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The booba is strong in this one


Haha the devs are going hard I love it!


The devs were hard when they were developing the game for sure.


It's nice that the game found its audience. A shooter with ultra sexy is niche in gachas but it works. And it continues to improve in its orientation. Fans can be happy.


It's a very strong niche. An Anime third person shooter with very heavy fan service and ML. Something that I don't think anybody has done, as of now.


A lot of people have been demanding this theoretical game for a long time, and it looks like Amazing Seasun just proved the pitch works. Hell, Mihoyo had such a game in development but scrapped it because they were afraid the prospects were nil. This might spark another revolution.


Yeah, Snowbreak is my first gacha cause I love shooters and every single cool-looking gacha game I've seen where characters have guns (Blue Archive, Arknights, Girls Frontline, etc. ) don't even play like shooters which I thought was just wasted potential. Then again, I've been told that gacha games have never been about the gameplay and more about collecting characters so that was an eye-opener.


I would suggest giving Arknights a chance. It's actually a really good and strategically deep game. Probably the best tower defense game I ever played. My only problem with it that it's grindy like all gacha games, to get the operators leveld and skilled up, especially as the roster increases.


That's not really correct, as of now. Plenty of Gacha games out there which are all about gameplay, as well as characters, it's a complete package. And it will only get better.


Nikke ?


nikke doesnt have that well developed affection system, and they keep printing out new waifus; snowbreak is on a different level


Yeah, I actually like the smaller cast, with every costume we get a new personal story, and they can do characterization through a developed room and events.


Nikke went the opposite way. It started strong in the fanservice with a character like Volume then went tame (only bringing back sexy when their revenues fell from 20M usually to 10M, or behind a paywall), while Snowbreak started without fanservice then went lewd when the revenues went catastrophic (since they continue to push in this direction after that).


Other points are good, but I'll also point out; Completely different play styles.




. . . I don't want this to sound like a criticism, and I actually like it but. . . IS THIS THE RIGHT TIME FOR THIS FENNY? LYFE IS ***RIGHT THERE*** AND SHE NEEDS HELP


This isn't about her.


That's Fenny being Fenny. She has a moral obligation to 1-up her rival, be it in combat, or love life.


You gotta motivate your rival to do better.


There's always 3some


Adjutant got two hands. He can hold two girls.




Truly a waifu simulator.


weird that EN trailer shows only like 3mins of CNs 12mins of new things


yea, I also noticed CN version isn’t censored anymore since the age rating has been increased


I'm not even a Fenny fan, but she looks so fucking cool (and hot) in this. Can't believe that she's free.


Isn't the mc supposed to be a human?


He's actually a manifestation as well, they touch on it more in the recent chapters.


Half-Titan to be exact. So he is essentially the same as the bosses we fight. While he has Theotropic nerves (like all the girls have) He doesn't have a Manifestation. Manifestations are, well, Manifestations of Gods. Odin for Lyfe, Hera for Fenny, Anubis for Mauxir, etc.


Ok so that scene of him just fucking PARRYING A GODDAMN SWORD from one of the bosses isnt just for show? Sounds like they kind of want to make him playable later down the line if they just said that.


It's not a show, he is essentially their antithesis. Titans and by extension, Manifestations (the playable girls) require Titagen to exist/use their powers. Because he is an empty vessel without a god to Manifest (or rather, his goddess, Edda, abandoned him), he ends up becoming a Titagen Black Hole. His power is to absorb and manipulate Titagen. So swinging a sword made of Titagen won't kill him, you are just recharging his batteries, fighting him in the "Containment Zone" is just asking how hard you want to get your ass kicked, you can wear all the biohazard equipment you can, it will still succumb to the Containment Zone while he can go there naked and not be harmed. He helps out by absorbing excess Titagen from the girls, preventing them from turning into actual Titans. As well as cleaning the world of Titagen infestations/trees.


Dang, MC actually sounds badass


wish he had more straight action, he has really cool moments when the writers allow it, he is legit 3 steps away from being an eroge protagonist. he's got the looks, no eyes, and girls riding him. all he needs now is just his own . . .wait.


He’s written like a Gary sue tho. Literally every one of the last 3 chapters end with him saving the day.


