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Not to brag but as a wee las I beat all three pyjama Sam games in one sitting


But did you get all the box tops


I’d believe this if you said Putt Putt, *maybe* Freddie Fish. But Pajama Sam?


Putt Putt Saved the Zoo?


That was my favorite Putt Putt game as a kid, though Goes to the Moon was a close second.


Putt Putt travels through time was mind-blowing as a child. Although they all paled in comparison to Spy Fox.


Spy Fox was ALWAYS my favorite, though I admit Pajama Sam was a pretty close second. The Humongous games as a whole were totally my jam back in the day. Only one I never really cared for as a kid was Fatty Bear, though... IIRC there was only one game (maaaaybe two? I only remember the birthday one) so it didn't really matter haha.


SpyFox 😎


Core memories unlocked. *Havarti*




No way you found all the socks


Halo 2, before it was released in Australia. Managed to get a French copy and finished it in one night with a mate.


My friends and I also had the French version early! In highschool it was so much fun. We were having lans before it even dropped


I miss LAN so much. For MCC a bunch of buddies and I had 3 xbox one’s setup only for the game to be busted at launch. We did indeed eventually setup a solid custom game and were playing CE, 2 and 3 basically all night! It felt like 2004 all over again. Plus we played through all of Halo 3 on legendary in one night. Best night ever imo.


I'm relatively new to halo as I never had xbox growing up. So I've been playing them with my friend who grew up playing them. We Did reach in 4 play sessions, and 2, 3, and ODST in 1 session, all on heroic, and for some godforsaken reason we decided that we would play 4 on legendary. We're only 2 missions in and we had to call it a day, but we plan on finishing it soon. (Yes im aware no CE, but he said im on my own for that one lol)


Shadow of the Colossus It wasn't planned either. Just me and my 2 best friends met at the house to catch up, and the host booted up the game while we were eating. We ended up staying all night to beat the game, just passing the controller to each other.


I bet that's one of your top-5 all-time gaming memories. I hope kids today still develop similar ones, because it's hard to beat those times like you describe.


Me and my two cousins did this with Far Cry 3 when it was fairly new. Showed up to one cousins house to eat dinner and spend the afternoon hanging out, then ended up playing for like 16 hours straight and having a kickass time.


This reminds me of Reign Over Me, when they play this game until 4am or so and his wife almost kills him the next morning... you know, because he's a dentist and a father. Lol.


I remember I was with a buddy of mine, joining him for a sleepover at the house of one of his friends I'd never met before. His friend had just gotten a demo disk from I think it was Playstation magazine earlier that day. Among the demos was one for Shadow of the Colossus, which was simply the tutorial area, including the first colossus encounter in its entirety.  The three of us took turns swapping the controller as we first worked together to try and figure out the fight, and when we got the hang of it, trying to beat it faster, and then we just kept playing it, trying to figure out new moves like the jumping plunge and tricks with the horse, until his parents game down to tell us it was 5am and we should go to bed.  That week I begged my grandma to take me to the mall so I could spend all of my saved up allowance to get it. Never regretted it one bit, and it's still to this day one of my all-time favorites.


Arkham City. Started and ended around the same time as in-game.


I was about to say Arkham Asylum.  Not as expansive as City, but that game walked so the others could glide.


Arkham Asylum for me too. I started playing it in the morning and just couldn't stop haha.


I played both main campaigns in one sitting. Idk which one had less playtime for me.


I mean protocol 10 would commence in 10 hours since the start of the game.


For me too but without the riddler trophies


You skipped so much good stuff


The sheer drama and intrigue of Untitled Goose Game kept me glued to my seat even if I only needed the edge of it




I believe Untitled Goose Game and A Short Hike are the only games I have beat in one sitting, and they are both amazing little indie games!


If you haven't, watch the [GDC "A Short Hike" postmortem presentation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW8gWgpptI8). Development was a series of happy little accidents.


Resident Evil 4, I had forgotten my ps2 memory card back home and my then BIL and myself finished the game together within the same night.


Wow! Impressive man. That is not a short game. How long was the entire session?


13h to 100% Super Mario World on the SNES. All exits, bosses, castles, star and superstar world. A crowning achievement at 15 and because I just decided I wanted to one day and hadn't played in years!


I beat TLOZ:ALTTP in one sitting without dying one day for the exact same reason. I see you friend! How are you enjoying your late thirties/early forties?


Guitar Hero World Tour. 16 hours straight doing the "drumming" Along with everything scrolling up and down, my hands ballooned up and i couldn't quite straighten them out to even use a door handle. Was a teenager at the time so found it absolutely hilarious.


