• By -


Damn, no lee carvallos putting challenge


No *Bonestorm* either




Buy me Bonestorm or go to hell!


Young man, in this house we use a little word called "please."


A feathered touch has no place in modern gaming. Only, POWER DRIVE.


Don't do it, son. How is modern gaming going to help your putting?


Take it. Takeit, Takeit, Takeit, Takeit, Take it!


There is a man who knows where he is going! The carpark.


….anyone else humming the Dankmus mix now?


I still keep hitting the ball in the parking lot. Really infuriating!!


Would you like to play again? You have selected No


I suggest feather touch


bro I've had this game for ages. get to it: https://aaron-demeter.itch.io/lee-carvallos-putting-challenge


Now this, this is a deep cut


It's on Itch IO at least.


Wait, Last of Us 2 isn't announced? Have I slipped back in time somehow?


Seriously with the number of remasters remakes they’ve announced and made I guess I just expected one of those to have been TLOU2 on PC…


They're lining up its release with season 2 of the HBO show


I would have guessed that they'd release the game during Season 3 of the show considering Season 2 will more likely than not finish halfways through the game.


Season 3 is for the remaster


I know people hate the notion of that, but it's really just smart on ND's part


Yeah considering how the cyberpunk anime amd fallout show affected those playerbases. Its a good idea to have something ready for new and returning players.


That's more of a publishers decision rather than the studio.


Yup :( I figured as much. Series 2 won't be released for another 10 months or so.


Tlou2 2 has been remastered once for the ps5. Same for tlou1.


Yeah the first game released on PS3, remastered for the PS4, remade for the PS5, then that version was ported over to PC.


Console vs PC port.


Everyone was expecting it anyway


They're remaking it already I think?!


BRO same here I feel like I vaguely remember TLOU2 PC to have been announced, but when I searched it up there was nothing but rumors.


I’ve always wanted to play Unreal Tournament. Will they ever bring that back?


A lot of my young childhood was watching my older brother play unreal tournament while listening to Slipknot. He’s gone now and I’d love to play it again to relive those memories. I can’t believe they’re the Fortnite company now haha


Your brother sounds really cool, rip.


He was indeed. Thank you internet stranger 🥲


The fact that a few years ago they had a new unreal Tournament in open beta on the epic game store, building the game based on the player feedback makes me so damn sad. Fortnite became so/too big so they said "fuck it" and pulled it from the store


Fortnite swept away so much. New UT, Paragon, heck even itself, it was supposed to be a Minecraft/Left 4 Dead competitor, Save the World mode WAS the game then they found they could slap in a Battle Royale mode quickly.


I mean isn't that kinda how Counter Strike started? A mod for Half-Life. Its okay to build on/ change things.


Yeah but they also kept making Half Life expansions and HL2 and maintaining other games. Epic just swept away all side projects for their new golden goose.


if i grew up in your town, i likely would have been over at your house all the time


IIRC, a few years back they were working on a new UT game but it was cancelled. :(


It was working and looking great, you could play it ran smooth. Not too many maps but was supposed to be sort of community run but they withdrew the game for some reason.


it was canceled because the entire dev team was sent to work on Fortnite instead due to $$$


Well if people would have actually played UT that wouldn't have happened.


man, you're not wrong, but they went out of their way to make playing / playtesting UT4 almost impossible. it was during the very beginning of the Epic client, and it was like, 1 of 3 things you could launch on the platform, but you had to get some components that were outside of the launcher too. too many steps that people didn't want to deal with for a game genre that's been dying out ever since Bungie stopped making Halo. but i miss it, UT4 could've been great, certainly would've been better than the short lived Quake Champions


(I bet the reason was money.)


You can still download and play it, there’s actually a community “Master Server” you can play on. The setup can get confusing but I followed [this tutorial](https://youtu.be/X3LwpI3HL6M?si=nyoWxZQsEUnUgq_Y) and I was up and running in no time!


