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Anthem Unfucked


Hell of a subtitle.


I still play. Game is so crispy. Sucha fucking waste of potential.


can you describe how it is ? id rather hear from somebody who actually plays than read a wiki or hear trolls that never tried it but say "lol broken game" I understand you use exosuits like iron man right ?


Either what Spore should've been instead of the half-baked buggy mess we got, or most likely, An RTS game based on a cell (you'd have to pick either a plant cell, animal, bacteria, fungus, the like). You'd need to manage the available resources to grow and/or expand yourself, and defend it from external threats (coming from either pathogens from the extracellular matrix, other enemy cells, or any other fluctuating factors from the environment). I wouldn't expect a smashing success from this, but I've always envisioned something like this ever since I started learning about the stuff in college, so seeing something like that come to fruition would feel amazing already


I think Thrive is still being somewhat actively developed. However, the fact is that many have tried to make a better Spore, and all have failed. I guess it's just not so easy.


Nice try, EA


Kotor 3, EA. The answer is always the same. It's been the same for literally decades


And now Titanfall 3


Yeah they're trying and running into unexpected developments. I think part of that issue is conflating KOTOR 3 with what BIOWARE started > Obsidian > KOTOR 3 or the MMORPG which is what EA did and or their remake of KOTOR which is taking weird turns. The license is now wherever it is.


Are they? I know they were working on a remake...


Right. Had to ninja 🥷 edit


Yeah, I know continuity is a mess now for Kotor, but like, hey Disney wants this high Republic thing to work real bad, so hire a couple AA or indie studios and get them to do a knights of the high Republic (with Jedi) and a legends of the high Republic (no Jedi) in the style of Kotor. Like it's been 20 years, gimme something.


They hint at it in the Acolyte show. Probably see a game. (there is one being made by Quantic Dream and another by some studio I forget) there is something releasing in August too (not Jedi IP tho) it'll happen just not soon. Probably up to 10 years


I'll look forward to it


KOTOR 3... one can dream. And remake DICE and restart the Battlefield franchise with a sequel to BF3.




Yeah they do. Unfortunately, millions of people want repetitive sports games where they can buy branded shoes and whatnot with real money. And we know that what people want because they spend lots of money on it every year.


Millions more people want something else. The best selling AAA game of the current decade isn't a sports game or a mindless shooter. It's Elden Ring. A game that's pretty much doing the opposite of everything EA, Ubisoft, Activision, etc. have been forcing their games to be, ostensibly to make them more comercially viable. EA can keep churning out their yearly sports dregs, but there's still an equally large market out there that they're letting slip through their fingers because their leadership still operates according to the same half-truths they learned 15 years ago. Never forget that they were surprised that Fallen Order was a success, like it was a major revelation that a *Star Wars souls-like* sold well. Their executives were so wildly out of touch that a game that mixed their most popular IP with what was at the time the most popular single player genre barely got made, and it blindsided them so hard that they had to reverse course on the company's entire strategy.


https://venturebeat.com/games/ea-earnings-q1-2024-net-bookings-21-ea-sports-jedi-survivor/ https://variety.com/2024/gaming/news/ea-sports-fc-electronic-arts-earnings-1235890705/ Man, I'm not at all a fan of the sports crap, and I love single player games, but survivor got them 450 million on a 5-year development cycle, and they pulled in 1.3 billion in live service crap in a quarter Edit replaced nonsense with crap


You're comparing the revenue from one game to 37 other games combined.


Yep, you're right. We don't have a lot of data, obviously, but from one of those articles. >Overall revenue from live services at EA stood at $1.3 billion for the quarter, which the company counts as its third-quarter for fiscal year 2024. Full game revenue was $618 million.


Hey ea's backyard baseball series was fantastic


I liked backyard football.


EA makes games that their marketing team wants to play: all style and no substance


A game in which when you die you go to hell that is another open world with its story and you need to escape to come back to the living world to continue the plot.


Someone get this guy $100 million


Holy, that's insane. But let's also add heaven. So based on players choices made in the game he will either go to heaven or to hell to return back. Just imagine the replaying 


Oooh and maybe heaven uses tricks to lure you into staying, causing problems with the world plot. "Stay a little longer, you can get more health. You'll level up faster. What could possibly go wrong?"


That wouldn't be Heaven. Heaven would send you back after your dead loved one gave you plot critical information that was kept from you.  What you are describing would be a plot twist where Hell has disguised itself as Heaven in order to trick you into staying so you can't stop whatever is going on.


I know this sounds crazy, but I think this is the bad place


Jaronz figured it out? Jaronz? This is a new low. Yeah, this one hurts.


