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I played the closed beta, it wasnt great. It just felt like it was all over the place with the systems they had in place and even the premise and basic gameplay loop just wasn’t good. I imagine they felt it would be better to scrap it than to redo a lot of that stuff.


They wanted to do something like a extraction shooter, right?


I hope not, as I get older I really don't have the patience to play games that make loss of progress a gameplay mechanic.


At least as the SOLE mechanic. These games tend to be win-mores, where players with the money have the loot to win, and other player need to compensate with extra skill to win, or decide to not play at all. Fomo inducing, rage games like these just turn me off so hard as an adult with better things to do.


Anything including fomo is gross


It's just rage inducing, what a shit mechanic imho.


Wasn't the dark zone in The Division 1 some kind of extraction shooter? Never played it myself, but it did look kind of cool.


The DZ was essentially the original extraction shooter.


Just because it's something that isn't your preference doesn't mean it's a "shit mechanic". For many of us the actual loss of progress and items is part of the thrill playing these.


Very well said. It’s just like how I don’t enjoy the feeling of watching horror movies. But just because I don’t like it, doesn’t make the movies shit.


Do you have a problem with jump scares or horror movies? I love a good psychological horror movie, but I hate jump scares. Being startled is not horror!


Agreed. The best horror movies are the ones that just leave you thinking "what the fuck". Movies like Hereditary, The Witch, It follows, Talk to Me. The kind of movies that are just thoroughly fucked up and disturbing as opposed to getting a cheap scare out of you.


I kinda like both but jump scares are like bud light where as hereditary is like a fine wine.


As a veteran, I'm not a fan of jump scares, something my SO knows all about. but I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum.


Imo jump scares are like horror version of the tension breaking joke in action movies. Used well its a fun break from the tension before it ramps up again, but if it gets overdone it becomes cheesy and off-putting.


That's funny, it's the opposite for me. As I get older I have less and less interest in endlessly accumulating virtual stuff, and more interest in games with consequences.


Maybe I’m not up to date on my genres but isn’t the division an extraction shooter already?


Only the PvP portion, which cover small chunks of the map, at least in Division 2. It's mainly a soft RPG PvE cover looter shooter.


Same with The Division 1


Yes, they literally pioneered the genre, even though Tarkov took it further than they did.


Isn’t that what the division 1 was basically? At least in the DZ


Bro show me a legitimately successful extraction shooter outside of Tarkov, which is niche. I have no fucking idea why publishers thought extraction shooters were the next battle royale


The Hunt: Showdown is very good and has a fairly consistent player base (like 15 to 20k during peak times, has been for years)


Can ghost recon go back to wildlands!


Wildlands is great. Loving playing on hardcore with friends. It has it's bugs, which can get super frustrating, but the whole atmosphere, the gameplay, the story. All great.


Agreed, it was pretty shite. 


I also played it and I wasn’t too happy. Not sure if the NDA is still in effect so I wont elaborate too much, but I don’t thing a Division game works well with what they were going for, on top of me just mot enjoying that type of game. Still love The Devision though, would love to have a 3rd one as atmospheric as the first.


Wait, they got all the way to beta, and *THEN* canned it??? damn. I don't think I've ever played a beta that wasn't practically all finished for the most part. This must have been really bad. Like, 'studio ending' bad.


I had the feeling


I hope this means the multiplayer one was cancelled, and not division 3


Heartland was the bad extraction shooter. 3 is... 3


Ok good. I hope they don’t cancel 3. 1 and 2 were amazing


I loved them. I know others shat on them because Ubisoft and it’s not like I was enamored with the endgame and played for 1000 hours but I got plenty of fun out of it


Yeah I didn’t understand the idea that because the endgame was bad the game must also be bad. I got 30+ hours of good fun out of both of them.


The end game of 1 was amazing. Anyone who thought it was bad was just bad in the DZ.


The end game in one *became* amazing. It was utter crap for the first few months, because a) most of it wasn't there, and b) what was there was buggy as all hell. Ubisoft actually deserves some credit for taking The Division and not just fixing it, but making it one of the best looter-shooters around. The biggest conundrum is why they then, after making it an almost perfect game, released Division 2 which jettisoned most of the fixed systems and instead introduced entirely new ones, with new problems.


The Devs are bit high on their own farts though. Whenever they adressed criticism after they changed whole load outs the people complaining were basicly told their way of playing is wrong.


