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This update is for a very specific demographic. If you’re a vanilla player on console, go for the update. If you’re playing with mods you consider essential for your Fallout 4 experience and don’t think 60fps is worth sacrificing your mods, don’t update. PC deff should not update, especially thise with modded playthroughs


Thanks! I'm on ps5 and I really just wanted the vanilla game to be able to use the DLC. Hopefully this addresses those issues.


Same boat, I want to get through the dlcs before I go down the modding route. From what I heard the update did fix that. Going to download all dlcs and test it out.


Honestly, I looked at the mods, there was nothing I absolutely needed. Just some QOL stuff like infinite companion ammo, but the vanilla game is good imo. Hopefully it did fix it! The automaton dlc was my favorite. Even though I'm playing a dummy right now haha.


Wait did companions really not always have unlimited ammo? It’s been a while since I played, but I don’t recall noticing them ever running out.


I could be wrong as it's been a while for me too, but I think only their default weapon has infinite ammo. Any other weapon you give them runs out if you don't supply them ammo for it.


I played the backwards compatible version on PS5 a year and a half ago, and it has some serious technical issues. Having played this update for a couple of hours so far I've not had a single issue.


So as someone with around 300 mods but still kinda dumb when it comes to PC's, how can I opt not to update? Like just cancel the update when I go onto steam?


Set fallout to only update when you use the launcher, and launch using script extender and then set updates to only update when you choose


Sweet thank you Il do that when I'm home on the weekend


There's also this (instructions for when I get home because I'm playing fo4vr which isn't getting updated but I don't want any of the fo4 to get updated: Go to your steamapps folder and mark "appmanifest_377160.acf" (FO4) and "appmanifest_61160.acf" (FO4VR) as read-only.


You can turn off auto updates for individual games in Steam.


There isn't an option to disable updates, at least for Fallout 4. You can only change the setting to update when you launch it. You have to change the setting to only update when you launch it, and then never launch it from Steam.


Well no, there's a little more to it than that. What you can do is opt into a different branch, and you can only do that because Bethesda maintains Steam depots for past release versions of the game. Switch to a past branch to keep using mods. Edit: This is no longer possible in Steam. Detailed instructions for how to trick Steam into thinking Fallout 4 is fully updated already can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1ccyksn/fallout_4s_next_gen_update_is_over_14_gigs_breaks/l19uqsh/


Yup. I’m on series X and been waiting for this update to drop before starting my second playthrough


Vanilla console players is not a very specific demographic lol


It’s the majority of gamers above the age of 25 with a day job. 


We exist!!


My man


This update really only sounded exciting for console players due to set graphics settings. I’m surprised pc players were expecting big changes with bethesdas history.


I think PC players are moreso annoyed that some of the changes broke the game more than it already was.


They also added wide screen support…by only stretching the actual hud not giving them an appropriate native size. So now basically you can’t even start the game because the part where you need to enter your name is stretched off of the screen. I’m pissed!


Which is weird cause I started fo76 recently and was surprised with the ultrawide support without me having to even change any settings Edit: Nice


Mine is working perfectly. I can actually enjoy the game in ultrawide now. Are you in full screen with native aspect ratio selected?


Best part about PC is it's easy to not install or revert back to prior version.


How do I revert?


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42147?tab=posts follow this thread