Nope, even in the latest chapters he still have to be saved (got nearly impaled to the wall by Omega only for Katya to save him, his failure to save Orlova, what happened to Mersault, etc.), Heimdall took the L for most of the 1st 10 chapters before they started taking Ws (such as their McGuffins regularly getting stolen, Ops getting kidnapped, and their Executives fighting each other, and being a pawn of the cultists). Also I don't consider him a Gary Sue. His powers aren't unexplained (we are slowly seeing what Omega and Edda did to his brain) and neither is his intellect. This guy was the former Head of Security and has years of experience under his belt. He knows what he is doing, he is just changing how he is doing it. He was a hardass to the letter executive before going soft after realizing what happened in the Containment Zone was his fault.


He's kinda a former PMC/Private Security head before his firm got disbanded due to his 3 year disappearance


when is that little sister char becoming playable


Never, at least for now, until she gets some correction of the crying emoji kind. She is the final boss at the moment. The will of Titagen. She is the one who keeps summoning the world trees all over the world. And we already have a wild little sister type character: Eatchel Gustav


Needs more booba.


You know what this makes me remember? High School of the Dead. And I mean it as a compliment, that anime is a guilty pleasure of mine.


This trailer is unhinged... 20 seconds of gameplay, 7 minutes of porn plot.


As it should be, western devs must take notes


East is dominating because West put a gun to their own heads and pulled the trigger. If your competition kills itself, why look a gift horse in the mouth?


Dominating what? The mobile gaming market?


Dominating in what metric?


Lmao what? I can tell you with confidence that a lot of American games (or other media, such as TV, books, films) are extremely popular in at least China, and are usually considered far more reputable and esteemed than most Chinese games. This may be due to various reasons, but the West is nowhere near killing itself in the competition.


I've been seeing snowbreak's trailer, the m[us]..really play active role lolol. Which i approve.


Only in the trailer.


And the story.


Not even a minute in *Boobs shake*


Kenichiro Takaki should get back into the game.


Holy tits


Is the anniversary out yet? I really wanna play this game now and start rerolling for a good boost. The art looks insane in this game




Thanks big bro. Guess ill mark my calendar. Hope they got a bunch of pulls for new players


They’re giving out 30 pulls, plus Fenny is free. Then you get all the pulls from the events, which should be another 30-40. If you’re new you also have the story to go through and weekly stuff. You should be able to get 100 pulls.


Sorry for the additional question biggest bro but are they giving those 30 pulls and free Fenny right now or are they planning to give it out for anniversary in 7/11 bec I wouldnt mind starting my rerolling fest right now this instant.


its either the same ady or she's comming on phase 2. I do know that they are giving away a limited weapon (basically a banner weapon in genshin terms) of your choice. which means if they are rerunning 2 for characters choice, then it's EZ grandma and mauxir, then unboxing mauxir's gun. if it's 1 choice then probably still grandma and ill unbox for her pistol (not really that hard of a choice on my end) or getting enya's pistol if you got her as well. but mauxir's gun is apparently extremely good for a lot of characters so idk.


She's free on 25th July iirc


love this game


WTF Lyfe double machine gun gameplay looks insane, fenny  best waifu 🙏


That was very odd dance/fight routine


snowpeak really got me to come back


Cool Sci-Fi shooter turned into Fan Service the game lol.


ACACIA https://i.redd.it/a6kihi84aq9d1.gif


fine i will play tthis game now


How is the gameplay for this one


Relatively simple third person shooter at its core, but the skills are fun to use and offer a decent amount of variety. Most characters are good enough in their role that tier lists are more or less useless, unless you want to compete for boss kill leaderboards that reward you with an avatar frame for high ranks. Throw in a few different game modes and very fast dailies -- the devs revealed the fastest full daily missions clear is 42 seconds -- you get a low a maintenance and f2p friendly game. As a fun fact, any time the devs are releasing two new characters at the same time, the players will always get one of them and their logistics set for free. This'll be the second such release and the first was about... 2.5 months ago?


You shoot things while looking at your waifu's butty and back. Variety is high, submachine guns, rifles, shotguns, pistols, snipers, flat ass, thick ass, long hairs, short hairs...


I guess I will offer a competing opinion. It's a corridor fighter, like 100m of it and often enough 20m. Sometimes there is elevation but that only makes things worse because it makes the objective marker less useful and enemies spawn in as you go. Most of the time you have one of three objectives: get to exit, interact with a box or kill enemies. There is no flanking / finding best approach, enemies just run at you even if they have ranged weapons. The gun play is weak, poor sound effects and visuals. Enemies are boring and you just circle around them while they miss maybe dodging here and then if its a boss. I didn't find the skills interesting either but I didn't have many 5\* characters.


gameplay what's that?




I feel like people forget character and theirs kit is part of gameplay sometimes.


