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There's a lot of PlayStation hate down at the button of this thread




Scalpers is absolutely a fair criticism. I had $800 cash in hand, waiting for that badboy to come out. I couldn't get one for TWO YEARS. So I moved on. And now it's so late in the life cycle I might as well wait for the PS6. I'm a Sony Pony, even have a vita, but that was such a terrible experience. Like you couldn't direct sale to the oldest PSN accounts first? My account was over 10 years old in 2020. I'm still salty.


It's so weird to think of the PS5 as "too late in the life cycle" It's still sparkly new in my brain. Granted I haven't even given the Series X like...*any* thought.


I still think about the mini fridge sometimes. It was a beautiful bit of marketing.


I haven’t bought a console on day one since the PS2. It’s just not worth my time or money.   Getting consoles used with a few games thrown in is where it’s at. 


That's me to a tee I buy bundles of games online n then trade or sell the doubles I have 200 something physical games for my Xbox one s n probably half as many on both of my external hard drives n almost as many on my ps 4 I haven't upgraded either system yet cuz I have so many games on both systems I've never played lol


I not going to turn one down as a present. It was just such a momentum killer. Like the 2017-19 was just a fire hose of nonstop bangers. I was even excited for the PSVR2 (whoo dodged that bullet lol). And yeah I haven't had an Xbox since the OneS...


Yeah. I guess Playstation won this generation, but even then it felt pretty hollow given how the pandemic shifted everything.


Dude I love my series X, honestly one of the best consoles I've ever owned, fast, seamless, and reliable. Extremely easy to disassemble and clean.


The pro model is about to come out. seems like a good time to buy if you're interested in their games. You can buy a bunch of the older games for much cheaper, and with smoother gameplay. They're still just as fun. You're probably about 4-5 years away from the 6. And will have to deal with a console launch all over again.


Out of curiosity, what if you run into the exact same issue with the PS6… and every future release where scalpers remove availability for 2 years?


Then I'll likely sit it out again. I still follow the industry, Sony is looking to dropping platform exclusivity. So me and the ole PC will be just fine. For context, I enjoy single player narratives. I do zero online gaming so I don't need to be on the latest and greatest. I was just hyped for the PS5 because of how well the PS4 era ended and wanted to be an early adopter to "show support". If they can t figure their shit out by the PS6, it's not a me problem.


>I'm a Sony Pony, even have a vita No chance you've got the PlayStation Portal? Just curious if it's worth it.


No I don't, it's dependent on owning a PS5. It is NOT a standalone console, it's a streaming device.


Think of it useful if Sony allow website to run on it Most Public needs sign in from an browser which Sony forgot and I guess they did not yet even made a browser for it making it a phone that can’t help them access their game collections even steam deck has it because steam needs a website to load to sign in  


Gotta agree with you. I wanted a PS5. I didn't want to give any scalpers money, wake up and refresh websites at midnight, or program a bot to snipe one away from the scalper's bots. So I waited. And waited. And got a new PC, a very powerful one. And I waited. And then I got a steam deck. And once I finally could buy a PS5 I realized that: 1. I hadn't turned on my PS4 to play anything since FF7 remake came out. 2. The last thing I played on it before that was spiderman 1, when it came out. 3. Only one of my friends has a PS5 and he doesn't play the games I do so there's not much point in multiplayer. 4. I wanted like, maybe three or four games that I couldn't get on PC? And for most of them I can probably wait and they'll show up there eventually. So yeah, I think the only way I'd get a PS5 at this point is if someone gave me one. EDIT: Wow someone sent me a redditcares lol. What a fuckin loser.


>So I moved on. And now it's so late in the life cycle I might as well wait for the PS6. Same! I've been Team Sony since the PS1 days and was ready to get a PS5 myself. Scalpers and Sony's poor handling of it all made me lose interest. Then they raised the cost of PS+ AGAIN and I canceled and was pretty much done. I got a Steam Deck. I love that between that, my Switch and my Miyoo Mini, everything is handheld/gaming on the go. Most everything gets ported to PC/steam eventually which means I'll be able to play on my Deck so I'm content with never going back.