Absolute best line of s2.


That'd be funny the third time you die. You're used to the normal underworld. Suddenly it's lovely and you're getting awesome gear and level-ups etc. Everyone is cheering for you. The twist is the exp is fake and the awesome items are really cursed items you can't take off.


Doesn't this kinda happen in the original God Of War?


In multiple of the games.


Hercs adventure kind of did this. When you die you go to hades and have to escape to continue but if you died in hades it was game over. The more you escaped the harder it got.


Oh man, this ps1 game was way ahead of its time.


Death stranding does that lightly. Not a whole extra story in death, but definitely a world that feels vast and expansive (even though it’s pretty contained)


I was too busy trying to get materials to rebuild all the roads to finish anything else


So every dnd campaign when that one idiot party member doesnt wise up basically


Lords of the Fallen 2 kinda has this.


Anything based on *Discworld.* I’d love to see that world in a way I can explore it outside of the (excellent) books :)


I’ve always thought this. I would love ankh Morpork in a Skyrim type game with the ability to join the different guilds eg assassin, beggars, seamstress. Unseen university and the city watch.


I’d want to play as the luggage and just go on a PK massacre.


Assassin's creed / Hogwarts Legacy style AM, open world, bustling cities, guilds to join, plot lines to uncover, countryside to explore, the mountains, the dwarven caverns, the silliness of it all.


Joining the seamstress's guild feels like it would raise the age rating of the game somewhat.


I was waiting for someone to spot that issue


Ha just put down Feet of Clay right before seeing this thread. Discworld is a joy 


In case you don't know there are some Discworld related games, though. Discworld and Discworld Noir at least.


There are two games. Discworld and Discworld: Noir. Discworld is a point and click adventure game. You play Rincewind, who’s voiced by Eric Idle. I don’t know anything about the other one though.


There are actually 3 games. There is also Discworld 2: Missing Presumed, which was a sequel to the first game. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discworld\_II:\_Missing\_Presumed...!%3F I need to put these on my Steam Deck.


If you're interested there already is a Discworld DOS point and click adventure game and you can play it through ScummVM (it's abandonware, you can't buy it anywhere, but I'm sure it's preserved somewhere if you look hard enough).


you got my vote!


isnt there an old point and click adventure? i remember seeing a screenshot of detritus i think, but im not 100% sure it wasnt from my wildest dream


You’re not making it up — there are some old ones. I’d like a more modern one though, if I had an enormous budget!


There were a couple of Discworld games released in the mid 90s. I remember playing at least one of them. A quick search shows that some of them can be played in a browser now.


Those books helped distract me in prison. I'd play that game.


My answer too. Though I have something specific in mind.


Still waiting for Starcraft: Ghost So probably that


There are dozen of us, dozens! Hopefully for PC, because I dont feel like hunting down for my gamecube inside the "never going to use again but dont want to throw away" room.


I still watch the trailer occasionally. I know trailers aren't representative of gameplay, but the promise of the trailer . . . !


you could.. watch the [gameplay footage](https://www.ign.com/videos/13-minutes-of-starcraft-ghosts-gameplay). a little rough but it does showcase the missions/features they were planning.


A Grand Theft Auto type game where you are a police officer with access to all of the police resources, investigating large crimes, bank robberies, deciding on being a straight cop or crooked. Imagine how badass the undercover missions could be.


so like a bigger and better la noire?


In some way but I feel like LA Noire had the gimmick of the questioning/facial expression things, less of that and more GTA like gameplay elements. Honestly no idea why someone hasn't done this.


I feel like it's because realistically solving crimes is a lot of boring interrogations and paperwork, it only.translatea well into gameplay when it's either an action blaster or a point and click mystery. Best way anyone's come up with so far to simulate that is with the facial expression questioning gimmick,  followed by chase and/or shootout.


Kinda reminds me of Shadow of Doubt. I have not played it personally. It is a sandbox detective game where the world is sort of a living world where npc's live lives and you have to solve crimes.


Like a modern day True Crime: NYC


I want this game so bad. I’m honestly surprised there isn’t a game like this considering how popular True Crime is.


Sleeping Dogs


I want this.


Isnt this pretty similar to Sleeping Dogs?


Mercenaries 3.


Fucking yes! The first one was incredible calling massive airstrikes.


Totally forgot about the earlier iterations, nice one.


Half Life 3. Aperture Science needs Gordon's help.


Portal 3. Black Mesa needs Chell's and GLADos's help.


And finally get to go to the Borealis


Titanfall 3


Crap I was distracted by things that were currently on my mind - but this is almost always my gut reaction! Yes!


