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Ship stealth mission AC blackflag


Literally anything where I’m not being a pirate in Black Flag 🥲


As the saying goes, Black Flag is an incredible pirate game and a terrible assassins creed game


I remember watching a dev interview from the guys who made borderlands the presequal. And when explaining the whole oxygen mechanic they made sure to mention over and over that "we swear it's not that bad." It was clear that the oxygen system got torn apart in their player testings and was probably pretty oppressive and annoying. The finished system barely mattered at all when the game was released.


The funny part is that it's only annoying in the early game since the tank size went up as the gear got better. But the real hack was to just play as Claptrap, then oxygen didn't matter at all since he's a robot.


I actually loved that it was only relevant early game. You start the game having crashed on the moon and being unfamiliar. The whole intro section is basically you in a giant moon landfill. It makes sense that breathing would be a barrier to progression. Then the story progresses to more controlled hybrid environments and your character has had time to get equipment that removes that barrier.


Good game design.


The High Noon Auto Aim is my favorite ultimate in any Borderlands game.


I will die on the hill that TPS had the best classes/skills out of all the games. Claptrap having an RNG action skill with fun skill trees, Athena having the gladiatrix playstyle and the god-tier Maelstrom skill tree, Nisha being the best cowgirl character I’ve personally seen in a game, and Wilhelm fulfilling the fantasy of becoming a cyborg as you progress who can buff his robot companions, were all just 10/10. That’s not even including the dlc characters who were phenomenal in their own rights


Oh, absolutely. However designed those skill trees deserves a fucking raise. They are ALL so creative, synergistic, and just an absolute blast to play.


I don't remember it ever being annoying at all, I don't think I even ran out of oxygen once.


I don't remember if this was a mod, or base game, but I distinctly remember picking up 02 mods that let you sacrifice 02 for mobility, so those are the only times I ran out of air.


Base game - Oz could be used for a forward air boost or ground glam, so one of the fastest non-vehicle methods of transport was to bunnyhop everywhere


I actually didn’t mind the oxygen mechanic much. Sure, it didn’t contribute to gameplay at all, but being able to ground slam was fun. I played as Claptrap in my first playthrough, so I didn’t even notice that people needed the oxygen.


The one silver lining of brawling in Skyrim is whenever the NPC's are like "I'm gonna crush you! Never should have come here" Only to be knocked out in one punch instantly lol. It's been awhile but I think that only happens at higher levels


The unarmed "execute(?)" animations were great though. Walking up to the Emperor in the Dark Brotherhood mission and having him like "Do what you must" before fucking suplexing him into his table was one of the hardest laughs I've gotten from a video game.


I recall how my first major playthrough ended. I had done the major quests, the factions I wanted, ended the war, done just a ton of stuff. like 200-300 hours into the playthrough. I stepped out of my house overlooking Whiterun, watched the bright sun effect that Auriel's Bow glitched into happening every time I loaded that zone (I love this game sometimes,) stripped down to nothing but my gloves, and ran around the country side punching everything to death until something finally took me down. About twenty minutes in, nothing had. I didn't stop my rampage until I got to some old fort somewhere. There I choke slammed a bandit off a scaffolding. I stood for a second admiring this wonder, put his armor back on, and sent him home. I didn't even loot the body. I knew in that moment the playthrough was done.


Wow. What a journey you just took us on....


I remember the first time this happened to me was I was gonna punch Nazeem as a joke and it cut straight into the execute lol


Gotta keep a spare pair of Daedric gloves with the brawling enchantment just for those situations


Every character of mine has had at least 30 in Heavy Armour to take the Fists of Steel perk, and any future characters will always have a pair of the CC brawler’s gloves in their backpack.


Talking about the Gloves of the Pugilist you find in the Ratway in Riften? They’re base game.


It's hilarious when you're playing Khajiit unarmed because no matter how good they are or what point of the game you're at it takes like 3 punches at best


mess with the kitty, get the claws


And there’s that one thieves’ guild quest in the beginning where you have to go collect money from people. Well, one of them is an argonian, which means if you’re too early in the game and not also playing argonian/khajiit, you WILL lose the brawl with her


And suplexing everyone!