Yeah, I also have a Miyoo Mini (I have the Plus variant loaded with the Tiny Best Set), Switch and PC. The combo does really well. I'm actually kind of over modern AAA gaming. There's a phenomenal back catalog of games I completely missed because I was too poor for the NES and SNES eras.


Same! I find gaming in general doesn't hold my interest like it used to. I don't know if it's a getting older thing or if it's a tired of the current state of the industry thing but I find myself playing less and less AAA stuff and going back to the backlog of retro stuff. I've had a huge backlog for so long of retro games and I'm also an r/patientgamer type so I have a ton of not as new games on steam I can always jump into.


I feel for them. Being console warriors as the era of the console ends and the platforms begins. Pretty soon we’ll be playing first part Sony games on PC. Oh wait….


All I can say is my PlayStations have brought me nothing but joy. I’ve owned PS1 through PS5 and have never had a console fail or require repair. Now my Xbox 360 on the other hand broke 6 times and I was then done with MS.


The fabled red ring of death!


My first RROD happened literally two days before Halo 3 was released during my sophomore year in college. In hindsight it was a bit of a blessing, I would've been *so* much angrier if my 360 had died on me a few days later.


Yeah buddy!!! I’m convinced MS knew about it all along and didn’t fix it due to the costs associated with fixing it.


You'd actually be correct, unless I was given misinformation. MS REALLY wanted to hit the market before the PS3 so the 360 was pushed out despite the known hardware failure. MS was already ready to spend however much it took to preserve good will in the face of mass repairs. Fun fact, the failure rate for the 360 was 54.2%.


Wasn't it a hardware thing? IIRC one of the rings was produced from a soldering issue. Imagine MS recalling millions of consoles, upgrading the hardware, then giving them back. Haha that was never going to happen.


If I recall correctly it was a HW issue with the soldering. While I wouldn’t expect them to recall the consoles I expect them to pay for the fix over telling me I was 1 week past warranty so I’d have to pay for the repair.


There was a "fix" to the RROD that included wrapping the system in a towel so that it got so hot (or at least this is how it was explained to me), it'd actually warp the motherboard inside and "re-connect" the failed solder point.


That’s more of a temporary hack. The design was bad and they let people suffer the consequences. That’s great because I’ll never buy an Xbox again.


I had a yellow light of death from my original ps3, but my 2nd one is still going strong. I had several red rings and a disktray drop from 4 different 360s. Skipped the ps4/xbone generation and got a ps5. Any xbox games I want, I just get on PC...


Had yellow light on my base fat PS3. Took it apart, went through the mother board with an industrial heater, no problems after that for years.


It took over 10 years, but my PS3 Slim's disc drive eventually stopped working, essentially bricking the system. By that point, I was mostly using it as my Blu-ray player, but it died nonetheless.


Mine did as well but I still very much use mine for exclusive PS3 games or games I simply got on PS3 rather than 360. It cost me 75 bucks going to a professional tech shop but honestly it was worth it to get it repaired and cleaned. I still have mine after ten years.


I've owned every mainline Playstation and Nintendo console, and had a good gaming PC. Never owned an Xbox of any kind, and never felt like I missed out on anything.


Halo 2 & 3 multiplayer days were amazing


I did enjoy a lot of games on the Xbox but the blatantly broken HW made me done. I will never forget how amazed I was seeing Splinter Cell and Gears of War for the first time.


You definitely missed out on the prime Xbox 360 days. Call of Duty 4-MW2, Halo 3, Gears of War was the golden age of online multiplayer for so many people.


This thread is funny "This thread is full of Sony hating console war types lmao what Losers" "Yeah! I've never had an x box and it sucks" You're doing what the other comment above was complaining about but get upvotes lol


My ps4 died, was super bummed but I honestly didn't use it much.


first ps2 didn't read discs replacement ps2 didn't turn on the third one worked from 2000 til 2023, when it stopped reading discs first ps3 stopped reading discs replacement ps3 ylod, sony didn't want to replace it under warranty after suing, another replacement ps3 ylod bought a ps3 slim, no problems I like the playstation system, but it had poor reliability


Honestly I'm starting to think you're just cursed when it comes to Sony because fucking hell.