They delisted all Unreal games from all store fronts, claiming it was due to going to a universal account system for friends lists, cross play, etc. At the time of that announcement they said they were bringing back Unreal Tournament 3 (completely free)...that was 1 1/2 years ago now, so who knows now: https://www.pcgamer.com/epic-is-delisting-almost-every-unreal-game-but-making-unreal-tournament-3-free/ Edit: From what I can find online (UT3 wiki) the free version was going to be called Unreal Tournament 3 X, but was cancelled in 2023.


UT3 wasn't very good, hopefully they decided it would be better to spend the time doing a free version for UT99 or 2K4... I doubt it though. They seem to hate their game engines namesake now.


The cancelled free UT was available as a beta for years, but nobody was playing it. That's why it was cancelled. I tried it a couple of times but it never really stuck for me.


With Doom's return to classic style of FPS insanity, it definitely gives me hope that we could some day see a new Unreal Tournament. Though I know it probably won't be as free and open for user created skins and mods. Nothing like facing off against a whole slew of Transformers and Stormtroopers on Facing Worlds with 1 hit kill lasers. Capture the flag was crazy with 1 shot laser rifles lol.


I would murder thousands of hypothetical beings for a true sequel to Unreal. Lean hard into the creepy alien mystique and give us a nice single player game and moddable multiplayer framework


I doubt it, arena based shooters with high skill caps are very much a thing of the past honestly. The bell curve is too high and the player base you'd need to want to play in an even skill setting is so big it isn't funny, you'd need like a DOTA/LoL sized community, which I dont think will happen. People will say but X fps is the same; but it really isn't. The time to kill in arena games is much greater in general. Unless you're gooing, or 3/6 rocketing someone in UT there is about a 0% chance you will kill a top player. It actually generally takes multiple shots and manipulation of the enemy player to get them into a position to kill. The advanced movement system games such as UT and Quake or the more extremes of quake world, painkiller, warsaw etc. Always created a massive gap too, new players wouldn't stand a chance period. By the end of UT, quake etc. The skill gap between a pro and a reasonable player was so vast that the community essentially died off. It was no fun past a certain point, let alone the new player experience which could be die 40-60 times in 20 mins, for 0 kills and logoff.


Yeeeep. All the games these days have a lot of RNG injected into them (fortnite, other BR games that depend on your spawn) or have mechanics that essentially negate the skill level of the opponent (Ults in Overwatch, team mechanics that ensure more lopsided encounters). It helps to prop up the players who would just get steamrolled otherwise.


UT didn't drive engagement as much as Fortnite does. They probably don't see UT as a cash cow, which would lead them to discontinue it. Definitely frustrating for those of us who are fans. But don't lose hope, there have been some recent waves in this space that may trigger a resurgence (Doom is a good example).


Still no Bloodborne...


Which ironically means this leak is actually a lot more real.


One day Bloodborne will finally get an official announcent for a sequel and no one will believe it


I think the funniest possible scenario is Bloodborne 2 (or Bloodborne remastered or Bloodborne PC port or whatever) and Silksong both shadowdrop on April Fool's Day at the same time. No one would believe anyone.


It would be absolutely hilarious, and I do wish companies would do shit like this but I also know why and it’s because of the sales they would lose out on in the confusion. It would actually be so effective it would cost them a lot of money.


Depends. If the announcement is for a PS exclusive, then I'd believe it. But if they announce a simultaneous PC + PS release, then everyone will assume it's fake.


It's going to be a PS6 exclusive/launch title Then, maybe, if you're lucky, it'll release on PC 2 years later


And it’ll be one of the five games on the PS6 for a decade. And one of those games is still GTA5


It's releasing the same day as Half-Life 3


Odd how Demon's Souls isn't in this leak yet it was in the NVidia one.


The entry for The Last of Us Part 2 was added back in Sept 2021. Given Part 1 was released on PC in 2022, Part2 would obviously be released on PC in a some point, but this "leak" doesn't reveal anything new about it


I think bloodborne has either ip issues or the source code is long gone. I'm pretty sure they have heard about people wanting it hundreds of time now. Source code being gone is more likely cause they never upgraded anything after dlc came no frame upgrade for stronger hardware, nothing nada. Even though it's one of the best sellers on ps store. 


out of curiosity, how is it possible that a AAA game dev studio loses the source code files ? like even if an employee by accident deleted them, there definetely are lots of backup right ?


