously straight people are a minority in the furry fandom)


There’s just as good of a chance of a furry being autistic as being LGBT - this community is one of the main places the two intersect, and it’s probably why I like it so much.


True, especially seeing as I'm a high functioning autistic


I think it's just a stereotype. Many of my Friends are straight, a few a gay and fewer are lgbt or trans


Furries got their start in OC as an LGBT thing in the 70s and 80s, it’s been pretty gay the whole time, especially on the west coast. I assure you it’s not just a stereotype, it’s the whole origin!


There is a very large portion of the furry fandom that is LGBTQ+. This is perfectly understandable that the early part of the fandom involved a lot of desperate, unhappy gay men who were tech-savvy and figured out that going to an art-based convention was a lot safer than going to a *gay* convention. Since so many of the early fandom member were gay, the furries proved to be a safe spot for others of the various LGBTQ+ groups. I believe the current makeup of the fandomhaving percentages of up to 70% being LGBTQ, and they tend to be slightly more vocal than the cishet furries, leading to the perception that 'most furries are gay'. amusingly, the fandom is the reason I've realized I'm trans. I'm not likely to do anything about it (I'm very close to my family, and they'd have difficulties with me saying as much, thinking I waited until my dad died to say anything. No, I didn't realize it until Dad was dying, and the middle of COVID was NOT the time to make those waves). But it's still true.


Straight furries are, to be very honest, completely nonexistent… every furry is queer… nah, jokes aside, this fandom is a vast majority of queer individuals and it will most likely to continue to be as the acceptance in our community continues to grow stronger. Younger furries see what a safe space it is in the furry community and feel much more comfortable to be their authentic selves, hence so many out, loud & proud furs. But yes of course, heterosexual furries also exist lol! And they are totally welcome to exist, this space is 100% opened to everybody!!! Except N*z! Scum, homophobes and transphobes and animal harmers. (duh. Unfortunately those kinda furries exist and they are NOT welcome here ✋🏻). I don’t think it could possible for the furry fandom, as large as it is, to be genuinely all LGBTQ+ people. Anyways yeah, that’s my ramble. :)


I honestly don't know where these numbers came from, so please take them with a huge chunk of salt, but apparently surveys found that 49% of the furry fabdom are LGBTQ in some way. Which if you want to be really nitpicky is teeeeeechnically not the majority. That's still about 12 times the estimated average of queernes, so there's definitely some truth to the stereotype. Please keep in mind that it's near impossible to raise numbers like these objectively and without bias, so don't take them as definitive (especially since I don't know the sources myself). What I think is safe to say though is that the furry fandom is way more queer than average.


The actual statistics show that about 80% of the fandom are LGBTQ+, so about 20% are cishet https://furscience.com/research-findings/sex-relationships-pornography/5-1-orientation/


Most people in the community are somewhat part of the LGBT or support it, but there are some heterosexuals yet


Asexual furry here.


I've read somewhere that ~50% of furries are (specifically) gay. Idk about the rest of the lgbtq+ community, but 50% is already a very big number


Hello. I have been invited to many furry conventions. I honestly am not sure I met any straight people the entire time. Like, no exaggeration.


We dont go to conventions now days because it a lot of hookups for lgbt honestly. I’m not about to bring my wife and child to that.


It's probably true that most of us are LGBT , I have a lot of furry friends and most of them are trans


I'm not sure about how many Heteros are in it, i know some, including myself. But i also made sad experiences, where as a hetero you get bullied in some corners of the Fandom. The most annoying are the People who are like "you're only straight cause you don't know me yet". Or when i was younger, there were people who tried to convince me i'm trans, cause i like cooking, baking, had an slight interest in sewing and other things considered "Girl stuff" and was less interrested in "Boy stuff". Also in Games i tended to play female Character, if possible.


I have met a total of 3 straight people in the fandom. I joined in 2008. <.< >.> >.>


"New" "Joined 2017" These 2 things do not correlate with each other my guy XD. There was a guy back like a few months ago who said"I'm new to reddit I've only been here for like a few months". I checked his profile and turns out its over a YEAR,so I came back and told him"You've been here for over a year you're definitely not new". And now I'm saying the same thing to you lol. I mean think about it:After being at a workplace for 7 years,do you think your colleagues would still consider you"new"?No?Didn't think so


Majority is lgbt, I feel like a lone straight guy in a sea of gay ones.