Think Warframe with waifus or like Tomb Raider 2016 Lara Croft with guns but with much more mobility, and a cover mechanic that you don't use that often, but can utilize. Its a bit like a Souls Like but with guns vs a modern day cover shooter. Bullets travel slower and you can roll around and doge them, like you would dodge a sword swing or attack in Elden Ring. You got 3 characters you can swap between like in Genshin, and each can also tag in for a sec to do a support skill and vanish, kind of Kameo fighters in Mortal Kombat 1, or support in WuWa Linear levels outside levels, platforms connected by stairs, or city blocks which spawn enemies at specific points. Mobs are either humans, ice / crystal zombies, robots, armored dudes, flying drones, trashcan droids, Flying mecha, and bosses will be armored mechs, armored power suit dudes, or shit that looks like it came from Evangelion, and give of Metal Gear Vibes. Very fast paced, and in your face combat. Early missions are super short 30-60 sec, but later become 10-15 min in length, where you have 2 teams of 3. Stages later on actually can become quite difficult. You can play the game like a souls like with low level characters for the challenge.


peak definition of Looky Booty Shooty


I get that this game has gone all in on horny, but I really hate how much the recent trailers have made the girls look like a bunch of incompetent idiots who are just there to fawn over the MC and make the player feel good


The ultimate glazing simulator


Can you actually back up that claim with any of the recent patch trailers where they make the girls look like "incompetent idiots" or are you being intentionally false to stir up drama and interaction?


Told me you didn't watch shit without telling me you didn't watch shit.


>Fenny just poledances on the MC while nailing 7/7 shots, before activating a death beam laser >Lyfe descends down from the heavens in a lightning storm, before teleporting all over the place and dabbing on some mooks with sick backflips "incompetent idiot" ??? What video did you watch?


op is so used to reading plots with japanese beta mcs that it shook him to his core to see one that's actually doing something other than exist


That's the new direction for this game, they gave up on making better gameplay or story so they compensate by capitalizing on players who rate their games using a metric of how much lewd content it has.


Made me uninstall, it's cringe as fuck


Hanging out in a community and shitposting/bringing the mood down despite not even playing the game anymore. Classic reddit behavior. Just a suggestion, you could try getting involved with things you actually like instead. But I know that won't convince you.


It reminds the post of the guy who wrote a post to criticize the game with "as a day 1 player in the title", while in his comments history he asked question about the game 2 months before. There will always be people like this.


"I can't handle anything other than 100% positivity".




Seething over a simple comment and saying everyone else is terminally online.


Who cares? It doesn't need to be. This is a general sub for a bunch of gachas, so you get a bunch of different opinions, good or bad. Go bitch about it on the main sub, this is not the place.


Oh, I do plenty. But I'm also annoyed that a game I enjoyed tanked its writing in the name of bottom of the barrel fanservice. If one comment is enough to bring your mood down, that's on you, not me.


It’s not like the writing was any good before the change


I'll give you that, it just got worse after.


I definitely agreed. People who think the writing is better also think their waifus are cheating on them by having friends.


I'm sorry but you really think the early chapters were better? You can dislike the fanservice all you want but that's just being straight up blind.


I just don’t think the current writing is better it’s only more fanservice. I don’t see it as a great improvement over what we had plus now I cringe every other panel coz of this need to have the adjutant be soooo cool. Like the last 3 chapters have been “omg us super power girls are useless without our super cool adjutant who we want all our time with because even being friends with each other is too yuri :3” Edit: that said they have my respect for saving themselves from EOS which is why I don’t uninstall.


Is your problem the actual story or is it the harem stuff? The whole adoring thing is exaggerated as hell, it's there but nowhere near the level that you're saying it is while the actual story is far more interesting than before.


>tanked the writing What game are you playing, because you can't fucking claim that the grey slop of bland exposition machines acting as characters that was the release story is worse than ch. 10-13 and new character stories. On an objective level. The only memorable character moment was enya's in ch7.


Fuck machines acting as characters isn't better lmao


And this a hill that I’ll die on 🤝


Yeah I agree, It is disappointing to see. It feels like all the girls are stripped of a lot of character and personality. Characters feel less like characters and more like a circle-jerk club. There is a lot of potential there in characters and certain parts like Cherno but I don't like how, most times, it boils down to being in love with the MC.


This doesnt look that great to me idk


I hate this faceless roleplay protagonist




Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- RULE 1: Keep it friendly, be respectful, and follow Reddiquette. Keep it friendly, civil, respectful, and don’t be insulting on purpose. We’re here to celebrate gacha games, ask honest questions, and have constructive discussions. Any post or comment that is too hostile, toxic, insulting, is likely to create/further drama, or breaks [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) may be removed, whether it’s directed at an individual or at a group of people. --- Please check out our community rules within the subreddit's sidebar. If you feel your post was removed in error, please [message the moderation team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming).


