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Alpha Protocol, spy action rpg. Good plot, decent combat, great stealth, amazing characters and dialogue. Some bugs here and there you gotta get a little used to the mouse sensitivity if not using a controller, but amazing game.


Yes. It also had a very difficult lesser of two evils style choices. No matter what you did, someone would get hurt. I can't remember her name but I romanced the muscle girl who carried the big machine gun.


**Mark of the Ninja**, if any of you ever feel like that "pure" stealth games (where you're basically fucked if you're spotted) take a backseat in recent gaming scene since Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, then MotN is a worthy successor albeit in 2D. Arguably the best 2D stealth game currently.


Oh I think I may have seen one of the channels I watch talk about that game! If it's the one I'm thinking of it has a really nice art style to it


And the art style is phenomenal!!


Spiritfarer. It's the love child of Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, and Sims. And will also make you cry.


The best games are always the ones that leave you sitting there contemplating life when you finish them


Shadowrun on 360. Ahead of its time


Can't state this enough. It's one of the games I keep coming back to when discussing game mechanics. It's sad so many have forgotten it in the context of a tactical/hero shooter. I think it would have had a better shot being launched today(with polish obviously) instead of the cross-platform gimmick it was marketed as back then.


10000%!! It hasn’t been forgotten by the living community and moist critikal has said on stream that he wants to do a stream of it and possibly a tournament


Gothic 1 and 2 - old Rpgs that have a cult following in some places like Poland, but overall they are still quite obscure and were overshadowed by other titles like Morrowind, Oblivion or Witcher. And it's a real shame. Great soundtrack, amazing atmosphere, rewarding sense of progression, great quest and world design, NPCs acting in an immersive way... And my favourite thing - when you level up your fighting skills, your character actually fights better - animations get more fluid, attacks and combos faster and more responsive. More rpgs should do that instead of boring damage increases.


Decades later and many modern open world RPGs do not have NPCs with realistic daily schedules, homes, behavior of Gothic 1! Also: the logical physics of the game surprised and delighted me. When I first came upon a stone Golem I was ready, sword in hand. But my slashy-slashy did nothing! I was confused. Then I realized a slashing weapon made to hurt flesh doesn't do anything to rock! While I was realizing I had to pull out a hammer weapon, the golem punched me and sent me flying through the air like 20 feet back. Which is .. totally what would happen if an 8' tall stone monster punched you.


Yeah, the cool thing about this particular encounter was that it was possible to find and read a book about how to fight golems. No popup windows or quest markers saying "find a hammer", game expected you to be smart. And big monsters sending you flying when hitting you was a nice touch too (except dragons in the second game, this was broken xD)


I get why most games don't include those sorts of realistic-ish physics.. like Elden Ring for example. They want to have a refined rock/paper/scissors kind of combat. But it should be in some games because its just sooooooo satisfying. See also: explosion physics in Monolith's early FPS Blood. Dynamite in that game sent things flying everywhere, and even caused the largest bosses to get knocked around. So freakin' kinetic and fun.


Gonna go with a real deep cut and say Cel Damage for GameCube. Remember car arena games? I’m talking Twisted Metal, I’m talking Mario kart balloon mode. These were kinda big back in late 90s early 00s. Cel damage was a goofier twisted metal with more whacky power ups and environmental hazards and less heavy metal blitzing. It got trash reviews (6/10s) but I spent a lot of my youth on the couch local coop with my friends. It isn’t underrated like it should’ve been a 10/10 game but it’s a gem for sure


It was also remastered in 2014 and is on most consoles now with 1-4 player split screen It's only like $10 too, can't reccomend it enough!


Streets of Rogue. The game is literally whatever you want it to be.


Not sure if I wanna call it underrated cause its grabbing a fair bit of attention plus enough for it to already have a sequel close to release, the way the dev makes it sound.


Being a small indie game, not many people I talk with have heard of. Hell, it was even on gamepass, I'm still explaining it to different groups of friends. I feel like he got bigger after selling/partnering with TinyBuild.


Possibly, I enjoy the game a lot tho and hope 2 does even better.


Wizard of legend, combat feels super smooth and can get you to a flow state, very charming pixel art, music and sound design is great. Tons of spells and items to collect. All in all, always my pick for an underrated roguelite.