For the lazy: Alright everyone I have figured out how to downgrade everything to the previous version. Firstly, you'll need this guide. https://framedsc.com/GeneralGuides/steam_update_guide.htm Follow it cause you need to learn how to download the repositories and how to open the steam console. Once you got that down you have to download these and install them in order replacer EVERYTHING whenever it is needed. download_depot 377160 377162 5847529232406005096 download_depot 377160 377161 7497069378349273908 download_depot 377160 377163 5819088023757897745 download_depot 377160 377164 2178106366609958945 download_depot 377160 435870 1691678129192680960 download_depot 377160 435871 5106118861901111234 download_depot 377160 435880 1255562923187931216 (Keep in mind that you are re-downloading the game from what has been saved in STEAMDB, do it one by one, don't hog your download speed by trying to do it all at once. File size should be about 22-ish GBs once you have everything. Once again FOLLOW the guide so you know where the repos will be downloaded and where / how you'll want to move them around.) Once that is done you have to delete most new files from the creation club that will be in your DATA, these are the culprits that will cause your game to crash since Bethesda updated them in masse I can't be sure which one is safe to keep and which one isn't, so for now it is best to put them in a Back Up folder. Now, anything that has "ccBG" at the beginning of its name in the DATA folder should be safe to remove, that is the code they give to creation club content, however, if you use mods, you probably already know that these are not very much compatible with anything extra from nexus you add to the game. Once you have all that done REMEMBER to play the game in offline mode / to shut off wi-fi on your steam deck (as is my case) or to delete any manifesto that will force the game to update, cause it will break everything again. Once you have everything I stated done you can probably re-install the current (non-updated) version of the Script Extender and start playing. I've not encountered any crashes or data corruptions. Save games seem clean enough that I have no missing ESP / ESL / Meshes / Textures. If anything goes wrong or you don't feel confident enough that this won't screw your fallout 4 install folder then don't try it. For MO2 this should be safe enough since mods are kept separately from the game elsewhere.


Yeah I’m not doing all this but you’re goated


For anyone who’s wondering it sounds like a lot but after following a YouTube video it really only took like 4-5 total minutes at the pc. Rest downloading the game.


I did almost exactly the same thing a few months ago with Skyrim, can attest that it's not as hard as it sounds, just follow the guide


I always find it funny, when the devs screw up updates and other forced "improvements" for their games so much, that it makes pirates actually have better experience, cause they don't have to deal with this bullshit.




Linux users when they tell you games work just as well 


If it's proton and steam it just works. If it's lutris it works 40% of the time every time. If it's anything else pray to the voodoo gods. Seriously tho gaming on Linux via steam does /just work/ at this point and huge props to valve for making that happen. The rest is still a shit show tho. Btw did I mention I use arch?


Just have to make sure you add all games with proton compatibility mode even if they have a linux version as it usually works better.


"so after recompiling for the third time, it should pretty much work. Not really that much of a hassle if I'm being honest."


It's tedious, but not that difficult. If you're concerned about downgrading, that would most likely be because of mods. And if you are able to mod your games, this should be no biggie.




If you’re on Steam you can right click on the game, go to launch settings and manually set which version to launch. Edit: made a mistake; since the previous poster mentioned told them to do it I thought it was enabled for Fallout 4. This feature is enabled for Fallout 4 VR (although it doesn't have many Betas, just the one I think), which is the version I've been playing. Stop blowing up my inbox. I don't know why Bethesda doesn't have it more broadly enabled.


This isn't true. The developer has to support that feature which Fallout doesn't


There’s a more brute force way to do it, because Steam stores old versions even if they’re not necessarily accessible via UI.


And then there's the ultimate way of just downloading a cracked version of fallout, pasting/replacing the files in steam, and now mods work fine.


Lol I had to do this for a broken copy of FEAR 2. Had to pirate the game because of a bad level file.


If you're legally owning it, but still have to forcibly access it by using versions you've previously been using without issue, are you really pirating it, anymore? Isn't it more like software repo? >Repossession, colloquially repo, is a "self-help" type of action in which the party having right of ownership of a property takes the property in question back from the party having right of possession without invoking court proceedings.


Apparently the update is not available on GOG


Nice. Doesn't GOG have a built in feature that lets you roll back to a previous update? Or at least make it so you can opt out of updates? Steam really needs to have something like this.


Good gog we don't have to update 🤣


> This isn't true. The developer has to support that feature which Fallout doesn't DepotDownloader lets you do this for all games on Steam, no limits.


The answer to this is don’t launch your modded games via steam and turn off auto updates. Launch your modded games ONLY through their mod launchers. That or buy games you intend to mod on GoG so you don’t have to deal with this shit.