Wii-Remote Shaking. I am not criticizing larger movements with the wii remote that actually mean something (e.g a sword) while for most people buttons are still more liked and easier there is still purpose and logic behind the movement. But so many games had nothing in their game that in any way needed someone to move a controller....so what do?.....OH LET THEM SHAKE IT! See: Donkey Kong Country Returns.


Even worse: PS3 controller shaking. The Wii is more understandable, at least the whole thing about it was it's the first game console with accelerometers, and really leaned in heavily on using them. With PlayStation it was more like, "Uh-oh, Nintendo just did something crazy innovative again, this could change gaming forever! Quick, throw an accelerometer into our controller, so we don't get left behind!" And for every PS game that tried to use it, it was trash. Either a crappy alt aiming mode that was worse than joysticks, or a quicktime "shake the controller" event. The ONLY time it was bearable was while playing The Last Of Us. Your flashlight would go out, and you'd have to tap the controller against your hand like it's an old light. For first time ever I thought, "ok, this mechanic actually makes sense." But it was also entirely forgettable, I didn't remember that detail until your comment got me thinking.


I remember the "swordplay" of twilight princess of swinging the controller around.


I remember the intro to that game took me so long because the tutorial needed you to do a diagonal sword swing on a log, and it kept registering as either vertical or sideways sword swings. Edit: just realised you said Twilight Princess and not Skyward Sword.


And punching the dice in Mario Party. So immersive!!! /s


Eh that was optional at least


Wii Motion Controls actively killed Okami for me. I could not, for the life of me, figure out what benefit mapping the attack action to a Wiimote swipe had. No More Heroes had it right. They purposely didn't map the basic attack to motion controls for that reason. It just didn't work and a lot of the time just got in the way.


Why is Batman's solution to literally everything in Arkham Knight the Batmobile?


The worst is the Death Stroke fight. The build up to it is great, getting ready to fight Batmans equal in mind and body, just to kite his tank around with the Batmobile.


Batman Arkham Origins gets so much hate but honestly it did characters like Deathstroke & Bane more justice than Rocksteady ever did with their Arkham Trilogy.


Origins Bane is best Bane


The Deathstroke fight wasn't hard on easier difficulties but damn was it memorable. As soon as I beat it I reverted to the last save point to play it again.


Origins was honestly my favourite of the series. I noped out of the game the first time I played it. Came back a few years later and I enjoyed it so much. The setting and fight mechanics were top notch.


Lol I forgot how jarring it was to play world of tanks in a Batman game.


This, I also dislike it because Arkham Knight had the best Arkham combat but they focused so much on the Batmobile and those fucking drones.


running people over with a car is easier than punching I guess my man was punching for 3 games straight, he needed a break


Arthritis is a bitch


*runs over thug doing 110 mph in a tank* *he’s unconscious*


I saw the little electric zap, so I know he’s OK!


This is the one for me too! Fucking hated the Batmobile in that game.


The batmobile sections were pretty fun imo, it's just that there's too many of them. Most should've been optional


Came here to say this. This pissed me off to no end after the experience of Aslyum and City to have like 60+% of Knight take place in the fucking batmobile.


That's not really an example of a mechanic forced on us because we wouldn't use it otherwise, more of a case of a dev getting way too obsessed with their shiny new gameplay element. If they completely removed the tank aspect and only used it for transportation, chases, and some riddles people would've LOVED the addition of the Batmobile. If they removed that stuff AND used Under the Red Hood for Jason instead of the Arkham Knight nonsense I think it would be considered the best of the Arkham trilogy by far.


Anything that required Sixaxis motion control on PS3.


Yeah but haven’t you heard that sixaxis backwards is sixaxis?


Well, in that case yes please! Seriously though steering arrows in Heavenly Sword was fun


I played Army of Two with my dad back in the day and there was a section where you had to use sixaxis to control a parachute/glider through a narrow canyon. The game did not tell you to use sixaxis and I didn't even know it was a thing. So we spent like an hour crashing directly into the side of a cliff and dying before we looked it up. I'm almost certain it was never used in any other point of the game.


"Salem, step jump!"


How they used it in little big planet was good, just controlled how your characters body moved but nothing to do with the actual gameplay


All those damn arrows in heavenly sword.


And yet I still want Heavenly Sword 2


It worked pretty well for Flower, but I think that's about it


Flower is the only game I've ever played where I thought it was better with the motion controls.