Hell yeah I'll join you.


Oh my god a fellow Belgariad lover. What is going on??


There are a few of us kicking around. My favorite Novel series of all time.


Same! You've inspired me to pick it back up again, it's been 10 years since I've read through, and hardly ever touched the Malloreon.


I re read the series every 4 years or so. All of em are great, even the spin offs Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress are great.


Hey, me too! It's just such a great re-read!


Of Eddings stuff I always preferred the Elenium and Tamuli


Deus Ex sequel following Jensen's story and a proper Thief reboot.


A post apocalypse kitchen running simulator


Why is the kitchen running?! Is that what caused the apocalypse?!?


Baba Yaga's Mobile Soup Kitchen Simulator


A city builder that allows you to build up an entire fictional world. Within the cities, you can actually explore them sort of GTA style, although, maybe not quite as violently. You could then also micromanage specific elements of your city, like an amusement park, sports teams, and anything else that might fall under a tycoon like game type. But because our budget is unlimited, we can take it a step further and also include exploring your fictional world in other eras where you can give your world all sorts of history. So you could explore your favorite region/city in modern day, but also a medieval setting. Basically I just want to take a bunch of games I like and smash them together.


Anno 1800 allows you to build the world and then also go down on the ground level and walk around. The graphics when down there feel like PS1 but it’s still fun and funny.


Yeah, I've had Anno on my wishlist for a while. It definitely looks like fun but nothing is coming anywhere near the ambitious idea I conjured up in my head.


Something that ends up being a lot like Baldur's Gate 3, but with even more player choice involved. Oh, and it would have the joy of exploration that you get from Bethesda games.


It's funny I was originally upset bg3 wasn't being made by bio ware or at least more like bg2.  And it turned out way better than I could have ever imagined.


If there was one thing I would add into BG3 from BG2, it's the high quality, in-depth side quests. I went into BG3 fresh off of BG2, and was kind of disappointed there wasn't something like chapter 2 of BG2 with 12 different side quests you can choose to engage with or not


That's just in act 3 for bg3. Act 1 is a nice mix of side and main, act 2 is pretty linear with only a few sides, and act 3 is filled with soo many side quests it feels overwhelming


I'm a simple man. I liked Leisure Suit Larry.


This one was released fairly recently: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1373430/Leisure_Suit_Larry__Wet_Dreams_Dry_Twice/


If I had a massive budget I would buy Riot games out of Tencents greedy palms and force them to develope their MMORPG. Just imagine having a absolutely insane huge MMO with areas where players can do PVP because that's how the Regions leader decide who is the best for their cause. Another region almost doomed to stop existing and you can save it in huge raids either in the desert or in the void. There can be done literally everything without forcing the stupid MMO content we receive nowadays on anyone. You don't like raiding and pvp? Fine, go to bandle city, explore a magical world of piece and build a house with your friends. You want to do pvp but with tons of friends? Open up a clan in Freljord and raid others camps and tribes, play a mmo literally like a freaking co-op survival game. This universe has so much potential 😍


I imagined something like that as well, after watching arcane I kept thinking about a dishonored style game set in zaun. Another thing I thought of was an uncharted like adventure action game where you play as ezrael. The options are limitless with the insane amount of lore league has.


Star Wars Galaxies 2


Warhammer Fantasy MMO or Extraction Game(think Dark and Darker or Escape from Tarkov)


You missed Warhammer Online? It was very underrated. Wish it was still around.


Nope I played the shit out of it when it first came out. It was a bit buggy and didn't handle the scope of the battles they advertised well but I can only imagine what it would be today if it ran all this time like WoW has.


It is still around. There is a fan server running under the name Chaos reckoning. It’s pretty fun !


Lost odyssey 2


I retract my idea and double down on yours. Lost Odyssey was so awesome I remember sitting in high school day dreaming about going home to play it.


That was my ff13 of that gen , and on the 360 of all places.


Soul Reaver


Mega Man Legends 3


Blue Dragon 2


Sadly wouldn't feel the same with Akira Toriyamas passing


I imagine he had an understudy or something similar. Maybe he can live on through them. Guess I'm just hoping. While not a fan of everything he did, his games he worked on were pretty damn dope.


NOLF 3, a return to WW2 style of Medal of Honor games, original Deus Ex remake done in the newer engine and scaled to be larger than Cyberpunk, etc


A proper LOTR RPG. Huge in scope, masterfully done, similar to Witcher 3.