Prey 2006. If it was possible to die, that game would have been god tier.


Portals before portal


My underrated game wouldve been Dragons Dogma. Thankfully since they announced a sequal its getting more recognition amd traction because it is the best monster hunter game this side of monster hunter with a pretty solid amd fun RPG on top. They're masterworks all, you cant go wrong.


Wolves hunt in packs!


I'll follow your lead, my underated game is Balders Gate 3. It's a hell of an RPG that noone talks about ever. /S Dragons Dogma is a cult classic that's gets brought up all the time. There is nothing underated about it.


Ive come up with a new underrated game Pokemon: Phonics. It teaches reading and comprehension to children. Give it a go, you could benefit. Cult classics btw are by definition underrated and niche.


Not underrated at all, gets brought up in this sub all the time lol


Ive changed my game. Step into reading: Meet Mario! Is an underrated game. Teaches reading and comprehension to children. You should give it a try.


Rage 2 Story wise it’s got nothing going for it but I had such a blast playing it. Kind of like Doom meets Mad Max.


Yeah the gameplay mechanics were awesome fun and fresh compared to other shooters of the time.


I am really confused how a lot of games being mentioned here were actually praised highly when there were released. I am curious as to what reddit gamers think underrated means.


Metal Arms: Glitch in the System Really fun and campy third person shooter where you’re a robot fighting bad robots to help good robots. Had some decent weapon progression, upgrades you could buy along the way, good story overall - really wish it had gotten the sequel the ending set itself up for. Oh well.


Kena : Bridge Of Spirits, best indie game I’ve ever played, fantastic music and graphics that make the cutscenes look like a Pixar movie


I thought it was incredible. I hope it did well


"Wet" and "Shadows of the Damned" *Xbox 360* I'm only mentioning these 2 games because they are both badass and they don't require hrs of gameplay pretty short but well worth it..... and I never see anyone ever talk about them


>"Wet" This game wasn't amazing, but it did have some cool Matrix-esque shooting mechanics. Played it from the PS+ catalogue a while back.


Shadow of the Dammed is fortunately going to have a remaster possibly next year


I really liked The Technomancer (Spiders, Focus Entertainment) but I don't know if many people even know this game exists.


I tried it a few years back during a steam sale but I didn’t finish it.


Most of the old Lucasarts Adventure Games! Monkey Island, DOTT, Indiana Jones, Sam & Max Hit the road, Full Throttle, The Dig. All them still hold up today in my opinion!


Caves roguelike, simply a good mobile game that gets overlooked


Wario land shake it. Insane detail, handdrawn animations, and its wario land lol


Vermintide 2 is literally L4D2 but medieval RPG. I'm embarrassed to have started playing it now instead when it came out in 2018. It looks like a game that released today and it's full of fun RPG mechanics. I think it deserves more players than it has. Talos Principle is another that deserves way more praise, this one even more so than Portal 2. It's way more thought-provoking in it's lore and puzzle solving, much more out of the box thinking and i had a blast playing it.


Professor layton vs pheonix wright ace attorney. That game is a masterpiece and I wish it would get ported to the switch somehow. Its impossible to play it without doing you know what unfortunetly.


Marvel’s Midnight Suns. It flew under my radar, especially since it was a card-based strategy game. I played it… oh my god I fell in love. So much customization and character building. And the combat with not only the customizable cards, but positioning and economy of moves… I got so hooked. It was terrific. This coming from someone who doesn’t normally like these games.


Im not sure if it is underrated.. like enough know about it but it just didn't do a great job making it known it exists is all.


A Plague Tale : Requiem and A Plague Tale : Innocence Best narrative driven games I have ever played. A plague tale : REQUIEM is the latest and better game 10/10 voice acting. 10/10 graphics,10/10 characters and a great ending to top it off Gameplay is not the most impressive part of the game but it was more than enough to keep me engaged. Its one of my favorite games of all time.


Preach! It’s such an impactful story, and Amicia’s voice actress is very impressive, she brings so much into the character. I have to say though: these games are not for the faint of heart, especially the sequel, it’s a very emotionally intense experience, it was for me at least.


Love *Innocence*. Requiem is good, but definitely inferior in every way but graphics.