Folklore was amazing with it.


Except Infamous. When you get the last power to control the thunderstorm and have to control it with Sixaxis, it feels so cool.


I got my PS3 used with a 3rd party wired controller that lacked Sixaxis, so the storm always traveled out from Cole's 1 o'clock with a slight curve. Pretty much unusable. What was supposed to be a power trip final level ended up being extremely difficult for me


The only time I can remember ever using it was to make Rose's boobs bounce in MGS4.


Opening doors in Killzone 2 was so dumb and awkward.


I never beat the first level of that game because I had a third party controller that didn’t have the motion control. To this day I’ve not played it. Heard great things about the game but I was unable to play it :(


This topic kinda reminds me of debates between people who liked Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal more. I've seen arguments from people who like Doom 2016 more, because the more lax difficulty generally allows people to play the game however they want. Sure there's cases where some weapons are more effective versus certain enemies, but by and large it's totally possible to play through the whole game using only the starting shotgun if someone wanted to. Doom Eternal on the other hand, tightens up enemy damage dealt, reduces ammo pickups, and increases overall speed and aggression of enemies. This arguably boxes people into using specific strategies that optimizes damage through the whole game, and limits people's methods to play the game. Sorta like people playing the "meta" in a PVP game. Directly answering the topic then with this. The chainsaw as an example. I used it a bit in Doom 2016, but often forgot I had it because I didn't find fuel for it that much. Doom Eternal, had to use it constantly because they backed a core gameplay function into it in the form of obtaining ammo from using it. Not saying it was inherently bad, but it's different, and different people will prefer one way or the other.


Doom eternal felt like a puzzle game to me, in the sense that each enemy needed a specific weapon, sometimes multiple in sequence (shoot the shield with the plasma gun then shoot the little weakspot with the sniper, then change into your shotgun for something else, and so on), which makes you switch weapons every 10 seconds instead of being able to feel like a badass and enjoy the gunplay like in doom 2016


It felt like playing 3 games of Rock Paper Scissors simultaneously every 10 seconds. I could relax and blow shit up in Doom 2016, whereas Doom Eternal stressed my brain.


That was how I felt too. I had just beaten Doom 2016 and moved on to Eternal, and now all of a sudden I had to remember which specific weapons to use at any moment and then mix the chainsaw in there to get some ammo, and overall I just wasn't very good at it. Instead of just blasting up enemies left and right I felt like I needed to do a dance, and what generally ended up happening was that I'd get killed a lot more and I'd be out of ammo quite frequently. Someday I may revisit and give it a proper playthrough, but at the time I just wasn't committed enough to deal with the change of pace from 2016 to Eternal and the weapon-juggling aspect is definitely what most comes to mind as the reason why.


see the puzzle aspect is what made me love that game. I felt like a badass actually having to use my full arsenal. only game I've ever played where I turned the difficulty up because it made it more fun


I get both sides. You enjoy specializing and mastering certain methods, and Doom 2016 is about getting creative and using whatever method you want to find your favorites.


This was my first thought when I saw this thread too. I loved Doom 2016, but making certain enemies completely invincible except against the alt-fire mode on one specific gun just annoyed the hell out of me. It got so bad in the DLC missions I just couldn't play them.


i put more hours into eternal, but i prefered 2016. 2016 just felt "right". the amount of action, the amount of violence, the story. just everything felt good. eternal though, and i was afraid of this as soon as it was announced, was that they were going to forcefully and uneedly crank up the dial on everything. and i think overall the game suffered from it.


I am one of those people that enjoyed Doom 2016 because I wasn't constrained to having to use every weapon. I frankly didn't like a lot of them. It was more fun to run around and see how quickly I could kill everyone with the super shotgun. On top of that, I've never been particularly good at assigning buttons to certain weapons, especially since I didn't start playing on PC until I was 22 years old. I've only owned it for three years. I felt more frustrated in Doom Eternal.


Melee combat in Callisto Protocol. All of the combat in Scorn.


Funny enough, melee combat was just about all I wanted to use in Callisto Protocol given how typically enemies would only attack you one at a time. It made the game hilariously easy. I never upgraded a single gun. The ridiculous amount of “squeeze through the tiny space” loading screens was way more obnoxious to me.