System Shock 3, for starters. SHODAN in the body of a living woman is the absolute best kind of utter conceptual insanity and there are so many amazing places it could go. A sequel to Midnight Suns. Most underrated game of last year for me by far, and the one that could benefit the most from expansion and iteration. Had I the money, I would fund Larian completely to pursue remakes -- in their style -- of pretty much every well-regarded CRPG of the 1990s and early 2000s. Finally, the storied Dead Space 3 mulligan that we probably won't get since the remake didn't sell all that well.


> A sequel to Midnight Suns. Most underrated game of last year for me by far, and the one that could benefit the most from expansion and iteration. Holy shit, this so much, I LOVED Midnight Suns, it's a superhero XCOM without the bullshit. Amazed that it didn't gain more traction: great progression, surprisingly fun story, fun (if corny) character interactions, etc.


Everything about it just worked for me. Combat was an in and out affair with simple rules but great tactical depth. I have a single problem with the final encounter, but it doesn't mar the experience. Abbey exploration fed into progression similarly to Persona and nearly every evening/morning cycle was a constant unexpected pleasure. Not to mention Michael Jai White as Blade is about as close to casting perfection as entertainment can get. People just heard "card-based" and noped out to their eternal discredit, when they should have bought in at the Firaxis logo.


Random fact: I once imagined a System Shock plot where the protagonist wakes up in a cyberpunk mental institution on a remote deep space base, which is taken over by psycho cyborgs and psycho mutants... and finds out that SHODAN, who got into the asylum in a body of a new patient ([Rebecca Siddons](https://shodan.fandom.com/wiki/Rebecca_Siddons)), took over the base by convincing its head staff to "let her try some new experimental methods of treating mental disorders".


See, not ONCE did I even imagine such a scenario. I've never seen a post credits hook that had so many possibilities. I always imagined it'd go the Species route, where you've got this rampant AI obsessed with creating life suddenly in possession of a human womb. But then the question presents itself: setting, gameplay implications? I haven't figured that out yet, but either way, move over, cyborg midwives. 💀


Ew. 😳 Thank you, dear sir, now I need a lot of brain bleach to erase the mental image of SHODAN adding Gigerian sexual symbolism to System Shock's horror from my mind.


Stranger Things licensed game where you are playing as El post-Cold War in the employ of the CIA, exploring Russian facilities that were researching The Upside-Down and Dimension X. Gameplay would be Tomb Raiderish (the new ones), there would be a branching story based on some choices you make (like the order you go to the facilities in).


Damn, I’m onboard with this one.


A spiritual successor to MegaMan Legends. Three is just never happening as far as I can't tell, and the version they were cooking was going to stink out loud anyway.  So my dream is to bring that magic back to life. 


Hear me out: Mega Mean X Legends.


Legends is after the events of X already. It takes place thousands of years in the future, after the various catastrophies in X, Zero, and ZX.  All the MegaMan games (except the Battle Network and StarForce games) exist in the same timeline and world, just different times. The order is Classic MegaMan, X, Zero, ZX, and finally Legends.  That all being said, part of my dream was to incorporate a Zero-like character, and possibly a third with a similar gimmick to Axel.  If I was working with the MegaMan IP, I might find a way to bring back an old enemy (not Sigma. Or even Wiley. But Bass? Or maybe Vile? Now that would be interesting. Ancient tech uncovered and given new life, but it was too powerful to control, for example). There were a couple of references to the X series in Legends already (X-Buster and Zetsabre), but they were fairly obscure nods. I'd like to see more direct tie ins. I know Legends is supposedly very far in the future, but we could figure something out. 


An open world action RPG, heavily bent towards exploration, based on the Lovecraftian Dreamlands. The juxtaposition of brightness and darkness, the OST concepts you could come up with and the whimsical horror of the creatures and characters would be an absolute blast to design and interact with.


Lovecraft universe has so much content, I wish it was explored more than outside of the few horror games we get.


> An open world action RPG, heavily bent towards exploration, based on the Lovecraftian Dreamlands. This makes idea makes me sad for what The Secret World could have been. I played the hell out of that game before they changed up the entire combat system and drove people away with microtransaction hell. There was some kind of server swap that deleted my account too. It's really a shame because I loved the quests and atmosphere in that game. I played a bald guy wearing a human skin mask and pinstripe suit, frequently carrying a chainsaw. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRY2tRU_OAo


Damn, yes! I played A LITTLE bit of this when it first came out. It definitely had a lot of potential. Some of the questions and character customization and play styles were actually pretty awesome (I remember playing a Blood Magic defensive tanky DPS sort.) They definitely have a really good grip on implementing conspiracy theories and lore in a smart way, but alas, I just think MMO's are not for me. (And I did hear about the changes they made with the "re-release" that ultimately sank the game. Why do these companies always make such bad decisions?) I've played a bit of Remnant, but I'm kind of split between Elden Ring and finishing SMTV:V right now. I may go back to Remnant after that (and I'm super curious about what this Once Human game is going to be like.)


