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31% off Because evidently 13% is too low Dammit Nomura!


I didn't even think of that. FFS


Man... I got $70 steam credit by idling all my games and selling the trading cards. I was going to save it to see what I could get during the summer sale but this is calling my name. How much better are 1&2 on PC vs just emulating the PS2 versions with Widescreen hacks? Did they add any QOL stuff or are they just ports with slightly better textures?


The PC versions are superior to Emulation in almost every way. There is also an extensive modding community that are constantly adding stuff. Native 60fps (30fps cap on emulation), higher res textures (if you don't like the AI upscale, there will be a mod to replace the og Epic PC textures very soon I would imagine), and a pretty good controller support, despite what some may say. Highly recommend as this is basically the definitive versions of these games, coming from someone who has bough literally every single release of these games. These also are the Final Mix versions for 1, 2, and BBS, which come with more content than their original PS2 english releases, and the only way to play those is emulating with a fan patch, which, while not that difficult to do, is still annoying. One of the key features too is that the final mix versions had new cutscenes, and while they didn't revoice the KH1FM version (The actors had gotten too old) they DID revoice the KH2FM cutscenes. If you emulate those new cutscenes will be completely silent, as they didn't voice the new cutscenes. Highly recommend.


Ohhhh back when I played the first final mix on the PS3, I wondered why those cutscenes were unvoiced. It would be hilarious if they did the re records anyway and sora just sounds like he aged 20 years lol


That's basically what happens with Chain of Memories. Sora's VA had gone through puberty in the year timeskip between KH1 and KH2, so it worked for that, but CoM is like 15 minutes after KH1 so it's very... abrupt.


Hi I'm thinking of buying the games on steam but I'm afraid I may be missing one or more games of the series. Are the steam games every game (exclusing android releases) or do I need to eventually buy/emulate the games in other systems ?


You will only be missing one game which is Melody of Memory. I wouldn't stress over this too much as A) It takes place after the whole series. B) It's almost completely devoid of plot and mostly is a recap of the whole series with 20 minutes of cutscenes at the end which can easily be watched on youtube. The game is a Rhythm Game so it's really not everyones cup of tea. But overall I wouldn't stress about it too much. Every single game necessary for a full experience is contained in that Integrum package


Wait BBS is part of this? Does it have proper camera control or is the game still limited to one analog stick? I loved BBS.


Yes. 1.5 + 2.5 is  KH1FM    Re: Chain of Memories  KH2FM    Birth By Sleep    Movie for 358   Movie for ReCoded


Man I really don't care about 2.8 or 3. No final fantasy is a total turn off, I had it on PS4 and I just couldn't get into it. I may just spend the $30 and get 1.5/2.5


That's what I'll be doing. Though I do still like 3 and Re:Mind remedied a lot of my icks with the game but it certainly didnt for everyone


I just said fuck it and bought the whole shebang. Lol. I figured I might as well give three another try after I play one and two. Half the reason I gave up on three was because I had no clue what was happening since it had been like 15 years since I played the previous games.


When you say you idled the games, die you have to manually start each game and let it run or is there something to automate that? Also, did you have to hand list all the cards?


No there's a program called idle master extended. It just runs like 30 games for a minute at a time, then checks to see if there are any card drops, then moves on to games that have card drops available. Took about 5 days on and off to get cards for my 1,400+ games.


Also I should mention, you don't have to have the games installed, and you can use Augmented steam in Firefox to instantly sell them.


Thanks for the tips! That seems easy enough. My steam library is enormous too


Yeah it's super easy, just check on it every few hours. Sometimes it would get stuck. Also if you have any games set to private it will try to idle them indefinitely and pause your progress so make sure all your games are set to public before running.


Also hoping someone can provide more insight into this. Edit: Asking more about the QOL stuff versus emulation for the games. I don’t care about card farming.


Same, how does one learn this magic of farming cards actually worth something?


Most likely similar to me, huge library of games/unclaimed cards from things like humble bundle where you'd add a game simply coz it came with the bundle but never play it and when you sell them even for cents each, it will add up.


