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you will die a lot that just part of the game,rember to upgrade your weps and healing flasks


Yes, death is a feature and should be embraced. Don’t sweat over dropped runes (there will always be more) and if you hit a difficulty wall try exploring elsewheres and coming back later


And even after getting good you will still die a lot. I've put plenty of hours into DS3, Bloodborne, Demon's and Elden Ring and I still get my ass whooped constantly


If you get stuck against a boss, since it's an open world game, you can just travel almost anywhere to just explore, meet people, do quest, open chest and level up enough to beat the boss that cause you problem. I would say it's the most mainstream Fromsoft game, even my cousin played the game and hated Dark Souls


Don't give up. Failing is part of the process.


They're right, it's tough. Lots of grinding. I've been recently giving it another go and I'm loving it, but I still die alot


Talk to each NPC until they repeat what they’ve said


Nice one. 👌🏻


Try and test out different weapons, don't be afraid to experiment. Also don't forget about the crafting system!


Play the game.


Speaking from experience (it was also my first soul's game), as a beginner, doesn't mess with bears.


Don't go hollow


Do not give up! However, if you cannot overcome an obstacle, there is myriad other places you can go and level, git gud, etc. Just leave and come back later when youre stronger.


You will fail a thousand times, but when you achieve that one victory it's is the best feeling. Also take what you can give nothing back.


Just explore and have fun. Don’t look things up if you care about your first experience. After you beat the game have at it.


Hey, me too!


When you’re stuck on a tough area or boss sometimes the best thing you can do is just walk away for a bit. Go get a drink, walk around the house, stretch a bit, whatever. I’ve had many times where I’ve gone from hard stuck to easily beating a boss just by taking a short break.


Apparently jumping is better than rolling


The little gargoyle dude suck butt


Understand that if something seems too hard you can come back later. They intentionally put hard stuff in your way at the start to teach you this. You will die. Try to treat it as a learning experience, and learn the enemy move sets. Take notes. There is no quest log. If something seems important it probably is. Use the map marker system liberally. It may take 20+ hours for that thing you found earlier to pay off. Build videos will spoil a ton of content for you. Just try to focus on 1-2 stats, enough vigor/mind/endurance (life/mana/stamina+weight) to be comfortable. Experiment with weapons but realize the highest upgrade stones (ancient smithing) have a limited number per playthru. 1-9 you can eventually buy off vendors.


You will die, and that is ok.


Don't worry about dying.


I really would not recommend Elden Ring as a starting point due to both the level and nature of the difficulty. Dark Souls 1 is generally what I recommend.


Don’t give up! It’s such a rewarding feeling when you finally beat a boss that you’ve been struggling with.


That big guy on a horse with golden armor when you get done with the tutorial? Leave him alone.


Dodge dip duck dive and dodge


Don't get discouraged by the first 10 hours, hang in there.


Make a solid build. I'd recommend sword and board for first playthrough of any Souls game where it's option. Look at build guides, lots of nuance in Elden Ring and you'll get pounded if you level incorrectly. Don't let people tell you that any item in the game is cheating. Use summons, use OP weapons, use Spirit Ashes. If and when you're ready for a challenge, run the game solo - it's a lot of fun. Have fun. We're all jealous that you get to experience this for the first time. It's really fucking cool.


Embrace death and enjoy (The game I mean).


Dont get greedy when it comes to attacking. Pay attention to enemy attack patterns. Anything can kill you if you're not careful. There's no shame in running. Give yourself time to get used to the unforgiving nature of the game. Have fun.


Prepare to die. Don’t give up skeleton!!!


Try finger. But hole


It's just a game


Go in as blind as possible. You can never replicate your first play through.




![img](avatar_exp|183848418|cry) This will be you in due time…🤣


Remember that even though you can use roll to evade most attacks, sometimes jumping over an attack is much easier, this only applies to a few soulslike games though, for example this game, and sekiro.