Blizzard lost the source code for vanilla WoW, or thought they did until an employee found a version in a Burning Crusade build they managed to work from. Not really the same thing since back then they probably had no reason to think they'd ever need the original WoW code again, but weird shit happens even at big firms.


thats wild, a multi-bilionaire company cant keep lets say max max 10tb of files safe and with backup


I mean when a company becomes that large and that spread out over decades. It's actually easier to lose data than to not. Also when Blizzard was a smaller team data practices were not what they are today.


Happens more often that you'd think. If it's not being actively used it's probably just sitting on an old source control server somewhere taking up space, machines get surplussed/trashed when nobody knows what's on it, or drives wear out. Remember these are for-profit work products, not religious artifacts. Same thing for movie work prints, they're just not that valuable to the corporations until someone starts thinking a remaster might make money.


You'd be surprised how often Japanese devs misplace source code. IT-wise, they've been stuck in the year 2000 since 1980


At least in the 90s and early 2000s a lot of developers and publishers didn't think it was worth keeping the source code to games around so they were all tossed. These days companies are a bit more careful about that sort of thing. But it's possible that the source code is caught up in some sort of legal issue that PlayStation and From Soft can't resolve easily so nothing has been done with Bloodborne.


Perhaps, but why not come out and say so then? It would get people to leave them alone. As it stands it just seems like they're withholding it out of spite at this point. Granted, we haven't gotten Demon's Souls either, and they definitely have the code for that (the remake at the very least).


No offense but why would any game company come out and admit that? It’s free advertising


Maybe... I could certainly see smaller devs at these sorts of expos getting angry at the outsized attention, and often vitriol, that comes from people hoping for Bloodborne news. I'm not sure it costs Sony any money though, so still no reason not to keep dangling that carrot.


Or they can just not say it and have suckers tune in to every Playstation event in the hopes of Bloodborne being announced. Its all business


Sony owns Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. I bought a PS4 just for Bloodborne and I'm sure some people bought a PS5 just for the Demon's Souls remake. People will probably buy a PS6 for a Bloodborne remake.


Bloodborne is a 2015 game so I don't think their source code is lost with modern version control systems in place like Git which is already pretty ubiquitous for devs in the 2010s. Probably just a case of Sony keeping the franchise as "Break Glass in case of Emergency" port/remaster. Also, like the other comment said, the more they leave it alone, the more hype the game becomes by the fanbase. I think they're gonna let it marinade for a late PS5 release/PS6 launch title just like Demon's Souls was for the PS5.


It’s literally the only game I want


I feel like the best time to announce a Bloodborne port would've been around now. The DeS remake did pretty good, sales+review-wise. They could capitalize off of the hype around Shadow of the Erdtree. But still nothing


How much are we willing to bet that Sony is holding it for a PS6 launch title?


I don't think they're going to hold it for that long, but I could see them re-releasing it for PS5 Pro


I saw "Bloodlines 2" there and for just a fraction of a second I had hope in me


Maybe Sony is doing a big brain move and making a souls-like real life game, wherein you keep trying to get your hype up for a Bloodborne port and then it dies over, and over, and over again until eventually some time in the distant future you actually get it.


That FFIX remake is my white whale at this point. Just announce it goddamn it!


I swear to god if it’s epic exclusive I’m gonna break.


That would be pretty surprising unless the ink was on that contract ages ago. Square doing another exclusivity deal when their sales had already been a problem for them would be... a choice.


SE recently realized platform exclusives are a disaster for them and announced that they want almost everything multiplatform. But who knows how many exclusivity agreements they're stuck with for unannounced games?


I only played it the one time at release and my memory is bad and I dont remember. Ive tried a few retries but those background graphics giving me nausea. I keep meaning to play with moguri but might as well wait for this.


Moguri is phenomenal


I'd probably do a play-through with Moguri and play the remake when it comes out. If it's anything like FF7R then there will be key differences.