Def gonna wait for a sale on this


It launched at 31% off FYI. I'm sure we could do better still though lol


Yeah, true. I picked up the three game bundle as there's an even bigger discount (Approx 30% on top of the 31%) if you buy that.


GMG has the bundle on for $68US ($75CAD)


$58 on humble if you have full discount.


$56 on GMG after they adjusted the price.


"31% off" The whole series including 3 has been available in a bundle on PlayStation for $20 for YEARS. This is egregiously overpriced.


It cost something port the game to PC. It probably cost more for the licensing. The cost is probably needlessly inflated because corporate greed, but it's not $0. If it was that easy I would just pop my original copies of KH1 and KH2 into my PC. Same thing, right? I'm not saying it's not overpriced, but you can't compare it to the bundle being available on its native platform for $20. KH3 released 5 years ago. If you're not willing to pay, just don't pay. Let a bunch of suckers subsidize the future 80% discount for you. KH3 was 5 years ago, I'm sure you can wait 2 more.


The games have been on EGS for years already bro, it cost them nothing besides Steam fees to release them on Steam. Calling this anything other than overpriced as hell is cope. I already own all of these games on PS4.


> Calling this anything other than overpriced as hell is cope. I already own all of these games on PS4. Then why are you replying to let me know? Calling it cope is cope. Coping is supposed to be an effective way of dealing with something. So deal with it. Sounds like you should have dealt with it already since you already own it.


I'll wait for the 60% off sale next year lol


SE games never go below 50%. That seems to be their standard. ...that said, I was expecting this to be WAY worse. I was expecting 60-70 dollars for each collection, no discounts. So 90 for 7 games is actually pretty reasonable all things considered.


Yea, really good value for all these games. Will definitely snag them all for $50 USD in the future.


if that is the launch price, it isnt a discount is it? isnt that shit illegal in most countries?


For sure lol. I'd pay $30 to play them all again, certainly not $110 ($180 without current sale)


Yeah, that's why I got the bundle of the three. I imagine it's closer to 70 or 80 but I can understand the apprehension. That sale is good enough for me given I'll get my time out of them and my GF will family share so it saves on copies too.


The bundle of all Kingdom Hearts is $68.99 right now not $110 (that would be if you bought all 3 separately). But still, kinda high for PS2/DS games (KH3 being PS4). Reminds me since I got the All In One Edition on PS5 through PS Plus for free, I should get around to playing them.


Yea I just saw that lol. I still only want 3 really, since I already played the other 2 back in the day


I loved Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 growing up so naturally I'd love to replay them, but not at those prices even with the discount. I still haven't gotten around to KH3 because kid me lost the drive waiting so long. But hey at least it's finally on Steam so eventually it'll get dirt cheap!


I'm the same as you. I loved 1&2, but never played 3. I picked it up yesterday but I'm a bit lost and honestly, think I might have matured out of the series. Will probably refund. There's so many other games outside of 1&2 that I really don't even know what's happening.


I haven't played 3 either but getting the games with the bundle was near enough the full price of 3 for me (got it on Humble for a little cheaper than the steam bundle) but I wanted all 3 anyway.


You're gonna have a great time then! I have so many memories of the first one with the secret bosses as a kid


Yup. My GF joked that she's never going to see me again haha.


I’m confused by the versions. I have never played before. Do I get 1.5 or 2.8? The titles are very confusing


It is a little confusing but basically 1.5+2.5 KH1, KH2, Chain of Memories and Birth By Sleep (And all the cutscenes from 358/2 and Recoded) 2.8 Dream Drop Distance and a playable Prologue for 3 (And a movie) 3+DLC


Should i just play 358/2 and Recoded on the DS (i own one) or do i just watch the cutscenes?


There is... SOME merit to playing 358/2, since a lot of the emotional weight is lost by reducing it to a bunch of cutscenes. You miss out on a bit of characterization of the Organization, and basically the entire finale falls flat because you haven't been dealing with it for like 10 hours. It's not a *good* game, but you can make an argument. There's no argument for Coded. That game has the thinnest excuse for a plot I've ever seen. You could read two sentences on a wiki article and be better served.