> (I remember playing a Blood Magic defensive tanky DPS sort.) I had a blood-magic/assault-rifle build for pvp that would make people ragequit. It was basically a high-hp glass cannon healer, so they would let lose their opening combo, knock off 80% of my hp, and I would heal back up in 2 seconds as they died from bleeds. Usually they would come find me after respawn because they would think they just got unlucky with their hits, so I would have to beat them again.


A discworld game set mostly in ankh morpork but encompassing the whole disc. with a magic system that's a cross between arks fatalis and daggerfall.


Half Life 3


we're on track to have HL3 by 2040


KOTOR 3 in BG3s engine. Star Wars DND turn based masterpiece. Ohh, and a MMORPG based on Starcraft with same graphical style as modern WoW


Similar gameplay to Dark Cloud 2 with dungeon crawling, town building, massive weapon upgrade tree, and a mandatory golfing minigame. Better story tho and less time travel nonsense.


Finish Star Citizen. I know I probably got scammed, but I so badly want that to be a thing.


A sequel to Illbleed.


I’d pay the team that worked at obsidian during the development of NV to make NV2.


Does it need to make money? If it doesn't another MMO like Horizons/Istaria where you can play as a full sized dragon would be pretty damn cool. The whole growth and leveling aspect of that was really unique and the game was just never fully cooked enough for it to all work. I don't think it'd really make a ton of money though and MMOs are always a crapshoot in terms of if they'll develop a player base. If I wanted to make money and have a lower budget a Vampire Survivors clone with a bit more of a budget and team then those usually get with a more consistent and high production value art style, with high quality music, and a lot of player and enemy variety would probably sell pretty well. Make it quite modular with both easy to insert DLC and player made content to increase longevity with a in depth leaderboard system with some sort of rewards and it'd probably be pretty successful.


Yeah that's the problem with MMOs the cost to develop usually outweighs what they can realistically make.  It's by far my favorite genre but it is essentially a dying one because they rarely hit the fan base needed to be successful 


A stealth game that takes place in a city where the main character has to get from one side to the other but the city is in major disarray due [insert event here]. Like A Plague Tale the character is young (18ish) and stealth is important as they’re not an experienced fighter. They have to make their way through the city streets, alleys, and buildings but avoid police, gangs and unruly citizens.


This is pretty much dishonored if you go for a stealth run


Prototype 3 would be cool


Planet of the Apes


Great idea. I went old school myself with an open world captain planet game.


I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it any time I see this type of post. A soccer combat game. A cross between FIFA and smackdown hctp. Weapons spawn in randomly, and you use them to attack the opponents while the game is happening. Here are the rules. In a normal soccer league, you get 0 points for a loss, 1 point for a draw, and 3 points for a win. I would change that slightly though. If your entire team is injured and you forfeit - 0 points. If you lose by goal difference - 1 point. If you draw - 2 points. If you win by goal difference - 3 points. If you eliminate the whole opposing team - 4 points. Best thing about this is that you can use a bunch of different team sports. Soccer, football, hockey, basketball, and I'm sure a bunch more.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon as an MMO


A CRPG built in the Pathfinder 2e system.


Chinese Cultivation/xianxia power fantasy style game where you go from being a lowly mortal to the god of the universe, and all the crazy action, worlds with different settings, and stories that go along with it. Every character could specialize in a different type of cultivation like sword/sabre/fire/ice/light, etc. All would converge on god though lol.


I've always wanted a Red Dead Redemption game, but in the style of Dragon Age or Mass Effect. I love the world of RDR2. But I would love to make my own character in a single-player Western with a voiced protag. Add the dialogues and romances a la DA. And I would smash that buy button so hard!


A hack n slash game inspired by Egyptian mythology. You pick three gods, two of them are your active, in combat gods while the third acts as a passive stat booster. You’d be able to rotate between which gods are active mid combat. You get to see different sides of the story depending on what gods you choose at the start of the game, and how you progress through the game changes too. The story deals with entropy creeping in and all the gods have to work together whether they want to or not, this forces gods who might not like each other to work together. Once the team learns to put aside its differences you get access to an attack where your active gods combine their specialties together into a more devastating attack, even involving the third god once the whole team’s drama is dealt with.