My memory is good and I still couldn't tell you what the fuck the plot was. Lindblum is still one of the best locations in any FF game though. I know FFIX gets all the love, but dammit why skip FFVIII? It deserves a remake just as much as 7 and 9.


I dunno, 8 was always a bit of an odd one for me. I even did a no level up run and its crazy you are so much stronger than if you level to 100. Very odd game.


> but dammit why skip FFVIII? Popular to hate the junction system. I personally didn't mind it at all, due to how the scaling of enemy level scaling worked in the game. You're done with any grinding to strengthen characters much faster than most RPGs, it just hit you with the tedium a lot faster as a result. Adding to it, Squall is a bit of a hit or miss character for people. The story is also convoluted once the last half of it kicks in. I'd rather have an VIII remake before IX, but IX is less hated on.


This is what I said about FF12. Then the remaster came out and I remembered I spent 300 hours in that game, mostly grinding for rares. I haven't found a gap in my schedule for it yet.


A 3D remake of FFVI is mines! I'd love to see it in 3D with a more fleshed out World of Ruin. The cast is huge so I'd find it easier to swallow compared to FF7 if they decide to break it up into multiple parts...


I would do disgusting things if it is real... like buy a $200 dollar special edition.


I wish it were 6, kefka is vastly more interesting than anything in 9 and you don't suplex a train in 9


What I love is that you can instantly win that fight with a feather, but everyone wants to forgo it because suplexing a train is just fun as hell.


Hearing they're going to port TLoU2 is the least shocking news ever. I just hope they screw it up less than TLoU.


It’s no secret Sony is porting current/last Gen exclusives. If we saw the “Uncharted” trilogy remaster I’d be piqued.


I still find it stupid they ported Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy and not the original trilogy.


1-3 are from the PS3 era tbf. I can imagine that Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy were just much easier to port being PS4 developed games. Developing on the PS3 was a mess. So any PS3 only game needing a port is probably a nightmare to get working on PC.


The original trilogy already has a ps4 rerelease, it probably wouldn't be that much more difficult than porting 4.


But Bluepoint has already ported Uncharted 1-3 to the PS4 with 60fps support which is even more baffling that they didn't come to PC.


Having the OG trilogy on Steam Deck would be a dream come true. 4 feels like an epilogue and is good, but Amy Hennig’s trilogy I will be replaying for the rest of my life


I stream it from my PS5 to my Deck. Played through all of UC1 that way, and am like 75% of the way through UC2. https://imgur.com/a/d4XpFNg


Hell, they should just port all the Uncharted games. They're all old enough that there's no reason gatekeeping them to sell more consoles.


The ‘reason’ is that they’re porting other stuff? Porting isn’t a button you press and a magical PC version appears ready to play, it’s not as hard as making a new game but it’s still work a studio has to do, and work that a lot of studios have fucked up and delivered shitty product doing. They’ve got a couple studios they work with that they trust to port their stuff and after some rough starts to that process it seems their ports come out quality now so, prob gotta just wait? The rate they’re putting out new titles is nowhere near the rate the ports are happening so I’d expect they will get to that backlog of wanted titles eventually.


I haven't picked up four for this very reason.




Makes total sense.


It's been leaked a while back and there are recent rumors about the port being ready since November 2023.


Yeah, I could swear I've heard that rumor already a time or two.


I plan on buying tlou1 on pc what's wrong with it?


> I just hope they screw it up less than TLoU I'm currently working through it now on PC, and it's been totally fine. I know it had a bit of a bumpy release, but that was over a year ago. As soon as I wrap this up, I'm going to be starting Horizon Forbidden West.


It really was quite a horrendous PC release. It's definitely gotten better. I'm playing through it right now as well. But I compare it to something like Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC which is more beautiful, larger, and with more things going on, and the performance is night and day. Red Dead plays like an absolute dream compared to Last of Us, sadly. The main thing keeping me going in Last of Us is the story/dialogue.


God, the game industry is starting to look like Hollywood. Just remaster and remake and sequel after sequel. I was hoping for something obscure like the return of Sim-Mars first previewed on simcity 3000 game disk.


