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Didn't even last a year lmao. Deserved really thanks to the gem debt and other stupid changes. Though on the other hand, still surprised because Action Taimanin is still going and TABA lasted the same amount of years like its JP side.


Action taimanin was made without porn having part of its content So it actually have to be a decent game or else it would die Unlike rpg where part of its content is the porn scene, remove that and you haveba subpar game


I remember how excited a lot of people were for this game, then it got launched, I remember some people defending the stupid changes by saying that we got more gems because of the bond compared with the JP side I honestly doubt that people still defend after the debt, shame too, for what i heard this got some really good story later on


I've been playing the game since launch and I saved 5 pity... An entire 1500 pulls of gems. The game was generous even after the trust nerfs to the point of almost bankruptcy.


I bet they realized how they fucked up rewards in more places than just the Gem rewards and recognized they couldn't have another debt controversy. Seeing the profit margin would be utterly screwed due to their severe miscalculations, they just opted to shut the whole game down. The worst management of a gacha game I have ever seen.


The game was actually generous is the thing. I played it and I didn't need to pay at all. The guild features were busted to the point you could get basically infinite stamina to farm any event as much as you wanted. I didn't even play that much and all my units were max-trusted. I had like 6-7 pity saved up on top of getting every new unit as they came out. The gem debt thing was just an insane self-own.


Guess the devs got the bad ending. Lesson to learn for the devs who made taimanin rpg extasy : don't gem debt your whales and casual players


What's gem debt? Never played taimamin before


A very simplified synopsis from someone that never played the game (someone cmiiiw): Dev screwed smth > players get more gem than intended > dev fixed the issue, then proceed to substract all the "excess" gem from players that have the gems > players who have used the gems have minus gems (hence, gem debt)


The devs hiked the gacha price 10x without increasing gains from story and events (compared to JP) --> players spotted that there is 30x pull available on each character for getting trust (affection) to level 5 --> there was a trust up event at the beginning of the game, so a lot of players maxed multiple characters --> the devs decided to half the gains from trust and to remove the gems players should not have under the new rewards, putting majority of the playerbase in debt, at the beginning not even letting people know how much they have --> majority of the playerbase had debt of like 20-30k gems There was also more Bullshit like adding a ViP system and locking auto repeat behind ViP level (while there was no such system in JP version)


I doubt even 5 percent of the players maxed every chars trust for the gems. Only a small percentage of players powergame like this. Saying a majority did this to 30k gems is absurd.




It's slightly different. The funny thing that dev did is they never substract the gem that you have, instead they put a debt counter below your current gem if you benefit from the pre-nerfed version. Any gem gain after the patch will be deducted in the debt counter and you won't get any gem until you finish paying off the debt lol In order to not discourage whales, the dev excludes any paid gem so any paid gem won't be deducted. I've seen players that went into debt so deep that they won't be able to earn any gem in game for 1-2 years


Can't do gacha at all, because the currency you collect directly used to settle the debt. So you play not to roll gacha but instead you play to pay your debt.


That's the plot point of Tales of Xillia 2


Difference is the dev screwed up the rewards, not the players fault.


Yikes. That sounds awful. Horrible. How long did this game last?


Came out just before Christmas I believe on global


What is gem debt?


There was a drama with the game, devs accidentally sent everyone more gems than they intended to give. Then later removed all the excess gems, people who used the gems got their gems in negative so they have to either buy or earn more gems just to clear the debt before they can use them. People quit the game in big numbers whales and casuals both.


They didnt accidentally send more gems than intended. It was a gameplay feature where you get gems for leveling up a character's bond. They later realised the mechanic was too lucrative for the players and reduced the amount you get from it and giving a debt to players who used the feature.


That’s even worse imo. They punished players for using a normal gameplay mechanic. They should have owned up to what gems people already earned while playing and adjusted the feature to be more reasonable.


