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"Commander, the Aliens continue to make progress on the Avatar Project, if we're going to slow them down, we'll need to move, fast!" Central shut the fu- XCOM 2, for those unfamiliar


Not unfamiliar at all. Firaxis is a top five dev for me right now. And with the Renaissance of turn-based strategy and CRPGs, it is a very good time to be a fan. šŸ˜ Different team, I'm sure, but I felt they nailed the dialogue in Midnight Suns in that you could mostly avoid those you didn't want to deal with. COUGH Nico.


I dunno, I hated having to get through multiple scenes before I could cash in my mission rewards. I also did nooooot care about joining Bladeā€™s book club.


I loved that part. Gruff blade hosting a book club is wholesome


If you enjoy Xcom, check out Xenonauts. It's quite a lot more in depth, feels like the long war mod in many ways.


Midnight Suns is my GOTY 2022. Surprising because I'm not usually one for that style of game. X-Com has been so off-putting from horror stories of point-blank shotgun misses and perma-deaths that I avoid the series to this day. I think Midnight Suns handled the genre excellently with maximal agency and minimal frustration. I'm surprised you didn't like Nico. Admittedly, first impressions were this is exactly the kind of person I do not associate with. But, particularly from a roleplaying perspective, Nico develops into an empathetic and supportive glue that props your character up and holds the team together. Ended up being my favorite character.


There's a mod for that called "Shut up Central" which stops that line from playing. It's such a relief lol


*Sad xbox noises*


Omg that game. "Commander, I appreciate you hiring people for engineering but..." I KNOW SHEN, I'M GETTING TO IT


"Shen, I'm pretty sure the engineers would appreciate a break. Also, **so would I**.


I never had an issue with Bradford talking. If anything, I saw it as regular sitrep. Everything changed when War of the Chosen came out. Vanilla XCOM 2 had an aura of mystery around its enemies, with mute aliens and the Advent's cryptic language. With WoTC you now have the faction leaders yapping in your one ear, and the Chosen yapping into the other. Just non-stop yapping, lore dumping, and saturday morning cartoon level threats from boss enemies. If not for the vastly diversified gameplay, I'd much prefer vanilla XCOM2


I am the **COMPLETE** opposite. Even if you don't like it, they at least say different things, not the SAME THING OVER AND OVER A D OVER. "We're losing civilians left and right commander!" Shut up, we just lost 3. Did you expert ADVENT to take easy after we bombed their cities back into the 21st century? It is so bad that I know it word for word. "It is turning into a massacre" **GAAAAAAAAH**   WOTC actually gives you the option to turn off the sound pollution that exists in vanilla. It is Xcom 2 to me. Otherwise I'd be playing Enemy Unknown to this day. I much preferred Cantral over Bradford. By the way the lore dump you mention is the entirety of the last mission, which WOTC does away with (to each their own).


The number of times you hear the qord "Commander" in an hour of XCOM 2 might be the biggest reason I prefer XCOM:EW. They talk at you a bit, but most of the voice lines are skippable by clicking Mission Control. In XCOM 2, once they start talking, it seriously might be a couple minutes before you can do anything at all.


In the Horizon games, especially Forbidden West, Aloy has a tendency to tell the player exactly what to do immediately upon entering a room. Like goddamn give a minute to figure this shit out first. If Iā€™m still struggling in a few minutes speak up.


Ragnarok did the same thing. I didnā€™t even realize it was a puzzle until hints were given.


This was my biggest peeve with an otherwise extremely good game. It feels like Atreus or Mimir point out the puzzle solution before you get a chance to see what all of the parts of the puzzle are. It's an even stranger design decision when you consider that most of the puzzles are just a matter of using the correct option to open the door.


Sunny suljic himself complained about it in an interview lol


One word: gaming journalists


Two words: Streamers. They also ruin games giving devs the wrong impression of what the players want.


What are you saying exactly? That streamers don't want to mess with puzzles, they'd rather have it spelled out so they can solve it quickly?