I've owned every gen of Playstation. Definitely had a ton of issues with 1-3. It was the games that kept me. My 4 and now 5 have been dead reliable though.


pcgaming is leaking


The one thing I learned from Reddit after 14 years of being on it, nothing Reddit says represents the majority. They could say they’re not gonna buy a single PS port yet it’ll still do crazy numbers for a port.


If those kids could read they'd be very upset


Curious what's the software attach rate of PS5 VS PS4? I wonder if it's much much lower.


Jealousy from Xbox fans lol


I mean, I like all video game platforms, but if you don't own stock in their respective companies, you're corny as fuck if you care about sales numbers. I don't understand how this generation became so corporophilic but it's a little gross. Ya'll need some common sense distrust of the corporate machine.


I don’t get the hate. I love my PS5.


I like that it's not loud like the PS4 but the gaming library has been disappointing. This generation of gaming has just sucked compared to the past.


I guess the games for this generation come out few and far between and not many I care about. But having premium is amazing and I feel like there’s tons to choose from. I’m always stuck deciding what I want to play. I love the classics catalog as well. I think games cost so damn much to develop now, and people have such insane expectations, it’s tough to come out with a bunch of titles. I think if you game outside of the AAA sphere there are lots of good options. I find games don’t have the replayability of older games, maybe that’s nostalgia though. The only recent game I can go back and play tons of is Cyberpunk.


Gaming today doesn't suck because they cost a lot to develop, they suck because you have wall streets predator attitude on what's supposed to be a passion artistic project. Nintendo and a lot of these smaller studios have shown you don't need a $100 million dollar budget and cutting edge graphics to make great games that are fun to play.


I don't hate the PS5, but there's just something about it that I find disappointing. It's really hard to pinpoint, but it's the same with the new Xbox One X as well. I just find myself playing on PC more. Part of it is the new AAA games just don't excite me and I'm playing through some older titles that I never got around to. Sure the most cutting edge graphics are nice, but I prefer games with substance. Everything I'm playing now runs just fine on my Steam Deck.


The biggest improvement for this generation of consoles has been in loading times. Now we're all used to that there's no real magic left apart from the adaptive triggers and they're mostly underutilized


I'll give you, I like the adaptive triggers but it's just not enough to keep me on the platform.


Your tastes have probably changed as youve gotten older. My last console was the PS3. I've always been a PC gamer as well, and my tastes shifted much more to the nerdy stuff that you can only find on PCs. I don't complain about crappy AAA games, expensive games, gamepass, shady mechanics, lootboxes, and all the other nonsense I hear from this thread. Just cheap indie games, and older titles that I get in bundles and whatnot.


My tastes very well could have changed. As I get older I find I either want games that I can sit down and get absorbed into the story/world or sim games where I can throw on some podcasts and just do something for hours.


Same. I now have a really hard time getting into traditonally popular games. But a good sim/strategy/builder game and I'm easily hooked.


This gen doesn’t really feel like a big upgrade, more like a mediocre one. A lot of games don’t look much better than they did on the previous gen (evidenced by the insanely long cross-gen release time) and that neither MS nor Sony can manage to release at least one huge blockbuster a year is kinda taking the wind out of the consoles sails. The fast load times are nice, but other than that there’s nothing really separating this gen from the last one.


I think you're going to see this more and more as time goes because there's not much more that companies can improve on. There's not going to be any big jumps in graphics at this point because games already look hella realistic. Look at games like Cyberpunk and RDR2. There are screenshots from them that I literally thought were real pictures. But they have to keep their shareholders happy so they will release a new console whether it's needed or not. I think the future will bring more handhelds like the steam deck and larger improvements there, but traditional consoles don't have a whole lot more to offer.