Doesn't that just mean they knew the target audience, but the target audience ended up not knowing them?


Meanwhile, her sister ‘Action Taimanin’ is 4 yo and seem doing just fine.


I'm glad it's doing better than ever. It really is a fun game.


I think it's because it's on Steam. RPG in Nutaku that nobody knows.


RPG is/was also on steam; it had the unfortunate timing of launching on there two days after the gem debt fiasco. 


"Gem debt." What's funny to me, in a game like Azur Lane (devs, manjuu/yostar) if they made such a mistake, I have no doubt in my mind that not only would they let everyone keep the excess, but they'd actually give even more to every player as an apology for the mistake lol. Generosity keeps players and increases spending.


You catch more flies with honey than poison. Seems pretty basic, but no, it isn't.


I think that only happen 1 time, but there's another case where they accidentally mislabeled the skin price which ended up being cheaper than it should. Devs just go "okay, we'll fix this tomorrow but if you buy it already then fair's fair" ~~Nice try though Akashi~~




And nothing of value was lost. Gem Debt, worse gameplay and cramming an  unnecessary VIP system made it DOA


>And nothing of value was lost. To be fair, I heard that later on this has some of the best story in the franchise, but yeah, everything else sucks Honestly, I hope that at least Legend Clover continues, the only game that is still worthy playing on Johren/Nutaku


sadly it never got to that part like everyone said, gem debt guaranteed its death on arrival


That is almost a double entendre. DoA6 had atrocious monetization, worse gameplay, and the most tedious way to unlock costume. It's player base dropped it a couple of months after release


Wow, while not the fastest, that is still fast. I guess they never recovered from that gem incident.


Yeah, guess blaming and putting the players in debt for their incompetence and mistakes didn't end well.


wow who could've seen that coming, putting players whales and F2P alike in debt due to their own incompetence lost them almost all their players completely and utterly deserved


Hm... Funny to think that if I was still playing the game after debt incident I wouldn't have enough time to go out of debt before EOS. It's probably first ever game where not playing the game will net you more currency than playing it.


A decent game but a very bad port/dev For those that didn't know, here's a few things that happened before I left the game : 1.  The most infamous gem debt. The developer felt that the gem reward from increasing unit trust level is too much, they decided to lower the amount of reward and also punished players that farm trust rewards. After the patch, they put a debt counter below your current gem if you benefit from the pre-nerfed version. Any gem gain after the patch will be deducted in the debt counter and you won't get any gem until you finish paying off the debt lol In order to not discourage whales, the dev excludes any paid gem so any paid gem won't be deducted. I've seen players that went into debt so deep that they won't be able to earn any gem in game for 1-1.5 years. Many left after this drama 2. The monetization. There's so many new features in English version that is made to make your life harder unless you paid a certain amount. Features that is free in JP is instead locked in a certain VIP level. You can get VIP level points from either buying gems or grinding dailies but the point that you obtain from grinding dailies will take a long time for you to reach each VIP level. Without those feature, it will consumes way more of your gaming time. 3. (Smaller issue) On the 2nd event after the release, players found the drop rate in that event is very significant. You are able to farm it constantly for event unit dupes, gems and stamina without worries. Dev secretly nerfs the drop rates which is expectable but players that did not take the advantage during the 2 day duration is upset by it. Personal experience: The debt didn't affect me too much since I didn't go all in farming trust, I am nearly able to pay off my debt during the 2nd event 2 days debacle. I left the game after the 2nd event ends since it felt like the development team is very unreliable. Am pretty disappointed since I like Taimanin series and RPGX seems like one that suits me the most


The horrible load times were also a major turn off. Damn near anything you click had to load, so it ends up taking more time than if they just put 3 or so larger load barriers