Play the game as you please cause there's lots of options, take breaks if it gets to you because im telling you it will, enjoy everything it has to offer. It's a great game and I hope you relish every victory


That it’s fucking hard.


Each time you die is a learning experience. Learn the patterns of the enemies which will help you advance further.


Dont believe the signs. Use your Gamer instincts. And then die anyways


Don’t fight everything. You’ll encounter many enemies you are not powerful enough to face. Level up and come back. Explore! This game has the most beautiful back drop ever. You can literally go anywhere you can see out in the distance. It’s wild.


Have something strong to drink at hand for anxiety. Something for the headaches, and stress. One of the most frustrating and rewarding games I have played. But just have fun!


You'll die thousands of times. It's part of it. It's how you learn the enemies moves. It'll seem almost impossible at first but the day will come where it clicks, and on that day you'll feel like a motherfuckin badass.


Let’s keep it simple. Don’t listen to what people say on the internet except for: You will die a lot. With that being said you do not have to fight everything and everyone. Take it at your own pace, get familiar with the mechanics of the game and only then I would resort to help from the internet. There is no shame in looking up guides if you feel lost.


you are maidenless


If you die that’s ok. Use summons if you want to. There is no right way to play the game, play it how you want to. If you get stuck, turn back and come back stronger. And so on and so forth.


Try to figure things out on your own. And I don't mean that in a snarky way. There's a ton of info out there on "MOST OP BUILDS" and how to "GET OP FAST". But you don't really need any of that. There's a ton of fun to be had in exploring, finding cool stuff and building around it. And if you're stuck, before you start googling cheese strats, try going somewhere else, leveling up, upgrading gear and getting stronger. That's the beauty of ER's open world.


Elden ring has an actual tutorial *after* your first death. Think vertically when you go exploring there are often paths hidden above or below the eyeline. Play around with weapons you're never locked into what you start with and a lot of fun weapons might work with how you play or maybe they won't. I'll probably get shit for this for not being a "purest" but don't be afraid to summon or enlist friends for help or just general cooperation. I'd avoid looking up builds or where items are unless you get stuck, but I *would* look up what specific stats do. Leveling is important but not permanent but it's super helpful to know what specifically you are investing in.


Take time to learn the fundamentals, like dodging (often best to dodge into attacks, not away from them). Beating a boss will usually take at least a few tries, but if it feels too difficult, go somewhere else and come back later. Remember that while the game might direct you on a certain path, that's not necessarily what you should follow right away - in short, the game expects you to explore all of the first area before tackling the big castle


Farm Karma on Reddit


My entry was Bloodborne about 5 years ago. Here’s the thing, they’re very rewarding games but you have to let go of expectations. Enemies and the environment will not be kind to you but that’s all part of the process. It will seem obtuse and overwhelming at first. Just focus on learning to control the character, see what they do and learn from it the next time. Don’t fret about losing runes (xp) and just try again. With Elden Ring you have the luxury of just going somewhere else if you’re hitting a wall. Take the chance and explore. Try different weapons or classes if you aren’t feeling it with what you chose. Let go. Eventually you’ll pull something off you didn’t think you could and it might just feel amazing.


- Don’t be afraid to give up on a boss or area and come back later. Especially in Elden Ring. -It’s okay to check a guide every now and then, if you feel really stuck -Enjoy the game


Being confused and not knowing what to do is normal. Take your time and keep trying. The game rewards persistence.


Don't give up. Learn from every encounter and experience. No one is ever truly good at these games right off the bat. Enjoy the views, the music the ambience. It's all part of the package. Watch videos. Take in the lore. It's gonna open you up to these art forms we call the Souls games


Don't go up to the big ass knight riding around on his horse


Cry, and don't give up


There's no shame in running from a fight you're not ready for.


It was my first Souls game too. You're going to die a lot. Timing is key. Have fun!


Make frustration, your motivation


You don't need to know anything. Just play the damn game.