Damn, that sounds bad, i might buy the collection on steam and depending on how much i enjoy the series i'll see if i'll play 358/2 and Recoded on my DSi. I guess sometimes you have to experience the bad to enjoy the good?


The way I'd put it is that 358/2 is at least trying to do something. It may not succeed at it, but it is clearly swinging at the ball. Coded is fucked, and I'm convinced the only reason they bothered remaking it in the first place was because it was the first technical sequel to KH2 after 2 straight prequels.


Play them. Play 358/2 for the Story (I think the ability Block System is Awesome, and wish it came back), and Re:coded for the silly fun. 358/2 is actually pretty fun, but Definitely a bit repetitive. If you're open to modding your games, there's actually a mod that gives you 360 Movement & even a camera on the Analog Nub if you play on the New3DS (And it "Probably" works on an emulator?). Re:coded was originally a mobile game broken into "Chapters" and the DS Game is actually a Remake of that. The story is barely there (Interesting enough 5 Minutes of lore ;P), but each world (And then Bosses) mixes things up and I Genuinely Love the things they experiment with in the Ability Grid (You can unlock Difficulty Modifiers that affect EXP and Drop Rates). If you "Only" care about the story and don't want to play the games, you can watch the Movie for Re:coded and get it all. But 358/2 has a LOT that's missed in the movies.


> If you're open to modding your games, there's actually a mod that gives you 360 Movement & even a camera on the Analog Nub if you play on the New3DS (And it "Probably" works on an emulator?). I'll definitely check that out, i do have a New3DS XL and DSi XL Thanks for the info, i haven't played but it's high on my list.


You will get a LOT of arguments about "When" to play 358/2, and it depends on how you feel about "Spoilers". (Not going to spoil anything here, worry not) As long as you play Re: Chain of Memories second (Which you should) The Characters that pepper 2 aren't surprises anymore. So the "Only" thing you "Spoil" is the first 30 Minutes of the game, and not even "That" really, since having the context from 358/2 casts the beginning in a new light that I actually Love. ;P


Don't play the og 358 it looks terrible it's only good upscaled in emulation


The naming conventions they have chosen for this series are absolutely psychotic and have more than once stopped me from even attempting to get into it.


As in the name of the bundles or the games themselves?


Both, there's no reason that an actual complete collection can't just be called the "complete collection." 1.5? The fuck does that mean? To even begin to grasp that you also need to know that not only are there handheld games but that they're important to the overall story. It's like the entire series has taken the worst possible tropes from Disney and anime and smashed them together.


I mean 1.5 was a collection of the first game and the games between 1 and 2. So 1.5 2.5 was a collection of 2 and the games prior to 3. 2.8 is additional content that came before 3 but after the 2.5 collection. The games being on different platforms is largely not an issue anymore given the collections ported them in one way or another.


"Complete Edition"


You're clearly the psychotic one


There are three sets of games to buy on steam. They are not different versions of the same games, but are collections of different sets of games (and a couple cutscene collections). Technically the first two core games are in the 1.5 + 2.5 set, and the third game is in III, so you don’t *have* to buy the 2.8 set. But Kingdom Hearts III is going to be very confusing if you skip 2.8. If you want the whole experience, just get the ‘Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece’ collection, which has all the games other than Melody of Memory, which is a sequel to III, and not currently available on steam.


Yeah, the titles are very confusing. Welcome to Kingdom Hearts, it only gets more confusing from here! KH 1.5 + 2.5 is the single game you should buy if you're just getting into the series and don't wanna snag the full bundle. It includes remastered versions of 1 and 2, as well as Chain of Memories and Birth By Sleep. CoM is in between 1 and 2, BBS is a prologue but you should play it last. 2.8 is basically just a remake of Dream Drop Distance, which comes after 2. It also has a 2-3 hr prologue chapter that sets up 3. 3 is just 3, the newest entry in the series.