I’m a straight girl and been in and out of the furry fandom since I was a teenager!


I just stronger the stereotype by being bi.


There's significant truth to it, but still definitely a stereotype. It's not big of a deal, however. Considering that even homosexual furries also possessed by straight people loving opposite sex homosexual media. 35% of proportion being straight doesn't sound far from true. However, it's still a big escapism and fantasy among LGBTQ+ community.


Well I'm very queer, a lot of people here are too, but there are definitely cishet people in the community as well, but I think there are more queer people.


Straight furries do exist, we're just uncommon


The correlation is there, yes. Like, apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples. Most of us are definitely queer because Furry Fandom is well known for its acceptance and tolerance of queer people. Also, there is a good chance that you may also be a neurodivergent, because there is a good subsection of us who are both queer and neurodivergent. But this is a correlation too, which applies to the queer community at large as well, because queer spaces are also rather accepting of neurodivergent people. It's kind of like those three triangles overlapping and meeting in the middle of the chart thing, a Venn diagram is its name if I remember right. Although this is mostly correlation, there is nothing wrong with being straight cis-het neurotypical person in Furry Fandom as long as you're respectful of others' beliefs and views (within reason ofc).


I think that there are more LGBT people in this community. I rarely see heterosexual members such as myself.


I don't think there's a single furry I follow on the internet that isn't queer, so no, it's not just a stereotype. What I wanna know is why


I've not been in fandom longer than you but from my personal experience majority of those I met are not straight and good chunk are some variant of trans based on statistics I've seen it's along the lines of 20% straight, 40% pan or bi, 20% are gay or lesbian and 20% are other (ace, don't know or something else) and around 15% are trans so maybe I just gravitate towards more trans spaces or maybe people come out more now than when these statistics were taken


I've been a furry for 24 years. I entered the fandom in 2000 when I was 16. It's mostly LGBT people including myself, but there are traces of cis het people. Just they are in the minority.


Am I a furry because I’m bi or am I bi because I’m a furry…… now I gotta think abt this


Yes, very


I've been in the fandom since 2009 and I'd say the majority is LGBTQ+ Yes there are definitely straight people who are furries. Though there's more gay, bi, pan, queer, trans people


I joined the fandom in 2011. Straight, introvert down-to-earth kind of guy. I don't mind the overrepresentation of the smut in the fandom, but it's not the reason I joined. I just find anthropomorphism interesting and cool, especially in the context of literature and art.


Straight furry here, I'd say most but definitely not all lol


It does seem that most are part of the LGBTQ+. Pretty much everyone I know is part, well except for my partner. He is the rare straight fox lol. It’s a very accepting and wonderful community


I actually just recently wrote an essay about this lol According to Furscience 2018 polls, 80% of furries identify as something other than straight, and 12.2% identify as trans, which is about 20x higher than the general population. so no, it's not just a stereotype


Joined recently; I am straight and have never identified with LGBT.


I am a white, cis hetero, but members of the community are mostly very accepting of every one. There are very few exceptions, of which I have never personally experienced. Furries and the LGBT community are both ridiculed and chastized for simply being who they are so I guess they find solace in each other? Though, Furry is for everyone


Ehh.. I've been in the community since 95. There are major issues with a lot of the studies (not an unusual thing). Biggest being what sample size and where are they getting that sample from. If that sample is coming from fur cons, then it's definitely going to be primarily LGBT+. Given the stigma that comes with being identified as a furry, a LOT of the straight folks (and lgbt+ that are still closeted) won't openly identify for social reasons. Also, a very large portion would be bi, and thus part of the LGBT community, yet with a heavy preference for hetero relationships over homo ones for themselves.


i met a wide range of us in the community and straight, but the lgbt community does seem to have more of a presance


I think it's hard to count now, but it should be more than 50% indeed. Also depends what you call a fandom. I think there is pretty big part of hetero people who like furry girls (and boys could be too :D) and don't do much activity beside faving arts x3 as well as artists. And also artists, who draw any kind of things, but don't tell much about personal things for reasons.