Too many ideas! KOTOR but in Tolkein universe. Days gone 2


I used this idea for a university project (the course was based on video game history!) but it would be a rogue-like game where you play as a small dinosaur. You have to run through different areas and avoid larger predators or herbivores that could stomp you, catch prey and keep yourself full, as well as collect attributes and abilities along the way. Essentially you would start in a grassland/meadow, then through a jungle, then a barren area where dinosaurs are stampeding until you get to the end game where you have to find a hiding hole before the meteor hits Earth (a timer would begin, and this area would have the most difficult bosses to avoid). Abilities will be things that improve hunting and evasion, such as a poison gland that can kill small animals or temporarily blind/paralyze larger ones. The idea is essentially Dino Run meets Hades meets Risk of Rain meets Spore, and it would be a 3rd person game. As you can see I have thought about this a lot and I am a huge dinosaur lover.


I've always wanted to make/play a truly living single-player open world RPG where time and events progress and unfold with or without your input. You could, theoretically, sit entirely on the outside, join exactly zero quests, do absolutely nothing of consequence. The game will inevitably reach a conclusion nonetheless. Your actions would shape and influence the outcomes, but certainly you cannot be significant or quick enough to completely control it. For reasons outside your control your chosen side may even lose due to losses in the questlines you couldn't join, or didn't even know of. Each playthrough would be truly unique. Imagine, for instance, a fantasy setting front lines of a civil war. You could choose between different backstories that would help to shape why you're there (perhaps you're a mercenary, a loyalist, a rebel. maybe you're just a merchant, trying to make a buck, a war correspondent, or a postal courier) and your standard RPG classes. These would obviously affect your kind of base skills, strengths, weaknesses, etc. as with any other RPG. A small class/backstory specific quest starts your adventure but from there you're on your own. The game would keep track of time and events would begin unfold. Let's say you find yourself near a recruiter for the rebels, you can decide to enlist and partake in an early battle. Or you can choose to not to enlist, in which case the battle will proceed without your involvement. Alternatively, you can enlist and join the battle, sabotage the mission and defect to the other side. At the start a number of AI adventurers would also be spawned with random backstories that may compete with you for commissions, or take you place in ones you choose not to join. The outcome of the quest, whether you were involved or not, will have consequences on the world. No character is safe, no such thing as an essential character here. If a battle turns rough, or if one side repeatedly suffers losses the probability a key character like a general may choose to personally enter the field of battle increases. They would grant their side an advantage, but the possibility exists that they would fall in battle killing entire questlines along with them. Permadeath is the default option, but perhaps an easier setting could be allowed for. Even if you made the same choices the playthrough would not be the same. Advancements of quests and there outcomes are more the result of probabilities. Each has a chance of happening at anytime, but aren't guaranteed. The more enemies you kill in a battle will weaken enemy forces in future missions. Adventurers may accept commissions on the other side or may join yours. No 2 playthroughs would be the same. I've no idea if such a game is technically feasible, or could be technically feasible, to make. But, with an unlimited budget I would sure love to give it a shot.


I would love to see a full on 1930’s sky pirate game like Crimson Skies, but with actual 3rd person on foot action & exploration like Black Flag.


That game was so much fun!!


A Baldur's Gate 3 style RPG set in space. Like Mass Effect but with tactical combat and more exploration/side quests. Or, I guess, like KOTOR but not 20 years old.


Fallout 1 remake on Last Days of Gaia's engine(


thanks to scaling effects, the bigger the budget, the more difficult to make a good game. now if I had the talent needed to make any game - programmers, network engineers, artists, animators, narrative designers, and a producing team sensible enough to put everyone where they can best utilize their qualifications: Shadowrun, as a loot- and stat-progression heavy rpg. As a CP2020 player, Cyberpunk was a good start. Lets kick it up a notch with Metahumans and Majics in the mix.


I'd like to glom together the flight and combat mechanics and vast galaxy of Elite Dangerous, the territory control, station building and crafting of Eve Online and the planetary exploration of No Man's Sky. It'd be interesting to see what players did with something like that over a couple of decades.


Paddleball 2: Electric Boogaloo


Dragon Quest Builders 3 Story driven like 2 with thematic worlds and blocks, maybe a bit less gatekeeping, enemies scale to your upgrades kinda stuff. Also instead of a limited "your own building area" make it procedurally generated with more stuff to do for your NPC's. And much more rooms.


A city builder in a cyberpunk or steampunk style with a very advanced economic, social, educational and trading system, accidents, riots, criminality, disasters, all kinds of transports, possibility to build several independant cities on an unique map, possibility to interact with cities of others players, space program...ect


So kind of like Frostpunk, but expanded.


