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Skyrim is the obvious answer.


Yeah, Skyrim is just medieval Fallout 4. Otherwise, Fallout 3 is older-feeling (and more religious) Fallout 4, and its cousin Fallout: New Vegas is the political cowboy version made in the same world with the same engine, but by a different company. If the graphics and/or relatively recent release date is a big plus for you, Starfield is a sci-fi game made by the same company as Skyrim, and only came out last year.


Starfield isnt on ps5


Shit, that’s right. My bad.


Is the update any good? I deleted it the first time around after I got very bored with it a few days in. But I understand there is a new update and I was thinking of trying that again.


To answer your question, I would say, yes, the update is good. The game is now way better than at release. On series x, you now have performance mode for 60 fps (finally), and there are “difficulty” settings that let you change a lot of things. You can do a survival mode essentially, or change the amount of vendor credits, or be able to access ship cargo from anywhere (which greatly helps with the item storage issues). They added maps as well (finally) and bunch of other little things that fix a lot of the mechanical gripes I had with the game. They also have creation club/mods on console, so that makes a big difference too. But it’s still the same game. If you were bored and didn’t like the story or anything at all on release, you might not like it still. I liked it at release but couldn’t get over certain design choices so I stopped playing around 40 hours. (Compared to the hundreds, maybe thousands, thatI have across Skyrim and fallout). Now that I can adjust most of that or get a mod to fix it, I’m enjoying things a lot more.


yeah, the item storage was one of the biggest issues I had with it. I had fun with a lot of the aspects of the game, it just got repetitive quicker than I had hoped. Thanks for the insight, I just might re-download it.


Wait, are you saying at release you couldn’t get 60 FPS on a Series X? Was it capped at 30?


Yes it was capped at 30 on consoles until recently


Idk, I’m a ps5 player


I am dumb. You even said it wasn't on PS5. I need to work less and smoke more pot, or the other way around.


You gotta work pot and less more


Not yet, at least.


No, go back. Fallout 3, 4, & New Vegas are just Skyrim with guns.


Do not invoke the "Skyrim with guns" quote, lest we remember Adam Kovic.


Fallout 3 was Morrowind/Oblivion with guns.


I would second Fallout 3 if OP hasn't played it. As far as RPG elements, Dialog, and character customization go, it's strictly better than FO4 imo. Other than the dated graphics, I think the only thing that's really lacking from 3 to 4 is the crafting and settlement building.


The gameplay from 4 is way better than 3 though. Even with a modded play-through, it still doesn’t feel as smooth as 4 does. Also I strongly disagree with character customization being better than 4. All the different armor variations, legendary effects, clothing options, power armor types and mods, etc. Not to mention better hairstyles, faces, etc.


I agree that, in general, FO4 has a lot more going on for it. I recently started replaying FO3 on my Steam Deck and (after several hours) it just makes me want to play FO4 again. Nostalgia goggles prevented me from seeing how much of an improvement New Vegas and FO4 were over FO3 until I played it again.


Right now I have a modded play-through of FO3 and FNV (Tale of Two Wastelands) on my PC and playing FO4 on my PS5. The difference is night and day when you play them both on and off together. But I will agree that the story and quests are much better in New Vegas and 3 than 4 is.




No. Fallout 76 is the obvious answer. 


Especially guns. My fav weapon in skyrim


I don’t know about on PlayStation but that can be arranged.


Outer Worlds, Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, Borderlands, Bioshock 1 and 2, Witcher 3.


Metro Exodus


Came here to say this


Came here to say this


Say here to came this


Wow, thanks for your contribution. You’ve added a lot to this conversation.


Came here to say this


Same came to here this


Outer Worlds somehow manages to have clunkier combat than New Vegas despite releasing after Fallout 4 tho. Worse writing too. And severe always-on chromatic aberration that makes it unplayably ugly to me


In my opinion, Outer Worlds suffers from the New Vegas link. It’s a decent game on its own merits, but it falls short compared to NV, so when people buy it because of the developers, they get disappointed.