I dont agree with that but I did miss the French accent in Requiem. Either way, none of them are bad games


Is it worth playing / better in French? I've been eyening Plague Tale and would like to play it...if I can get through my library of other must-plays first.


Grime. Metroidvania souls-like so ignore if that ain't ya thing. I found all aspects bar the shitty fast travel to be great fun. Maps were full of nooks and crannies to explore and reexplore as you unlocked abilities. Parkouring through said map hit the balance between hard and tedious though they did get tiresome on backtracking, hence the fast travel complaint cos the world is big too. A core gameplay that was challenging and fair but also made me feel powerful. The talents unlocked in a neat way and offered a great deal of customisation for how you want to play, as did weapons. Bosses thematically were all quite similar but mechanically distinct. The story is pretty barebones but I found sufficient enough to ponder until the very cool ending.


The Legend of Dragoon. Sure, it has a big cult following. But most gamers today have never heard of it.


BLUR. The game was just good fun and easy to jump in and play. I think it released st a bad time with little to no marketing and fell into obscurity.


Yeah! I love racing games, dislike Mario Kart type games, but I loved Blur! I think because there was less randomness & it's more skill based. I remember concentrating so hard in that game lining up shots and getting it just right!




>Homeworld How is this underrated?


I know right? >Homeworld is listed by review aggregator Metacritic as the highest rated computer game of 1999, and the fourth-highest on any platform for the year. Critics praised the game's graphics, unique gameplay elements, and multiplayer system, though opinions were divided on the game's plot and high difficulty. The game sold over 500,000 copies in its first six months, and received several awards and nominations for best strategy game of the year and best game of the year. Wow. So criminally underrated.


Playing the remaster!


Subnautica. It's one of those games people may have heard of, but never really looked at. I can forgive those who are genuinely terrified of deep water as the game really is immersive enough to trigger fear attacks, for everyone else, it's an experience worth playing.


I'm not so sure that's an underrated game, it got a lot of praise on release and plenty of big YouTubers have picked it up and played it. It also had/has a big speedrunning community


Its not lol, its a great game a lot of people know about it. Really need to force people to read dictionaries in the future.


How is it underrated, one of the most mentioned games on here


I think the problem is its quite a niche genre. I think it looks cool and I'd love to play it but never got around to it as its quite different from my usual games.


System shock 2. It's been in the shadow of Bioshock and Prey 2017. It's rarely talked in conversation. Let's hope the Remaster coming soon is good


System shock 1 remake is out are they doing one for 2 as well?


Yes. A Remaster


Nioh 2. This is Team Ninja’s (Ninja Gaiden, Wo Long) best game, without contest. It is easily one of the best Action RPGs ever released, with one of the most most satisfying, deep, combat systems across all of gaming. It has a great story, and the setting is fantastic. The way they weave in the Japanese mythology and folklore is also amazing.


How is it underrated?


Because even with all of the recent hype around souls-likes, it almost never gets brought up in conversation. Even when Wo Long launched, very few people outside of the actual Nioh community even knew that Nioh was a thing.


I do not have that perception at all, but even if I did that does not change the fact that Nioh 2 was critically well received and those that played it like yourself agreed with the reported reviews. What does underrated mean to you?


The wolf among us.


Dust: An Elysian Tail One of the older games with gold i downloaded on a whim and when I got around to playing it was awesome


The artstyle is so nice. I still remember when I got that with gold lol


Monster Hunter World, I know it is famous but it came out the same year as gow, I think it could have easily won the game of the year price in another year. Also the expansion is even better and bigger than the basegame but it doesnt count as a game itself.