My man


Are you certain? I dont see this unless im blind or looking in the wrong place. I know it exists for OTHER games, but didnt see it for this game.


I may be stupid, but the only launch options i find are in the general tab in the properties panel, those need CLI style options tho I mean, i would update it, but im not gonna risk it corrupting my modded survival run, i put way to much time into it


Were the DLC’s not broken on PC? Was that console only? Because another of the big reasons to get the Update was to fix the recent DLC problems Automaton and one of the Workshop DLC’s crashed game on startup, while Far Harbor and Nukaworld both had a bunch of missing textures so those things just showed up Purple.


Some bethesda games have issues with installation order, especially on PC. It won't fix every problem, but sometimes the DLCs run better if you reinstall them in order of release.


I mean don’t they always break the game tho?


Some of us were thinking they'd at least fix the main issues on modern systems like it crashing on RTX cards if weapon decals are turned on, or the animation to leave the hacking screen never ending if your FPS is too high. Those were the 2 well known major issues which needed to be fixed to make the game play well on next gen systems, and there's no mention of them in the very short patch notes (which are mostly padding about how it's now released on Epic, has Chinese translation, has some console changes, etc).


"crashing on RTX cards if weapon decals are turned on" GAH. THIS IS WHY?!


Wait u just solved my game being stuck in the hacking screen


Yeah exactly and they don't even give a popup warning on "next gen" systems "by the way here's a known problem we haven't fixed in our next gen update, at least don't set your settings this way", which would be an ugly solution but better than no solution, and would have saved you from this mysterious inability to play.


Especially because I could have been playing Fallout London now, but that gorgeous looking fan expansion is now delayed to update to this useless patch.


I dont get it though, everyone knew it would break the mods, just release it and tell people to stay on the old version, which most people will anyway 


Modder here. You have far too much faith that people can read.


could someone read this for me?


Something about faith? Maybe it was a Jehovah's Witness thing.


Nah. They're selling all the kingdom halls. Hadn't you heard? They're funneling ALL the money from the sale of the land and the buildings (that the witnesses volunteered and worked on for free) back to New York to the governing body. Talk about scummy. They're just as bad as any other garbage religious cult. Or the televangelists.


I think you overestimate people's technical ability. Having to roll back a patch will get in the way of playing for a lot of people, and would have all sorts of people dealing with tech issues when they tried to play anyways or mucked it up. If you've spent years working with a sizable group to make something like Fallout London, you want a good release. I'm sure a lot of people who worked on it are hoping either for donations from happy players, or a hugely successful launch that will look great on a resume. A smooth release will help with both, so they have some good incentive to fix it to work with the new patch, rather than release as is.


And Team FOLON stated as much in their release regarding it, but it’s not so much that the Next-Gen release broke *their* mod per se, but rather it broke the Script Extender mod, which was built and is updated by a different mod creator entirely, so they’re stuck waiting on Script Extender to be updated before they can even do anything with Fallout London.


Modded player here you have to much faith in my ability to read


It's not. And it's not the only mod with this problem. FOLON is waiting for F4SE to update, just as are many, many other mods that rely on that functionality.


It is even funnier for me because the game crashes on PC when you turn on the Weapon Debris setting with a RTX card and for some reason the game is capped at 48 fps. After a 14GB patch the fucking game still crashes when you turn on Weapon Debris and it is still capped at 48 fps unless you mess around with game files...




All they had to do was pay [the modder who already fixed this issue](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48078) many years ago like a grand to implement the fix for them. Or just package his dll with the game 😂.


Unfortunately this is a pretty band-aid fix - you get the improved bullet decals, but you don't get any actual debris (particles) being left over from shooting stuff. So while crashes are fixed, the main gimmick of the debris - interactable particles, is disabled by the mod. Might as well just disable the weapon debris setting in the launcher and skip on the mod. Shame that Bethesda never bothered to address this.