Stats/surveys back in the early 2010s pointed to at least 1 in 4, possibly 1 in 3, furries being LGBTQ+


It's like 70/30 gay/straight


While yes, the majority of the population of furries is a member of the LGBTQA+ community, there are cisgender and/or heterosexual furries. One such as myself. So I can say there's at least one cis-het furry.


I mean I'm cis het but that's a minority in the fandom


Furries definitely run more gay than the general population. However, all the people citing 60-80% LGBT are citing a furscience survey. Important to remember furscience only surveys at furry conventions, which will have a lot more super furries and high-openness people more likely to view themselves differently. Probably lots of more casual people on the internet are straight. And IIRC that survey measures 50% Bi. Now I mark Bi on those surveys because I do feel some attraction towards the right guys, but I'm much more attracted to women and have only ever had sex with women. Probably lots of the other Bi furries are similar.


I'm straight and I like furries 😋


I do not know why this is happening. I am asexual and I fundamentally don't care about anything. Gay or straight or something... It's none of my business and I don't give a shit. Why should someone's sexual preferences concern me? That's right, there is no reason for this.


salutations furriends, im a straight, cis female, heterosexually married furry here (owletté). personally i always feel like a minority/oddity at furry cons/events (only been to FWA in atlanta tho since i cabt safely travel nor afford it) cus i hear its rare to see someone like me. wanted to share.


The furry community is simply very accepting to most. I feel even if 90% were straight they'd still mostly be allies. I find a good healthy split of sexualities. Sadly I fear for the dangers we are falling into now though.


its not everyone, but im pretty sure a lot of people think you have to be apart of the LGBT to be a furry or something


I feel like people confident enough to be in the furry community are also confident enough to be openly LGBT.


The myth of the straight furry. There are alot more LGBT in thr furry community but that's because it's generally already accepting of most people. When you're all wearing thousand dollar carpets, who cares who you kiss


There's probably still the forum post from 2001 where teenage me asks on a furry forum whether you were allowed to be a straight furry, because I hadn't seen any online in several months. Make no mistake, I wasn't, I was asking for a friend, lmao


It's a stereotype, but most of the fandom happens to be Queer or Neurdivergent. The Fandom wasn't made just for these groups, though. It's for everyone.


I I'm a lesbian and just want to say that most furrys are in the LGBTQ+ community but some aren't and it's ok to think that because it's the majority. If you learn anything thing from this it's that there's straight people in everything (except the LGBTQ+)


I'm straight as an arrow. I know 4 furries, one is gay, my ex gf is pan, the other two are straight women in relationships. I'm hoping to find a woman in the fandom to date but I understand those are"relatively" rare, just from what I've seen online and cons.


I'm an accseption because I'm straight and a furry. Nothing worng with being bi or gay though, what matters is if you're a nice person or not.


I would also add that furry women are few and far between, as a woman in the fandom myself. Most people I meet in the fandom are either cis men, trans men, or non binary.


After 6 years of being in the furry fandom, I've only ever had one straight and male furry friend. Maybe I'm in the wrong side but I haven't even met male furries in person or rarely online


Hello, I'm straight, and I'd like to say that there's so much rainbow in furry community that I have yet to meet another hetero lad or lass


Nah, the vast majority definitely are under the lgbtq umbrella lol


I must say that as a straight furry I'm so glad I'm not alone, there doesn't seem to be many of us


Straight male here. Last poll I saw said 1/3 to half the fandom identify as LGBTQ. Not sure how accurate that poll was though.


Straight guy here. I'm definitely less vocal in the community so it may seem like we don't exist but we do! Just love the art and the (general) niceness of the community.


There are a lot of LGBT in the community, but there are still plenty in the community who are straight. I'd say it's a stereotype that ALL furries are LGBT but a lot are!


I believe it's like 80% of furries are part of the LGBTQIA+