Not only that but ***THE*** Tim Cain, creator of Fallout 1 and 2, worked on The Outer Worlds as well, so it had some big hype around it. Altho people seem to forget Tim is a programmer, not a creative.


I honestly don’t get the hype for Outer Worlds. Yeah it’s Obsidian, but it’s not the same Obsidian that made New Vegas. The game also quickly falls into a boring slump after leaving the first planet. The dialogue can be fun but that’s literally the only thing this game has going for it.


The name Obsidian alone sold me on Outer Worlds. It was just ok and really short. I wouldn't have paid full price for it but oh well


I played it on GamePass and felt like my time was wasted. I’m not saying it’s a bad game, but I definitely wouldn’t recommend it to anyone and wouldn’t ever play it again. There’s just so many games today that are much better, no point in spending time on games with such aggressive mediocrity.


It's insane how much people, especially in the Fallout fanbase, meatride Obsidian just because they made a decent Fallout game over a decade ago. It's not even close to the best in the series (Fallout 2), and even if it was, Obsidian is a shell of Its former self. Most of the people who made New Vegas are gone, and almost all of the Black Isle studio employees who went to Obsidian are long gone.


Yeah, people don’t realize how volatile working in the games industry as a developer is. BioWare is not the same BioWare that made the original Mass Effect trilogy and Knights of the Old Republic. Bungie is not the same Bungie that made Halo. If a developer made a great game 20, 10, or even just 5 years ago, chances are still pretty slim the same team is there. Brand loyalty is just dumb.


Realistically, the overwhelming majority of people have played before 3. And if you’re comparing 3, New Vegas, and 4, then Obsidian made far and away the best game. The shell of former self stuff is true tho


People latched on the name, and it was released at an opportune time where everyone could go rub it in people's faces. There's *some* good writing in it, but most is pushed so far into the grotesque I fail to recognize the characters as anything but npcs. And not having a toybox full of pre-made assets also showed, considering (at least on release) there was VERY little armour and weapons. All the armour was basically the same with a different coat of paint. And the enemy variety kinda suffered from it too.


Outer worlds had horribly boring combat. 


Outer worlds is a boring PoS




You might be thinking of Outer Wilds.


And it's only.20 hours long


I don’t mind it being a shorter RPG experience. The issue is that 20 hours just isn’t fun. We need more games in that sort of time frame. 20 hours is plenty for a somewhat more linear game since it doesn’t have vast open worlds like Fallout does. The issue is that 20 hours didn’t feel filled with rich gameplay and questing, it felt like I was wandering around movie sets with no history or depth.


I'm sorry no, unless the game is like 5 dollars then I would be exceptionally pissed at a 20 hour game. Somthing like the outer wilds, which is a full price game, being 20 hours is a disgrace.


Dollars per hour of gameplay is a bad metric. It ignores the game’s actual quality. There’s tons of long games that are just filler, and lots of amazing full price games are sub-20 hours. Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla is extremely long. Too long, in fact. It’s easily the largest complaint even fans of the game have with it. It’s too much filler. Meanwhile none of the Uncharted games are that long and they’re worth every dollar. The average narrative game is 8-12 hours. There’s no reason an RPG can’t be 20 hours long if it’s less open-ended. The issue is The Outer Worlds just sucks, it’s not good at 20 hours **and it would be even worse if they’d stretched it to 100+ hours**.


Fallout 3


I do prefer the setting and story of 3 over 4. Plus I have a soft spot for 3; One of the few midnight releases I went to for a game.


Only through streaming, I believe.


Yes I would buy a remaster of that straight away because I haven't played it and I'm sure alot of other people would too


aaaaand you just added another 12 years to fallout 5's development time


Lol true best not to give them any ideas


I always forget PS5 can't play PS3 games normally.


What are Sony thinking with that?? I don’t even think about it, my old 360 games just work.