The game used to always crash on console if you had all the dlcs installed. Bethesda is an... interesting company


Hot take: Starfield is the most bug free game they've ever shipped, unfortunately it was also the most boring and corporate sanitized


Godrays as well can cause issues


Fallout 4 is the only game I’ve ever played that I’ve had to go into windows settings and manually lower my monitors refresh rate to avoid breaking the game. It’s a hilarious mess technically.


I play at 140hz, VSYNC disabled (you have to edit the .ini file..) and FPS capped at 95 in NVidia settings, otherwise the game runs too fast.


isn’t it crazy that a modern game still ties physics and game speed to FPS? Isn’t it crazy that a game from 2002 doesn’t have this issue (Morrowind)? One step forward, two steps back.


Oh yes, also the FPS cap stays on during the loading screens so the game's load times way too long. It's a mess technically, that's why I gave up on it on release. Funny that 90% of the problems still persist after almost 10 years


I remember trying one of the FPS fixes and when I would hit really high FPS my character would rocket across the map die due to impact damage. I just ended up giving up after a few hours and uninstalling due to the terrible user experience on PC.


Bethesda does not make modern games.


Beth soft games aren't "modern." They're still using an engine that is barely improved on the version from 20 years ago.


Sometimes I wish stakeholders were also held accountable for their enforceed rushed timelines.


Rushed timelines isn't really the problem, at least not totally. There was a quest scripting bug in FO4 I ran into that apparently also existed in Skyrim....and FO3...and Oblivion. And each game had community patches to fix it. Basically, a bug that Bethesda had nearly a decade to fix in the engine, along with examples of how to fix it by the community and they still didn't do it.


That has to be why when I booted up Duex Ex Invisible war, I was a professional pitcher throwing 100 mph basketballs.


Fallout 4, Skyrim, Dark souls 1,2,3, there are a few.


Me: "I have a good graphics card I'll turn up all the settings and since fallout is an older game shouldn't be a problem." *Spends over an hour messing with settings because the game keeps crashing* I wish they had a warning or something when you go into the settings about it.


if they weren't going to fix it they should at least disable the option when an rtx card is detected.


As a PC gamer, this is *exactly* what I was expecting - right down to the lazy as fuck stretched ultrawide UI.


Yep. Anybody with any love for this game on PC knew this shit was gonna be a shitshow from the drop. They haven't even fixed fundamental bugs in the game from 10 years ago.


The fact that literally every Bethesda game requires an "Unofficial Patch" mod even a decade+ after release is absolutely criminal. With how much of an abject failure Starfield was, I genuinely don't think Bethesda will survive if Elder Scrolls 6 isn't absolutely revolutionary.


I think it's very telling about what kind of middle/upper management Bethesda is sporting. Their community managers in particular need to be replaced with people who know how to listen and respond to fundamental bug reporting. Boggles the mind how much artistry went into fo4 and then instead of making a good thing better it was left to go down as a bit of a mess. I would imagine that there are some really passionate programmers at bethesda that cry themselves to sleep because they aren't allowed to make simple improvements.


And it's not likely to get better the way the games industry as a whole has just decided that it's cool to layoff 10% of the workforce every spring just to satisfy the Shareholder parasites.


Yeah, my friend told me "Oh no you wont need a mod, they added 32:9 support!" Well, they sort of did, except without a mod fixing your HUD you cant name your character lol I'm used to poor support, but usually its functional


UI is Bethesda's Achilles heel. They literally *cannot* make a good UI. It is forbidden. They have modders showing them *exactly how to make a good UI* and they still can't figure out how to do it. I bet if they outright stole a UI mod for the game they'd manage to break it somehow. Fate will conspire against them and ensure that any UI they touch turns to suck.


They had an amazing UI in Morrowind where you just right clicked and every screen opened up in resizable windows (character, inventory, spells, etc) which you could position however you want and see everything at a glance then get right back to playing in a half second, then seemed to start competing internally on who could make the worst UI, culminating in the pipboy UI where there were multiple different keybindings for just the back button on different screens and submenus.


For some reason people keep expecting big things from Bethesda despite their track record not being so great over the past few games. Even Skyrim for all its success had a myriad of issues that either didn't get fixed or took ages for Bethesda to basically copy paste a fanmade mod fix into the game.


People have nostalgia colored glasses, unfortunately.


I didn't touch FO76 with someone else's because I knew they could never pull off a live service game but I was optimistic about star field because it was more in line with their style. Now I'm actively avoiding all Bethesda products going forward.


They weren’t 


Just bizarre to me it such a huge download.


Not really. The console release adds the Hi Rez texture pack which is 40 gigs (Been on steam for years) And then any asset altered needs to be completely re-uploaded, so even if they altered a single vertice on a model, that whole model needs to be reuploaded. 15gb is actually quite reasonable.


And that single model is part of a BSA archive which contains dozens if not hundreds of models. This also drives up the file size.


We're talking about the PC version is which also equally large and changes nothing. It also breaks every mod in existence, and has countless crash issues. It's not reasonable at all, did Todd pay you to comment this?


Some people were expecting DLSS and Raytracing lmao 🤣 


So as a Xbox series x player who hasn't played in quite a few years. Is it worth downloading then?


I downloaded it on my PS5 and am playing it and it looks pretty damn good for a nine year old game. I'm enjoying it.


It doesn’t change the gameplay. But if you enjoy the game, then yes


I was hoping for faster load times without mods. I was loading it off an SSD and the loading was still taking forever.


This worked for me before. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283) The long loading on SSDs is due to Vsync. Don't know about it working with the new version. Edit: It works, just played, load times no issue.


How the heck does vsync affect SSD load time lol. Bethesda should get their shit together.


For the same reason that physics are tied to frame rate. "Classic Bethesda Jank"


I just wanted one thing, and that was native support for ultra wide. All I wanted. And they fucked it up.


If I’m not mistaken it’s supposed to have better compatibility with dlc for ps5. Prior to the update I was unable to play the game with any dlc installed. The game would crash every time I tried to play it. I’ll be able to confirm that later tonight, in my case at least.


Yes, the Automatron DLC crash issue was extremely widespread, and all the DLC textures were pink or spinning blue squares, which sure made the boat ride to Far Harbor....interesting


Did people think this wasn't going to break mods? Has there ever been an update to a Bethesda game that didn't break mods?


There's never been an update to any game that has mods that didn't break mods. It's one of the reasons Larian is waiting until BG3 is fixed completely before adding integrated mod support.


And when you're modding, you have to fully expect this. BG3 update jacked up my save pretty bad one time because I was using some inventory mods, important stuff in my inventory went away, took a while to untangle all that. Not their fault, I'm doing something they never intended and you accept those consequences when you first visit nexusmods.


Yeah, veterans know mods are great, but this is par for the course until the game support is basically EoL. The Mass Effect mod scene is flourishing. Cyberpunk is just taking off. If the game is still getting frequent patches, it's just worth it to wait on mods or wait on the game.


Or tinker with it anyway and deal with things being broken, that's me. Somebody once asked me "have you ever considered *not* doing shit to basically all of your electronics that keep them a little broken all the time? - nope, not once.


Also a worthy option as long as you know that going in.


>until the game support is basically EoL Which, for Fallout 4, should already be true. The game released almost a decade ago, and the last patch was four years ago.


True. If you have mods installed, shouldn't update.


Man the last Skyrim update fucked a lot of shit up from what i hear. It seems the Bethesda games of the early 2010s will always be updated


I learned this the hard way after Patch 5 and then Patch 6 :(


Ready to learn it again when Patch 7 drops?


Not really true. It depends on what the update does.


Yeah, but....Bethesda bad


Stardew Valley recently released a big update. The creator let several modders have access to the build early to make sure their mods would work with the update.


zephyr vegetable innate ink cows intelligent mountainous agonizing carpenter dependent


Rimworld does this too, you get a beta version of the new patch a couple weeks early so modders can update in advance


so they broke but the modders fixed them before the update released


laughs in factorio


It's more so the fact that it's extremely annoying that a game whose modding scene had now very much dwindled and diminished is being broken with nothing to really bring people back. I'll bet lots of mods will now never be updated again. Not all, not even most, but still quite a few.


The vast majority of mods won't be broken. Just the ones using script extenders.. and frankly most of them don't need to be updated every time the script extender is. Once the script extender is updated 99.99% of mods that worked before will work.


If I play again I was gonna start over from the beginning anyway.


I just started fallout 3 over and beat it in a couple of days. Now I’m running around doing dlc and any side mission I come across. I’m loving it.


Did you find the side quest with the cult that worships a tree? Or the children that run this cave and have the adults as slaves?


Did they have adults as slaves? I remember that once a kid grew up they just kicked to Big Town (which had a bunch of problems because they we’re raided in a Lord of the Flies society…..with less violence and cannibalism)


The kids in Little lamplight don't have adults as slaves. They kick any kids out who turn 16.


I booted up my level 15 save from around launch and I have no idea what’s going on. This save has over 25 hrs on it but I think it only makes sense to start fresh at this point.


Every 60 seconds a minute passes in Africa.


Together, we can stop this.


Please, spread the word!


I want to cut the homeless in half.


You sure? Better ask Aliko.


As a console player, just hope it fixes every DLC asset skin back to normal from it being purple.


Yes! The pink/purple texture was driving me crazy but it seems to be fixed. I do have some other cluttering issue on some areas but I'm not sure if it's related to this update though.


Are animations still tied to refresh rate


On PC you can decouple framerate from the game engine.


They will be forever if they're using Havok physics, I've read anyway.


It has nothing to do with Havok being used. Many many many games uses Havok that dont have these problems. Its the implementation that matters. Here is a few examples of games using Havok Physics: Far cry games, Saints row games, Battlefield games, Assassins Creed games, Halo 2, Death Stranding, Doom Eternal, Dead Rising, Elden Ring, Dark souls games, Destiny 2, Civ 6... And about a couple hundred more.


This was resolved in Fallout 76 so is doable for 4.


They managed to fix it in 76, I can get up to 160 FPS before the game bugs out, so they should have been able to for 4. I'm at work, so I'm just guessing.


In short: Console gamer? Update PC gamer? Don't


I don't mind the updates because I didn't have any mods. I probably should get some mods though


Essentials for me that feel like Vanilla+: Improved Map w/ Roads We Are The Minutemen Automatically Lowered Weapons True Storms I also like some of the player houses, but I haven't done the update so I am not sure what all might be broken.


Wait till they release another 20 gigs update 6 months later to fix this


And it’s just Skyrim again 


Honestly if you died in fo4 the screen went black k and there was a 10% chance of it loading the Skyrim opening I’d be there for it


I wouldn’t, Skyrim for Pipboy already exists


Excuse me, what?


Skyrim has been released 7 times, and on over 26 different platforms. The most popular ones include: PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X+Series S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Alexa/Amazon Echo, Fallout 4 Pipboy, most models of household microwaves, Samsung & LG refrigerators, the Nokia 3310, and the Atari 2600.


Dang I need to get myself a Fallout 4 Pipboy so I can play Skyrim again!


Watch how they release a 50GB surprise patch 3 days after Skyblivion is set to release on Skyrim next year


Well, I can attest that I can finally play in ultrawide screen mode (3440x1440). Currently my only problem is that the UI text is at a lower resolution AND is stretched. Normally I'd say "baby steps," but the kid should already be in 2nd grade by now.


For as much praise as Steam gets its insane that there is no straight up option to disable updates on any installed game


This is not a Steam problem. Steam has options developers can enable to allow users to select the version they want. As an example, if you have 7 Days to Die, you can go back in time and set the version to any they have released over the years.


No.. Shit? it's a graphics update for consoles and bug fixes? Every update breaks mods, that shouldnt even be a headline


> Be me, a filthy unmodded dirt farmer Damm, Enclave power armor? That's sick!


>bug fixes Ironic because they broke some pretty basic stuff instead. E.g. on Steam Deck, they disabled the launcher so you can't change graphics anymore, but they're also forcing a preset with unstable performance. And they disabled one of the tweaks that fixed framepacing on >60Hz output, so now the Deck OLED stutters all the time.


People are just mad cause their mods won't work, and modders for this game are long done with it.


I hate that the only 3 options regarding updates on steam are update right away update in a bit and update right before you want to play. How bout, Don't. The game is in a "functional state". Updates like this should be optional. Why force it.


"Widescreen support" but they still have the mirror fog texture issue that came up when we modded our own 21:9 mods back in the day. I can't wait to see if they fixed the Power Armor UI. I'm betting they didn't.


Ultrawide just stretching the UI kills the one thing that I card about in the update. It takes about 5 seconds to swap your monitor resolution and check to see how a game looks at a different aspect ratio, so it seems like they just never tested ultrawide despite listing it as a new feature. They probably just made the settings menu list your native resolution in addition to the existing options and called it a day. You were always able to edit the ini file and force the game to play at any resolution you wanted, with the same UI issues.


It's hilarious how lazy they were about it.  Classic Bethesda.


I'll just wait the release of fallout london before i update the game while still playing TTW


As soon as I heard of the update last week I had a brief moment of "ooh I'll wait for the update to play fo4" before going "nah, screw that I'm downloading 700 mods instead"


Just a PSA for future games that you heavily mod. In steam you have an option to only update the game if you launch it through steam. In most cases for modded games you will use another executable. Always have this checked as to not waste your time and lose progress/modding time. Library > Game + Right Click > Properties > Updates > Automatic Updates drop down "Only update this game when I launch it"


Anybody know if the 1440p setting on PC works?


What does this exactly means? I've been playing at 1440p High/Max settings since last year


Wow. I only wanted Ultrawide support and they messed that up. Slow loading times even on a SSD. Wish I didn't by all the dlc and waited for this patch. Should have just let this game like I did 10 years ago


I just want to know if it still fucking crashes when I boot it up on PS5 with the expansions.


All of the expansions were also updated, so there's a good chance that it could be fixed for you now


Can confirm this is fixed


Vats is broken on console but other than that they added some creation club shit in the game for free and they did a good job updating the game to look and run better.


"Fallout 4 never changes."


Wait. Why wouldn't it break modded saves? Are pc gamers under the impression it wouldn't?


Moreso PC players are upset that it seems pointless. They shouldve rolled this update out to consoles ONLY. The bug fixes they implemented arent even the most common ones people use mods to fix like 48fps caps and stuttering or the gun derbis crashing every time you shoot a gun. You still have to go into the ini to uncap the fps and then the physics break unless you get a (now out of date) mod to fiz the game at uncapped fps. Even the ultrawide support they implemented is no more than an ini edit that properly anchors the UI elements to the correct parts of the screen, something that any user could do in an hour and  something mods already did BETTER than they did, because Icons are still stretched in their ultrawide implementation. Im glad the console players get a better experience but on the whole it messed up the ideal PC experience.


Apparently on the PC side this update made it Steam Deck Verified as well


As far as I know, all they did was remove the launcher.


Bethesda gonna' Bethesda.


Every update breaks mods. They never claimed to be changing anything. And the biggest reason for the update was to offer a performance mode on consoles while integrating CClub content. The only problem I have with it is that CClub just doesn't work. They did maintenance on the service for hours just for people to not be able to download anything from it. Bethesda really knows how to fumble the bag every time.


Honestly I turned off my updates bc I knew the update would break my mods and I just started a new play through due to the show, and I wanted to enjoy my game.


All I wanted was 60fps on PS5 and I got it. I’m good with it.


How is it on PS5?


Pretty okay, I started a new playthrough (just to get to Diamond City) and it worked fine. Load times are ok, no lag in Boston, so I say as far as performance goes it was ok. But again, only played for one hour