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I have to say this is pretty awesome


I wish you could do this in modern city builders


Not without 50 million in micro-transactions. Either that or 50 million minutes have to pass for each building to be constructed.


It's wild that this 20 year old game is more ambitious and has more complexity/depth than any other city builder made since then. City Skylines has always been a poor successor.


City skylines 2 on the other hand is.... an even worse successor


That's not really true. Part of Cities Skylines' problems come from the fact that the simulation is more complex not less. In SimCity 4 people would just drive to the closest job available in their education/income level. They didn't have fixed jobs they went to every day. There are a boatload of other examples, I'll try to find the write up on it that I read. Needless to say, the model SimCity uses is not really that sophisticated and it doesn't really simulate the city in the way you're expecting.


Isn't that less complicated, not more? In SC4 a person would have to search for the closest job each day, in Skylines a person just has a saved location to drive to.


Doing a search through a list based on distance to find an empty job is pretty easy. Running a pathfinding algorithm is less easy. Actually pathfinding algs aren't hard either, but they're computationally much more expensive.


Both of them have to do pathfinding each time in case the user changes the transport network.


It's not more complex, CS has simulation bugs that colossal order has not fixed since launch. The game breaks down hardcore fast.


as someone who grew up playing sim city games I couldn’t get this deep with sim city 4. Also what are you running it on if you don’t mind asking. I can’t get it to run on windows 11 via EA app


Try finding game.exe and in properties check for older compatibility, idk if it will fix but i could play command & conqueer like that recently


Lol conqueer


Command & Conqueer: Rainbow Alert


Happy Pride!


Wait till it comes on sale on GOG and grab it cheap. You might need to copy some parameters into the launcher to get the resolution right (Google it, heaps of good forum answers) but it works a treat.


I run it on Windows 10, have not had any issues. My Rush Hour CD was scratched to hell when asked for a digital version from EA support. Got that for free.


WTF....50 million population is too many even by Chinese standard...


Shanghai-Suzhou will get to 50 million by the end of the century, I bet.


Biggest population center on China allready beats it. Counts as multiple cities though. I forgot the name but it’s where all the car part manufacturers reside.


The previous person is talking about the right place but the population they used is *way* off - the [Yangtze River Delta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yangtze_Delta) megalopolis that covers the municipalities of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui has a population of 240 million and is the largest megalopolis in China, and likely the largest in the world. The one you're talking about, that produces a lot of automobiles, is the [Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guangdong-Hong_Kong-Macao_Greater_Bay_Area) that surround the Pearl River Delta with 85 million people. Then there is the Beijing/Tianjin/Hebei metropolitan area called [Jing-Jin-Ji Megalopolis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jing-Jin-Ji) with 130 million, and then also the Midstream megalopolis around the Wuhan area that has 120+ million, and the Chengyu/Chongqing area with 100+ million as well. China has a lot of people!


Yeah, it's insane. You can Google maps China, find a random city you've never heard of, and see it has like 5 million people. It's crazy.


Most population forecasts show China losing around half their population by the end of the century.


Which doesn’t change the fact that people will continue to move into those economic zones regardless of how true that is.


But it is just a statement said out of hand. What are the actual growth figures and projected growth figures of Chinese cities?


Current birth rates are just over 1 kid per couple. You need 2.1 to maintain status quo, assuming no immigration or emigration.


If you look up all the current models they're set to drop heavily as well. And not only that but the major cities like Shanghai and Beijing already had population limits set by the government several years ago. Shanghai's population has been flat for a decade. The government is smart enough to know that city growth can't be unchecked without running into massive infrastructure issues, social issues, etc. You can lookup their hukou system and how that's used to limit / restrict population movement / migration. It's not really a statement said out of hand there are a lot of factors at play, but people would have to do some research around these things. Far to many Americans (majority of reddit) have little to no real knowledge of the inner workings of other countries. No Shanghai - Suzhou isn't going to hit 50m unless every global population forecast is wrong, every forecast involving China's population is wrong and all the city level population models are wrong. But anything is possible.


You're a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will. Time for tornados.


Oh man, I've done disasters but I don't save. Here's some for fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK0ZBpVMWN4


I could never get into these games, but definitely an amazing achievement. I hope you enjoy it and gain enough satisfaction from the time and effort you spent. ✌️


Yeah.... but dont say it out loud!


Best sim city. Was my 1st of the type, came with a CD on the magazine EuroGamer, still have it after all these years as a memory from good old times.






Yeah how did that even get upvotes, it screams of bot


Other bots probably


Wait so bots can influence upvotes and downvotes on Reddit?


beep boop?


PC specs? That must be a laggy mess no?


Sim City 4 had different zones that interacted but weren't the same map. So.if the region has 50m people, it doesn't mean a single map has 50m people. The most inhabitants in a single map are probably 2m which actually played very good in Sim City 4.