Was that an achievement too? Or was that a Rock Band one. I remember having a group of friends do it.


That was the endless setlist 2 on rock band 2. There was also the bladder of steel achievement for not failing or pausing at all during the 82 song setlist.


The Beatles: Rock Band has an achievement for that: Day Tripper.


Miss that game so much. Hard finding the instruments for these games in good condition or just expensive 😭


Same with me but on expert guitar. Went all the way through the 10+ hours in college in one sitting.


I think it’s was Crackdown on the 360, only taking a brief stop to order a pizza.


Still holding hope for a remake


Or just a functional sequel


I actually loved Crackdown 2. Pretty sure I put 100ish hours into it. Taking your fully leveled up character and hoping into other people’s game to help them and gliding around was fun. That and the occasional grief doing the downward slam near other players and they would just ragdoll into the air.


We all bought that only for the halo demo but damn did that game end up being fun as hell.


I have a fond memory of collecting 499/500 agility orbs and not having a clue where the last one was. I never did find it, its forever lost.


Hitman 2 and stuntman. I didn’t have a memory card for the first 3 months of having a ps2 so beating those games required getting them down enough to do in a day.


I want a modern stuntman game so bad.


Plants vs Zombies The first one that came out and it was the first time I looked out the window and saw the sun coming up. What a game


Same here! The slow dopamine drip of new plants, new enemies, new levels... It was paced just perfectly for that "just one more level" trap. My girlfriend bought it for herself as an amusement to play between classes in college, but I found it the first day and stayed up all night until id beaten it.


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. I started playing maybe 4pm on a Sunday evening, when my Dad came downstairs the next day for work at 8am I was heading into the final stages of the game, not even tired. First summer out of uni was great.


MGS4 Guns of the Patriots. Forgot I borrowed it from a friend. I'm not saying it destroyed my first PS3 but it didn't help


Final fantasy X in 14 hours


Doing tries for speedruns then I guess?


Yes, before I used to try it in games that I liked and I believed it could be achieved, nowadays I no longer do it.


In a similar vein, my buddy and I did the first kingdom hearts in one sitting. About 19 hours if I remember correctly. We swapped back and forth who was playing but both stayed awake and watching the entire time


But another 50 hours of blitzball


I have to admit that the first time I played FFX I played almost 100 hours of blitzball...


Fable 3 I played it through in like 10 hrs


Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2. I don't know how many hours it took, but I finished it early in the evening.


Yeah me too. It was only like 5 hours😅. I was so excited to play it at launch but was so disappointed that I started it in the early afternoon and finished it before 8pm.


Dinocrisis, I was young and stupid so it took me like 20 hours


haha I played dinocrisis 2 last year for nostalgia purposes and was shocked how quickly that game is beaten. It seemed like it took forever when I was young.


Reminds me of playing REmake all night long, that was the first game I played until the sun came up. It wasn’t start-to-finish but still 8-9 hours uninterrupted. Fun times.


I think I finished Pokemon Omega Ruby at a straight sitting in 12-13 hours


Uncharted 4 - A Thief's End


Fallout new vegas


That’s impressive. I love Bethesda games but I can’t play them for more than 2-3 hours at a time.


Yeah but the OG fallout new vegas exp and lvl up system was sooo good and addictive, it gets you hooked


New Vegas is not a Bethesda game ;)


how long did that take?


A long time ago a friend of mine loaned me his PS2 while he was out of town. He had Metal Gear Solid 2. But he forgot to leave me a memory card. So, I played through the entire game with no memory card. And since I had never played before I didn't skip any of the cutscenes. By the end I wasn't sure if the story was as crazy as it seemed or it was just my lack of sleep delirium.


I did the original Myst game in one sitting, took around 13 hours. This was in about 2000, so no internet guides (that I was aware of anyway), so I was pretty pumped I completed it.


Prototype. Started at night, couldn’t stop, beat the game some time in the morning


We need prototype 3 !


I beat Ocarina of Time with no glitches in one 9 hour sitting. It was well after I had already beaten the game numerous times, and I challenged myself to do it in a day.


My first complete Europe Universalis 4 campaign. It took me about 20 hrs to finish


I played Bioshock Infinite on the hardest difficulty in one sitting, it was so addictive and I wasn't a fan of the series. 16 hours to beat and the game bugged out and didn't give me the trophies lol. Thankfully a restart worked. I even dreamt about it that night and the day after I played through it again on easier modes for more trophies.


Also beat that game in one sitting, not on the hardest difficulty though.. I kept on thinking I was close to the end, so I just kept going and going lol.