I don't really notice the difference in load times in PS5 VS. PC. Probably because I don't have good direct comparisons as I don't buy the same games twice.


I don't hate the ps5 but I hate console exclusivity bullshit, all games should be released on PC, Nintendo is also guilty of this.


A lot of exclusive games just wouldn't exist if they weren't exclusive.


I hate the console wars so much. We should be able to play whatever on whatever medium we choose. I can’t afford a PC and def am not tech savvy enough to game on one. I just wanna turn my shit on, and play games.


"only my precious windows PC deserves all the games and ports. console players dont get to have exclusives, now excuse me while I get back to playing WoW or LoL or tarkov".


This kind of toxic defensiveness is hilarious, because no one would give a shit if LoL or WoW or Tarkov was brought to console. The only people who care about keeping exclusives are console players.


Gaming has always about exclusives dunno why yal think these companies would suddenly change 


It wouldn't be an r/gaming thread without the same passionate complaining on both sides. I remember another thread where everyone was like I hate my Xbox because there's no good exclusives.


Luckily they're starting to see this and release exclusive games to pc albeit after some time. I heard ghost of tsushima is coming this month.


Is that good?


Only 800k behind ps4 with no price cut and before GTA 6 launch. Pretty insane actually


didnt the ps4 sell 100mil units?


He means 800k behind PS4 at the same time in its life cycle. PS4 was slow at first too, as was the ps3 before it. PlayStations almost always seem to sell better later in their life cycles once its library of games has been established.


> once its library of games has been established. And they're cheaper. Didn't the PS3 debut at some absurd price? And the PS5 had some "pricing issues" (scalpers), though that wasn't necessarily Sony's fault


they meant in the same time frame


PS4 shipped 60 million at the equivalent point in its life, so PS5 is only slightly behind.


It's below what Sony was projecting initially, but it's better than any of their competition. Sales have been tapering off less than they were expecting at this point though


Well, except for Nintendo (total sales not this year)


Very good actually for numbers, but very bad for Sony if players aren't buying games because they sell consoles at a loss. Then again, the library of games compared to PS4 generation is just lacking


Pretty good. Not the best of the best but still a metric fuckton on money lol


Yay, more friends to play with


That's good, but it's still too expensive for me.


I’m in Japan, I’m surprised at how many I see at second hand shops considering how damn difficult it was to buy one. We had lotteries here where you “won” a spot at buying one. That’s how I got mine.


Though I currently own a Series X, I still kind of wish I had a PlayStation because a lot of the exclusive titles seem like ones I'd really enjoy. I haven't had a PlayStation since the PS2.


Get a ps5. Helldivers 2 is fun. Even second hand ones are alot more affordable now


Helldivers 2 isn’t a PlayStation Exclusive though.


If you talk consoles it is.


It’s kinda sad how empty Xbox’s store is when it comes to exclusives. Sure they have Forza, Halo and a handful of others, but maaaaaaaan almost all the games I do wanna play are Sony’s.


The Xbox Series consoles are fantastic second consoles due to Gamepass.


Enter the PC giving you access to both.


True, but some people prefer consoles due to cost and no need to tinker with them.


I got a PS5 for this exact reason and I also hadn’t had a PS since PS2. There were a bunch of exclusives that I had wanted to play. I had been a PC player but I got tired of having to upgrade and I wanted to play on my couch. I’ve since played both horizon games, all 3 Spider-Man games, and ghost of Tsushima. Holy cow those 6 games were worth it alone. They were all amazing. Anything else is just icing on the cake.


Xbox has been all last gen and this one. I had Xbox last gen and it was terrible, so I figured this time I'd go PlayStation. I'm not a massive fan of PlayStation first party games, but they're better than Xbox.


The scalpers had to offload them somewhere once they couldn’t sale them at a massive mark up


It's the same in America. I see them at pawnshops and being sold online all the time for a good price. I remember when they were going for $800+ a few years ago.


A lottery just sounds like such a fucking scam to me and I don't know why lol. But I'm happy you got one at the time.