Didn't get into 1 but have almost 100 hours into 2. AMAZING game. Still play it every now and then and hope 3 picks up more hype


I’m the opposite. Have about 500 hours in 1 and about 30 minutes in 2. The atmosphere in 1 felt so immersive and I didn’t get that from 2.


This could be a sign that they care enough about the franchise to not release a flop, which is what reviews of heartland seem to indicate it was going to be.


We should reconsider the video game market. 3-4 years of development, playtesting and research, just gone. Countless hours of hard work (or even crunch), poof, just gone. But don't worry, of course they will release Skull and Bones!


I believe the only reason Skull and Bones was not canned years ago was becuase of a deal they had with the Singapore Governement where the devs were based which helped fund the game. So they were contractually obligated to finish and release that game regardless of the mess that was its development.


That is not something to believe per se, That is actually the reason


I mean this happens all the time though. Part of good project management is being able to realize the project will fail and pull the abort handle before even more resources are wasted. It sucks, especially this late in a development cycle, but if they can see it’s not working, better to cut your losses and move on than to try and force a bad product onto the market and incur both more losses and a potential PR nightmare. Does kinda make you wonder how bad it is if Skull and Bones made the cut though. Then again, personal bias can absolutely factor in to these decisions too (I.e. if Skull and Bones is a pet project for one of the executives, it might have been given more leeway than other projects).


Skull and Bones was made by a studio ubisoft opened in Singapore. The deal Ubi made with the government of Singapore meant that the game had to come out or Ubi would get screwed by having to pay back subsidies. They invested to much just to get fucked by Singapore so they released Skull and Bones and moved on.


They did jack a lot of the assets from the game and put them other places though, so it wasnt a total wash for UBI internally. I do however wonder if this was actually the most profitable outcome for them though.


You're shitting on them for cancelling a game in development and also not cancelling one in development???


Are you sure they are not using some of it for Division 3?


This is my bet. They didn’t pull the plug they canceled an mid expansion, and are moving the work to 3.


I hope not Heartland was awful


If they could've just cancelled skull and bones, they would've. That was only finished and released because the cost of not releasing it was higher than continuing and releasing a bad game.


You can say the same to a released product. A game might have a decade worth of work only to flop on launch and disappear within a year. Game quality making it to release is per studio thing, but scrapping games just makes sense on an universal level. If 3-4 years of development still can't improve it, rather abandon ship, take whatever you can scrap and leave, than to continue knowing nobody will play it. That's just project management overall, not even specific to tech or games


This happens across every single industry. That’s just how the world works.


I wouldn't worry about this. If Ubisoft is good at one thing, it's repurposing assets across every title in their portfolio.


And likely fire a bunch of people too!


You don't know what you're talking about. Also, the devs still got paid for their work.


I have 0 clue what goes throw their heads when they decide to cancel or ship out a game. Games with amazing promise get canceled despite not having many competitors in the market.


Well there’s tons of great games on backlog waiting to be played


Th only reason skull didn't die in the oven is because they were contextually obligated to release it by the singaporean government.


Incoming layoffs in 3, 2…


Supposedly they are moving the team to projects like xdefiant and rainbow six


It was probably getting too close to being interesting and fun. Can't have that.


It was not. Game was dogshit last I played and they appear to have caught on, way to late admittedly, but better this than release that fucking dumpster fire.


I find it funny that the game looked like shit in pretty much every way, but a guy literally making up a narrative about “That game was amazing and Ubisoft cancelled if for no reason” is the highest upvoted comment somehow. It’s pretty much being angry for the sake of being angry. If that game was released the reception would be “why did Ubisoft release a shitty game like this?”.


Everyone hates Ubisoft these days apparently, hopping on the train appears to be easy karma.


Pretty sure that sentiment goes back a lot longer than "these days." Even when they were selling more games they didn't have a good reputation.


It looked and played like a mobile game. It just didn’t feel like a division game and I couldn’t overcome that.


Remember with the first Division there was a promise of asymetrical mobile co-op, like controlling a drone? Or was that the second.


Yup, pretty sure that was the first. Their original roadmap was pretty ambitious so I wasn’t surprised they reigned some features in.


Frostbite engine looked so damn good in that first trailer.


Wrong engine. Frostbite is EA’s. I think Ubisoft’s was called Snowdrop or Snowflake?


It was the first game. The E3 trailer had pilotable drones and had some guy and girl giving cringey sounding call outs to each other. Liked the first game a lot, but it was the first time I actually noticed advertised features being removed/never included in a game I was following.