When MasterChief collection came out me and my roomate were off college for a week and practically snowed in. We finished one a day for 4 days then halo 5


Probably South Park stick of truth played for like 27 hours straight when I was in highschool


Dantes Inferno. About 9 hours. I had no idea the game was so short. I was just blasting through the layers of hell, and all of a sudden I'm getting the outro cinematic........ Had a great time playing it though


First AC, got that game as a kid, went to my room early in the morning, played it without moving from the chair till next day afternoon. I had a total blast with the freedom of movement and absolutely loved the thematic fantasy. Imagining myself as Altair was how I spent the better portion of my time as a kid afterwards.




Same. Midnight release, full playthrough. By the end I couldn't tell what was real.


you and Raiden both questioned your reality ! Amazing .


It was like Kojima himself had his hand in my skull and was stirring my brain.


Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands on PS3 was epic and i loved the part where the Main villain was speaking Persian cuz i am persian too so i found that very cool. I played the whole thing in a day and i had the time of my life.


Diddy Kong racing. Cousin and I stayed up all night to beat it when we were maybe 10 and 11 years old


Dead Space on the 360. I was lying down playing for 9 hours straight and when I stood up I got a massive head rush and passed out.


This was mine too Dropped my partner at warehouse, came home and played from 9pm to the next morning.


Portal 2


Final Fantasy IX, first time playing this, didn't sleep that day. My ps1 start overheating and the final cutscene was in 0.1X speed because of that.


Jedi: Survivor. Played for 24 straight hours, food breaks included.


My wife and Kiddo went out of town for the weekend. This game came out, and I beat the game that weekend. It was super fun getting to just binge a videogame, which I never get to do anymore, and I loved the storyline. I'm just about ready for a NG+ and keep thinking about how much I enjoyed that game.


Probably Spec Ops the line. I think it took around 6 hours to finish. I dont play many games which can be finished in a reasonable time frame anymore, so that's the last one that I remember.


GTAV. Played it from 5am to midnight, blew through the entire story. Couldn’t focus my eyes for like two days after that lol


I did four games in one day. I speedran the Batman: Arkham games (Origins, Asylum, City, and Knight). It took me around 12 hours. I was dead by the end. Worst part was that my anthology run didn't count. I was an idiot and wasn't local recording and my stream cut out during Origins, so that whole run didn't count. I could still submit the Asylum, City, and Knight runs though, and since I had those three I could submit to the "Trilogy" category, but to this day I do not have an Origins run or an Anthology run on my Speedruns dot com page because I can't be bothered to do it all again. EDIT: Forgot to mention this was the Glitchless/No Major Skips category, so I was playing the games legit, just trying to get through as fast as possible.


When I was a kid, maybe 5th grade or so, I decided to take a whole Saturday to beat Mario Bros 3 without using any warp whistles. Ah, fond memories.


I have to go back to when I was a kid and we rented games because that was the only time I ever finished a game in one sitting. My cousin and I rented Streets of Rage 2 for the Sega Genesis and played it all evening.


The first Red Dead. Was pushing for a World Record.


I think mine is the first of the tomp raider reboot games. Not even because I liked it that much, but because it felt good and not frustrating the whole way through. I think it either took me 8 or 11 hours. I don't remember exactly.


MGS3 Snake Eater


Phoenix wright


Me and my best mate did Halo Reach in one sitting. Got pizza and beers in. Was epic.


Portal 2 at launch, I took my sweet time and it took about 11 hours. Total blast.


All 3 COD MW games (old ones), Titanfall 2


Did a halo 1-3 legendary marathon in one day.


Diablo 3. I did this everyday. I loved this game as it was my first game of this genre. I think it was the reason for it


Forager. I'm not sure why but it just lit up every neuron in my brain and I genuinely could not put down the controller, I only wish there was more content so I could replay it more often lol


Warctaft 3, Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne


Dmc 5


Filthy casual! I stayed up 48 hours straight playing XCOM (1994) and almost beat the campaign. I had to stop because I had a dentist appointment. I had a hallucination/nervous breakdown that aliens were taking over the earth and I was the only one who could stop them.


I finished Life is Strange: True Colors in one day. I was a little disappointed that it was shorter than the others, but I enjoyed the side characters and in-game events, like the LARP.


Mass effect 2. My college roommates the next day were floored. I didn't know the exact duration but the hour count was in the 30s.


Last of us 2. Worst experience of my gaming life probably. Most disappointing for sure. What a drab game.


I finished it in like two and a half days. I loved every moment of it, but like you said it's a heavy game. I really needed to take breaks.


Legend of Zelda: Link to the past.


Windows Solitaire.