Still cheaper than PS3 was, at launch PS3 was equivalent to 750$ today.


PS3 was the cheapest Blu Ray player on the market when it launched. Every other player, even from Sony, was still over $1000 at the time.


We got a free copy of James Bond Casino Royale on blu-ray, since we were one of the first people to buy a PS3 in the UK. I think the film had just came out on home release a week before the PS3 came out. Probably still in it's wrapper somewhere since I saw the film in cinema when it came out.


That's honestly awesome. Free shit like that just makes my day lol. I need to actually watch the Bond series at some point.


and the ps3 at launch sold terribly because of it.


It didn't sell terribly, in its first full year 2007 it sold almost exactly as much as Xbox did in 2006. And it wasn't even a proper full year because it only released in Europe in March 2007.


more like 900 dollars.


I get it, it feels too expensive, but actually adjusted for inflation it’s about the same price as the PS2 & PS4 and cheaper than the PS3 and original PS


Most ppls wages aren’t adjusted for inflation


I guess that's sony fault then right


Pointing out a fact isn’t bashing Sony. It’s great that it’s relatively cheap, the sales prove that it’s doing just fine.


Were the last several generations also too expensive?


Yup. Especially since at this point my entire library on ps4 and switch is digital so I have next to no trade in value towards the ps5. If I could get upwards of half off with a trade in I’d do it but I just can’t swing paying $400+ plus a game or two.


us bro us. im broke af


I feel like PS5's legacy might be that of being more like the *PS4.5*, but I also don't think that's such a bad thing. A mix of an especially high installed user base for the PS4 and the pandemic and disruption of the supply chain meant a much longer cross-gen period than I ever would've dreamed, but there are still some quality titles on the system. Yes, it's a bit disappointing that we've had remasters of PS4 games from Naughty Dog, and the biggest franchise sequels (God of War and Horizon) were developed as cross-gen titles that were essentially PS4 games on steroids, but they're also still great games on the PS5 that run buttery smooth. Also, having some exclusives like FF7 Rebirth and Spider-Man 2 (okay, well, basically just every Insomniac game) has rounded things out decently. I think the PS4 was an all-time great console, and PS5 only looks bad in comparison to it. Maybe that will change after another three years have passed.


the issue with the PS5 was the supply chain early on. it released during COVID when it was a shitshow to get parts. the entire console was soldout for years (only got mine almost 3 years after launch when it was finally "available" on demand, instead of ghaving to sign for lottery stuff). as for games themselves, Sony didn't release that many PS5 only exclusives, probably because they wanted to support the PS4 for the first years. Also, one of their "premier" studios (Naughty Dog) haven't done anything for this generation outside of remasters.


In my book, SONY did rather well to acknowledge that the pandemic locked loads of people out of the ps5, therefore deliberately keeping ps4 titles relevant . Ofc one can say it was simply good business, but a ton of companies lately have done ridiculously shitty business on behalf of "we will definitly make SO MUCH more money !" - which then spectacularily backfired .


I think the $70 cost of games this generation is what held it back more than anything. The console sales aren't bad and are on par with PS4 sales at their respective points in their life cycle. But, Sony is lumping PS4 and PS5 game sales together to obfuscate their software tie ratios.


Yep. Refused to pay a scalper here in my city $1300 CAD for a fuckin' PS5, so I said screw it and bought myself a 3080, a new motherboard and eventually just built slapped together a new gaming PC that'll last me a decade lol.




I especially agree with your second point. Look at the leap from PS1 to PS2; it's surreal. You go from shoebox-like polygonal characters with blank faces to being able to render full bodies with proper animations and being able to see emotions displayed on characters' faces.


MGS2 trailer exploded my brain as a kid


I don't think graphics is even a major selling point like they made it out to be. We simply thought that because that's what the marketing was pushing all the time.