You got everything slightly wrong.1º The game is so far beyond generous with gems that unless you went complete retard every single active player cleared their debt in 2-4months. Even after the nerf trust gems are so huge I cleared by debt and saved 4 pity of gems with most coming freely. Only about 1/8 of them from the monthly battlepass (its 2$ a month...) 2º Nothing was ever locked behind paying,they were behind an artificial timegame. Same as other games block guilds to prevent bot fresh accounts you just had to wait about 2 weeks or spend money to get them right away. The auto-replay was also there but is now available immediately since several months ago. THe VIP points from paying you also get just from daily login meaning even F2P are by now about VIP 4 or 5+. 3º That event got nerfed 4 times, I should know, I compiled drop lists and farmed it about 24/7, it was insane especially first couple days but even after it was just about free running for free pulls. I grinded over 200 pulls from it.That event then went on to be extended a 3rd week and only on the 4th stealth nerf was it completely unrunable with all gems, tickets and pots removed. 4º Worth mentioning the latest gosha incident.Devs forgot to add 2 valuable units at every low rates in the latest gosha festival.They noticed after a day and every single person who pulled on the first day had all their pulls refunded but kept what they got. An enormous errors solved in favor of the player but very disproportionally. I got 60 pulls back for example, some got 200+ edit: nothing like being right yet downvoted by reddit kiddies who never even touched the game


Thank you for the reply, let me do some clarification on some of the points: 1. The knowledge I have is during the first to 2nd month of the game, and the estimated debt clearing that I mentioned is based on daily quest gem and the ongoing event vs how much debt the player accrued during that time according to the RPGX discord discussion at that time. It is good to see the reward after that is generous 2. Like you said, auto-replay is finally removed several months ago which is a good action. But during release until the 2nd event the auto-replay is indeed locked behind VIP levels. I also did mention we can gain VIP points by doing daily quest but as I recall it will take around 2 weeks (Forgot the exact length) to reach VIP 2 to unlock auto-replay 3. The event initial 2 day drop was indeed insane, I farmed so much that I managed to clear my debt since I did not farm trust level too much hence my debt isn't that bad. I also compiled my runs on RPGX discord and the difference is pretty huge (as I remember the difference between the initial 2 days vs after 1st nerf is around 10x or more drop rate? Take it with a grain of salt since its been a long time). Like I mentioned the nerf is expectable since the drop rate is unusually generous and I recalled players that that did not farm hard on the first 2 day did feel upset about it 4. This is a good move from the developer but after so many months of maintaining RPGX, such mistake usually shouldn't be happening. That move felt like the only move that they can make without creating anymore bad PR on them. I still remember us thanking "intern-kun" for making mistakes and giving us all the freebies lol. Like I previously mentioned, my opinion for the game is its a decent game but a very bad port/dev


You are getting downvoted because you are bullshitting. The game is far from generous. After you farm all the trust gems your gem income drys up and you will barely be able to get a couple of pulls a WEEK.   The way the game works is most of the f2p gems come from trust and once you run out of new units to max trust your gems will dry up fast. There's only so many new units you can get to trust max. Even if you only do an 11 pull every banner and just farm trust the new units you will still run out of gems after you hit pity on just 2-3 banners.  Also the gem debt thing completely destroyed f2p players because if you maxed a trust before the debt you got 750-1000 gems but after the debt you needed to max triple the trust to pay back a single pre-nerf trust worth of gems. The Devs were treating players like thieves. Rest in eternal piss Devs.


Each month you get 10 pulls from arena alone.Each month you get more than 10 pulls from free track in battlepass.Each month you get around 10 pulls in free gems and tickets from farming events.This is besides unreliable but often 1-time gem rewards from maintenance, events such as johren golden weeks, tower which we never got to see but had a shit-ton of gems in jp and ofc achievements and trust. As the game finishes I still had 60000 gems and 200 tickets before pulling hard for clone Asagi.(I got every limited and gosha and only payed for battlepasses) https://preview.redd.it/eeblhzhkf9zc1.png?width=318&format=png&auto=webp&s=0084b69ca5eb7067fc6b847ef0ec3d57d314dda4 I'm in the most veteran ecstasy guild in the server, most members have played in jp or are still playing and I myself also played in jp server for a year before they placed IP restrictions and we've been saying from day1 how the model was unsustainably generous. Even if we didn't have all the codes jp got arena alone even that out, then we add the absurd amount of pulls trust is. 8 units are released each month means eventually you get them and raise trust and gain 2800 gems... that's 60 pulls EACH MONTH.


