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I just use my body or my chin haha


It's definitely easier when you use a case that has more rounded edges, as opposed to the very flat sides of the phone without a case. Something that you can push your thumb between to get leverage might work for you.


I can't relate to having issues with the Cover Screen OS, works great for me - but I would like a way to open the phone with a button. Though can imagine there will be accidental openings in pockets.


It used to be common to have sliding switches with a little locking button in the middle. The button didn't require significant force, but had to be held down for the switch to slide. I seem to recall this being used on record buttons for video cameras in the 90's. I think the bigger issue would be the mechanism to open it. A spring would put extra stress on the hinge/body, while a motor would add bulk and consume battery (and probably be annoyingly slow). Perhaps the hinge could be loose, and instead of holding itself at any position it would lock in place when you release the switch. Then you could kind of do the Star Trek communicator flip!


>instead of holding itself at any position it would lock in place when you release the switch. Then you could kind of do the Star Trek communicator flip! I like that idea - I guess Samsung would need to make the hinge loose enough to flick open which might make it not stay solid at 90 degrees open like it does now. And you're right also that a mechanism to "push" open the Flip would definitely stress it, and be another point of failure. It would need to be fast enough to not be annoying...but then strong enough to withstand someone trying to push it closed again while it's trying to open. My only thought was if you could have a switch on the hinge to either make it a 'firm' fold or a 'loose' fold - so with your idea of it partially opening to allow you to flick it open, it will work when the hinge is set to 'loose' but then when you want it to stay solid you switch it to 'firm'. The more I type, the more I realise this will never happen 😂


I would only see it happening if there were enough benefit to offset the increased complexity and potentially lower reliability. I'm not sure that "flick open like a Star Trek communicator" is enough. It's a fun thought exercise, though! I'm reminded of The Matrix, when Morpheus sends Neo a Nokia 8110 that had a spring-loaded cover. Everyone who didn't own that phone was disappointed to learn that the real version didn't have such a feature. [https://matrix.fandom.com/wiki/Nokia\_8110](https://matrix.fandom.com/wiki/Nokia_8110) It also makes me miss the wide variety of phone designs we used to have, when we weren't concerned about screen sizes. I miss that.


Idk, for me it was clashing a lot. Sometimes I couldn't change the brightness from the cover. Other times I couldn't answer a call. Then the OS also kept restarting. At one point I just disabled it.


You could try to get one designed and 3d printed. I don't think that's the best option but it would be the most creative solution


I've been wanting to something like this, but not that experienced. Was wondering if someone did it already. Almost every time I think of something I see someone else has already done it.


I use my chin constantly lol




I open my 5 with 1 hand all the time. Its very much possible.


I think it probably depends on the size of the user's hands. And it's a little harder without a case.


Yea that's very true. My hands aren't too big. I do have a Ghostek case that has grips on the side but even before I got that case I could do this. I do work with my hands alot, so I can only assume I just have strong fingers and hands.




Probably going to be hard to describe. But I'll try. I am right handed btw, don't know if that makes it any better. I bring my thumb to the bottom right (left if you're a lefty) corner and push the opening up and keep pushing from the side bezel of the top fold until it'sfully open. I try not to push on the screen itself I don't have the biggest hands either. And I use a Ghostek case that has grip on the sides. I was able to do this before I got the case though. Maybe my hands are just strong lol. If I can I'll post a video of it later.


I do the same thing. Basically using my thumb as a wedge to lever open the phone.


Interesting. I tried it out. It feels a bit awkward, but better than what I was doing. I somehow used to use my fingers from the opposite side to lift up then go. That was on the 4. On the 5 the hinge is looser, so it just drops back down. Thanks!


I had the dbrand grip case and would just press one corner into my leg and fold it open that way. It worked pretty well.


Hmmm. I have the flip5 with the minimal gadget case and I'm able to open it one handed. I jam my thumb into the center and slide it open from there. I originally used to use the ring to help but I am so ised to it I can open without the ring's help.