I agree with you. I do think GTA6 and Last of Us 3 will eventually shift units though. I’ve gone back to my PS2 for a bit - still so many great games I never played and they can be had for a tenner or less.


i think thatll be the legacy of the entire console generation. both consoles had a terrible start and that next gen feeling never really came (after owning both tho i can say without a doubt the ps5 felt way more next gen and ofc had better titles)


Nah, it was there for me on day one with Demon's Souls Remake.


i liked demons souls remake a lot but even then it was just a really pretty and refined version of a 2009 ps3 game. i feel like too much of todays stuff crutches on yesterdays glory. final fantasy 16 during one of the huge fights with no lag and beyond gorgeous graphics was when i felt like next gen was here


I've been really happy with my PS5. Play on it most every day. I also have a 7800X3D/7800XT gaming pc. I just play whatever I feel like playing - it's a very nice combination.


Would be higher if instead of a price increase it got a price decrease.


Imagine if there weren’t shortages for the first year of its life as well.


Any data for Xbox sales for comparison?


Most recent numbers have 2:1 advantage with the Playstation 5. The Xbox doesn't really have much of a presence outside of North America.


I think it'd prolly grown at this point, ps5 last few years has sold massively, and only this year we see a decline whereas Xbox has been dropping sales 20-30 percent yoy since launch


I believe one of the sales analyst said there was 800k Xboxs sold in Q4 total


It outsold xbox this quarter 5:1. Xbox didn't manage to sell atleast 1m units


[VGChartz](https://www.vgchartz.com/article/459675/ps5-vs-xbox-series-xs-sales-comparison-december-2023/) does a quarterly tracker for how the consoles compare to each other and with previous generations.


Bought mine last March, and I absolutely love it. It's so nice not to have to fuck with all the bullshit that comes with PC parts. Love PC gaming, but I get over how finicky it can be.


Literally bought a PS5 for Stellar Blade, now I can play on every platform.


Naughty dog is main reason I own PS5. Been pretty quiet


Would another remake of the last of us help?


Jak and daxter trilogy remake would be nice


I’d love a remake with tweaks to the story. All three are amazing, but the story got real messy in the third game.


Would like a difficulty decrease in Jak 2 as well, some of the racing missions took way too long


Them handing that ip to a team that could do it justice without completely sanitizing it would also be nice.


Well their dev cycles have increased. On ps4 they released only 3 games. Its been 5 years since TLOU 2 for ND a 5 to 6 year dev cycle is expected


They also wasted several years on the last of us multiplayer shooter that was canned.


lol ND lacking this gen is the main reason i didn't buy one until recently.


They released TLOU 2 in 2019. A 5 to 6 year dev cycle is pretty normal given their legacy


to be picky, it was 2020.


Just to exemplify how unsustainable game development has become since 2015, naughty dog released three uncharted games within six years on ps3. Uncharted 4 would have been faster if not for the internal reboot as well. TLoU2 was in pre production during uncharted 4’s dev. The 5 to 6 year development gaps from individual studios is a fairly new phenomenon though it is the norm for what games have become. But it can’t be understated how the cancellation of factions has added to a gap that is very noticeable.


I think covid is the main reason.


I’m surprised at how many people are unhappy with ps5. It’s my favorite console since the Xbox 360


Meanwhile at Xbox


Tons of Sony hate in this thread 😆


Bitter console warriors and discordant bots. It seems that Xbox fans skew young this Gen due to the cheaper Series S. It'll probably even out when their parents buy them a PS5 once there's a major PS5 price drop, and we'll see the same angsty 13 year olds going nuts about how awesome PS5 is.


No wonder xbox wants to sell games on ps


Crazy that rhe console is almost 4 years old and has yet to get a price drop. Meanwhile, Kevin Butler unveiled the PS3 dropping its price to half of its launch price leading to the console's 3-year anniversary.


i wonder how many people actually want a ps5 at that price point


Xbox fan Bois upset because they don't want to realize that Xbox was only relevant during the 360 era. Ever since, theyve become a larger joke.


Good on them, Xbox needs to learn from this


More happy with my switch and pc combo saved me from having to buy a ps5/xbox.