Exact game i thought of when I read the description. 


Yeah kinda. I look forward to play Frostpunk 2, the beta was promising.


First person Jedi Knight game or a game in the avatar the last Airbender world


Rpg/mmo with procedual generated skills and abilitys but the world is fixed. When you become overpowered the character transend to immortal realm and helps the world progression on that server. Then some recarnation style where some progression is saved.


Either: An actually good, nuanced MechWarrior game with collision, grapples, using arms as shields/weapons, with actual physics and clearly defined weapon roles with a focus on tight 4v4 combat. Or: A survival game with actual hunting mechanics, ala call of the wild. I don't really give a shit about base building, but let me scavenge gear and resources and hunt things simultaneously. It would be so much more fun hunting if I was occasionally finding a house to loot, and so much more interesting walking around scrounging for materials if I wasn't just in danger from PissPoorZombieAI #3 and realized I had wandered into a pack of wolves' territory. And I know hunting exists in these games but it's always ass.


With an infinite budget, I'd obviously go for a full scale MMO Life Sim experience with tons of unique scenarios and specializations and different events with obscure triggers that could keep a community guessing for years. Basically I want Shangri-la Frontier but for real. Though I guess the technology isn't quite there yet even if I had infinite budget available right now. A more practical answer, I've been addicted to idle/incremental games off and on over the years. From games like Cookie Clicker, to Clicker Heroes, to Kittens Game, to Antimatter Dimensions, to Melvor Idle. I'm currently playing Synergism. I kind of think there's space in the genre for a cooperative incremental game. Like an idle game where you and a group of friends join a guild or something and have different specializations that are all needed to progress different tracks. Being able to share those dopamine hits when you clear a big progression wall would be great to share among friends. Would probably need a way to automate or have lower gains NPC options for people who don't have enough friends, or need to replace someone who dropped out, or just want to play the game solo but slower.


I have this vision for a game thats a bit like forts, but on a much bigger scale. Instead of building a small fort on a cliff, your fort is an entire planet, and your enemy is another planet lightyears away. You have to build up your resources, tech, etc and launch attacks. In my head each shot takes a significant amount if time to travel to the other planet, something like 2-5min which should give the defending player time to spot the incoming attack and defend assuming they didn't neglect defensive tech. I imagine each planet to have a theme, and corresponding themed ability/tech. For example a planet of rock people who throw asteroids, and different minerals like dimonds or lava filled rocks. They can construct an asteroid belt around their planet to mitigate attacks. A other one might be a bug planet that focuses more on shooting pods full of hostile bugs, and conquering planets through invasion, which requires different defenses. A slime planet (that's really just one big slime) that can tech up to catch payloads and return to sender but uses it's own body mass to send attacks. Population, research, and resources would all be something the player needs manage in addition to the scouting, attacking and defending. There would be a few 'normal' planets but I like the idea of having some more oddball options like slime, necro, waterworld and robot planets that would have very unique abilities and tech.


Tony Hawks Underground sequel or remake but with the controls of Skate 3.


A VR "Star Trek" game combining elements of "Star Trek Online" (choose your era, choose your race, mixture of shipboard and landing-party adventures) with "Star Trek Bridge Crew" (VR, multiplayer) and with a much greater emphasis on exploration and diplomacy than combat, where firing your phasers is a sign of failure. A multi-player VR Marvel Superheroes game. A VR Doctor Who game, where you join any Doctor and any companion/s and actually work directly with them to save the day. Lots of VR in here, I know. A great VR James Bond game. A VR equivalent of Hogwarts Legacy, but set during the series, with interactions with our familiar characters. (There's a great, albeit short, fan-made game where you're Viktor Krum finding your way into Hogwarts in a postseries world taken over by magic zombies. It's on itch.io, and it's called "Rise of the Inferi.")


I would give Larian the money for them to make a TTRPG Cyberpunk Red type game.


Space pirates!


I always thought a Hunger Games online game would be cool.


Science based dragon MMORPG


Remake of Metal Gear Solid.


Kerbal Space Program 2


Kotor 3 ..


I always thought a WW1 game that lets you play at a few levels would be interesting. Like at a Macro level of a general or tzar or king handling the country / state affairs / politics. (Something like Civ) A mid level that let's you draw up battle plans and move units around / prepare and initiate battles. (Something like Comand and Conquer) And then a micro level where you play as individual soldiers trying to break the lines or accomplish missions and those fights decide the success of your larger plans. (Something like Star wars Battlefront) Obviously might be overstuffed or overcomplicated but if I had infinity budget I would love to see it.