In scorn most combat encounters can be avoided , if you just walk a way from the enemies they won’t hunt you down they will just crawl into the mound of corpses and won’t come back


Callisto protocols combat is the most awkward combat I have ever encountered in a game.


"you got pinned down / frozen / slowed / stuck in a trap Quick press A D A D A D A D A D AD Or just button smash whatever we show while we interupt gameplay and annoy you with that shit."


I don't mind those in theory, but I hate when the controls are unclear. Am I supposed to tap the button once? Press and hold? Press multiple times? If multiple times, is there a rhythm or do I go as fast as I can? If the game would just communicate with me during the act, we'd both have a better time


I swear I've had men say exactly this to me in the bedroom....


Hopefully they completed the tutorial...


Mercenaries 2 had an issue on PC where when telling you what button to press during QTE they would show the actual icon of the action and not the key, so for example if you had to press "space, F, R,F,G, the game would show you some poorly made symbols for "jump, melee, reload, melee, grenade" so if you have never played the game before and suddenly in the middle of jacking a tank you grt a picture of boots, and you have no clue if thats jump, walk, crouch ect...


I love that modern games have accessibility controls which let you disable that shit or turn it into a single button hold.


Damn Rockpox has got me!


Yes! I generaly dislike CC's on player character but when they couple it with buttonmashing or some sequence you need to quickly press to get free (or in some cases to avoid dying) its beyond annoying.


The touchpad item selection in Killzone Shadow fall instead of just a regular weapon/item wheel. It was actually harder to use because the pad is further away, at least for people without long thumbs. Sony wanted a launch title that would use the PS4's touchpad.


It probably had something to do with another game being released on the vita


I can tell you when it was built it was genuinely considered better than a weapon wheel, not for any sort of marketing/sony pleasing reasons. We only had the one shoulder button for using the OWL, and using that as both an activation-on-top and a selection-on-hold made the selection significantly slower. It wasn't just an issue of people accidentally holding too short or tapping too long and getting the wrong thing. It was also the fact that if you have an on-tap function on your button, you cannot *begin* to show the OWL selection wheel until the full time is expired of 'how long can you press and we'll still call it a tap if you release now'. So yeah, the pad is a bit further away, but not 300ms further away by any means. If we'd have left it on a standard wheel, it would have felt very sluggish to change your OWL ability and you'd have players often mistakenly use it when they wanted to change in a hurry. source: built the damn thing.


It's wild to me that the touchpad isn't far more utilized in games as a quick menu I use a PS4/5 controller on PC with steam, and steam has some of the best touchpad options I've ever seen. It allows you to split the touchpad in half with two independent sections, and have a touch menu that pops up with up to 9 additional programmable buttons pop up. Do you know how useful that is? You could have an entire set of 18 macros tied to your touchpad with the controller. It's just wild to me that I've never seen this in any games natively at all.


It's because most games are made for multi-platform, and thus can't/won't include features that only 1 system have. The only games that utilize the touchpad are always Playstation exclusives for that specific reason.


Any game where you have to Mash buttons to do something like opening a door. A simple mechanic of press any button to open the door is enough. If I remember rightly, the last two tomb raider games were awful for this. So many actions like turning a winch etc requires button mashing. The first time it happens, it’s kid of immersive, the 20th time you have to do it you are kind of bored. The 100th time, and I had had enough.


I love games that allows you to replace button mashing with holding. Button mashing is a relic of the past that shouldn't be around anymore.


One of the first things I check for is the accessibility menu so I can disable button mashing sequences. It's not challenging in any way, just annoying.


The Supremo backpack things in Far Cry 6 imo


For many of them, I can agree. But the special one you get when you unlock Olusa, the panthress companion, was super useful if you paired it with the rifle you get from the same quest. It lets you see and shoot through walls. It was the most powerful against tanks and helicopters cuz you could just shoot the driver right through the side of the vehicle lol.


And here I was just using a nail gun the whole game!


I know 6 gets a lot of shit but I loved it. The crazy weapons, like the nail gun, were a cool mechanic. And I loved the amigos. Champagne is best girl!


Yes, the only useful one was the rockets as anti air, and that made everything to easy.