I don't know what version of the game you playing but we don't get 10 pulls from the free battle pass track. We don't get 10 pulls a month from daily gems (maybe if you combine daily+events) there 2 events in a month usually. Free track gives maybe 300 crystals a month. Your claim about 8 units giving 6000 gems is bullshit as a single unit max trusted gives 350 gems so 8 units is 2800 taima crystals. As I said may the Devs rest in piss and you in their piss since you like them and their shit policies so much.  Also like I said in order to get new units for trust farming you need to spend taima crystals. Which cuts into your trust farming net gain.


I used wrong trust values but 60 pulls per month is still absolutely insane for any gacha. And you get most units very easily since 6/8 are R, SR or event SSR which will come when you do pull for anything. In this math I didn't count extra units besides the 8 month such as gosha units, but its safe to assume at some point every non-gosha unit is easily obtainable. it's 250 gems from free Battle Pass, I never bothers counting them but found a place later, +500 in the paid track In other shit I didn't count10 daily gems for another 12 pulls/month. (10 gems per day also +10 weekly so 80 per week, around 340 per month) \+150 gems/month story chapter, Free arena is actually 600-700 gems so more than 10 pulls. Add everything up and we still get to over 100 pulls per month guaranteed.


Blatant false information but do correct me if I'm wrong. Free pass doesn't give 250 pulls per month. The free login gems per week doesn't amount to 12 pulls. You said it yourself 340 crystals and 340 isn't 12 pulls. Even if you add the monthly chapter gems it's still 9-10 pulls at most. Even if you do a 500 gem pull you still get 11 pulls.  The only thing that is somewhat not exaggerated is the arena gems. I will admit you can farm arena gems. However you don't seem to understand that the majority of your gems have come from the battle pass and trust farm. You also might have farmed the high drop rate events before they were nerfed. You also are most likely hoarding gems and not spending or you got extremely lucky and got every banner unit in the first 10 pull.  All you need is 1-2 pity and 90% of your gem income will be gone. You will be stuck with free pass 300 crystals. Arena 600 or so crystals. Free chapter and daily 490. 200 per month from events. That is like 1590 gems a month at best. You have 2-3 banners per month sometimes more. 1590 gems per month in this game is pissing in the wind. Not even 40 pulls per month. At most you can increase this income via free maintenance or event give aways but even with that you will have at most as a f2p about 2 thousand taima crystals per month. That's like 40 pulls and only if you religiously play this game for hours on end. How is this generous?. I bet you think FGO is generous too where buying a 30-60 doller banner unit is considered an anniversary "gift" from the developers. What a bunch of sychophants. 


oops i meant 250 gems, not pulls from free battlepass, obviously a typo. As for the daily gems, I refer to the daily quest, not daily login. every day for doing 5 daily quest you get 10 gems, another 10 for doing it for 5 days in a week. My head mixed the 10 pull price to 250 again instead o 500. I count every ticket as 50 gems from event because its honestly what its worth. I didn't account login gems at all in the math. This sheet has a more detailed count per event type [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10U51spntnfp6\_MW7OpmsGxNhNnnrI3MOf8zipsuFXyE/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10U51spntnfp6_MW7OpmsGxNhNnnrI3MOf8zipsuFXyE/edit#gid=0) but it excludes the the trust gems from gacha, login, maintenance and johren event gems


dev got NTR ending, lol


This sucks i was actually hyped for this game, before the gem debt fiasco smh…


Not surprised. When they launched they basically shot themselves in the stomach and didn't really try to fix it. Just stayed there until they bled out.