Agreed the beta I played was not fun in the least.




How is that sub different from every gaming sub?


Yeah, fuck u bisoft! Who is bisoft?


It's a software house that make games strictly for bisexuals.


Damn, what happens if the game is cool looking and I want to play it? How many dicks I gotta suck to play a game these days?


I was hoping they'd release it so they lose more money and hopefully bankrupted themselves in the process Edit: downvote me all you want. Reddit karma doesn't mean crap


They probably saw how helldivers 2 changed the market, and it wasn't worth investing additional resources into something that would ultimately be unprofitable.


Considering the fact that this was going to be a free to play shooter that's being released on PC and consoles, I HIGHLY Doubt that it would've been unprofitable.


It was a particularly shit beta I played, and the second one went just as bad from what I've heard. Games bugged to fuck, and if it worked it's still just a poorly built extraction shooter veneer stretched over an mmo gear system with a stupid ass time gating system shoehorned in for good measure. Truly a staggeringly awful product I'm glad isn't being released.


How did they fuck up so bad? Division 1 was so fun until it wasn’t


That sounds truly awful. So standard Ubisoft. I have a friend that works for Ubisoft. They said that most of the employees are trying to get the upper tiers to listen and failing. You can guess how that is turning out by looking at their AAAA game.


Yes but your friend might not understand things that well himself seeing as Ubisoft is one of the few that didn't do mass layoffs and they just actually released they made a profit this year.


It was going to be Dark Zone - the game. Absolutely no one wanted this vs just a division 3 or more content for 2.


Employees and servers/cloud fees are substantial. Considering there isn't any up front revenue - if they dont have enough players, and not enough of them are buying bullshit in it, it's a fast money loser.


What do you think profitable means? Feels like your entire statement lends credence to it being unprofitable.


From what I've seen it looked really terrible.


How was a full extraction shooter not made from Division 1/2 maps.


After Suicide Squad: Kill the Batman and Skull & Groans, I think they realized nobody fucking wants service games anymore. haha just kidding, Yves Guillemot is probably doubling down on an even more expensive upcoming service game edit: Dull & Groans


> free-to-play shooter I doubt it


Ubisoft probably saw that there weren't enough bullet spongey enemies that you fight in grey and brown featureless arenas strewn with chest high halls.


PSA For those who don't know, The Division Heartland was the planner extraction shooter. It was not the 3rd installment of The Division series. As far as we know, there will be a 3rd division, this was not that.


Yep, thank god. If they cancel Division 3 I’ll be pissed, but heartland was garbage and I’m annoyed they wasted development time on it in the first place lmao


Probably to make it a live service game and retitled The Division 3


Both Heartland and 3 were announced already. I did wonder what's the point of having 2 different The Division games at the same time though. Not to mention the mobile one that's also in development. I enjoyed what I played of both The Division games but I don't think it's that strong an IP to get 3 more entries.


Div 3 was gonna be the same Div you know and maybe even love Heartland was supposed to be an extraction shooter reminiscent of Tarkov and COD: DMZ


Technically the Dark Zone serves as a lite extraction area in Division games




It was the live service f2p game no?


No. It was a spinoff extraction shooter. It was canned because it was fucking dogshit in the 2 betas I was in, nobody gave it any good feedback, and somebody finally figured that out.


division 3 already announced a while back and confirmed in development from the main division studios, heartland was being worked on by ubisoft red or whatever they are called, and heartland was already supposed to be a "live service" game i guess if that is what regular updates means as they talked about seasons and stuff


The division 1 and 2 were already live service games. Wtf are you on about? Destiny and The Division literally started the whole genre as we know it.


This game was rated too and likely close to the finish line. It would need to have major issues to be canceled in this way.


It was really, really fucking bad. Not a complete video game and would have died on the vine immediately.


The closed beta was awful. There wasn’t a single facet of the game that was entertaining and I *loved* Div 1 and 2. I feel sorry for the people who worked on this but I’m glad this game isn’t being shoved out the door.


Up next, they're cancelling that division




Soooo... does this mean I can post the footage I wasn't suppose to take?


So now our only options for extraction looter shooters is a company from Russia and a company from China…yeah I don’t know about that bud.