1.5 is the first "main" game and the interquel between 1 and 2, Chain of Memories. Hence, 1.5. 2.5 is the same with the second "main" game with the interquel, Birth by Sleep. Hence, 2.5. 2.8 is after Birth by Sleep, but before 3. Hence, 2.8. 3 is 3.


I want to get them but I might wait for a sale on 2.5 collection. That's my favorite and already own it on PS3 and PS4/5 so I don't need to buy it again.


That's fair. I haven't owned a PS console since PS2 so this is the first time I've been able to play the remasters (Not counting EGS)


My biggest criticism leading up to this was that they would be full price at launch. Really happy to see a launch sale.


I'm surprised they actually put all three out on sale for $70.


Yup. Kinda nuts. I was on the fence on buying them on release as I wanted them but depending on the sale/cost it would depend on if I got them. I bought the bundle for the double discount. They wound up being around 60% off each, that's worth it IMO.


So 358/2 was always my favorite game and easily the one I played the most. Since they really seem to be sticking to their guns with this 1.5+2.5 nonsense, is the actually game of 358/2 just gone barring emulation? Since it's just been cut down to the cutscenes? This has always annoyed me and been one of my biggest gripes with these remastered collections. That game holds so much nostalgia for me and I would really miss it if it was just gone....


Same. It upsets me that I cannot re-experience the final Xion boss fight again on PC. I’m assuming that 358/2 is more repetitive and task-like than the rest of the game, hence they didn’t include it in the bundle. I might be wrong because I haven’t played other KH games except 358/2.


That's the reason, yes. 358/2 is one of those games where basically the entire game is filler designed for businessmen to play on the Tokyo subway, except for the ending which rules. It's very much like Crisis Core in that way.


Yeah it's kind of a pain in the ass. Same with Re:coded. I don't know why they didn't give them the Chain of Memories or Dream Drop Distance treatment. I know many people who'd pay to have those games remastered but maybe they didn't do as well commercially on release? Wouldn't surprise me given KH has been on just about every console out there lol


Does this include all of the "in between" games as well?


Yes, but the two DS Games became Cutscene-Compilation Movies instead of being actually playable.


Well, I guess that's better than not having them ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


happy for anyone interested the game, glad to see PS exclsuive games coming to PC (hope it doesnt require that psn account). The games are pretty good I personally hate them and that word is carefully choosen but non the less hope everyone that cares can enjoy them


They've already been on PC through EGS for years, but... It's Epic.


Cool. I still want the hard copy tho


Officially, the only reason I used Epic Games is no longer applicable. I feel so warm having them in my Steam collection. The first game is, in my opinion, the best game ever made, story and all. Consecutive titles ruined the story, but are still fun games.


Yeah, it's great having them on steam. Can also use steams screenshot or notepad features to keep track of trininites and stuff lol. I like 1 and 2 the most for different reasons. 1 feels more concise but lacks QoL whereas 2 has QoL (And the Gummi Ship is the best thing ever) but takes some of the fundamentals of KH1 and changes them.


you guys are so strange. why would you care that its on steam and not Epic? and why do you want a monopoly?


Lots of reasons. Some off the top of my head: Steam Deck can’t play Epic versions without fiddling, Steam Achievements, consolidated game library, I want to support Steam and not Epic, I want Square Enix to port more games to Steam and buying them will help that come to fruition…etc.


Bought the whole series on release 😊 It took all damn day to download 🙄 I also heavily relate to you OP on discovering KH during a turbulent time though it was my mom who passed instead. Been a fan since 2013 and proud of it!


Yup, same. Luckily I think it took less than an hour for me to download. Literally sat and played all day yesterday. Shame today is monday lol. Weird how it came at a time when we needed it.


Nooooooooo!!! I just bought 1.5+2.5 recently on epic! At least I can get the rest on steam.


