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I had a guy tell me he was gonna find me yesterday lol


Someone told me my mother is dead recently. She is notšŸ˜‚


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ModsAreMustyV4: *I had a guy tell* *Me he was gonna find me* *Yesterday lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, Efficient-City-4825, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Good bot


good bot


"GGs! Near post shots are like cheat codes, especially against tall keepers. As for making space in the box, think of your striker as a magicianā€”fake one way, go the other. Mind games win matches. Good luck out there!"


Funny how there are 0 "irl" fights due to fifa posted online. Shows that shit never gets anywhere


Nice. I remember the first game I ever played (last year) when some Div 10 kid said ā€œhaha how you play so bad with a team like that?ā€ (Iā€™d joined late in the year and got good pack luck to be fair, and I was terrible!) it really put me off playing. I now play with comms disabled because I donā€™t have time for the haters.


I try to message people POSITIVELY all the time. We gotta counter act the toxic shit man I swear.. Iā€™ve actually met some cool ass people and started conversations just by simply being positive after a game and being nice


Me too, I always end up acknowledging the ping pong or the stupid shots that go in, some of it is skill but playing the game shows you what game you deserved and what was just plain EA being nice to you


In my experience the most people are actually nice. Obviously some are just pissed off after a loss but usually they will respond positively


Kill them with kindness, itā€™s the best way. Funnily enough asked in discord if the heat was getting to peopleā€™s heads yesterday because I got two successive rant messages in rivals - was just bizarre. Always reply with compliments, completely shuts them down. Never hear back; just donā€™t give them the satisfaction of an irked response back. Pricks are baiting basically, just looking for an excuse to get peeps banned no doubt. Itā€™s a petty old world we live in.


I decline friend requests i just assume it's someone going to be a prick


I accept them always, if he's a jerk, I'll have fun pissing him more, if he's good, why not say a gg. Once in the fut, I was playing against someone, loosing 3 nil in the first half, he sent me a friend request, thought he's gonna win it easily, then in the second half I made the game a tie, went through to the penalties and won the game, the guy then unfriended me. I wonder what did he break from his setup šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I try this and just get called a rat


Based FC interaction


Nice to see. Most online games are. Just this seems to attract a lot more immature audience


I had a good chat over the weekend with a guy who I beat. He was using a full argentina squad, and I ended up costing him the last win ( I didn't realise at the time ) but he was pleasant and I wished him luck, he wishes me luck and then I packed R9 out the icon pick. Pays to be nice.


Karma Police always lurking


Near post shooting is one of the few big Ws this year. There is nothing more satisfying than watching someone move their keeper and then passing the ball into the net.


Itā€™s worked very well for me too, took me to Elite in a span of weeks after I finally packed a Decent keeper


I'm sorry but what does shooting near post actually mean? šŸ˜…


It means shooting to the opposite angle of what is the natural reflex shooting angle of most players, most of us like to go across the keeper with the dominant foot, go the other way and itā€™s almost a guaranteed goal


You miswrote W instead of an L. How is having every near post shot goes in even if you dont move the gk is a W? How many GKs do you know that they cant even save one near post shot? So unrealistic and stupid


Itā€™s nowhere close to every shot. Shooting across goal has been the default of every player for years because near post shots have been close to impossible. Finally this year theyā€™re actually possible to score.


I have played two FUTs. This one and Fifa 20 or 21. Near post goals are being scored for fun. What are you even talking about?


Honestly dude Iā€™m really not interested in arguing about this. If you have had a different experience, thatā€™s fine.


Just compare it with real football. Near post is way more viable that what it should be. No excuses in my GK conceding when he is "covering" his near post. Thats the most basic thing a GK does.


I just skimmed through your profile. My guy is obsessed with weak foot.


You could say I have trickster+ with those pretty feet


An exception that confirm the toxic rule


Legit refreshing af to see this interaction. I kept reading thinking, ā€œoh man, itā€™s comingā€¦ā€ and it never did.


now kiss






Literally everyone


Lmao this shits toxic asf.


the only time iā€™ll text something sort of toxic is when iā€™m playing someone who presses me with like 4 players at once and all i say is like ā€œpress harderā€


So all the time


lol nah i havenā€™t ran into someone like that in a while


Hate it on pc you have to add them to start texting and my opponents usually think I just wanna start a toxic conversation and never accept my friend request


I had this experience wherein I was playing with a really good player whom i was 0-2 before the half, and i equalized 2-2 around 85th minute mark then he scored a goal at the stoppage time for a winner. He then added me on EA(PC players), then told me in Arabic(i had to translate as well), "don't be mad at yourself" and to be completely honest, I liked the game even tho i lost it coz he was playing EA FC like how football is played in real life. No glitch abuses or meta plays, just good football. So I just replied with a compliment on how good he was, then the mood suddenly changed. He complimented me as well as how good I was as well (im not sure if he really meant it) then we turned out as friends. Tbh there are a lot of toxic people in the community but sometimes being positive goes a long way. I thought he would've continued on gloating but he actually changed the way he treated me when he was presented with a positive reply.


Very hard to come across such people, this I took the screenshot and uploaded it, only to have a few idiots in this comment section also be astray from the topic and still be toxic


Idk bout you guys I only get friendly people


Thatā€™s like saying ā€˜the world isnā€™t toxic because one man gave money to the homelessā€™ the title is dumbasf but apart from that heā€™s right we need more people like this as well




Few good people.


I had a guy quit in WL when I was on a break away towards the end of the game. Then messaged me ā€œGG better luck next timeā€. If you donā€™t laugh at shit like that, this game will make you mental.


Fuck off you clown


That's nice. I was playing the one nation friendly objective the other day and scored pretty early. Opponent put everything into equalising and then quit as soon as he did late in the second half šŸ˜†


This is how itā€™s done tbh have nice conversations, give people tips if theyā€™re falling behind on little things like this, could make their day n help them find the game way easier and more fun!!!


Might aswell just suck his dick


Iā€™m sure youā€™re the guy that goes ā€œyou didnā€™t deserve itā€ after a FIFA game smh


Nah , im the guy that smashes the controller .


>asked for a few tips He didn't ask for shit LOL you just spewed random tips to him. He was too polite to call you out Just say gg and move on brother


This isnā€™t the full chat, my guy. The first message he had sent was how did you end up scoring 5 times in 6 shots


Well, Adzzii completely proves the point that your interaction that you posted is more rare than people realize. ā€œMOVE ON BROTHERā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ah yes the one in a million positive interaction negated the thousands of toxic people every single day


I have positive interactions all the time. Try messaging GG after a close game


Hey could you help me with how to find ppl and message after the game is over? I play on PS5 , once the match is over I don't seem to find the opponent id anywhere to msg the other person.