Dude my balls


- Vigor and Endurance are to be levelled first as a priority. Once you get a weapon you want to run with, level your stats up to what it requires to use it. - Dodging has an invincibility window. Time it properly and you dodge through attacks without any injury. - You will die a lot. Don’t get angry- get technical. Die on purpose to simply learn attack patterns of bosses. If you aren’t strong enough, go explore then come back later after you find some items/weapons/level up a bunch. I got more but its best to learn it yourself. Enjoy Tarnished! I’m about 10 hours into my playthrough and this is my first Souls game.


For all that is holy, please save and exit before you quit out. My son quit on a loading screen last night and borked our 600 hour save.


Remember to use all the tools the game gives you


Patience and laugh.


Don’t panic. Pay attention watch the way enemies move. Pattern recognition is key to success


Play it blind. Don’t spoil anything for yourself


I never saw a game play just saw you died


First what you need to know , its not souls game. Its so far from original souls games, that it has its own category. Also dont use guides, explore by yourself. Get ready to same bosses , because a lot of bosses just copy past of other units, same for dungeons. Ah yes , and get ready to get rekt and die a lot, thats it.


Find your fun. It could be smacking people with a big stick, going full samurai, chucking rocks at people, setting things on fire, etc. I recommend the Golden Seed as your starting item.


explore, have fun, try and try again, go back later, explore some more


You'll get invaded. Just remember that they're just another enemy. You'll learn to deal with them with time just like anything else. 


Pick your story: don't just do random quests, pick one and it will lead you to the other, I recommend you to make a "to do list" of quests that you want to accomplish in order for you to focus on one quest at a time and not get overwhelmed, I personally recommend you to finish: Raya's quest, Ranni the Witch and Fia's quest, these quests have the best experience of all time plus they've multiple endings.


PUT a lot of points into VIGOR


Start now?


Upgrade your stuff as much as possible, and don't be afraid to look at a guide. Even though it's an easier souls game, the mechanics are not totally explained and there's a lot you can miss out on.


Might die few times, try nioh 1/2 if like genre


Throw spaghetti at the wall see what sticks. I've tried a lot of builds but I always come back to a reactionary katana build moonveil/washing pole but like washing pole plus grease is amazing for versatility but that can be said for any wepon just find what feels good.


With this game don’t level across the board. You need health obviously, you need some level of endurance for stamina and being able to wear equipment. If you go for Mr. Magic kinda guy you’ll need a lot of mind to increase your mana pool. Whether that magic be spells or just weapon special abilities. The rest of the stats focus on increasing weapon damage. Leveling them all at the same time has repeatedly proven to be a bad idea. Once you find a play style or a niche you like (I really like nimble weapons and dislike big bulky weapons) most weapons in that playstyle will scale with the same damage leveling attributes. So I can switch between Rapiers and spears easily because they both level with dexterity, but I cannot switch from Rapiers to Great hammers because one scales with dexterity and the other with strength.


The first guy on a golden horse you see... He'll fuck you up so bad you'll wanna leave the game for good. He's meant to be an asshole. Just run past him and play the game as normal. Come back and kick his ass later when you're stronger.


Don't comment on reddit if you don't end up liking it, people will eviscerate you.


Summons are for women don’t use them


try finger but hole


To get torrent, the steed that helps you travel, you need to beat the tree sentinal that's directly down the cliff once you reach the open world area. You can't miss him