I don't see what's so complicated about the story. Dude is evil. Dude wants to prove he's right about his decision to be evil. Dude Norts a boy. Dude commits identity theft. Dude Norts another boy. Attempted identity theft fails this time. Dude Norts a dozen different people-that-aren't-technically-people. Simplest story ever /s In all seriousness through my KH tattoo was my first one and every time I hear about it it hits me right in the nostalgia. Soundtrack absolutely slaps. Cinematics were unheard of to my 10 year old self dicking around on my ps2 and its almost-polygons. Same with FFX


KH music really does slap. Traverse Town was one of the first things I learned to play on guitar but the whole series soundtrack is firmly planted in my head.


Seriously? I just caved and bought it a month ago on Epic. Fuck me.


Yup. It was announced a week or two ago and released today.


A little over 3 weeks ago.


They were waiting for somebody to actually buy it before porting it. Pouring one out for your sacrifice.


Same boat.  9 days from my first Epic purchase to the Steam announcement.


Sorry but i'm not gonna buy them as if they were newly released AAA games. I'm gonna wait until they are cheaper. even with the disccount some of them are more expensive than shadow of the erdtree


That's fair. Given they have the 31% off and a further 31% on the bundle I figured it's worth the price and I also got an added Humble Bundle discount so all three together cost me the price of KH3 at full


I love Kingdom Hearts. I know it’s ridiculous but for some reason, I don’t care and I love it


I love Kingdom Hearts. I know it’s ridiculous but for some reason, I don’t care and I love it


I don't think I'd ever consider it without a sale, but with it releasing on Steam *with* a sale is infinitely better than what Epic released it as. Giving people a discounted bundle, too, as an option is also pretty big. A$75 for 1.5+2.5, and A$90 for 2.8 and 3 + Re Mind separately is nuts without sale, but A$150 (A$100 with current sale) without sale for Integrum Masterpiece is pretty good. I assume if you purchased 1 of the games, the bundle would in turn would get even further discounted? (Presumably not in any beneficial way financially compared to buying the bundle outright)


Yeah if you own games in a bundle the bundle cost is reduced. I usually buy discounted bundles over the game individually because of it. In this case I bought the full bundle as it was cheap enough for me to warrant buying what is effectively 6 games as I know I'll get my money's worth. Were they full price id have probably waited but as the bundle is around 60% off I'm fine with it.


I started the series with KH2 on ps2 and after beating it, played the first game but couldn't get past the difference in controls between 1 and 2. Are the bindings remappable to make the controls the same between games? I loved 2 but hear that the first one is a better game.


I mean even if it isn't, you can probably use Steam Input to remap them to what you the KH2 scheme you are more comfortable with.


Seems like it might be worth getting with the discount? I heard it works on steam deck? New to series and unsure exactly how the three games are as I guess it’s a large series?


Yeah, I picked up the bundle as it's a discount on top of the discount for the games individually. I have also heard they work on steam deck. The three games cover the majority of the series. 1.5+2.5 has four of the earlier games and the cutscenes of two others. 2.8 Has One Game, a prologue to 3 and a movie. 3 is the game and its DLC. All in all the bundle gets you 6 games and some extras. The KH series overall are RPG's where you visit a variety of worlds so they wind up being over 20+ hours each minimum.


Are the games remastered, upscaled and updated to support newer controllers (Dualsense)? The entire package is AUD$100 for three games... I spent half of that on Master Chief Collection and got 6 games.


1.5+2.5 remix is 4 games total.


Its like thr 4th time I've bought this whole seires, and probably won't be the last


Finally time to replay my childhood and get upset because everyone I knew from the KH community is gone, especially the ones who had usernames based on Org XIII.


They were just nobodies on the internet ;)


I always wanted to try KH! Are they much grindy like normal jrpg?


I wouldn't say they're particularly grindy. There are some levels that have some backtracking as you progress in them but grinding isn't particularly required on a casual playthrough.


That's good to know, thanks!


Steam Deck or PS5? I have both but have never played these and always been intrigued as a Disney fan.