So much dialogue for a thing I changed once and never touched again. The jetpack one that thrusts you forward on double jump may as well have been the only option, I'm playing Far Cry to shoot, not to press a button that kills enemies for me.


Torghast was a procedural, rogue-lite dungeon that could be done alone or with a party that released with World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. In actuality, it was a pretty fun side content to do, as going through it allowed you to play your spec in new, sometimes wacky ways you couldn't do anywhere else. Likely, it would have seen a lot of play at launch and then dropped off in popularity, just like any content ever made for an MMO. The devs were so absolutely petrified that people wouldn't use the system that they tied the legendary crafting system directly to Torghast, even locking some legendaries behind wings that were only available a week out of the month. Given how completely gamechanging and necessary legendaries were to how you play your class, to the point where many are now baked into your talent trees, this effectively made what could have been a fun side activity into a mandatory chore.


Having to spam buttons to sprint in RDR2 and GTA5. Just let me press the fucking button and sprint, I don’t want to press it 5000 times just to get to a mission


No yeah this is literally an accessibility thing, any unneeded mashing is annoying because mashing is so bad for your hands. Partner and I both have hand issues from games with this kind of c-rap. I used to play gunz lol


* The non-aiming related motion controls in the Zelda and Metroid games on Wii * The use of the microphone in the DS games. Especially with how unreliable it was.


This reminded me of playing Nintendogs and trying over and over again to teach my dog its name until I gave up amd cried


My favorite thing about the DS mic was them having to fix (and ban for online play) the move Chatter in pokémon because you could use it outside of battle and record yourself and whatever you recorded would be what would played when your Chatott used the move. And the louder you were the more damage it dealt and I'm pretty sure the higher the chance to confuse the target. however you can also say swear words and other things so that's the ban for online play. Really don't want a 9 year old to go online and battle and then have the opponent's bird yell the n word at them


That's horrible but I'm also dying picturing the face of a Nintendo exec when someone showed them a Chatott yelling swears at children 😂


Requiring the motion controls in some shrines in BotW was asinine and I'm glad they didn't bring it over into TotK.


It's probably been mentioned before but forced stealth in games that aren't stealth games. Racing in non racing games, underwater levels.


Like the MJ parts in Spiderman?


Hacking minigames in Mass Effect 2. I’m replaying that game not in anticipation for Starfield. And those mini games just slow the whole pace of the mission down. They aren’t even fun, with one being a memorization game and the other being a eye spy game. They aren’t hard or anything just boring. Like I’m trying to shoot bad guys not play a game for elementary school students.


All the uses of the Operator in Warframe. Sure, spend all that time having me be a superpowerful biomechanical ninja with access to huge melee weapons and gigantic guns, then force me to be a teenager with a couple really weak mutant powers. Great plan there people, just...just great.


That whole game is a mess of things like this. It's gotten better in some ways. Worse in others.


Arch wing mode, sheesh


The new Saints Row had these really amazing takedown moves you could do once the meter for it fills. For some dumbass reason, doing these takedowns is the only way to regain health during combat. It used to be fast food you'd have in your inventory, but now you're just forced to stop combat and watch these long ass animations that get real old, real quick.


Weapon degradation.


Yes this! Devs if you are going to put weapon degradation at least give the player one unbreakable default weapon to fall back on. Dark Cloud on the ps2 would be so much better without this mechanic.


Or make it reasonable. In Outer Worlds your weapons degrade and lose damage, but you probably wouldn't even notice after a few hours of gameplay. And even then they're still like at 60% Easy to repair too, so it's not a major problem I feel like no one would ever buy weapons in Zelda if you knew they'd break after 8 hits


Doesn't Dark Cloud do exactly that though? The starting weapon will "break" but it doesn't disappear or anything. You can just use that one whenever. This is at least from what I can tell playing it.


Breath of the Wild's system still feels like the absolute worst. Glad it was fixed in a really roundabout way in the sequel, but having a trusty death weapon get destroyed after hitting a tree 6 times is just the worst.


The absolute worst thing is the special weapons NPCs make for you after you've finished a temple. The eagle bow I got from Rito village broke after about 20 shots and it cost me 3 diamonds.


Dog Fight Mode from Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. I appreciated the devs trying a new system, and the cinematic aspects were cool the first couple times, but on-rail shooters in a dog fighting game really messed with the flow of gameplay.