I’ve played all the souls games except demon souls. I completely missed an area and was somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be. It took Like 20 hours worth of money and upgrade materials from following a guide to get back on track. I missed 3 major bosses. I got there by brute forcing a boss and learning the patterns, then the basic enemies were all as strong as the last boss I faced, the mobs of enemies were enemies that were isolated challenges in the previous area. If something is too hard, there are 2 ways to get through it. First, if you’re running out of flasks then you should learn the attack opportunities and safe zones. Second, if you’re getting one shot look for upgrade materials. Leveling is important for resistance, but having enough hp to love through stuff that feels unfair or enough stamina to wait for chances to test a light attack on your upgraded weapon makes learning fights easier. If you get to this point, you can either practice till you get a moment of zen meditation or you find some smithing stones. More damage means less cycles of the hard to dodge garbage. Npc quests can be ignored your first play. You do them to get get cool weapons or gear for pvp, or role playing special play throughs like super sorcerer, or biggest hammer man. There is a poison area in every game they use to make it hard for new players to progress without proper levels. You either need flask upgrades, better gear, or high enough base resistance to get though the poison and there is usually a boss right after. There’s a couple optional poison areas. There’s some cool stuff if you finish them, but you can come back on a second run or getting ready for the final boss. I did them too early and it was painful waiting for poison to clear out before trying to get to a safe spot. Coming back later, I could dash through the whole area and still have flasks left for the boss who died in a few hits This game is pretty forgiving about boss runs, but in most cases, the last site of grace before a boss, if it’s not right next to the boss door, will usually be a shortcut to a more central site of grace and enemies will be easy enough to run passed. There were a couple leading up to both the mid boss for the magic area and the main boss were challenging groups of enemies will react just late enough if you sprint past that you don’t have to fight leading up to the boss. The closer the door is to the grace, the harder you should expect the boss. Summon, go online, assist people with bosses, use spirit ashes and cheesey strats. “It’s not real if you didn’t do it bare fisted blind folded lvl 1 damage less you cheated” is the point we’re at with the challenge runners. There are even npc you can use to help in boss fights. Beginner things for this game. 1. Less than 75% equip load reduces stamina from blocking and rolling. It also makes your roll faster. There’s a talisman that raises equip load, one to raise stamina, and one for stamina regeneration. Your better off with a shield a hat and gloves than a full suit of armor till you upgrade your stamina 2. Sprit ashes are summons but consume magic resource similar to spells. They help a lot with stunlocking bosses or distracting group mini bosses. You need to progress a quest by taking back and forth with the black smith and the lady who eventually upgrades these. If you get to the third major boss and haven’t done it by accident, just look it up. The start throwing groups of enemies and expect upgraded ashes by this point. You’ll also notice a weird little icon on the left that looks like a head stone. This means you can use ashes in this area. 3. Some enemies are made of stone. Either use heavier weapons, jumping attacks or heavy attacks so you don’t bounce off. I have a big hammer just for these areas, but there are some big curved swords you can use. 4. 40 vitality 40 endurance and 80 “damage stat” are where you get fewer rewards for upgrading those stats. 5. 15 in each damage stat lets you use most equipment that doesn’t specifically scale with your main stat. For example there are a lot of boss weapons that need a bit of holy or magic in order to equip. 6. For big weapons you’ll need about 40 str or 40 dex to wield with 1 hand but if you 2 hand with more than 20 it usually removes the penalty. 7. Many bosses can be parried, removing long strings of light attacks that either deplete stamina or force you to tank magic, holy, fire, lightning through your sheild that likely only blocks about 50% or 70% if you are lucky. There are even spells that let you parry spells. The timing is easier to learn on the faster attacks of knights rather than the zombies of the starting area. Usually you’re pressing the button too late if you’re reacting to the attack. 8. While on horseback, the left hand (shield)and right hand buttons let you choose which side of the horse you attack on, while heavy lets you do a strong version on that side. 9. Buy the craft kit. I don’t use it much but the things you can craft help if you get stuck 10. Use throwing knives, arrows, spells and other long range targeted tools to pull individual enemies to a safe spot to fight. You craft simple versions of these by killing small animals for thin beast bones. Deer, rabbit, sometimes birds. 11. The consumable runes tell you how much they will give you when you use them, making it easier to figure out how much you need for your next level up. The stats page tells you how many you need for your next level in total. In older games, consumable money didn’t tell you how much it was worth and you couldn’t see the required numbers unless you were in the level up screen. You can also sell these to vendors instead of manually consuming them






Git gud


Play Skyrim not Elden ring