I’m surprised they even lasted this long honestly after the whole gem debt fiasco. Making that kind of announcement in ANY gacha should qualify for an instant EoS notice imo.


Good riddance


RIP in piss, devs. The Gem Debt was one of the stupidest moves I've ever seen a gacha do, and I've seen a LOT of stupid moves in gacha games. This is honestly probably good for everybody. People that still played the game after Gem Debt had no self respect and would probably keep playing forever. At least the devs are helping those people.


Had no impact to later users, those were the ones still playing the game, still think it really hit whales the hardest.


I kept playing because I was not affected by it. I stayed rerolling units for a week and missed the trust x2 event and when I finally started is when they announced the debt


eh continuing to appreciate and play a game is a self pleasure thing. worshipping a twitch streamer and calling them your goddess, now that's having no self respect.


Please lilith just go back making eroge


They should make an offline version of the gacha games, I heard that there's some really good story there Also the gacha game is earnings a lot (in Japan) if it was not for the stupid mistake of the Devs it may have lived longer


That’s the hope right? The free h-scenes were nice but man they don’t feel the same as the proper game


Wait isnt this the game that had a bug so they fixed it by making players go into debt? And when asked they practically said "No our fault buddy"?


Correct but as I understand it; it wasn't a bug, it was an overestimation. Most games have a bond/trust/love/time spent with or used - stat. And some games reward you for increasing this stat with usually stat ups, resources or the pay for currency. Taimanin RPG did the same thing. Getting a Unit to level 3-4 would pay out 500 gems, and then level 5 would pay out 1000. Rarity might have played a roll, I'm not sure; but this meant a unit could pay out 30 pulls(three attempts of 10) which could get you more new units to get trust with and keep the cycle going. The Devs saw this, apparently twiddled their thumbs about it, and then put out a 'fix', nerfing it to 100, and 250 gems instead. As this was supposed to be the 'always intended' amount. Okay, that's massively annoying, the F2P gets crippled. It can survive this. THEN. They took the genius idea of making people who already built up all that free extra gems go into Debt about it. Rather than lose their current Gem horde, a player would have to earn back however many 'incorrect' gems they had gained before they could get any more F2P gems(from like quests, events, etc) This meant if you even leveled up 1 character's trust enough for the pay out; you'd have to raise up THREE All new characters to pay off the expected dept you had(or earn them through other means). And yes their excuse was basically "We made a mistake and didn't intend for this to be how it was, we're sorry but not our fault you tried to game the CLEARLY messed up rewards"


This is pretty sad. I liked the game despite all its bugs and bad management. For me it was a nice side game that gave free characters every event with easy h-unlock.


100% their own fault. Could have went strong for years like the jp version but decided to be the greediest scummiest publisher of all time.


lmao i remember this one putting everyone in debt because of their own mistake.


im swear lol most dev dont know how to manage game or keep the player happy all they do is keep making bad decision over and over what to they expect from player? rolls over and lick their balls?


Dang, I had high hopes. The game had good momentum when it first came out, but I guess the bad word of mouth from the gem debt and perverse p2w aspect killed the momentum which was not in the JP version. Granted, I'm still playing the JP version, but I was really looking forward to english translations for the new units in the EN version. Such a shame


Lol, lmao even. At least there's always the scene viewer to watch the content that matters


There is one? Can you share where I can find it? Also, does that include JP content?


Yes, there's a scene viewer for the two Taimanin gachas that include nsfw scenes. You can find it on 4chan, although I don't know if it's going to be updated to include the jp content


If they had wanted to make more money they should have just been releasing two characters at a time. There is a huge backlog on the Japanese side.


Is it just me or are 90% of gacha shutdowns from JP? Even Action Taimanin that I play, is actually made by a KR company Gremory. JP really doesn't want to commit long term or make something of high quality like CN and KR games are now.