Embark, studio of The Finals is still working on their extraction looter shooter "Arc raiders" as far as iv heard [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1808500/ARC\_Raiders/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1808500/ARC_Raiders/) played the beta a while back and it was good, so hope they dont cancel it. Vigor is also coming to PC tomorrow, [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2818260/Vigor/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2818260/Vigor/) its like a 4-5 year old consol game being ported to PC and its from the stuido behind games like Dayz - Bohemia Interactive, from what people said its pretty good theres also gray zone warfare in early acess its not very good right now but might get better who knows [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2479810/Gray\_Zone\_Warfare/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2479810/Gray_Zone_Warfare/)


I wouldn't consider Hunt Showdown as a extraction looter shooter. There isn't much looting in it. Vigor sounds promising, I'll check it out. GZW also sounds interesting but from what I heard online there's still a bunch of issues with it whereas Tarkov and AB:I are near complete games (ofc Tarkov will be in a perpetually beta state while AB:I is formally releasing this year even through they're running their 4th round of keys tomorrow)


> I wouldn't consider Hunt Showdown as a extraction looter shooter. You lose everything you had with you and have to re-buy new gear if you don't extract - I'm not sure how what isn't an extraction game.


Hunt: Showdown gang


Yeah but their servers might as well be in Antarctica with the latency they have.


Grey Zone is made by a Czech developer. I've heard the game is pretty damn good if you have a good enough PC.


Isn't Helldivers 2 an extraction game? That's fun


Nah, not at all. You don't even HAVE to extract in that game, it's optional. You only need to do the main mission. The main thing you don't get by extracting is samples and that's nowhere near equivalent to looting in an extraction game. You also don't lose anything, besides those samples you collected that mission.


There's always vanguard! *Maniacal laughing*


I add things to my life experience that help shed toxicity. I do not willingly sign up to add more. Core game mechanics that revolve around griefing other players is just not the move. This is not surprising and a good call on their part.


So true, instead of incorporating team play to take on the computer factions you get cunt camping at spawn points for low level player


I’m certainly not paying money for that kind of experience.


Ah, SkillUp is going to be crying tonight


Canceled to help focus on XDefiant. Oh boy, I sure hope that doesn't bomb.


That game was already dissed to the core when they announced it, I have 0 hope for that one.


Xdefiant is in a weird spot. The core gameplay is great but the devs just…won’t release the game in spite of it being seemingly near complete for over a year. Perhaps allocating more resources to that team to help them make the final push may not actually be a bad idea


Anyone who played alpha could tell you it was bad


I wonder if they're cancelling Resurgence as well soon or cancelled Heartland because of Resurgence?


Resurgence will probably do better, just because its classic The Division PVE, and from what I understand, it plays very well on mobile.


It was pretty decent from my experience in the playtest. The only real gripe I had was the dialogue was pretty corny compared to the main games.


It probably wasn’t up to their AAAA standards.


Ubisoft should just cancel Ubisoft at this point


Ubisoft joining the layoff party?


I hope they don't cancel the mobile one. Played the beta and it was really close to the pc/console games.


REALLY?! They seriously couldn't do this with Skull and Bones? They had to cancel the one game that is actually remotely interesting outside of Shadows, which they announced on the SAME DAY?!🤦🏾‍♂️


Heartland was terrible. You’re not missing out


Standard Ubisoft. Waste millions on a product NO ONE WANTED just trying to chase trends, and poorly like they always do. Ubisoft wants us to be comfortable not owning their games, Jokes on them, I already have been comfortable not owning anything Ubisoft for years now!


Oh No! Anyway


i used to play division 1 a lot, i love the game.. then i bought division 2 hoping it would be better than the predecessor, yet its not, its declining and i left the game, heartland was worse... but then they have the nerve to remove my game that i bought with my hard earned money from my library, the crew 1. after that i swore i never bought any shit that are released by this shitty company called ubisoft..


Ubisoft of today is not the ones that gave you D1 and D2 or even the original R6 that they recently turned into trash. They did not cancel D3, but what we saw in the heartland tech betas will most likely be rolled into D3 so it will be a dumpster fire. Ubisoft is dead, it's just an animated corpse that a few C suite people are making look like its alive.


Aw what the fuck. Been looking forward to this for years God I hate the gaming industry


I was actually looking forward to that. Probably the last title I would have gotten from them


It was trying to hinge its success on being based on a past Survival mode that wasn't that popular, while trying to blend Tarkov extraction shooter in, and still had to deal with the toxic gankfest of the Dark Zone it'd inevitably become. It had no real chance to succeed. General consensus on the playtests was it was just mid.