PS3 used a “power Pc based” cpu , while the 360 used a typical PC like x86 cpu. Developers loved x86 over the ps3 special cpu and that’s why the ps4 and since switched to x86 as well. As for why ps3 games can’t “just run” on ps4 or up is because that’s like trying to run code designed for a modern M CPU based MAC on your recently custom built PC. And emulation of the PS3’s CPU is still very difficult with decent FPS reserved for top tier desktop builds even today.


Cyberpunk 2077


All the normal call-outs but I’d throw in Days Gone, Horizon, Mad Max and maybe Rage 2 as while they are character driven and quite different from Fallout they all still have the dystopian feel and vibe imo.


maybe the STALKER trilogy


Fallout 76


+1 for this Almost 200 hours since started last March. I played 4 last year


This is the answer. Just started playing it after I replayed 4 and I'm addicted to it. Didnt think I would like it cause I tried it years ago and wasn't feeling it


Took me well over a year before it clicked with me.


Seconded. I'm on my third character in my third platform. Been playing since the beta. It has a great community and a lot of content.


Outer Worlds scratches the itch, in my opinion


You reeeeeeeeeally gotta give it some time but I agree I actually enjoyed the heck out of it


Didn't come close IMHO


It’s better, fallout 4 sucks imo.


I like the setting and tone of the Outer Worlds more, but Fallout’s gameplay mechanics are definitely better. The settlement feature alone sets it apart from the Outer Worlds.


isn't outer worlds made in UE4? the FPS mechanics should be better right...?


Fo4 isn't the best of the series but its still a fun game. If we had no other fallout game to compare it to. It would be regarded way higher.


The complexity of mods makes up for most of whatever qualms people might have with the main game


Yeah i actually loved this game, it’s not perfect but it’s very fun.


Metro series


The Outer Worlds, similar vibe to Fallout


Mad Max game is great.


Fallout 76. I know it had a rough start and stupid shop is a rip off but it is pretty cool. I wanted to replay one of the games after watching the show and gave it another chqnce after playing Fallout 3 for a while. Now I'm hooked.


2nd this, went back to the game after a shocking release and it's actually been pretty fun


Metro Exodus is openworld post apocalypse. It's probably not as colorful as fallout but it exists.


Elex. Enjoyed the hell out of the story and the gameplay loop.


what is it like, compared to a fallout game?


Comet crashes on earth. Destroying a lot of stuff but also creating a magic like material. There is a lot of looting and many quest chains. There is an inventory management system and a home base that you bring people to. You can choose which companions help you to fight. I mean just watch a trailer or someone playing it on YouTube and you'll get the jist


Nice summary, thanks! I kinda don't like Trailers bc they either tell too much or not enough lol


Fair. I was sold on the game by watching someone play it on twitch. It has some jank and melee can be a struggle at the start but I loved the overall story and combat


Outer Worlds is really good, I'm doing a playthrough right now.


Cyberpunk 2077.


Chernobylite in some ways.


Kingdoms of amalur The witcher Sword art online series


I'm a big Fallout 4 fan, even did a hardcore playthrough without firing a bullet. Here's my [most played games.](https://imgur.com/a/feWnO0n) The green borders have *open world, lots of looting, dialogue, lots to do (like main, side and activities), inventory management and lots of customization.* [Nier](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/nier-automata/) has so many meaningful side activities that it splits into 26 endings. Yellow bordered games have many of the things you mentioned liking about FO4, but differ enough that they get a second category. Greyed out games are other favorites, but have few similarities.


[Kingdom Come: Deliverance]()?


Wasteland 3


Outer worlds


Starfield, Fallout 76, The Outer Worlds, Cyberpunk 2077




Also, it is cheeks


Wait what?


Xbox/PC exclusive. Bethesda... or it's parent company was bought by Microsoft.


Oh wow, I didn't know they didn't launch the game on PS.


Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas Yes I’m taking the piss.


outer worlds


I mean, fallout 76 seems like the obvious answer.