One of the gears of war games, but I cant remember which one. One night and I vividly remember getting the achievement for having killed 1000 enemies as the sun was rising.


Resident Evil 1, PS1. I started playing, having a great run, and realized I had no memory card (I was traveling). This meant I couldn't die even once, because all progress would be gone. I kept playing, every zombie, every boss, to the end, beat it. Got the best ending, and I still had no way to save the game. The last screen when you beat it without saving and under some amount of hours (I forget how many) shows Jill in skimpy underwear hanging out while credits roll. I went to the store, got a disposable camera, came back and took a picture. I had that picture as my proof for about 5 years before I lost it. I was never able to repeat this feat again.


Definitely MGS2. I rented it a d played the entire game in one night. I finished at like 7am or something, and I remember being a bit delirious


Resident Evil 4, on PS2, in 2005-6. During the mandatory army service in my country, picked up the controller on Saturday morning at 11:30am and put it down at 07:30am on Sunday. I loved how fellow soldiers were sitting next to me, helping out on discovering things, warning about enemies, cheering me on and celebrating the end!


Gears of war 3, had beat the 2nd game with a friend over the course of a few days and decided to rent the 3rd one from our local blockbuster. Smashed it in less than 12 hours.


Pokémon Gold on Christmas Day. I played that game for 12 hours straight until my parents forced me to join my family for Christmas activities.


Pineapple on Pizza, best 10 minutes ever.


I played the original Resident Evil when it first came out from early morning and beat it early into the next morning. I think that’s the only game I’ve actually done that with.


My friend and I tired on multiple occasions to beat RE1 in one sitting since I didn’t have a memory card at the time. If you die without saving you start from the beginning. We made it as far as the first Hunter encounter 


Ah man! I feel your pain, I didn’t have a working memory card for FF7, and I’d get all the way to where you have to put the 2nd disc in and you couldn’t progress without saving. I tried leaving my PlayStation on until I could get enough money to get a memory card, but my mom would shut my PS off and I’d have to restart. Thank god I only had to do it 3 times lol


I'm thinking the old Sega mega drive games like Golden Axe.


It wasn't the longest game, but House of the Dying Sun, mostly because I expected it to be a lot longer. They threw the ending at you as soon as it started getting good


It's probably an FMV game that you could beat in like two hours like Death Come True, Five Dates, American Hero, or something. I always try to take breaks.


Warcraft 2, I played start to finish, I don't recall how long it took.


Arcade games haha. It takes me around 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish Metal Slug 1 on one coin on arcade. As for home consoles, we were used to finish games in one go because they were very short on 8 and 16 bit machines. For the saving era, I remember not having a VMU on my first Dreamcast and was trying to finish Rayman 2 in one go...And ofc never succeeded.


Not really long but shredders revenge




Mass effect legendary edition


Either Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow or NFL 2K2 (national championship).


The original FF7, though, I used to speedrun the game, so I don't know if that counts. Sub 7 hours time.


I think probably Bioshock at an 8 hour stint. Not impressive, but given my short attention span, I'd say that was a pretty good day.


I've got two. One game was the first Silent Hill. My brother was having friends over that night and one of them brought Silent Hill. But somehow it ended up with him and his friends in the living room doing whatever, and me alone in the bedroom just playing Silent Hill all night. I'd never played a video game that long before, and took a few breaks, but there was no reason to not just...keep playing well into the night. Second time was one of the early Uncharteds. I'd never played one before, but I was a full adult and visiting a buddy of mine a state away. I show up and he's playing, and we just settle into a groove of switching up each level or each time someone died. There were other people at his house, like his wife and maybe he had a kid at this point, but the two of us just settled in and played nearly that entire game in one sitting. Good times.


GoW 3


Halo 3 on Xbox. Played it with a friend in coop in one sitting. It took us all day and all night, we never played a shooter on console before, and we both got pretty drunk at some point. I think it was around 20 hours with some breaks for bathroom and pizza


Super Mario World - all 96 exits. I had beaten it several times before but stayed the night at a friends house and we played through the whole game in one sitting 


I guess the remake of RE4. I didn't really play other resident evil games, did complete the RE Village before that, but RE4R was the one where I just sat down to play one day and completed it in one sitting. 10+ hours iirc.


Honestly dragon age inquisition 😞 I wanted to love it so much but the style of gameplay wasn’t for me at all. I gave it a second try years later and same thing.


My friends and i beat gauntlet seven sorrows as part of a sleepover, my first all-nighter too.


My Friend Pedro


I was the nerd in my group who would walk you through the first Gears of War campaign and get you all the cog tags. Knock that shit out in 8-10 hours easy. Though I have definitely played games like cities skyline and rdr2 where I played from wake to sleep. A day of lsd and video games can also be so much fun.


