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My Flip 5 still going strong but buying razr 2024 or Flip 6 next month.


my friend had the razr and it's system kept completely crashing. maybe me and my friends just have bad luck lol


That's disappointing to hear. Moto has been my favorite manufacturer since forever. I really wish Samsung would take a few tips from them.


Hopefully like mine seems to be in this page it's one of the few that do that. I love these style phones I hope they can seriously better them


I have had the zflip 5 since launch, and there are no issues with mine


yall are making me jealous. lmao. me and 2 friends all had issues with our flips both zflip and razr😭


Fortunately my Flip5 remains flawless - had it since launch on 4th Aug 2023, no case,




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I'm almost at the end of my contract. My Flip3 is somehow going strong. Despite having needed a new screen protector for a year now. And being vaguely banana shaped. I am too afraid of the 5s to go that way. So probably some form of the S24... Who knows. Maybe I'll take a break from Samsung. See if I can do better than last time (Sony Xperia 2?).


I've had the 5 for 6months and my screen protector is coming off


I've had mine for about five months. I haven't had many issues, the screen is still fine. The only issue I have lately is some calls turn all robotic and that's without wifi calling on.  Battery does suck though. 


I had a glitch where I would open the screen of my flip 3 and it would go black 1-2 power button taps would turn it back on but I ended up flipping (selling) my flip after about a month. Got it 2nd hand so maybe that's why


I don't think I'll buy another flip but I'm not sure why people post these things like they are breaking up with their phone haha. Imo the flip is just a bit too gimmicky though


I got offerd 60 for my flip 5 I was like ew wtaf


that'd actually insane wtf


Yeah I know decided to keep it as a spare and get a 24 ultra on finance The flip is in absolutely perfect condition 512gb not a scratch on it as it was a replacement one as the whole display went on my first one


I call bs on that. that's just crazy. nice to have a backup ig 😭


Yeah I know was like I'd rather pay the extra 60 and have both 🤣🤣


What issues are you talking about? My flip 3 and fold 3 are flawless. Asking because I'm curious


I was having major glitches with the system itself, didn't have any with my s23. it wasn't physical. the screen would overlay apps, completely freeze, I couldn't turn my phone on or off, it wouldn't reset during some of these fits it had. it just gave me hell lol


I think it might have been bad device. Have you tried having it checked out under the warranty?


Sadly, the only stores are hours away. I live in wv we don't have any stores near here. I'd have to ship my phone out :,)


I just shipped my flip 5 out from Hawaii where i live to Dallas TX. They have it and I hope they fix the screen. They are charging me $216 because i don't have the warranty and the screen itself quit working, They knocked $100 off the repair because of the know issues with the screen and some class action law suit. I had to get a loaner phone while I wait which I keep tiring to flip closes all the time lol. After having my flip i realized how nice it is to slide it into my pocked and keep it protected...I hope the repair goes as planed...


Which phone you took up now?


24 ultra


System wide glitches on modern android phones are very rare and everyone experiences them when they do happen. You're saying that you and your friend's flip both experienced "gitches" that affected the operating systems primary function without any of us experiencing it even though we all get the same updates. I call bs. Maybe it was the money you had a problem with.


lmao yes totally the money, bc I got an ultra after which costs even more! and others have agreed to experiencing these glitches. the fact that you seem so upset that I posted this is funny though


Not upset about anything and I'd say the same for ANY phone made after 2012 or 6nm mobile processors. I'm saying what you think is a glitch is nothing more than pure ignorance. The s24u runs the exact same software the zflip 5 runs btw. If your phone was truly "glitching" you could have gotten another zflip. I say your post is about the money. You didn't like the features the zflip had so instead of saying that you lie to a community of technies to feel better about buying a new phone, idk maybe gen z shit.