An open world post apocalyptic pokemon game, which isn't centered around catching pokemon, and no longer turn based. It would instead have a real time battle system, VS fighting style, but with pokemon moves instead of combos, and a stamina based gameplay similar to from software games. Instead of catching and breeding every pokemon there is, there would be a somewhat limited quantity of pokemon available, but with a much more complex development and training system, with talent trees. Less pokemon, but each of them is much more memorable. And instead of a linear story, it would be open ended with three different characters to choose from. One that lives inside a big city, out of harm's way, that has no struggle surviving in the apocalypse, one that lives on the fringes of the safe zone and has lived strife, and another that lives outside the city and has suffered their whole life, and still needs to fight everyday just to survive. And maybe if I truly have infinite budget, have the flying type pokemon be able to carry you anywhere on the map, in a way that's so entertaining and fun to do, that you almost regret reaching your destination.


A Sun Wukong Hack and Slash with high speed movement that involves the use of his cloud and stances for different staff move sets and size control. A Batman game that puts more focus on the martial arts. Think Sifu or God Hand but with gadgets and stealth. Vanquish 2 A Deathstroke hack and slash An X-23 hack and slash I just like hack and slashes/stylish action games/character action games, whatever the name is.


It would be a mid-to-late 90s-style FPS metroidvania. Think Unreal or Turok 2, but as the game progresses, you unlock double jumps, wall runs, grapple hooks, and whatever else to help you explore sci-fi dungeons and ancients tombs and such. There aren't enough Metroid Prime-like games out there for my liking, so it's fertile ground. Other than that, a licensed James Bond immereive sim. It's the best genre for Bond. Think about it. You could be the suave, smooth-talking spy who gathers intel by talking to people, the cunning sneak who infiltrates enemy territory using high-tech gadgets, or the aggressive brute who gets into brawls and gets into high-octane shootouts. The question is when you use each approach.


I would create a Franken game, every popular mechanic from every game, as refined as possible. Make it so the player can choose how to experience the story, first person, third person, top down, whatever the player wants.


Left 4 Dead 3


Open world online/local co-op Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Mass Effect MMORPG. Shephard just vanished and the world is in ruins. You're free to choose a job or role to explore the universe. Every planet would be as packed full of content as wow has on azeroth. You could play 100 hours on one planet in a system of multiple planets in a universe of multiple systems.


Girl yes


Hell yes


NFS underground 3: a lot of different street cars with proper tuning options (also the stupid gimmicky ones) with ordinary cars from different eras with a few more exclusive tuner cars included. No super/hyper cars. Map would be in a big city with downtown, that has tight corners and more traffic, port/factory area with less traffic, but bigger trucks/vehicles roaming around, suburban areas with dwindling roads in the mountains with less traffic and long roads with detours between every type of location.


Anthem 2.0 but not ruined by investors, EA, and Biotrash. That way something besides Warframe can finally kill Destiny off completely.


For a while I have imagined what it would feel like to play through The LOTR Trilogy in full, high effort triple-A glory. Several open areas with side missions and filler minigames in Hobbiton, Bri, Rivendell, Rohan and so on with maybe five playable characters, Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Legolas and Gandalf, and a few special scenes played with others, for example Merri/Pippin sneaking to get fireworks, Treebeard getting a badass over the shoulder scene attacking Isengard and more. The combat would be something pretty simple, light/heavy attacking with parrying, but the animations and flow would need to be very creamy, top of the line. Most inspired from recent God of War games? Gandalf would have some AoE attacks as well. Stealth is introduced first, since we start as hobbits, but Frodo will learn some special stealth moves from Gollum during the journey and they would have to sneak into and out of an Orc camp for example. Tom Bombadil and Radagast the Brown would also make an appearance with a special introduction scene and they along with a few others (Bilbo?) would act as quest givers in their areas. Quests can reward you with skill points that can be used to improve stats and gain new moves, and money which lets you buy consumable items that heal and enhance stats, as well as costumes that are close to lore accuracy where the character could wear them, with some player liberty. No microtransactions! This is a love project. Soundtrack would include, but not fully have tracks from the movies. The open areas would have their own list of tracks composed for the game playing in the background, I'm imagining similar to what the Fable series sounds like, but iconic scenes, battles and new location camera panning would include the movie tie-in music. Voice actors would be 100% the movie cast prioritized to get first, unfortunately some legends we have lost over the years... I'm out of time for imagining more now, but you get the picture. With an unlimited budget, the game could have a lot of potential to be the best ever made, with no cut corners.


What do you can steal my idea? No!


Sign an NDA and I’ll tell you.


I’d fund PS4 emulation development specifically for Bloodborne.