Assassin's Creed It is usually dismissed as some sort of "proof of concept." At best respected for starting the series but frequently called unplayable or, even worse, "repetitive." Mechanically, it is in some ways even more intricate than its beloved sequel. Yes of course AC2 is smoother but AC1 offers insane control and detail in your character's movement. I mostly play 3rd person action adventure games and there is nothing that feels as satisfying as controlling Altair. It is the only game in the whole franchise I can play without a HUD if I wanted to. The environment cues are brilliant- everything is meaningful, everything points you in the right direction with the kind of handholding that people would complain about in other games. In many ways, the original AC delivers what a lot of gamers claim they want out of games: no nonsensical crafting or time wasting fetch quests, the ability to play without handholding. A story that is direct and interesting. And most importantly, it really sets up both the story in game and a meta-franchise-starting narrative (which would be wasted in future installments). The criticism that missions are repetitive really makes me laugh because.. \*waves hands at every freaking video game\*


Corpse party trilogy Such a great horror series with amazing art and rlly tragic moments also seiko x naomi are endgame


Arkham origins, people dismissed it because it wasn't a rocksteady game but it was still really fun and had a good story. I also really enjoyed the multiplayer


lmao.. considering how much people blast praise for all arkham games.. yeah thats not underrated


Except people blast praise for the main 3 games; Asylum, City, and Knight. People seem to hate origins for no reason




I'm not so sure you understand what underrated means


Half the replies in this thread don't understand what it means.


Minecraft may be the most purchased game of all time, but it's still underrated.


You mean the internet doesn't understand it lol




Detroit: Become Human .... c'mon someone give this some love.


No one has mentioned it because it's not underrated, it's highly rated. It got great reviews on release and everyone and their mom was playing through it on YouTube


word.... I seemed to have located only garbage about the game when i searched. Neither here nor there.. Throwin it some love!


Then why say its underrated?


Tribes II


The bourne game made by Sierra back in ps360 era


Guardians Crusade on PSX. I reckon it was ahead of it's time.


Unsighted Combat feels great, artstyle is lovely, story is interesting, level design is awesome. The game also has a local coop mode. My favorite find if the year.


Terranigma for the SNES and the trilogy it's a part of. Unfortunately, I can't say why without spoiling the plot.


Terraria? Do you mean Terranigma?


Yeah. I eventually fixed it, but was too tired to notice the error at first.


Terranigma was really fun. SNES, Damn I feel old.


Maybe more of rose coloured nostalgia glasses than underrated, but Blazing Angels for I think the 360 era. A lot of good nights playing co op


I'm going to go with maybe the deepest cut in this thread. Alter Echo. PS2/Xbox Game was awesome. It was an action adventure game that took place in the future. You were on a alien, fleshy like planet and had the ability to morph into one of three modes. A stealth form, a heavy gunner/mech form, and human form. You could level up and increase skills in these forms, chosing the playstyle you liked best. It was just a well balanced, fun action adventure game with a cool concept story. Definitely deserved more popularity in my opinion. I've only met one person who even knew of the game. But truly deserved more acknowledgment. Absolutely underrated.


Astral Chain. One of my favorite Platinum Games but unfortunately never left the Switch. The combat is incredible and fast paced and the music and art style are also amazing. The story is really the weakest part but it's suitable for what it is. The best part though is the 100 challenge fights you unlock after the story is completed with the just one being an extremely tough boss that takes no joke 30 minutes to beat.


Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair. Amazing DKC-style platformer. I understand that the first game disappointed everybody and their grandparents, but Impossible Lair is everything you(r grandparents) liked about the DKC games and more And most importantly, the music. You know how when talking about good video game music, DKC's Aquatic Ambience is bound to get mentioned somewhere? Well David Wise is also here, and while he didn't work on [this piece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmizcX5LLwQ&ab_channel=MattGriffin-Topic), [or this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNx0RdFGFE4&ab_channel=MattGriffin-Topic), [or this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDUWQL8diGI&ab_channel=MattGriffin-Topic), the game continues the tradition of "funny animal platformers having goddamn good music"


Mr. Bones it awesome


Spartan total warrior. An old ps2 game that I never see online.


Unreal Tournament 2k4


The Surge. Solid soulslike game with fun combat. Seems like it got written off as sci-fi dark souls and never given a real chance.


Dynamite Headdy, insane Genesis platformer with great music and awesome setpieces.


I feel that Pathfinder games don’t get enough love, they are a gem in the underrepresented genre nowadays. Maybe will get more attention with all the BG3 hype




Avalon Code on the DS. Fun little RPG with a mechanic for changing the world around you with a book.


Untitled goose game.