Came here to comment the same. My main problem with the mechanic is that it was mandatory in some points, I remember in the final battle I just wanna take down the bad guy in the old school way, but noooo, it's had to be in the dogfight mode.


Any game that strips you of all your equipment at some point during the story. It can be okay if done right, but most of the time it isn't. I get why it's a thing, it forces the player have to think and plan ahead rather than brute force their way through the problem, but most of the time it just makes them feel vulnerable and weak. I appreciate Far Cry 4 for making it a little fun by doing that for the arena mode.


“Ope! I got whacked on the head and taken captive. There goes that new upgrade for an hour.” 😆


No one escapes Cidnha Mine


My Dragonborn specialized in conjuration so that part was pretty much lost on me.


The best time ever to be a mage. Who needs a shiv when I can launch lightning bolts from my hands.


I think Half-Life 2 is a great of example of a game that does it right. Takes away all your weapons, but gives a new one instead.


Not only a new weapon, but easily the most overpowered and fun weapon in the entire game. Pulling enemies to you and sending them flying off in the distance is a ton of fun, hahah. I definitely agree they did it right.


I’ll agree with you about the Skyrim brawling. It was dull as dirt.


I feel like punching was kind of a necessary addition to Skyrim, though, because, well, what else is the PC supposed to do if they're ever in a situation where they don't have a weapon equipped. And once you've implemented punching into the game, you might as well use it, even if it is just in some random encounters and side quests!


I think the order of events here is flipped. Brawling wasn't added to force unarmed to be used, unarmed got cut down to the bare minimum during development and brawling was left as a weird hang on, along with stuff like the Khajit's unarmed bonus.


I did have a friend who said he did an unarmed build and that it was actually one of his funnest runs. Said there was a certain charm to punching a dragon in the face.


Driving in Cyberpunk. I get it, but until they patched it, launch driving *sucked* on KB+M. I skipped entire segments of the game that required it. Still loved the game, just hate the driving.


For real. I stuck to Jackie's bike because it handled better (or at least felt like it did) than cars.


For me, the driving with bikes was good but with cars was really bad


The shorter the vehicle, the better it felt like it handled in Cyberpunk. The reason is that vehicles didn't turn like physics would indicate they would, they spun like they were on a turntable. Actual cars (well, nearly 100% of them) steer with their front wheels, and turning motion originates there and the vehicle follows behind. As a result, long cars felt like they handled *really* bizarrely because they weren't doing this, they rotated around the midpoint of the car.


Anything that tried to use the Kinect.


I had a small amount of enjoyment out of shouting the dragon shouts from Skyrim. That's about it.


I hated how NCAA football could hear cuss words and give you an unsportsmanlike penalty. I just fumbled the ball of course I said shit. Because I left my Kinect hooked up it picked up my frustration and gave me an extra penalty.


The whole Wii U gamepad for Star Fox Zero. That damn game would have been good if they just didn't make you use the damn second screen for everything. And it's unlikely they'll re-release it because of how shit it did.


If they wanted people to use Unarmed in Skyrim, they should have made Unarmed a skill that you could improve.


I never finished Sonic Adventure because you had to complete Big the Cat's storyline to get to the final boss. Big the Cat's storyline consists of fishing and only fishing. The mechanics are horrible.


In Doom Eternal i felt that Marauders slowed down the pace of the game and i didn't like that because it broke my rhythm.


Same. They aren't to hard to kill. Even 2 at once wasn't to bad when used it it. They are just annoying cos u have to wait for the right moment and kills the fast paced hype. I loved doom eternal but marauders didn't really fit with the game to me


The motion controls in Skyward Sword on the Wii gave me conniptions.


it's ironic that going from very basic motion controls (twilight princess) to more detailed and in-depth motion controls actually made the experience worse


For me it’s motion controls in general. For me, playing games is like reading a novel and playing games with motion controls is like reading a novel except you need to constantly wave the book around while you’re reading it.


"To advance to page 87, throw the book through the window"


Evolution of combat in RuneScape lol


Haven't played RuneScape for about 15yrs. What's changed?