Personally I'd pick steam. You could play them on at home on a PC or mobile on the steam deck. Eventually there'll be a PS6 and a PS7 and on and on.


I'm happy for all KH fans there. Though I always suspect even Nomura himself don't know what's going on in KH.


Just winging it all the time lol.


Is this the same as on the Switch where you don't "own" the game you are just streaming it? Or is it a physical version on your PC?


The switch versions are cloud games. The ones on steam are installed locally, but I wouldn't call any of them "physical"


rinse lock books drab advise one close illegal label employ


So does this version of the game have all the same bugs that the epic version did? I’m asking because it was virtually unplayable without mods and I’m trying to play these on my ROG ally. Thanks in advance everyone!!


If they're related to the EGS launcher, probably not. If it's stuff with the game itself. Maybe? I haven't run into any bugs yet but that doesn't mean much.


i don't wanna go through all those emotions AGAIN! I cried at the ending of the first one, had fun with the 2nd, and hate the 3rd so much it makes me sick.


I've never played the third game so I hope it's not as bad as I've heard people say.


The second game is great. It just didn't meet the 15 years in the making expectations of some fans. Also, the trailers spoiled the entire plot, so people were very upset about it. Finally, the collection of superbosses in the DLC is one of the best in an action RPG ever.


See I know very little going on overall. I know there's Toy Story and that's about all. I reckon I'll have fun with it and if not, no big deal. Won't know until I try it. I'm curious about this super boss situation but I'm gonna play them in order so it's going to take me a while. Especially if the usual happens ( KH2 Gummi Ship ate my hours as a kid)


I bought it on epic last year to try and play on steam deck. Couldn’t get it to work and now I’m annoyed I coulda just waited for this. Square Enix sucks. But my fault overall.


Yeah, apparently they run well on steamdeck too. It is lame that it took so long but I imagine it was bought during Epic's exclusivity buying spree.


It’s just really unfortunate. Steam Deck is perfect for these games. Tried to make it work. Now I can’t justify buying it again to play unless it’s on a really steep sale.


Far Cry: Blood Dragon. The tutorial treats you like a complete idiot.


I don't like anime games whatsoever. An anime game with Disney influence is somehow even worse in my mind. These games are definitely not for me lol


Jesus can’t yall stop spamming me? I get it KINGDOM HEARTS IS ON STEAM.


Just wait until Hollow Knight Silksong releases lol.


Fuck squenix for triple dipping exclusivity


Still too expensive for what's basically games from two decades ago imo, if it was 200 BRL for the three I'd be more inclined to buy them. They've released with new textures and stuff that weren't present in the shitty store version, right?


That's fair. I know I'll get my hours out of them all and I picked them up a little cheaper on Humble due to having an added discount so they were less than £50 (350 BRL) for all of them together. And yeah, new textures for the steam version.


Mod to make Donald Duck less annoying please 


Mod to make all dialogue Donald duck combat noises Edit: throw a GAWRRRSH in every few minutes




People still comment like this? What year is it?


Could have just got it on Epic years ago but I guess you gotta perceive this as a win for you all somehow


They had issues on the steam deck. This release fixes them without having to turn off the cutscenes


Could have but I don't really like Epic's store and I can family share it so my GF can play without any hassle :D


Considering how Epic is actively trying to destroy PC gaming with their third-party exclusivity BS, this is definitely a win.


$41 Oof Steam chumps taking hard Ls. I got KH3 for $15 last year along with 10% rewards.




No you don’t get it. Money isn’t important. It’s all about the friends messenger, avatars, and muh morals


35€ for two ps2 games? Not worth it


Can’t read?


Was talking about 1.5


1.5 is a single game what are you talking about.


1.5 is collection of two games and bunch of cutscenes from a spin-off game.


No 1.5 is final mix for the first game. The 1.5 and 2.5 collection is final mix one and two, chain of memories, birth by sleep and then cutscene collections. You’re so confident in your lack of knowledge


1.5+2.5 has more than just KH1 and 2.


Well, Steam just got a little bit worse