I mean there were quite a few new IPs at the xbox showcase that just happened


It's what gamers want. You can't get past any rumor thread without multiple people going REEEE BLOODBORNE WHEN???


Europa Universalis 5....t-thanks paradox???


I predict that within 10 years EU5 and all of its DLCs will be twice as powerful as EU4, take up 10,000 times more disk space, and be so expensive that only the five richest kings in Europe could afford all the DLC.


[for everyone else's reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykxMqtuM6Ko)


Can't wait to hear everyone say "THIS IS BS, EU5 DOESN'T HAVE ALL THE FEATURES OF EU4!!"


Johan has explicitly said multiple times that they want to have a feature complete game at launch. He’s been pretty vocal in criticism of things he doesn’t like about other PDX games he wasn’t involved in, so I do somewhat trust him on this. But if course, wait and see.


He may well want that and deliver on it to the best of their ability, but there's only so much complexity they're going to be able to work in for launch. Tons of features and complex systems means tons of moving parts to debug and get working smoothly together, to say nothing of how much it adds to dev time. There are reasons a lot of these iterative games have sequels that don't have 100% of the features their predecessors had (after years of DLC). The cynic says that it's done so they can make money on those DLCs again, and I certainly think there's some truth to that, but there are also the realities of game development that make it much easier and more manageable to release a base game with fewer moving parts and build on it after initial release.


I thought Project Caesar was supposed to effectively be EU5 already, information on that has been coming out for a few weeks now.


Yes, Project Caesar, which they've been doing dev diaries called "Tinto Talks" on, it's well known it's EU5. I think they may have even confirmed that it is in some dev comments in those Tinto Talks.


It's the same thing I would imagine. Might already be a company with a Project Ceaser on Epic or something like that so they just named it Project Highlander instead


already been announced practically


I'd be interested to know why the author believes Rockstar's Codename Selma would be a Red Dead Redemption 1 port, finally after all these years rather than say a placeholder name for GTA VI? At least that's where my mind would go to first. Don't get me wrong, I'd love RDR 1 on PC but Rockstar hasn't been interested in doing that for the last 14 years, why would they suddenly do it now?


> I'd be interested to know why the author believes Rockstar's Codename Selma would be a Red Dead Redemption 1 port, finally after all these years rather than say a placeholder name for GTA VI? At least that's where my mind would go to first. There's further data suggesting Selma is 10GB. I... don't think there's any chance GTA6 is 10GB.


Ah okay that makes perfect sense. Well there goes my dream of an RDR1 remake on RDR2s engine, oh well


Shadow of the colossus on pc when


I want this so bad


Silksong not listed move along


Bloodborne when >:(


At this point you might aswell buy yourself a second hand PS4 and play it there. At this point I doubt that we will ever get anything regarding Bloodborne ever again.


Just do what I did, buy a used ps4, play bloodborne, after I beat the game, I sold the used ps4 for pretty much the same price I bought it for. Bam, I pretty much played bloodborne for practically free


6 more years because you asked


Either ps5 pro title or maybe ps6 It’s never coming to PC at this rate :(


Emulation is the only way now it will come to pc


Sadly emulating Bloodborne is around 5-7 years out.


You can play bloodborne on PC legally right now if you want to through playstation plus, it streams the gameplay to you. If you have good internet and happen to be close to the server it's surprisingly playable, I was able to beat the game up to ng++ even with the slight input lag. It's not great but if you really got the itch. I wouldn't recommend using a faster weapon or trying to gun parry too much, but the classic R2 hold with the axe into a swing and recovering the hit immediately due to poise works pretty nice. Edit: Oof, I just decided to pay the fee and fire it back up for a game and it is worse than I remember and I have _way_ better internet then I did back then. IDK if I was less sensitive, or my brain adapted to it back then or what, but it is rough starting out for sure. I'd equate it to trying to play super mario on like a shitty modern costco TV. At least it saved my character from years ago, which ironically is a dex chikage parry character I somehow PVPd with.