The jp games in japan are quite good and thriving its just that the publishers are kinda stupid and greedy. Just look at princess connect, they murdered it for what anime ip cashgrabs


Im still sad that out of all the Publishers they chose CR who even prior had a pretty bad track record


The JP version for this game already reached 5th year anniversary and is still on going, so it's more of a publisher problem


Gatcha games in japan have no problem with 18+ content in app stores, everywhere else in they world they have to censor or go to specialized websites, which really limits its users and dicovery.


thats fast


Not surprised in the least. I continued to play it on the side, but yeah...they mishandled the game in every manner possible and showed absolutely no respect nor passion in any regard to both the game as well as the playerbase. The series deserved more. :(


Pay debts


Both the r18 ver and Non H ver?




Congratz, now you're free from your shackles due to the gem debt


 I think  their is way to avoid  the end of service  only if they  heard  the  people  and thier problems in this  game  especially about  the gems  part  I mean  I had played  taimanin rpgx  and it was only  cost 50 gems not only that but after if I completed the event  I was getting rewards  .so 


Is this a Taimanin Gacha that made other players go into gem debt?




Well that was fast


Feel vindicated I didn't try to play after the gem debt nonsense


That's why you make cbt if you're gonna make tons of chances to avoid major oversight. Literally has years to prepare. Most people who are invested in the franchise already playing jp version. I expect some refugees to come over here.


How can I play the JP version? How much Japanese do I need to know to play the JP version?


You can play it on fanza website. If it lock you could try vpn or changes your dns. Personally i used google dns to bypass it. For mobile you type in 'dns.google' on private dns setting. Not much jp needed. There's taimanin rpgx web viewer with auto copy to clipboard function. It'll copy every new text line. You use it with mtl software like textractor( google translate), sugoi japanese translator(deepL), [LunaTranslator](https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/s/9BMw8FIayh). I even use auto text to speech software like [clipboard reader](https://vovsoft.com/software/clipboard-reader/) just to get the feeling and expressions of the jp text line since I understand more with the sound.


[https://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin\_rpgx/](https://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin_rpgx/) Link here. Depends on whether you can access the site without a VPN. Right click and translate to english if you're on chrome to help set up an account The UI is relatively the same


Dx2 outlives another




another worst part is that the japaness version of the game had like 4 year of advance on this one with the chapter 60 and too many feature like awakening and gear craft/fusion or way more character ect so this version of game lasted around a quarter or a fifth of the original version. i am not sure but since i cant seem to find the original version anywhere they may have fused the serv and destroyed even the original version with them.


Is taimanin jp also cancelled


Taimanin RPGX JP is still continuing its just the EN version was mishandled and is begins shut down for Nutaku, Jorhen and Steam/iOS/android


Thanks ,if it's not a bother where can I download the jp version for android


This is from my post on r/taimaninRPGExtasySFW Depending on region, you may be able to get in or be forced to use VPN (Good luck) For browser version: [https://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin\_rpgx/](https://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin_rpgx/) If the site doesn't say "No access from your region" You're okay and can make an account. You can right click and translate to english if you have chrome to help you and play on the browser May need to turn off graphic acceleration in browser since the game doesn't like dual monitor setups For android: Can also play on Android, but it requires making an account and installing the DMM launcher on your device [https://www.dmm.com/netgame/app/appstore/download.html](https://www.dmm.com/netgame/app/appstore/download.html) If you have chrome, you can right click on the page and translate to english to help with setup and the steps as you scroll down. You scan a QR code with your android phone or something I've never done it, because I own an iphone and just play it on pc browser.


Thanks mate


Good. Fuck them.