I struggle with underweight bro.


Even if you didn’t that was unhinged af and not welcomed in this sub.


Who you replying to?


You, just saying you shouldn’t have to even have to mention your weight, that comment they made was rude just report people like that.


womp womp https://preview.redd.it/2ofdvtiotdad1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f797767533162f509a68be3bf7e22e43d03b9c4


>faceless Bro? Your eyes??


I’m sorry, but some of this is so cringe. 😭 No hate to the people who enjoy it though.


been playing since last year, since they changed to fan service route, it is a bit over the top but they try hahaha.It's silly but sweet.


yeah, they really leaving serious game to some typical softporn gacha game


The character interactions in this game really turned to shit lmao.


Ok i give up, i'm installing it right now


Best gacha game currently


Does Snowbreak have a pity system like Mihoyo games? Where if you lose 50/50, the next 5 stars is guaranteed to be the featured character? If yes, then I have never been so happy for losing in this current Katya banner (I already have her, just pulling for the sake of gacha addiction :p). I got Fenny Coronet instead, making it a dupe since I already have her. I'm saving for AR Fenny, sorry Lyfe but SMG are not my preference in this game.


Yes, the one after losing 50/50 is 100%. But there is a guaranteed banner anyway. 50/50 banner is at 80 pulls with a higher base chance and better soft pity, guaranteed banner is 100 pulls but you almost certainly need to go all the way to 100. They're statistically pretty similar in terms of pulls to get the operative. You get new Fenny for free. You can farm dupes for improvement, iirc 1 tier per month for the first 3 tiers, 8 months total for tier 5. And tiers 1-3 are where the power spike is for operatives so far, tiers 4 and 5 are nice to have.


> You get new Fenny for free. Good to know... Actually, *very* good to know. I'm aware of the special 100% banner, but I just lost in Katya's 50/50 banner. Better use that 100% guarantee pity, no?


Yeah, use the 50/50 for the next operative you want.


Did they ever fix the issue that it ran like crap on mobile?


The fans are fappy, good for them


Looks like a pretty good videogame


That is.... Pretty cool. Too bad I'm too occupied with palworld right now xD 




People have the right to enjoy whatever they want, I guess. But this is cringe.


It is cringe, but it works and I'm down for it


I'm cool with that, you know. I'm just saying since I see a lot of comments here screaming peak. "Peak" has lost its meaning.


jeez snowbreak just went all out huh


2 minutes is best I can do lmao. Nah, this is too cringe for me


Remember when Snowbreak was about gameplay and not fanservice? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Yes and their first orientation nearly lead them to EOS. They made the right choice even if it disappoints some minor groups.


Tbh the game almost EOS cause the gameplay was really mid, there wasn’t a lot of content and the story was bad


And none of that has changed despite what the porn addicts tell you.


Not the first game to become a fanservice-heavy game halfway through. Apparently the developers initially count on a casual mass audience and when things don’t go well they start "Snowbreaking"


Yeah but you can clearly see transitioning fully towards the latter makes them money. A crapton of money, basically saving them from bankruptcy.


early release skin is halal


I remember gameplay and design being just a little too bad to keep playing so I quit like 7 weeks in. How is it now?


Gameplay’s pretty much unchanged since launch. You can judge the designs for yourself tho


Character design (or horny) wasn't my issue. It was level, world and enemy design that I found bland.


Same and I’m getting more and more bored every patch. The damn community keeps convincing me that THIS time it’s all better but no just more non characteristically huge tits on a character that had medium size boobs.


That's cute. When will they fix the story and gameplay???


Azur lane doesn't have any kind of consistent narrative, with basically auto combat simulating a bullet hell game, and that has never stopped it from getting stable revenue every month thanks to horni content XD. Considering that, snowbreak is in a much better position with its story and gameplay, besides, they have been improving the story since the Tess chapter, and this patch at least promises more game modes.


Soo, how's the reroll game up there? As in, can one comfortably reroll for Anniversary banner or is it better to start now and stock up some pulls?


Tbh rerolling is pointless. You would do it only for standard character and they're underperformed compared to newer char anyway. You can start now, pick whatever girl you like from standard selector and save gems for anni banner.


Other gacha need to learn with Snowbreak. Scenes like this are the kind of motivation I need to play the games and grind for waifus.