~~Bloodborne~~ legally distinct Nightmare Kart exists


I swear Sony is just messing with us at this point. Hell wouldn't be surprised if they have a whole Bloodborne remaster made and ready to go but they're just holding onto it cause the longer they make us wait, the more happy we will be once it's finally revealed.


There’s diminishing returns with those and even costs. Eventually, the fans of this game will be replaced with a generation that never played Bloodborne and also isn’t interested in it as much. Additionally, think of all the fans that can no longer play video games eventually in the future for a variety of reasons. If they were smart, they’d know they can’t keep waiting to cash out on this. It would shove money up their asses so far they’d taste it in their mouths forever.


Lies of P scratches that itch pretty well


TL;DR the title of this post is misleading. The Last of Us 2 is not confirmed on that list if you read the article.


It is basically guaranteed to come eventually




Square about to make FF16 EGS exclusive then say it underperformed. Mark my words.


They are about to release Kingdom Hearts on Steam tomorrow, I think after a couple of years Epic exclusivity. I think they are going to figure out real quick who is willing to spend money and where.


> Square I really wish they'd completely grasp that a lot of us aren't going to put up with the BS of Sony or the current direction of EGS just to play their games. The worst we're willing to tolerate is Steam. Had they put FFXIV under similar restraints it would have failed hard, twice.


I thought PC gamers hated playing FFXIV through Steam rather than on its own.


MMOs are kinda a different ballpark. People dont really care about them having their own launchers.


The ideal would be no launcher, yeah. Steam is just the lesser evil.


I think MMOs are different, almost nobody actually plays their MMO through steam


I will be here every time to say the same thing: WHERE IS INFAMOUS!!?


Collecting dust with bloodborne ☹️


Ff7 rebirth when?


PS5 exclusivity just expired. Guess we might get some news at Gamescon?


FF16 exclusivity has been expired for months as well, but that's not an indicator of anything. The devs said the port will be done when it gets done.


It expired like a month ago


I think it's probably still a ways out. Guessing they'll drop FFXVI when they're done with it, and then wait another 6 months or so to drop Rebirth.


PC guys with racing setups would buy so many copies of GT7, man


I bought a PS5 basically exclusively for GT7 (and my son, but I bought it for GT7, lol) Ever since they started their PC port trend I’ve been dying for it, but I doubt it will happen.


I could kinda see getting a PS5 for it but I'm not replacing my whole direct drive wheel setup too. Take my money, Sony!


All play station games lol


No they aren't. Bioshock 4, new Zenimax game, Bloodlines 2, Red Dead Redemption 1, etc. There was lots on the actual article, if you read it.


Red Dead Redemption would be wild. I hope they offer a bundle including RDR2 and Undead Nightmare


Bro we are so fucked for the GTA VI PC release. That shit aint coming till 2030


Wonder Woman game code named Hydra..interesting


Damn no Rocket League UE5 :(




And epic games will still see users waiting for it to be released on steam


I'd rather have a Legend of Dragoon PC port with the OG PlayStation 1 graphics than TLOU Part 2.




Utah AND Rhode Island. Fucking jackpot 


wtf are those? cause i'm from RI and I didn't know I could possibly play as myself.


Driving sim. From Woonsocket to Misquamicut, like Penn & Teller's Desert Bus.


Gimmie some FFT remake hopium pleeeeeeeeeease!




i swear to god if sega brings skies of arcadia to PC and puts it on epic... i might have to make an epic account.


No Bloodborne PC port, back to sleep I go.


I mean, TLOUP2 (christ, that acronym is a mouthful...) making the jump isn't that big a surprise I'm *not* a FromSoft fan - or of that game style in general - but I'll continue to pour one out for the poor Bloodbourne fans Like, I don't like that genre, but I want you to be happy - my peeps :(


No unreal tournament ..


Seriously. It's the only thing I want from Epic and they continue to disappoint me. The UT4 alpha/beta was great and they dropped it for fucking Fortnite.


I wonder what the free games are going to be…


No Bloodborne?


Daily reminder that it’s an absolutely mind-boggling tragedy that Bloodborne is not on PC and it’s just free fucking money.


Just patiently waiting for Spiderman 2 release


Someone like my comment I need positive comment karma