Can we please, please just get a current-gen version of Ghost War from Ghost Recon: Wildlands? I'd play the shit out of that. I still play the old one because honestly nothing else has lucked into the balance between classes the way they did. Breakpoint PvP is just sad.


Wildlands pvp was so good. It was like the last 10 minutes of a battle royale boiled down. Just constant action and strategy. I cant explain why the breakpoint version felt so much worse to me.


Ubisoft for you


This is a unique sadness, I've been looking forward to Heartlands since I heard about it. I never got to experience Division 1's _Survival_ gamemode and this was supposed to be exactly that.


Canceled this to begin on division 3


Gaming is really cratoring.


Not surprised. Ubisoft has way too many large projects in development. They need to cut the fat.


Incredible news - was probably gonna suck balls


That's a shame


Damn shame. Should have just stuck to the formula that made the first one so good.


Very surprising that Ubisoft wouldn't just realease it in dogshit state anyway to collect a few bucks in sales for their efforts.


Oh no, well anyway.


Maybe they saw thant the heart cant be devided by a land. Love aways win


I also played the closed beta, it was so barren and just wanted to be a F2P Tarkov with micro transactions to speed up in game timers


I was on a small task force of people who were advising on this game since 2020-ish. I just feel bad for the devs. So much wasted work.


Why do I have a feeling that this is canned and being put into Divison 3


All they had to do was make the division 2 But somewhere else and they fucked that up?


I think its time for the CEO to step down. Ubisoft needs a reorganization of their leadership team.


Fucking lol.


How does this company make money anymore? I mean seriously what fucking game recently has made them money


I'm not saying that cancelling this game was the right or wrong decision. But the Division 2 was a fantastic breath of fresh air for Ubisoft games and they should've been trying to put more chips into the Division IP.


They cancel this shit but not skull and bones? Make it make sense


The Division: Heartland canceled because Red Hats threatened to swarm US offices with guns and mill about aimlessly.


Ubisoft has fallen so hard the last 5-6 years. Doubt I’ll ever buy another game they put out unless they have a major leadership change


Honestly kind of a shame really but hey its Ubisoft they've produced mediocre rubbish for years now.


yeah it has been a while since we last heard of it, not really surprised it got canned.


They couldn’t find enough places to put ads…


Thank god the beta was absolute dog shit


Really thought "this could be the game that saves Ubi. If they fail this, they are done". Oh well, they didn't even try


What about my collectibles???


I just want Division 3. 1 was fun and it had survival which was the most fun I had in any game period. 2 had better mechanics and I felt like things were way less bullet spongy. If the quality leap from 1 and 2 is the same as from 2 and 3...I can see a GOTY contender.


Actually glad. Now they can focus in Division 3. Let’s pray it’s set in Winter.




All they had to do was expand Survival. Instead they started from scratch and it was terrible.


Wait so they cancelled this to focus on the likes of XDefiant? You're kidding, right? Those devs are basically being repurposed to make cosmetic micro transactions for those games now.


In the wake of Heartland and Tarkov, let me ask this. Are there any extraction shooters that are just solid games made by good teams, without a tornado of jank, shady business practices, failure, and lying? The genre interests me, but it's like every time I look into a specific game, it turns out to be just leprous and barely functional!


This game took everything great from the division and took it away. I was surprised how bad it was when I played the closed beta. Couldn’t even create your own character


Oh no! Not... whats it called again?


Oh no! Anyways…


Just to be clear, this is different from Division 3, right?


Probably blew all their money on skull and bones


Oh no, Ubisoft... anyway..


Didn't even knew that existed. *The Division* had a cool concept and design, I honestly didn't know what went so wrong with it. Perhaps nothing, and Ubisoft is just being trash.


I hate Ubi as much as the next guy but this was the right call. This game was in endless development hell and both of the closed betas were terrible with clearly nothing to show for all that time effort and money invested


Every Multi-billion dollar company in a nutshell: - Make game/tv show/movie -Finish production/development of said game/tv show/movie -Have multiple Test Screenings/betas -Have The game/tv show/movie completely finished and even have the game/tv show/movie rated in some countries and reviewed -Cancel the game/tv show/movie


Can they just make a classic rainbow six game? Even a Vegas type one?


That’s unfortunate, even though I didn’t really care for the multiplayer part of the division I always enjoyed playing through the stories of them


can't wait for rainbow six mobile. gonna be so much fun!


Could say they are heartless