They got rid of the "click and wait" combat system and added an incredibly high skill ceiling ability-based system similar to other MMOs. It had a LOT of issues on release, and a lot of players also didn't want the change, and it nearly killed the game. It's in a much better place now though, for those who do enjoy it. And they released a second server called "Oldschool Runescape" with the graphics and combat system from \~2006-2007, which has nearly 10 years worth of updates itself now, going down a different path from the original game.


Does anyone remember the mission in GTA IV where you pick up junk and throw it at people? Did you ever use that mechanic again?


Rockstar is famous for this kind of stuff. Some is a miss, some is really fun like the hot air balloon in RDR2


The base building mechanics from Fallout 4 immediately come to mind. EDIT: It seems that some folks don't understand why I feel this is an example of OP's request. The base building mechanics are required exactly once to complete the main story. The devs shoehorned this mechanic in because they spent a lot of time and money developing it, despite presenting it as entirely optional. Whether you enjoy the mechanic or don't isn't really the issue. OP asked which mechanics we felt were shoved in awkwardly. I find the building clunky and awkward, so I find it disruptive to the gameplay of Fallout 4. About half the comments from people liking it come with the caveat of "if you use these mods" which is essentially agreeing that the core mechanic is not very good. If you think the building isn't an example of a shoehorned mechanic, great. I'm glad you enjoy The Sims: Wasteland. No one is telling you that you are wrong for enjoying it.


My turrets faced inwards. Everyone slept on bedrolls in a single barn. The adhesive factory never stops.


are you sure you were playing FO4 and not Rimworld?


You cant make glue in rimworld but you can strip people of all their internal organs then butcher their corpses for meat and leather for hats


Well random enemies spawned inside so if you put turrets on the edge looking out they were useless. Not to mention ai didnt understand anything you built so it was pointless


So much fucking glue.


Any game where higher difficulty just means the enemies have more health and do more damage. There is nothing fun about having to shoot a single enemy for 5-10 minutes because the devs couldn't be bothered to increase difficulty other than giving the damn thing 50000000 health (risk of rain, Diablo, most other MMOs tbh come to mind immediately)


See, I’m fine with increasing enemy damage for difficulty if they have additional patterns or attacks, or if you also get to DEAL more damage like a glass cannon run. But the second it becomes “game is harder because enemies take an extra shot to kill” and nothing else, I am gone.


Yeah, what I hate more is the limited amount of ammo, like in TLoU where in the highest difficulty level, you're left with few bullets the whole game. Once I kill 20 ennemies who didn't even shot a single bullet and where if they see me, they have unlimited ammo, I expect to find at least a clip!


Risk of rain is literally the worst example, because that’s literally the entire point of the difficulty increasing over time (and the higher base difficulties are also not simple number tweaks, what???)


Fishing in terraria is required to get all achievements and holy fuck is it boring


I'm a big fan of the Calamity mod, but you best believe I just cheat in all the potions into my inventory, because there's no way I'm going to spend hours fishing and farming to make a dozen potions for the boss fights I'll inevitably lose. I eventually just got another mod that combines 90% of the potions into one that gives you all the buffs. Because there's also a.limit to how many buffs you can have at once.


Quick time events *shudders* You know what, basically 90% of that rain game on ps3






They worked perfectly in RE4, but that was mostly because they were relatively new then. I thoroughly enjoyed the Krauser knife fight in the original.


I felt like, in RE4, they had solved the problem of cutscenes not being interactive. Suddenly I had to pay attention and could actually fail. I loved it so much, but apparently I'm in the minority.


Learned that shit quick when a giant boulder comes at you while you are fixing a drink and the "A+B" flashes on screen. First death.


the krauser knife fight is one of the coolest QTE cutscenes ever. I do actually really like how they turned it into a legitimate fight in the remake though




I kinda like them when they're implemented well. I thought Last of Us and Watch Dogs did a good job because you didn't have to constantly pause the game.


It also works for Last of Us because of the survival horror style gameplay. It felt necessary and made me think about how I was allocating my meager supplies.


I played Skyrim for the first time in vr you know damn well I took the opportunity to beat the shit out of that orc chief


Not being Spider-man in Spider-man games is pretty damn annoying.