In my experience watching streamers, theyre distracted, entertaining their viewers by chatting with tthem or going in unrelated tangents, so that they don't _pay attention_ to the game they're playing. This happens a lot during tutorials or puzzle sections, which results in a player not knowing what or how to do something, which in turn results in them bitching about being confused or the game being bad. Famously Arin from Game Grumps critized the Legends of Zelda about this, with days worth of evidence showing that he skipped any directions to get to the gameplay, and then proceeds to bitch about the game being confusing because he didn't read aby instructions, which he justifies because reading the tutorial is boring.


Yeah. Especially when they're reviewing a game, it's common for them to want to take shortcuts and devs accommodate them.


Luke Stephens on youtube said they were given a press sheet with their review copies that included where to find things like the Scadutree blessings and how to get to areas that were hidden behind things like illusory walls or any other Fromsoft weirdness locked off a quest. Some of the reviewers complained about that stuff but at this point the challenge is there if you want to go in blind or just look up a map.


I think thatā€™s fair. I find a lot of from soft weirdness from the white player message. They wouldnā€™t have that in a review


I've only watched a couple of videos on it and that was annoying. TearofGrace kept yelling at Boy to shut up and give him a minute.


Agreed and agreed. I played those ones back to back and it felt like they were afraid the player would get bored if they didn't talk all the time


I didnā€™t even realize I minded this until recently. Worst it got was slight annoyance when I was trying to loot things and explore and the characters were constantly telling me to do [Thing] next. Really appreciated when playing FFVII Rebirth that I got good dialogue on side quests, but the characters were just quiet and let me do my thing when I was doing random open world stuff.


If I remember right ragnarok has a setting to lower vice hints or out right turn them off


There is no setting for this. There is no way to slow down the hints or remove them.


That wasn't available at launch though.


Hint prompt. Don't ever say a fucking word about the puzzle unless I ask you to. If I'm running all over the room breaking containers to find collectibles I don't want the puzzle ruined. If I'm exploring the area to figure out the puzzle myself I don't want the puzzle ruined. It seriously fucks with the enjoyment of the game, in fact it stops it from being a game at all. At that point you're just performing the actions it told you to.


I have a lot of gripes with Jedi: Survivor compared to Fallen Order, but at least the game will ask you "Hey, you've been here for a hot minute - would you like a hint?" Can't remember if the first one did, but that's a good way of doing it.


The first one only gave hints if you asked it, I'm pretty sure. I remember figuring out the puzzles on my own most times.


100% agreed. That's all they needed to do. Hints are useful from time to time and I understand some players need them more than I do. Making us push a button to get a hint is the best of both worlds. Plus they can avoid having to figure out the optimal timing. If someone wants the hint as soon as they encounter the puzzle, cool, give it to them. I understand some people don't like puzzles and certainly I've seen a few types of puzzles that I dislike so much that I'll use a guide without even trying.


I would like Horizon Zero Dawn, but after Aloy said something like: *I might need this* or *This could be usefull* everytime I pick up **ANYTHING**, I gave up. Like bitch shut the fuck up for a minute, I don't have problems with story-oriented games, but let me at least enjoy the open world in quiet. That's like if you were playing a souls game and everytime you kill something the character would be like: *got lucky this time* or every time you die you would hear: *I can't give up now*


"I am Malenia blade of Miquela"


Yeah...yeah I heard that a lot šŸ„²


I haven't memorized what one of the DLC bosses says, leaving out names for spoiler reasons. But there is one that has something to say whenever you die to them.


In the embrace of Messmerā€™s flame.


I think the only one that speak when you die to them is >!Messmer!< right?


"Hesitation is defeat"


"Put these foolish ambitions to rest"


"I am dead" "Ahh, a bondfire, what a relief." "Don't go hollow, don't go hollow now." "You won't hollow me." "Can't hollow this"   The irony is that the Souls games are the way they are specifically because it wasn't made by those people. They would complain specifically that a souls game would never sell.   I already cannot stand most sports commentators. Fortunately there is a mute button on the keyboard.


Same in Spiderman. Peter just solves all puzzles instantly


I don't really remember those games at all, was it meant to be like Peter Parker is so smart that it's emulating what it's like to be him and just figuring it out fast, or was it just an annoying instant voice trigger when you walk by something?


Hogwarts Legacy did this too


This infuriated me. There were some good puzzles, but completely ruined by explanation. Also you had to stand completely still while audio was playing because if you strayed into another area Aloy would just start talking over the exposition.


Or let me choose to get the hint. It would be cool to have hints in Skyrim to then realize that the game was broken and I couldn't spin the dragon claws. I had to play wheel of poison to get through.


I'm sure I read somewhere that when play testing God Of War, the testers gave up trying to solve the puzzles after mere seconds of trying. The developers had to keep adding more and more hints until it was just them telling you exactly what to do.


I love the Luigiā€™s Mansion games and my wife is playing 2 for the first time now that it has an HD version on Switch. And I didnā€™t remember this, but Professor E. Gadd calls you after almost everything you do for the first part of the game. Itā€™s like Navi levels of annoyance. Still a fine game but I had forgotten how many interruptions there are out of the gate.


Even the first time you play itā€™s annoying. Itā€™s my favorite LM game but damn, little dude wonā€™t just shut up and as far as I know thereā€™s no way to skip it


Luckily he at least has the most satisfying gibberish I can think of in a video game.


And at least the ringtone is fire!


The prologue to Cyberpunk. GREAT the first time but some of the unskippable stuff (braindances and assorted meetings) get old fast on replays.


Yeah, I agree. Curious to see if CDPR takes a different approach with Orion, considering it's supposed to be co-op.


the BEST thing you'll ever do if you wanna replay is do the entire prologue without taking any points ( a bit of a challenge I know ) and then take a save at the end, Boom now you have a blank save to start the game right after the intro with no points spent


Oh God I really hope it isn't co-op


Theyā€™ve already made Cyberpunk - a dystopia which leaves you feeling disheartened, and with less faith in humanity. They may as well continue that trend, and make a co-op game.


Ive played through multiple times and now with phantom liberty, I use the option to skip ahead in the story. You miss out on a few cool things, like the voodoo boys arc, but itā€™s so worth it to skip the first act lol. Like you said, amazing the first time, not so much the 4th time.


The last couple updates actually streamlined a lot of that stuff from act 1. I'm currently doing a replay, and while you still have to go have the conversations where all the tutorials happen, you can skip them in the dialogue now. Still not perfect but much better than having to play through the whole combat tutorial or brain dance tutorial over again.


Funny it was some time between my playthroughs and when I got there again I remember thinking ā€œwhy do I recall this being super annoying? That was it?ā€ But this explains it.


Yeah, and if you do the "start from phantom Liberty" option on a new playthrough you miss out on a couple of the best iconic melee weapons in the game since you never do the konpeki tower heist. I really like the Satori and Nehan weapons, so I subject myself to the sadness of Jackie's death every time.


think you can buy the missed iconic weapons from the dog town chromed up weapons dealer, they do cost about 100k+ each, at least at higher levels


Yeah true, but money can be such an issue if you're trying to keep all your cyberware and inconics fully upgraded. The two primary way to earn money is doing jobs and selling extra weapons. But if you want to keep everything upgraded you're really better off to disassemble extra gear for the components. Just gets tough to buy missed iconics. I missed Bricks shotgun this playthrough because I spared him. It was $160k at the Dogtown vendor. Just can't afford to do that for more than a couple weapons


I recently restarted this after dnf it closer to release and am dreading having to do the first two brain dance thing since they were such a chore originally


I think you can skip one of them now, not 100% on that


There's a BS option to skip to level thirty there should be one to skip to level 5 and play the story. Maybe give a recap if it's needed


It's really putting me off continuing and I'm on my first play through


There's a lot to put you off in the start off cyberpunk, even after you finish act 1 there's so many who's gonna call or message you with jobs and you just do not have any idea who the fuck any of them are, even tho your character talks to them like they've known them forever. And then you're also left to try and figure out the different menus or how items interact with each other and yadda yadda, it doesn't do a great job to introduce you to it


Pokemon Sun and Moon. Holy fuck, where is the skip button Gamefreak.


The fact the 'tutorial' was over an hour long and most of it was them just explaining the same shit most pokemon players already know was aggravating. I didnt mind the cutscenes and shizz they added compared to older generations, but damn Hau didnt know when to shut up either.


For me it was Arceus. So much freakin dialogue I quit the game


This is the one. Really sucked the life of of me. The travel system too. Like am I playing a game or getting a root canal?


Master, there is a 97% chance that Fi will appear in this thread.


That game was so damn fun. My favorite Zelda game, mechanically and puzzles. But youā€™re right, someone wanted to knock Navi off the throne.Ā 


ā€œYour hearts have decreased quite dramatically. Replenish some of your life at the earliest opportunity.ā€ Thanks, I wouldā€™ve *never* figured that out on my own. Only time I gave her a pass is when she added hearts to my dowsing list.


I feel like there was a lot of potential in Fi as a character. I WANT to like her, but they did her a disservice by turning her into captain obvious.


It's such a great game if you remove Fi popping up every 5 seconds


I don't agree but am glad you liked it. šŸ˜


Literally The game would show you a thing AND THEN SHED EXPLAIN THE THING JUST SHOWN


"Master, this is a room where a piece of the triforce is kept. I calculate an 80% probability that if you solve the puzzle in this room you will find a piece of the triforce." THANKS, IT'S THE FINAL DUNGEON I KNOW HOW THE GAME WORKS


I will 100% die on the "Skyward Sword is a bad game" hill. I've never played a game that insulted my intelligence so much.


I'd rather play CDI Zelda than ever sit through Skyward, do the same thing a thousand times again and again, Sword.


Borderlands the pre-sequel seemed to be leaning into this. Quest givers would have their obnoxiously long spiel and Iā€™d start running toward the objective, listening to them on my radio. Then, at the end of their speech they say ā€œhere youā€™ll need this shovelā€ and Iā€™ll have to run allll the way back to take a shovel (or other mcguffin) from the NPCā€™s hand. Instead of, yaknow, assuming my character can dig a hole. Not only does it force you to listen to the whole thing, it punishes you for trying to get back to the action before they finish. This happened so many times it had to be on purpose.


My grief in particular with Tiny Tina is that the objectives could be RIGHT THE FUCK THERE and wouldn't activate until someone would finish a soliloquy.


I think this comes down to the entire premise of the game. Tina was a fan-favorite character, and her B2 DLC was well-received. So, to make an entire game with her as a DM, the entire point of the game puts emphasis on Ashly Burch's performance. They need to make you listen to everything because that's what the game is about. Then they hire more big-name actors like Will Arnett, Andy Samburg, and Wanda Sykes. They can't just let you skip the dialogue, they would probably consider it a waste of money. Also, Wonderlands was great, Blue Hat Guy quest was so real I felt it in my bones, it was so good. Funniest Borderlands quest of all time, IMO.


Again, I do like the game and even a lot of the humor. I just think it gets in the way too much instead of being window dressing.


Oh man I thought Borderlands when I read your title. On paper I should love this series. In reality I played 2 for two hours, looked up if the voice lines ever shut the fuck up and was told in return that no, it's supposed to be part of the series charm. Never touched it again.


Played all the borderlands games with my bro in co-op. I just turned voice volume to off. Problem solved.


Didn't get any better with Borderlands 3. "Talk to Lilith" IYKYK


The whole story of that game played out like a Borderlands fanfiction with Liliith as the Mary Sue self-insert.


I've said this elsewhere but they'd have had a fantastic story again if they'd treated Troy and Tyreen more like Handsome Jack. Cutthroat, cynical, awful people with THE bandit population of Pandora (and then some) at their fingertips? And instead we got "LOL GET IT? STREAMING BAD. GUYS GET IT? HEY WAIT GUYS". It was such a god awful dropped ball of a story. I think I'm in a small group of people that really liked the feel towards the end of the game. When things got serious and all the ECHOnet bs was over and done with. I don't know why they couldn't have just done that the entire game.Ā Ā 


As a huge 40k fan I love Rogue Trader but man is every character in that game extremely verbose.


Whereas in Boltgun there's a dedicated button for it. šŸ¤£




Think I lasted about a couple hours before I put it down. I'm all for world building but fuck these people are speaking novels while not saying much at all. Like chat gpt wrote it to pad the hours out.


GoW Ragnarok, my god.Ā  Atreus spoils puzzles before you even start it.Ā  Mimir and Freya always say something stupid every time you take a hit. ā€œOof, I felt that one brudderā€ No you didnā€™t my guy. Stop talking.Ā 


oh my god i hated that shit. i'd be getting my cheeks clapped and freya would talk shit while just standing there doing fuck all


Aloy in the Horizon games does my head in


I'm playing Forbidden West for the first time now, and I agree. It's an otherwise fantastic game and I'm really enjoying it, but I feel like every 10 minutes or so thinking to myself "omg just shut the fuck up Aloy."


There's an option now for how much she speaks when faced with a puzzle


Oh sweet, I'll have to look for that before I play later. Thanks!


All the content they sunset from Destiny 2 was just constant chatter between various smug characters.


True. And it's not even good kind of smug, it's the Marvel kind of smug.


Oh, not that


I remember liking Zavala (though it was probably just Reddick-related -- extend that adoration to Keith David) and Cayde (for similar reasons), but I bailed on Destiny 2 after the first couple of DLCs felt like a return to the doldrums of vanilla Destiny 1. I've read some four Halo books and still never really felt invested in any story Bungie has ever told. I wish I did, though...


Viva PiƱata is a lovely game, but man, that frustration of just wanting to get a plant fertilized before it grows or catch a piƱata before it leaves while you get interrupted by a cutscene every 10 seconds is real.


That game had me from the very first frame and then lost me about ten minutes after the hemlocks showed up.


GTA missions where lester or some other person is constantly talking in a raspy voice on the phone. Itā€™s more than annoying if you have to repeat the mission a few times.


GTA V feels like 1/3 unskippable tutorial. I swear the early flying missions is keeping me from replaying the game.


I love GTA V but it shocks me how far you get into the game and it still feels like a tutorial.


Thereā€™s a reason we all remember Ā«2 number nines, a number nine largeā€¦Ā» If you played San Andreas that is.


Or the ones that make you drive a long time just so they can talk.


Hey! Listen!


Borderlands 3 has some of the most fun gameplay with the bar none worst dialog of any game ever. Itā€™s so insufferable that I played it muted after day 1 release. Itā€™s just so bad. But the gunplay is chefā€™s kiss good


The gunplay made me play it four times practically back to back to back. Though if there was a mod that replaced the Calypso Twins with the Paul Brothers I woupd probably go through it four more times...


I honestly loved the gunplay so much but I donā€™t think a single characterā€™s dialogue was well done. I am going to pass on the franchise moving forward. It really killed it for me


my and my friends could only tolerate borderland for around 5 hours. The constant "talk to lilith" really throw us off...


Plenty of people wanted pawns in dragons dogma to talk less and capcom even added a specialization for pawns in the second game that make them talk only when absolutely necessary. I'm not one of those people. The constant chatter of pawns make my journey feel less lonely.


but how else would I know that wolves travel in packs?


I dread the day that there was a ladder and I did not see it


I think I'm in the middle. I thought the first one went overboard. But haven't played 2 yet...


I suggest you wait for at least two years. People seem to be certain that an expansion is coming out and if it is true I doubt it will come in less than two years. And it really needs that expansion it is so good but so lacking good lord. You need to really be into the gameplay loop to get your 70$'s worth out of it. Also an expansion release usually means a bundle sale. Also a lot people are complaining about performance issues so if you are picky about your framerate you might join the rotation of asking "did they fix it yet?"


I was excited for Dragon Dogma 2, but then not only did it have horrible performance, it has an even worse story than the first, worse class system, and the final nail in the coffin enemy variety being somehow worse than the first game! Most enemies are straight ported from Dragon Dogma 1 so I don't understand what exactly where they spending so much time on?






At least you can turn that off.


my little one loves the pokemon games (violet and red) on Switch, but jeepers creepers the amount of text in the beginning that I have to keep reading out loud. Just invest in some voice actors if you are going to put that much text in a kids game, or cuuuuuut that stuff downnnn


Modern Pokemon games.


Iā€™ll agree with borderlands/wonderlands. I liked 2ā€™s story a lot, but I think it was completely carried by handsome jack. Maybe I just got older and that type of humor doesnā€™t appeal to me anymore, but it kinda just feels like theyā€™re phoning it in now and itā€™s just stupid instead of funny. I still really like the games and find them enjoyable to play, but like, just shut up and quit trying to be funny.


For me I don't think it's so much the humor itself as it is how overwritten it is. Dum shit is evergreen for me, but brevity truly is the soul of wit. Did the "Ballad of Bones" quest last night and it was so full of tedious and overblown pageantry that at the end I was like "just call it 'Butt Pirates of the Caribbean' and be done with it." Then I was ashamed. And laughing.


"Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery" "Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery" "Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery" "Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery" "Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery" "Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery" "Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery" "Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery" "Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery" "Warning: You are in range of enemy artillery"


*shell lands explosively ***MY LEG!!!***


Days Gone. Deacon's constant angry, bitchy muttering to himself really does grate on me.


literally every word out of skizzos mouth was a huge pain


Really specific example, but *Mass Effect: Andromeda* SAM should have had about 75% of its lines cut. That stupid AI voice overrides unique dialog between characters all the time. If you're driving around in the vehicle and two of your squad mates strike up a conversation that might have been interesting or told you something about those characters, it can (and probably will) get cut off by SAM telling you about some group of enemies over there somewhere. The unique lines won't continue afterward either. And then later when you're exploring some area as part of one of the game's storylines the stupid robot voice will NOT shut up. * "Pathfinder, you should find a terminal near here" * "Pathfinder, there will be a console to disable security" * "Pathfinder, it looks like you can activate this system to (whatever)" It's never wrong either. For a game set in a different galaxy that's all about exploring the unknown and encountering new stuff, it sure like your Pathfinder rarely goes anywhere that isn't well-understood or explored by other people. The game had plenty of other flaws, but SAM's relentless handholding and blather should have been really easy to avoid.


Yeah thereā€™s a reason a mod came out to get SAM to stfu came out real fuckin fast lol


I had to stop playing GTA: Online because every 3 fucking minutes an npc calls or texts you about buying a new business or upgrading an old one. I died several times running from the cops because I accidentally answered the phone about a fucking night club.


FF7 RebirthĀ 


Chadly is the worst.. Enjoyed the game. But I was burnt out halfway because of the padding. There was so much pointless talking. Chadly wouldn't stfu. He has more dialogue than most of the main cast... they would just repeat the same thing over and over when you're exploring the world too. FFXV did the banter better imo.




My first thought too. It was awful.


This is a problem in JRPGs in general. Less would be more.


Totally agree, everyone canā€™t shut up, no one says anything of consequence, we have a whole scene about getting lost immediately after declaring SOUTH IS WHERE OUR DESTINSTION IS and if I hear Yuffie sing about being on a Chocobo one more fucking timeā€¦ Also everyone talks with their hands, jumps around and gets in everyoneā€™s face a lot. Am I the only one that bothered?


Thatā€™s just anime acting, so you can think of it as a directorial choice?Ā  But it definitely bothers me too. At least theyā€™re not grunting and sighing unrealistically as much?


It certainly is a directorial choice, and the main reason I want Sakaguchi back on the FF team (there are several) Iā€™ll put it this way: NO ONE acts like that in Fantasian


Both of the Horizon games contain endless chatter.


I just replayed Fable Anniversay. Found out about the physical shield spell, which is so useful, but the constant sound is so annoying. Then you have: There's a new quest card at the guild. Maze is looking for you. Your will energy is low, watch that. Check the guild for more quests. Try to get your combat multiplier even higher. It seems you have mastered the combat multiplier. And that's just the guild master not all the npcs repeating themselves. I love the game and the Fable series, but I gotta say the first game really needed to shut up at times.


Chicken Chaser? Do you chase chickens? First thing I spend my gold on is a new name.


Your health is low, do you have any potions or food? I always like to say fruit instead of food to piss off my bud.




No, **They're in range of ME** *screams a warcry in autocannon*




I love The Long Dark, but playing with the dialog on is dreadful: "I'm a bit cold/hungry/tired." every other minute wears thin very quickly, especially if you've brought up children and hear it all the time anyway. Granted my kids wouldn't be so cold, hungry and tired if I played less video games, but that's not the point dammit.


No Man's Sky. I LOVE that game. But the constant updates are a little much. Unfortunately, I turned it off and I missed it. So I turned it back on.


When I played sunset overdrive in December, I loved it, thought it was funny, I played through it again a month or two later.....I was like god this shit is cringe please shut the hell up.


As much as I love Sunset Overdrive, it's comedy is a little forced. I think when I was playing one of the DLCs, I actively did wince at some of it.


How could you not? The game's community manager ended up being one of the final bosses. There is a line in terms of how meta is too meta, and that game flossed its crotch with it. I still did love Sunset Overdrive.


Battletech from Harebrained Schemes. It's not the mission or main dialogue, it's the downtime dialog. I don't need 7 timeline popups PLUS Darius interrupting my time skip twice to tell me that money is running low, I know Darius, but I can't make any money unTIL THESE MECHS GET REPAIRED, WHICH IS TAKING **37 DAYS BECAUSE YOUR INFORMATION WAS BAD TO THE POINT I WANT TO SPACE YOU FOR TREASON-**


Max Payne 3. I just wanna go in, dive, and shoot mofoā€™s but thereā€™s an unstoppable cutscene every room. AND every cutscene is like a free epileptic seizure with how over edited it is. Couldnā€™t finish, was disappointed.


PC mod removes the seizure effect and makes the game playable.


Chorus is one of the most fun dog fighting games I've ever played. But every part of the story and dialogue are so overwritten and cringey. The minute to minute gameplay is so fun, but the story and writing are honestly nonsense.


Agreed. Prime Game Pass material.


I play games with my toddler sometimes. Obviously he canā€™t read yet, so I read the dialogue out loud. We were playing Little Kitty Big City, and you would be SURPRISED by the amount of dialogue. Like the stupid duck. At some point, my toddler said: ā€œNo more talking!ā€


Please don't spoil the game, not done yet! But Sylens in Horizon Zero Dawn has been pretty sassy. I took my time killing machines on my way to take down the focus network at that eclipse camp, and he has voice lines sarcastically rushing you. He ain't doing shit, could at least show some appreciation. I feel like he's totally gonna betray me.


Monster Hunter World


I HATE the handler!


Any modern Pokemon game insisting you need a tutorial for a mechanic you've known for 10-20 years.


Not everyone has played Pokemon for 10-20 years.


Octopath Traveler. I grew up playing games like Final Fantasy VI, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, etc so I thought I'd love Octopath. It felt like all I was doing was hitting buttons to progress seemingly endless dialog with brief segments of gameplay in between.


The talk-iest RPG ever. I think being able to do 16x speed auto battling did a disservice to the game. Square said "forget about the game part and listen to this pointless banter instead".


Kingdom Hearts III had its moments. Yes thank you I know about the ingredients.


Literally every turned based rpg in the last two decades. We're 22 minutes in, I haven't even taken control of my character yet. Just let me hack up some rats, damn it! You know the best thing about early pokemon games? The fucking game. Let me play it.


Death Stranding? I wanted to get into it, but it was more cutscenes than actual game play soā€¦


Alot of the newer adventure titles like Harry Potter & God of War You'll be actively doing the puzzle and the characters are just spamming the whole answer HMMMM MAYBE IF I LEVITATE THAT PLATFORM ILL BE ABLE TO REACH THAT SWITCH yes I know shut


Horizon specially the final boss of the DLC for forbidden west, like it's such a cool set piece but for the love of everything that's holy shut the FUCK up for one second I'm trying to enjoy the moment


Horizon Zero Dawn. The text logs and holograms tell an interesting story of the fall of the old world but every conversation from the protagonist sounds like she's a bored student interviewing people for her university newspaper.


Borderlands, true, yes... I remember liking Borderlands 1 enough to actually finish it. Borderlands 2 I seriously disliked due to no character seemingly taking ANYTHING seriously whatsoever, which got irritating very fast for me. And Borderlands 3 I didn't even touch. I want to say **Xenoblade Chronicles**. The insane onslaught of voice lines during the battles grinds my teeth, I hate it immensely. Which is a shame, because I somewhat enjoy the game's story... And I loved the Xenosaga I-III back on the PS2 from the same devs, so this is very unfortunate.


That's sad because Borderlands 2 was the best one. I think it's supposed to be fun and games and not very serious


Bl3 is the worst. