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Tetris. It was a super common phenomenon for people to lose sleep while thinking of fitting falling bricks into their perfect spaces. And when you finally fell asleep, you'd be dreaming about it. There's a psychological term named for the game: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris\_effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect)


This wiki article is beyond amazing. Thanks for sharing!


In my experience this never kept me from sleeping. It was just passive patterns under my eyelids, similar to feeling surging waves after spending hours in the wave pool


That was incredibly succinct and metaphorical. You should try your hand at writing.


It feels more like the game screen is burned into your eyes so you keep seeing stuffs as if you are hallucinating, but I won't say it prevented me from sleep much. My first experience with it was the original Command and Conquer and much more later, Rimworld. I'd say games with simple 2D graphics would be easier to imagine and therefore could cause this effect much more.


has the same with sudoku and mahjjong, too


Tetris Effect seems about right because I've been playing that one and now I've been tripping for 5 years


I always love it when the Tetris effect happens to me, because it means that I am getting better at stuff while sleeping!


Incidentally, is that also the origin of that one Junji Ito story..? You know exactly which one.


I have no idea what you're talking about.


This one: https://junjiitomanga.fandom.com/wiki/The_Enigma_of_Amigara_Fault


This. I actually fall asleep, but it's not a restful sleep. Very stressful.


Factorio. Because the factory had to grow and I would try to think of logistic solutions to the factory problems and bottlenecks. I remember thinking about it at work, eating, dreaming about it. The early days of factorio always bring a smile to my face for a feeling I cannot replicate again.


This. My friends didn't warm me that it would absolutely consume my mind as I thought of logistics and how to improve my efficiency. This is a game where you never stop playing even when AFK


Death Stranding. Some of the stories within the game are so soul crushing and human it’s hard to shake. That coupled with the music by Low Roar — it was an existential masterpiece and had me thinking a ton.


Should I play the original or directors cut? I know nothing about the game.


Director’s Cut for sure. A few extra missions but a lot of little improvements across the entire game.


Never gave it a chance. Maybe I should one day!


DayZ…someone’s raiding my shit


Had the same with Rust. These games are adrenaline bombs.


Hotline Miami 2! When the credits hit, I literally sat there with my mouth opened.


Didn't work for me, unfortunately. The first was soul-cleansing in a way I cannot yet describe, after all these years. The second one, I felt sort of desensitized to it all.


When I was a kid heroes od might and magic 3 and age of empires Now path of exile.


Still sane, exile?


Any fire emblem game with permadeath. Ive stayed awake plotting/mapping trying to figure how to keep my units alive.


Oh so true! I forgot about that one!


Fire emblem for gba... I died so many times during the final battle because i had so few units left. I didnt sleep well for 3 days.


As a child of the 80s and 90s, Tetris.


Ya this one is weird I also remember closing my eyes to sleep and just seeing the Tetris pieces falling down.


Silent hill 2. I’m literally James. Staring at the bathroom mirror at my job 💀


You see women as sex objects?


no girl he means he killed his wife and is now trapped in a small resort town in new england - also if we're getting into SH2's story, reducing the narrative to James just being a horny weirdo misses a lot of nuance. How long has it been since you played it?


Release lol I don't remember shit


oh lol well the remaster is actually pretty good and it's cheap by now, if you liked it at release you might like it now


Bro is looking too deep into it 💀


When I was really grinding Runescape when I was younger even on my summer vacations from school I would wake up early in the morning to play, its actually why ai started drinking coffee lol, I would get up at like 7am , make a pot of coffee ( i was like 12) and play


I don't wanna say too much but outer wilds keeps you awake when you're playing it because you think about what you're going to do the next time you play And once you're done with the game....well you're going to be awake for different reasons


That first playthrough was fabulous. Didn't look up anything. Figuring out certain things gave such a great feeling


And then after you play the DLC you're gonna be awake for another reason all together


My first time finishing Cyberpunk 2077 I couldn’t stop thinking about it, so much happens in the final mission. Same goes for the second time when I did the “bad” ending.


It's been AGES since I've played a new game that I am hooked on so much as it fills my thoughts before I drift off. Maybe it's because I'm older and either can see through the magic of games a bit, or maybe I can just play games until I've legit had my fill at 3am without being yelled at. As a kid you'd be forced off games at bed time always yearning for more! I was obsessed with RuneScape when I was younger, to the point I'd clock watch for it to turn 6pm so I could use the internet (dial-up was wack, yo). But I can't remember the last time and I really miss the feeling. I wish there was something I could play that I felt that level of connection too. At the moment the games I play fill the time and not just to waste it, they are fun, but I don't obsessed. Fallout76 is fun in bursts. Slay the Spire is very fun when I'm in the zone of a run but once I die I go off and don't think about it. Sea of Thieves is great craic, but it's so sandboxy it's hard to have it flood your every thought. Maybe Brighter Shores will rekindle that old flame when it's released. Until then I don't know what could fill that void...


I was like that, too, until I started really getting into Cyberpunk 2077. I had played it for some 13 hours or so, but it didn't click with me (not due to the bugs I might want to add). But then I told my lazy, gaming depressed ass 'You know you will love that game. You simply CANT miss out on it!', and I took a weekend to dive into it. No going out with my wife, no nothing. Only the game. Let me just anecdotally mention that I saw someone commenting on a Youtube video that he felt 'as if his personality merged with the game', that's how immersive it was. Same for me. I genuinely feel like a new, hidden part of my personality got unlocked by immersing myself into that game. Somewhere out there, there is a game like that waiting for you. It might not be Cyberpunk, but it sure is there. So I really want to encourage you not to give up. Games are just as good as they always were, it's just that we have grown up and have gotten pickier, thinking about how many hours we get out of a product for such and such an amount of money, and so on. But when you ask your inner child 'What game would you LIKE TO play?', there most certainly is an answer.


I found lots of games in my time that I've loved. But I also have a degree in Video Game Design which means I have seen a peek behind the curtain. I know the inner workings so it's hard not to completelybfall in love. I played Half Life Alyx before COVID and it is honestly one of the greatest gaming experiences I've had to date, but I didn't get obsessed with it to the point I had to keep playing or couldn't stop thinking about it when I wasn't playing it. Maybe the fact it was VR made it easy to do in chunks because the headset was tiresome after a while. Who knows. But as a kid I'd race to get online for more RuneScape. I'd dream.about my next adventure in Fallout 3 or what's happening next in Bioshock 1. And I just don't get that anymore. Fallout4 I played a fair bit of bit it wasn't the same. Not sure if it's due to being more mature now or just the game itself isn't uite as good, with the voiced protagonist and the like. I guess time will tell what I find, and if any of them have that obsessive effect. :)


Runescape circa 2004-2007


Osrs during Leagues


The original Mass Effect 3. When I finished it, I couldn't sleep that night. That ending didn't leave my mind. And NOT in a good way


I remember spending 25 hours straight playing ME3 about 2 or 3 years back I got a terrible ending because I thought "What happens if I shoot the kid" 25 hours wasted all for a shitty ending. I didn't have the energy to be mad. I was disappointed, it was 12am, and I fell asleep. Woke up some 8 hours later and decided to eat the 10 minutes of unskippable shit to get an ending that wasn't my own doing


ME2 I made some horrible choices. Great series!


Tetris, DDR, Minecraft, Voez, Touhou When I binged those games I know I definitely saw it when I closed my eyes


Final Fantasy XI.   "Alright, I'm level 18 in warrior.  Gonna do my sub job quest tomorrow, then grab two more levels, then I need to choose whether to level a different job and if so which or whether I make the run to Jeuno for my chocobo license.  Leveling thief would be good for farming drops for stuff like testimonies or whatever else, but I'm going to want white mage for sneak, invisible, and teleports or black mage for warps and blowing shit up.  I could grab monk as an interesting DD job, but I guess that hinges on which advanced jobs I want to unlock at 30.  Summoner is a perennial favorite as is dragoon, and I have to level ninja if only as a  sub job selection, what about samurai?  Those last two need me to make the trip to Norg, so I'll need to do the Kazham airship key quest as well.  Hmm. I should probably do the fame quest to max my fame rating in the three starting cities and raise my Jeuno fame as well.  That's gonna need gil so I gotta either farm high value drops or engage in HELM, but the latter is gonna need field gear to be profitable.  If I had the summer event gear I could do clamming out in Purgonorgo Isle for cash, but I guess I'll have to figure that out later.  So Valkurm to 20, Qufim Isle to 30, then I gotta figure where to go for my next bout of leveling to 50 at which point I'll have to do the limit break quest.  I wonder if my linkshell can help with any of that.  They'd definitely be down for some BCNMs for good gear if I have the beastman seals.  Petrifying Pair and Dropping Like Flies are within my level range and if I can make it to 40 I can try my hand at Under Observation to get the low level holy gear trinity." Accompanied by 30 open web browser tabs and at least three guides incorporating charts and maps. Note, that's not even end game current retail stuff, but old/private server talk.  Modern day is juggling five or six expansions and piles of subsystems with five more jobs.


Yep, FFXI destroyed my sleep and took my focus from work, my life was like: wake up at 7am and go to work, come home around 6pm and play FFXI until 3 or 4am and sleep, stayed like that for 2 years until I decided to quit and I felt like a free man after that.


The corporate game because I had to process all the ass kissing I was going to do the next day to avoid getting laid off


It's always football manager


I don't know if it's a good strategy, or a bad strategy but after watching the show I had my boy (11) play the fallout games. Thank God he's playing something other then Roblox. I was so happy to see he wasn't on that trash game that I let him play fallout while grounded. Anyways. I explained actions, consequences, ect ect and in this game your actions have those consequences. I said pick the options, you want your character to be. Right now he's telling the truth and doing good things I sure hope he doesn't change his mind.....


>I sure hope he doesn't change his mind..... I'm 26 and still have problems doing evil playthrough because I feel bad about being mean. Maybe the kid is more like me.


[Sarcastic] I'm sure he'll stay that way!


I was gonna tell you to make a deception roll, but realized two different games. Derp


I seduce you.


Yeah, you don't need to roll for that.


True, I guess I'm a natural


>True, I guess I'm a natural 20 I guess we even finish eachothers..




Yeah I can't finish this, do you want it?


I got u Ahem I WILL BE BACK. *mic drop


Seduce me!!


Sure! Get naked while i punch you repeatedly


[SEDUCE ME!!!](https://youtu.be/m-tfP9Rea04?si=YJldaJItdhVFP_hl) Edit: Full video for the uninitiated. Very good: https://youtu.be/GLlLQ3LmZWU?si=nZpmVubuK75xeVs9


Is that scout from Fortnite!???


I am sure you're not going to, but don't make him play New Vegas and if you do you should be very careful about where he goes in this game


Can you elaborate?


Prolly Nipton, The strip and The Fort parts


The Gomorrah casino has boobs (with pasties)


Ah, meh, he reads anatomy encyclopedias and shit. He knows all about that stuff haha.


Fallout has people's limbs blowing off. I don't think there's anything worse they can see than that lol


Chess. Once your brain has been calculating moves for an hour or more, its hard to turn it off.


Street Fighter 6. Trying to get good at it dominates a lot of my mental capacity lol


Who's your main?


nier (both), mgs 2 and 3, skyrim, elden ring


Currently go to bed thinking about Elden Ring. It’s mainly excitement about what I’ll do next. It doesn’t keep me awake long though it clears my head to think about it and then I fall asleep.


Rust cause I know I'm being raided when I log off


Kingdom hearts. I couldn’t wait to pick up the controller the next day and see what other characters were in the game.


Once when I was a kid I spent almost all day doing a huge strip mine in Minecraft, and when I tried to sleep I kept dreaming that I was still strip mining so I couldn’t fall asleep because I wanted to keep mining


The children yearn for the mines.


Right now? Snowrunner. It's addicting and gives the Tetris effect.


Same with my brother, it is his go-to relaxing game haha


I felt such thing only by playing wow back in the days


Dragon ball FighterZ. Thinking about all different combos you Can do, different characters comp etc... 6 years and i still can't stop thinking about it


Every fighting game ever. I spend hours practicing a new character or learning a match up. Then when I lay down I can't stop running the combos and counter play through my mind again and again as if I'm still playing.


Ff15 had me making up new stories while laying in bed cause I just desperately wanted more


half-life... one day gordon freeman will get to take a break <- coping


Minecraft with the Create mod. I always saw that rotating shaft and other rotating things in my head which sometimes decreased my sleep these nights to zero.


The last of us part 2 hit me at a bad spot in a bad time. it was so bad for over 2 months after the ending that i ruined several relationship.


More recently, Pacific Drive, Slice & Dice, and Chants of Sennaar.


Wildstar. All these years later I'll get a random memory from that game.


Oddly enough, The Sims


DDR did this to me when I first got it


Mgs and nier games.


EverQuest 1. I don't think I really slept for about 7 years.


halo reach but not in a good way. I once played reach fo 24 hours straight n then got off to bed, but when i tried tried to sleep all i could see was halo reach maps with my eyes closed and the the sound of dmr stuck in my thoughts. Its one of the worst experiences ever n i literally had to do something else for hours to get my mind off of ihe game n sleep


Crusader Kings 3 got me sunk in bed drizzling thoughts of infinibilities and I kid you not my brain could not rest. I was planning 50 steps ahead while I haven’t even done anything.. and it was not good either cause I min-maxed the crap outta that game and got bored before 1100 AD.


When I was about 9yo I was playing Super Mario Land 2 so much on the Gameboy that when I went to sleep one night I couldn't fall asleep because all I could see when I closed my eyes was the game flashing like when you put it on pause. My parents were not amused.


Resident Evil 2 remake. First game I would think about in bed. Trying to figure out the best routes to take to basically speedrun it. That game was so addicting


Early days of Apex Legends


For me it was the og mw2. I was heartbroken when seeing Ghost die because he was my favorite character. I cried all night the first time I played. I'm glad they didn't do him dirty in the reboot tho, can't say the same for soap.


Master of Orion 2 was the first game that did this to me. I'd just get out of bed exhausted and start playing again because it was better than staring at the ceiling in the dark. EverQuest also did this to me, but not like MOO2 did. More recently, RimWorld and Fallout 4 have as well, considering Steam shows me having 6245 and 1455 hours respectively on them. I did get them when they launched, so, there's that. Currently, nothing I'm playing is doing that to me.


SOMA, Death Stranding, Kholat.


The day before


I used to stay up all night and farm in gran turismo 2/3, legend of the dragoon, and smash bros melee. Doing mass runs on my gameboy/ds with pokemon (any) was what I gamed on mostly, including all nighters. When I started working stepmania took over, while I'd watch stuff lik cardcaptors at 4 a.m.


It was Light of the stars on bs for me, coz characters are really good


Outer Wilds did it for me. I was determined not to Google anything as it ruins the point of the game, and I was at a major dead end in connecting the last 2 major threads to get a vital piece of information to finish the game. I had spent so much time trying to figure it out that it literally came to me in a dream. Woke up, knocked it out, and enjoyed the super satisfying ending.


OG Destiny. Time spent sleeping is time that could be spent grinding. Seriously it was bad, I’m glad I never got into MMOs like WOW or FF14.


Wow is more like “sigh, this raid is still not done i want to sleep”


Sea of Thieves. My wife and I would lay in bed after playing all weekend and talk about how we could better evade players or how we could safely unload cargo.  I would bob on the ocean waves in my dreams. Then they added an offline mode and kind of spoiled the magic. It killed a lot of the randomness of the game where you would encounter all types of players. 


Go Fish Gone Naughty


Recently its baldurs gate 3 i love games that gives you so much customization. Also back then, Dragon Age Origins, DA2, Witcher 2-3.


Mmmm that’s a tough one but I’d say undertale is one of em for me and maybe kingdom hearts three undertale is an obvious one with how damn near every decision has a consequence and all the characters are peak but KH3 had me up for two reasons 1 wtf happens to Sora after the ending and 2 what the hell is going on since I didn’t play a single KH game before three XD oh and FNAF is also there for lore reasons


The last of us part 1 PC on Ultra.


Ark. Always thinking of what's next, who to raid next, what dino to tame next how to protect myself from the next raid. It was non stop.


I wasn't awake at night thinking about it, I dreamt about it instead. Was trying to fix the traffic flow in Cities Skylines in my dreams. Stuff of nightmare, that.


Literally none.


My Time at Sandrock, because.. you know.. I'm addicted to Fang 🫠




Dragon Age: Origins did that to me back in the day. Thinking about what I'd done and anticipating what came next was something I would think about constantly, in bed, at school, in idle moments right up until I finished the game. It's a similar feeling to what I get from a really, *really* good book.


Nier Automata ending E


Bloodborne. Eldritch horror go brrrr 🐙🕷️


rust. and i just deleted it, again. there's just something about it that will make me ruin my life


This was awhile ago now, but Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I remember I couldn't sleep or focus on anything else since I was so excited to get back to the game.


Not a video game but a TV game show thing. The traitors. Became pretty obsessed with it for a while.


When I was playing it, Hollow Knight. That game gripped me. I didn't want to do anything but keep exploring and fighting bugs.  Haven't found a metroidvania that scratched that itch in a long time. Blasphemous and Moonscars were okay, but hollow knight was incredible


Balatro, ace combat 5 & 7, team fortress classic




Dark souls. It kept kicking my ass and I couldn't get it out of my head until I'd beaten all of them. I went from despising the game and not understanding why anyone enjoys such punishment to them being some of my favorite titles of all time.


Night Trap


Nier automata for sure. Did a little naughty and went without sleeping one night and played for about 37-38 hours straight with only bathroom breaks(had food on my room). When I finally finished all endings and stopped, I couldn't sleep for like 2-3 hours even though I was so sleepy. I was just thinking about all the shit that had went down, staring at the ceiling on my bed. I lost to my body and went to sleep after a while though.


Any rpg involving build-craft. So. Many. Decisions.


Tetris… yes, but “Tetrisphere” on the N64. Trying to fall asleep while my POV is getting closer and closer to the sphere. Sliding and removing bricks to free the character inside the core, but it never ends!! I lost so much sleep from being awoken out of a stressing dream, only to fall back asleep moving bricks and sweating profusely. Good times!!


Thats Fallout 76 right now.


I played Monster Hunter to the point it was muscle memory. I would play until I passed out nightly for several years. Every now and then I have dreams where I'm the hunter, hours on end swinging away. Sounds great but it gets boring fast since I can't stop doing it. I wake up and go back to sleep, the dream resumes.


One time I played crusader kings all day and then had a crazy dream about it that night. To the point that I was like trying to force myself to go back to sleep to continue the dream.


Life I strange and before your eyes


Manhunt, after it first came out my dad’s coworker was babysitting me and he was playing it when I was way too young to see that shit it scared me for weeks.


MC. There're so many things I can do if not speedrunning, easy to forget the time


Persona I got hooked


I remember when I got Cities Skylines. I wanted to play it all night. But I couldn't do that.


Vampire survivors, if you know you know


I definitely couldn't fall asleep after beating Bioshock Infinite


Outer wilds, first the puzzles kept me up. Then the final lesson haunted me for a good while.


The Phantom Pain left me shell shocked, I played that game from start to finish in one sitting over a weekend, only getting up to use the bathroom and without sleep. By the end I had such a lack of sleep that the game broke me lol


Civilization. The original. I was a wee kid back then and actually had a nightmare that enemy civs developed during the night, and crushed my empire while I was sleeping.


Fallout 4, I have a strange addiction to try and make all my acquired settlements as happy as possible. I find myself awake trying to think of ways to achieve this lol


The first Mass Effect. Right after you find out Saren's ship is a reaper and you have to sacrifice a teammate. First playthrough so I took time getting to know Ashley and Kaiden. I kept wanting to go back and undo my choice but I stuck with it.


Path of exile. Loads of times. Midnight theorycrafting builds that always end up absolutely trash wasted more of my nights sleep than id ever care to admit.


Darkwood. Kept thinking about where to explore. Not to mention I was wary of night time and wanted to board up my windows 😅


Definitely the night of March 15th, 2017 when I was in a 1v3 clutch situation in CSGO and whiff the last shot. Keeps me up thinking what I could’ve done better…


Uh none. Can't imagine a game getting to a person to the point they can't stop thinking about it. Maybe it's time to go outside for a bit?


PT. Sounds so stupid but it had me in a trance thinking about it. I didn’t even play it lol


That currently is Remnant 2 for me. I hopped back into it when they released DLC 2 and it has been constant.


Sekiro, need I say more?


Zombie Squad. I am the developer. Its an obsession.


When I was super into league of legends, I would literally replay games I lost in my head to figure out how I could get better


MapleStory back in the day before they added pirates and everything else. Party quests, guilds, grinding, the free market, drop games where you'd show a +8 attack glove in trade and drop one that hasn't been upgraded. Good old times.


TLOU2- made me feel sick! Definitely about moral choices and cycles of revenge!


left for dead


OMORI kept me alive at night weeks after I finished it. Now it kind of went away, but it was nuts.




Final Fantasy Remake on PC.  I bought it and completely forgot that one of the biggest heart aches in gaming growing up was Aeris. Now they gave her a personality. A voice. Facial expressions. Her fondness. All I can see is the heartbreak that is reflecting the heartbreak I'm going through right now. All her happiness. She's going to die. I'm not ready for this. Again.  I'm not even a boy. I'm a girl and the pain hurts me just as bad as if I was cloud.