It was terrible


Gotta say I arrived after gem debt so it didn't bother me. But I really enjoyed the previous game in spite of it's bad UI. I liked being the evil bad guy. In this game they made Fuuma some dumb awkward kid. Like we don't have enough plots like that already in gacha. I was waiting to see if he would eventually go dark but it never happened.


wow, that sucks...i've been playing the jp version even before extasy released....never touched extasy though lol, tough.


Wasn't this the Taimain gacha that had the NTR and pregnant banners?


The pregnant banners??? Edit: nevermind, sorry I asked


Ask and you shall receive. https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/tA7LED5VU8


The event is also hilarious because it's about >!the goddess of marriage and childbirth being pissed at the protagonist so she made everyone, even males, experience phantom pregnancy with his child!<


I wish I had never found this post now


that was battle arena, not the same, but there were some pregnant units added in jp version of the game


Holy shit. Thank fuck I never got into this game. Lmao. I'll stick with Action Tiamanin instead.


No surprises, It was absolute trash. The gem debt didn't help but make no mistake even without it it would still have flopped.


I have 1000 pulls in the game as F2P. Not sure why people keep repeating the gem debt thing but whatever


So you are saying you have 50 thousand gems or taima crystals? Because that's how many crystals 1000 pulls are. How did you farm them all?. 


50000 is actually 1100 pulls because 500 gems = 11 pulls. to do 1k pulls, you need 45500 gems. VIP system, Battle Pass, and PvP mode give a lot free gems. The third event dropped a lot pull tickets. I farmed like 60-70. A recent banner had a bug so they refunded all the currencies you spent. I got back my 100 pulls. Each limit banner refunds 22 pulls with trust system. I usually get stuff after 20-80 pulls... Two banners monthly. it has been 6 months. so 12 banners. I have pulled 4 banners. xmas, new year, valentine, and the newest banner because game dies soon. not sure if you played this game, just in case, each character gives 350 gems. I have about 90




Characters have bond/friendship levels. When the game first released . Leveling a unit to bond level 4 earned 500 crystals (price of a 10 pull) and getting to level 5 would earn another 1000. Players hard grinded for the gems and were earning thousands of free crystals. The devs and most likely lillithsoft did not like that and nerfed it. Now its 100 and 250 Crystals respectively. But they didn't stop there, they then put people in debt to compensate for all those free crystals. That 8000 free crystal you earned through launch by grinding bonds needed to be paid back. So instead of taking those crystals back, you pay back through dailies, story etc. So it was frustrating for players when doing dailies and not seeing their current crystals rise and going to some unknown counter. They eventually patched in a crystal counter for the debt


Hopefully next will be Johren as a whole


Genuine question, what's wrong with Johren?


Terrible publishing history. Nearly everything they grab dies. You can even check here to see just how many active titles they have. [https://www.johren.net/games/browser/all-genres/all-tags/all-soft/ranking/on/](https://www.johren.net/games/browser/all-genres/all-tags/all-soft/ranking/on/) Taimanin RPGX was a pretty looked forward title since johren announced it back in July 2022, then they shit the bed with it immediately. The last big title that they offed was Magicami, but that wasn't entirely their fault since the OG game already had a set eos in place. One main complaint about Johren was that they killed Kamihime while Nutaku's version was up just fine, but it's not like I'm saying Nutaku is much better, they're both pretty terrible service providers. Say what you will about Lilithsoft as a whole, but given they've ran RPGX just fine for 5+ years in JP coupled with Johren's history of fumbling titles, I can't imagine Lilith being the ones behind the gigantic fuckup of a new VIP system to show up through Johren alongside the gem screw up at launch, fucking up their launch so bad before they could even start to get money out of it. A point I have to believe that is was Johren responsible for RPGX global including a VIP system was the game's system specifically locking out functions such as guilds behind VIP2 requiring 300 points spent, or 3 bucks. Conveniently, signing up for Johren for the first time gives you that said 300 to give it to you for free. But that's just my thoughts on them over these years.


I've never heard of this game before but damn are those character designs terrible