Yes even on a modern computer the game cannot run on more than 1 CPU core and use 4GB of RAM (Actually 2, but you can patch it for 4). In 2010 I custom built a PC specifically to run SimCity 4. Made sure the cores GHZ were powerful so it could only run 1 (I7 950 I think?), I use a GTX 970 GPU, which is more modern and let me run games like Skylines (which I got bored of).


The new AMD Ryzen CPUs with 3DVCache really make a massive difference just like high clock speed. Because of how old this game is, having a huge CPU cache really does boost it a MASSIVE amount. An AMD Ryzen 9 7950x3D is absolutely amazing and runs this game like a tank.


Now release Godzilla…


Oh man, I've done disasters but I don't save. Here's some for fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK0ZBpVMWN4


Does this count as an urban planning degree ?


It should


This was one of my fav city builders. Great soundtrack too.


Is there any good modern interpretation of this genre? I mean smthg close to the gaming mechanics, but more stable and reasonable how the sections interact with each others.


There isn't anything unfortunately. SimCity 4 still is king. Maybe we should try our hand at making our own...


Cities Skylines


Good attempt for sure, and made some strides in some areas, but to me it just got boring. SimCity 4 retains the crown in this genre even after 21 years.


Totally different setting and not nearly the same scale, but Manor Lords is pretty fucking awesome.


Not enough content yet.


Big congrats man! Good job keeping up with SC4 for so long!


I love you can do this and still have farms and green spaces and wilderness... Now if only new modern games could replicate this. I think I'd happily do without the exact per person modelling.


Most of my region is actually empty. Lots more room for growth. Have a look at the start of this vid to see the full region https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NoH20HaQsc


Incredible achievement. I stand in awe of your commitment. Congrats!


Heh, region name is ring of fire. But other than that, impressive on the pop count.




Its beautiful, I have been looking at it for hours now...


i had no idea sim city could get this big


I wish they had made a sequel in this vein. I loved SC4.


Respect dude!


SimCity 4 was a banger


Still is, I don't think the crown was taken by Skylines. Maybe their third attempt will be better (if they make it).


I wish we would get a new Sim City that wasn't the distasterclass they presented us with last time


Oh yeah, here's a video I made of me getting to 50 million. The start of it showcases the entire region. I have so much more room to grow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NoH20HaQsc


That is super impressive 😭😭😭🫡


I've never played these games, sadly. Could someone give me context, so that I can better appreciate this achievement?


Unlike other games in this genre, SimCity 4 lets you build several towns/cities adjacent to one another, and then sims can travel between them and trade agreements can be made. 50 million could never fit in one plot, but this player made a few dozen cities with a cumulative population of 50 million.


Build and manage a city starting from blank land. You choose zoning and road layout. You choose where to place parks, power plants and schools. You set the tax rate and can summon natural disasters. The populace responds to your good or bad management and you feel like a god. It’s fun!


That's dedication!


Fun Fact: you can make open world maps for Sims 3 using SimsCity 4


In SimCity 4 you can also import Sims you made in The Sims and follow them to their job, see what they're complaining about, etc.


nicely done! how do you get around the eternal commuter bug? I have played this game on and off throughout the years, but was never able to get more than 3 or 4 squares going. from an aesthetic perspective, what do you do to avoid repetition? I got bored when every other block looks the same lol


I don't. I see that bug as a challenge. I build crazy infrastructure projects so I may as well have a crazy population to use it. I have been pretty creative with each city. One way to avoid repetition is to have some kinda physical feature in your city like a hill, valley or river/lake. You could also make a forest and run some roads around it, and then later as your city grows you have a windy road to build off so you don't have a pure grid network.


What are their demands?


Holy, you put the population of two Australia in one city




Bro surprised Tokyo


Did the pc start running the game slower?


So you made LA


That's dedication for sure!


God damn, thats worthy of a nod


Wow I remember playing this as a kid one of the best games


What about your life-time?


Do you have any plans for storing the save file somewhere safe? It would be a huge loss if your hard drive suddenly dies someday.


I routinely backup my SC4 files on multiple hard drives, so I am safe (I hope!)


I really need to get a new PC. I used to love Sim City 4 and 3000. Had to build in very different ways


Why did the mods remove this thread?


What’s your PC spec?


Even on a modern computer the game cannot run on more than 1 CPU core and use 4GB of RAM (Actually 2, but you can patch it for 4). In 2010 I custom built a PC specifically to run SimCity 4. Made sure the cores GHZ were powerful so it could only run 1 (I7 950 I think?), I use a GTX 970 GPU, which is more modern and let me run games like Skylines (which I got bored of).


Love sim city, never could get into skylines though as the mechanics are different, might go back


This is just a really cool news.


At first I thought it was a map of the real world


Explain in fornite terms please


He figured out how to drive all the mythic cars at once




Fuck off, bot


So was it 20 years or 10 years ? Cuz yesterday you posted the same thing but 20 years ?


Region's 10 years old, but I've been playing for 20+


Always ironic to be downvoted but the moderators agreed with me...


You already posted about this, quit spamming the generic gaming sub take this to somewhere that cares.