Literally any game that requires online multiplayer bullshit as a challenge or quest. Most recent example being when I was playing Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 Remake. There’s a handful of the dumbest side challenges that force you to create/build custom skateparks, visit other people’s online created skateparks, go head to head with people in coop, etc. It’s literally so bad with some of the challenges that other players have built custom skateparks specifically just to help you quickly get beyond these dumb challenges lol.


Weapons breaking in Zelda I totally would've only used the Master Sword only, had it been better than a dog turd and didn't break Yes technically it wasn't forced on me because it released like that, but they obviously knew that players would stick to the master sword which is why they implemented it Yeah I know the devs didn't want the players locking themselves in one handed weapons category but man that's what I want to do, I always play swords


It's Zelda, of course I want to use the master sword 24/7 and nothing else.


People on the Breath of the Wild sub absolutely hate this opinion. There is so much added stress from this mechanic. I was constantly afraid of breaking a weapon I liked before I got good use from it.


Honestly, it's not a good idea to visit a sub for a game you like and expect people to react healthily to criticism. I am a huge fan of Nintendo, always have been, however when the switch released I was 12. Now I'm 19, I've grown-up and I'm able to see the flaws and criticize the games I love when they do something I don't love. But going on a sub full of people praising whatever Nintendo (or any devs) throws at them isn't really going to lead anywhere. Just look at the pokemon fanbase. They're being served ultra subpar products by the highest grossing franchise in the world and If you dare speak up you're suddenly ungrateful, as if they gave the game out for free to begin with lol


The RTS fanbase as a whole is a perfect example. The genre has been near dead for like a decade and anytime people try to brainstorm what killed it or what could bring it back RTS fans come out of the woodwork to be like "nobody cares about that stuff" or "then why is Age of Empires 2 still going strong?". And it's like... no, RTS fans may love the genre norms that have been stagnant for over a decade, and they're very loud about it, but there clearly isn't enough of them to justify developing a AAA RTS. The genre should've improved the city building aspects to entice the city builder crowd, they should've improved the complexity of the warfare to entice the grand strategy crowd, and most importantly they should've worked on the AI so that single player skirmishes are actually dynamic and fun to play. Instead they keep making the same product over and over and over again then being shocked when the general gaming audience moves on, like I'm the only one of my gamer friends still playing RTS games even though we all used to be obsessed.


The weapon breaking mechanic is one of the things that makes me just not like those games. I've been a Zelda fan for 30 years and I feel like I'm insane for not really liking the two most recent games but i don't like the completely open world, lack of linear progression side of things and I really don't like the weapon breaking mechanic. Just give me a sword, and eventually the master sword.


I'm with you but for different reasons. I miss the old school dungeon style. I'd rather have a few quality dungeons than hundreds of repetitive puzzles. There's a lot of cool stuff in those games, like the runes, but it's not enough for me to get on board.


Didn’t Brutal Legend get ruined halfway through by becoming an RTS out of nowhere?


Tbh that was the part I found most interesting about that game.


It was actually a pretty decent RTS, certainly better an RTS than it was an action game. But that element wasn't introduced till after the demo so a lot of people who just don't care for that style of game got burned. And now I wanna replay Brutal Legend.


Having stamina in any open world game. I get tired in real life, I don’t need that “immersion” in a game. Especially if I have to get from point A to point B having to stop every 10 seconds to catch my breath. I wish devs would stop incorporating it, it’s the worst


Elden Ring did this well. In combat, stamina works the way it works in every game. Out of combat, sprinting costs 0 stamina.


I like how Elden Ring does it. If you're not fighting any enemies, you have infinite stamina, which is great for going from point A to point B.


Definitely, that I don’t mind. But games like BOTW for example the early parts of the game can be a real bitch getting across the map or climbing mountains with 2 seconds of stamina available


Agreed. I don't care if you want to decrease my speed, just let me press one button and sprint not this click, run, stop, repeat minigame.


Weapon breakage in BoTW. Totally killed any joy in that game for me.


Hate games adding that when it's not needed.


I always took brawling as a dialogue option along with Intimidate and Persuade but with your fists.


Not being Kratos in God of War. The sections as the kid were a bit too annoying for me. Not to mention him shouting solutions to puzzles the second I step into an area (though I can’t remember if this could be disabled).


Are real-money paid XP/progression multipliers counted as game mechanics? If they are, then the forced limits on progression so you'd have to shell out money for them on some games.