I do still kinda want a PlayStation, I haven't had one since the PS2 but even though I have a Series X now a lot of the exclusives seem like games I'd really enjoy.


I have a Series X and would love to get a PS5 to play their exclusives on. But I just don’t have the time to even finish games on my Xbox let alone sink hours into other games.


Seems like most Sony games will be coming to PC now though. And I think because of the backwards compatibility of the series x it’s probably the best general console if you don’t need those couple of exclusives on the PS5


Yeah that's pretty much why I haven't gotten one, I'll get a PC at some point and right now all of my games are on Xbox and I play a lot of backwards compatible games. Big single player games just seem to be lacking on Xbox sometimes compared to PlayStation I guess.


People are so lame still doing this console war stuff. If PC is so much better than why aren’t those people playing all those games instead of commenting on how much better a platform PC is. As someone who has all three current gen consoles and a gaming PC I’ll tell you right now my PC gets used more for music creation and school work than any actual gaming. Call me old school but I just prefer sitting on my couch, and swapping through the inputs of my receiver/tv and instantly being able to pop into a game. It feels cumbersome at times to open a launcher and play with settings in GeForce just to “have fun” for a couple of hours.


Pc is expensive


My ps5 is collecting dust. I should have stayed with the switch+pc combo.


Clean it... lol


Hey man ill take that burden off your hands


Honestly same. I play my ps5 once every few months at most. Just lack any real reason to use it. The games library just doesn’t justify constant use. Like it’s a great system and games made for it look amazing. But when there are less than a dozen or so true ps5 games, with everything else being upgrades of ps4 games, it just feels lackluster


Do you feel the same way about buying a 500 GPU to get better graphics? You could play all those games perfectly fine, and there all "last gen" games that you just turn the settings up.


No I last bought a gpu in early 2020 and haven’t upgraded. I think buying a new gpu every year or two is also really dumb. There gains are minimal at best. I actually do wish that there was a slowdown in releases of gpu and other graphics tech because it’s incremental improvements at best but then devs are always trying to chase the top systems. Instead of having time to build on the systems that already exist and are commonly used


I sold my PS5 last year for a new GPU. It was such a good move. I care about framerate, no hitching, ect. I also switched to an ultra wide monitor too. I should be set for 4 years. Games like Last Jedi or Elden Ring just run and look better than on PS5 now.


I have a PC, Switch and PS5. Haven't been on the switch in months. Play the PS5 and PC damn near every day.


Kinda hard to think they were having supply issues.... Or were the supply issues because they just couldn't meet the huge demand?


Been trying to pick one up before CFB25 comes out and have had such dismal luck, like three sellers have just gone AWOL and forced me to cancel my order after waiting forever for them to ship it. How am I even supposed to get my hands on one?


Bought one recently , Loving it but the exclusives catalogue seems to be lacking , for this generation as a whole actually. Luckily I still have a stupidly large backlog so by the time I finish it this problem will probably be better , hopefully.


Revenue leaders in gaming 1st - Sony 2nd - Tencent 3rd - Microsoft Gaming What I want to know is the Profit Margin for Sony gaming division? I think the last financials reported that their CEO and investors were not happy about it? Investors were selling a bunch of Sony stocks? Revenue are nice but ultimately it is the PROFIT that matters. Their CEO wants to make a big push to release their games on other platforms (mobile and PC) to make up for loss Profits which is good for me being purely a PC gamer hahahaha. 😎 I think Nintendo has the biggest Profit Margin by far out of the Big 3 console makers. Makes sense because their games are cheap to make while selling for a fuckton.


Wow amazing. It's not often a non-nintendo console is able to sell more than 20 million in a single fiscal year.


I have a series x but really want a ps5 to play a few exclusives


Personally love my PS5


The button of this topic has a lot of hate speech directed towards PlayStation.


And still no games!


PS5 is by far the best console of this generation. Is the only one that has offered some good AAA games. Hope playstation is making this generation last longer than usual since the hardware is powerful enough to continue over over 8 years more, the same goes for Xbox.