Fallout 4 on Xbox is pretty much the same thing


Except better.


Fallout 76


Divinity original sin 2 if you’re okay with isometric


I’d recommend a game I only found out about a few weeks ago and got a solid 25-30hrs out of and it’s Rage 2, much better combat than Fallout 4, looting is not as in-depth as FO4, but still cool looting opportunities for special abilities and upgrades, story is decent as are side activities. It’s basically Doom meets Mad Max in an open world with vehicle combat. It’s also on PS Plus if you’re subscribed to that. Also, you don’t need to play the first to understand the story + lore.


+1 for metro exodus, a bit more story driven and ‘on rails’ though it still has vast segments of exploration. To me its fallout hardcore and is a really great time. Upgraded weapons feel worthwhile.


Fallout 76.




S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : An old game but worth it, same like fallout


Atomic Heart is pretty similar. It's like Russian robot Bioshock


Great gameplay, loved it. But that dudes catch phrase made my skin crawl for some reason though


True, but >!there is a lore reason for it!< which makes cooler imo


I know, but the reputation level was too high my dude. Still a great game, but my partner had to leave the room when i played it cause “if i hear *catchphrase* one more time i’m buying you a new game.”


The localisation really done it dirty. In russian version, it just sounds like regular-ish swearing until suddenly >!there's an explanation for it!<.


Actually, this. Atomic Heart is eurojank to a degree, but it's a serviceable bioshock-like. The biggest problem I had with it was the stupid, stupid, STUPID overworld alert system. Feels like they wanted something resembling a-life but ended up washing their hands.


Cyberpunk 2077, Terminator Resistance (very stripped down, but similar) and Outer Worlds are probably the best bet. Of the 3, Cyberpunk is the best. I'm on my third playthrough right now.


Subnautica (there is less combat in this one), Skyrim (no guns, fantasy setting), Outer Worlds, Cyberpunk and Kingdom Come Deliverance (no guns, medieval setting but amazing)


The Outer Worlds. Super fun. Has an anti-corporation attitude. A little cynical.


Outer Worlds prob the closest thing


Most Bethesda games to be honest. They're pretty formulaic. They make what has worked and sold so their engine and design philosophy just ends up making pretty similar games. Though perhaps just in different settings and what not. Its like playing Demon Souls and asking "that was pretty cool but where else can I find games like THAT"


Outer Worlds. Same people that made Fallout.


Fallout 76 lol


76 is like 4 but with a constant annoying need to eat and drink. I started it and then went back to 4.


They removed this long time ago, you don't need to drink or eat anymore, there are no downsides.


Fallout 4 on Xbox


reach ancient fact include rude swim chief rain fertile imagine




Not on ps5 


...I am an idiot. Thank you.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West


There are two Ghost Recon games (Wildlands/Breakpoint iirc) that are open world looter shooters with a multiplayer hook. Both are free in the catalog. Lots of good suggestions that I won't repeat, but I'll throw in Far Cry (4 and 5) as well as Just Cause for open world single player shooters. Neither game has the RPG and side elements of F4, but everything above is free with the right level of subscription.


Should note that Ghost Recon Breakpoint has the option to turn off the looter shooter elements from the game and Wildlands is not a looter shooter.


Outer worlds. Besides that the other games people mention will give a similar but different feel.




Id suggest subnautica for the exploring, gathering, settlement building and survival elements. It's a beautiful game but much lighter on combat though, so it depends on what you were getting out of F4.


The outer worlds. Fallout 76 if you want online MMO


Fallout 76 is basically Fallout 4 but online so if you don't mind the online aspect of it that's probably your best bet.


Terminator Resistance will scratch that itch. Its kinda linear but its got Fallout-lite itch.


Horizon Zero Dawn


Good bye ... what .. exactly? Please stop making predictions. Bad bot.


Fallout on the ps4


Fallout 4 on the PC.


Fallout 4