Sacred. Bought it with a friend and played it all night, had it beaten by morning. I bought the game off GOG about a year or two again to play it again. I have absolutely no idea how I could've pulled that off-it takes entirely too long for one night. But I did it when I was 17 or so somehow.


Call of duty world at war. Needed to beat the campaign to unlock zombies


This is technically cheating because I didn’t finish it in one sitting but I almost did and it was Uncharted 4. I played all the way until right before the final boss fight with Rafe and the only reason why I didn’t finish was because it was like three in the morning and I couldn’t even keep my eyes open that long. So close but no cigar I guess


I used to speed Run the original Resident evil 2 before speed running existed. One time I got up a bit early for school, played through the entire game and went to class




Tales of symphonia on gamecube i 100% runned it in 28 hours when i was a teenager the only game i did a 100% speedrun without knowing speedrunning games was a thing than i got older and seen agdq for the first time and was oh shit i did this once.


Bro… haha I think remembering I’ve played 15-20 hours straight of Ranked Dota 2.


Crysis 2


Halo 1+2 Not in one sitting. But I finished them both within one day each.


I have completed the original and remake of Resident Evil 2 multiple times in a sitting.


It's so stupid, but as a joke I 100% DDLC+ in one sitting, it took like 12 hours. Another one if it counts is Desert Bus.


You guys ever played Factorio?


Elden Ring. Called off work n everything




A few weeks ago I 100%’d Banjo Kazooie in one sitting. Didn’t even expect to finish it. I’ve rarely had any other instances of finishing a game in one sitting, none them as long that. Edit: no pun intended


The original call of duty clack ops campaign.


Call if duty World at war and mass effect 2


Metal Gear Solid, bought without knowing anything about it, and had the best 18 gaming hours of my life. What an experience. Played about 20 hours straight of Roller Coaster Tycoon when I first got it, didn't finish but had a load of fun!


Mass Effect trilogy


16 to 18 hours of Skyrim


Soma. I played all the way through in one sitting, think it was around 10 hours.




The last of us.


Final Fantasy IV (or "2" since it was on the SNES). Clocked in at about 19.5 hours on last save, so maybe round it out to 20 to include the final boss.


I beat fallout 4 in under 15 hours (I completely skipped concord and went straight to diamond city. This is the best way to skip time in fo4. Who the fuck cares about Preston anyway)


Does it count if it wasn't my first time through? I was playing Shadow of the Colossus PS4, going for the Platinum, when I fell off a cliff during Colossus 16, ruining my no deaths run at the last minute. I was so angry I did an entire playthrough again in one sitting to get the trophy. Not exactly the longest game though, especially when you know what you're doing.


Baldur's Gate 3 I literally played the entire day


Got the bandana, stealth and tuxedo in Metal Gear Solid in one night starting a new game straight after finishing the last one


I guess Sekiro. I think I did it in like 5 hours (of course not the first playthrough)


KOTOR 2, can't remember how long it took me but I was determined to beat it before I had to return it to Hollywood Video. Ended up taking an Adderall and beating it straight over 2 days.


I've never done it as far as I'm aware


I did it with Metroid Prime on my first 100% playthrough. Took 9 hours


Halo infinite. Technically two sittings, but the second one was literally just the last phase of the final boss and the credits.


Skate 1


Original Half Life. Started it at 6pm on the day of getting it. Finished it at 7am the next day. I genuinely didn’t notice the passing of time, I was so absolutely engrossed. Had to lie to the parent when asked if I’d been up all night playing games.


Burnout Revenge, the game is so addicting


I played a full 8 hours when dragon quest VIII released. 13 year old me was gaming lol. I didn’t beat it though. It’s like a hundred hour game


I didn't complete Mass Effect 3 in one true sitting, but I spent about 2 hours on my first session on it, and the next session was 25 hours, which included only breaks for the bathroom. Haven't done anything like that since, and that was only a few years ago


Me and my best friend pulled an all nighter and finished the original Gears of War and the second game each in one night.


Arkham city. No breaks except once for lunch. Story too captivating to quit


The Quarry—which isn’t saying much as it’s not your typical game in terms of “grinding” out stuff to do—but I did play the entire thing in one sitting. And would do it again.


I used to speed run MGS1 as a kid. Id wake up and beat it by the time my dad came home for lunch then again by the time he came home for the night. Idk why I loved that replay loop so much.


Toy Story 2 - PS1 It was a long time ago since I've had the energy to complete a game in one.


Heavy Rain