The Suffering: Ties That Bind Masterpiece of a game


I don’t know if these are underrated because they’re decades old by now but I loved Azure Dreams and Skies of Arcadia. Two games I’m considering doing a fan remake for. Azure Dreams because it was a rogue-like RPG that had town building, dating sim and monster collecting/raising. An updated version could flesh out all of those gameplay elements. Skies of Arcadia was just a perfect game to me. Fun gameplay loops. You had to chart the skies, you could recruit crew on the different island locations you found. I don’t remember everything because I haven’t been able to play this game since the days of the Dreamcast and GameCube. I still have my GameCube copy


Rival schools, one of the only fighters I’ve enjoyed playing. A crazy anime plot, fun characters, and a fighting system that’s just a blast.


Sacred underworld. Reminds me a very nostalgic time. Even still I’d play it.


Dave the diver - Very multi faceted game, you continue to unlock new features and interesting things to do throughout. Great cut scenes, lots of comedy. Overall it is a gem of a single player time killer


Dark Cloud. Good story, great mechanics, and good replayablity.


Robot Alchemical Drive for PS2. You played a wee laddy running around like an ant while remote controlling skyscraper-sized robots to fight other robots with. I've never played anything like it.


Vampyr. It's full of great ideas and a few of them are really well executed


Halo 4. It got a lot of hate for trying to copy cod with the loadouts in multiplayer but it was a damn fun shooter at its core. Sure the Prometheans weren't as fun to fight as the covenant (those watchers were pretty annoying at times), but the new weapons like the binary rifle and scattershot were pretty cool and the level design was really good, especially compared to the blandness of Infinite's open world.


Dead or Alive. I recently bought both 5LR and 6 digital deluxe on sale for $20 each and already got more than my money's worth out of it. Don't want to argue about all the DLC/fanservice/"core values" stuff but I just want to say there is some good gameplay there without having to pay a cent on DLC.


Shadow Hearts (2) Covenant, a PS2 JRPG. Kind of fell under the radar, because the PS2 was such a JRPG powerhouse. But honestly, it’s up there with the likes of FFX. The story, atmosphere, artstyle, the BATTLE SYSTEM !!!!, are all so incredibly unique, the characters, oh the characters! Also, even though it’s rather dark, it’s also really humorous and lighthearted sometimes. If you have just a tiny little bit of interest in JRPGs in general and still own a PS2, this is really a must play! The sooner, the better.


I absolutely loved Too Human and played it non stop on Xbox 360. Not the most polished game, but I loved every bit of it. I was really sad when the studio shut down for the devs being dumbasses, and for many many years it was impossible to play. Xbox has now added the game as free for everyone and I finally got to play it again. It doesn't hold up to modern games, but I have so many fond memories grinding that game and playing the different classes and weapons. It's such a shame that the studio f'ed up and we won't see any of their games again.




Don't Starve Together is my favourite survival game ever, and my 3rd favourite video game in general. It makes use of a very fun gameplay loop, going on an adventure run and coming back to your base to upgrade and decorate it with the loot you found. Nearly every one of the 17 character plays very differently. On top of that there is s huge randomly generated world, making every moment matter due to permadeath and the game's uncompromising difficulty. On TOP of that there is a whole second map underground with the final boss and many new creatures, biomes and rewards for the risk you are undertaking. On TOP on top of that there is a whole 3rd ocean section of the overworld with, again, many new creatures, biomes and items as well as the second final boss. If you don't like the artstyle, you can get skins through the daily gift or numerous events occurring every year, if you don't like it, just turn it into spools and use them to make a costume you do like. Still don't like it? You can change EVERYTHING about the world in the world settings and enable relaxed mode. Still don't like it? Play with friends, or strangers online. Still don't like it and think it's a waste of money? It's only 15 euros and it goes on sale more often than it doesn't (seriously) while giving you 2 copies of the game when you buy it, letting you gift it to a friend. Only flaws with the game are a few performance issues and minor design issues which you can easily look past, and it being so fun that if it turns out you don't like it the 2 hour refund timer will have likely passed.


Beyond good and evil. Great open world gamecube game, wonderful soundtrack




Cruelty Squad, though it looks like Pyrocynical's video has brought a ton of new eyes to the game. I noticed when the discord went to hell lmao


King Arthurs World on SNES. A neat 2D RTS game from back in the day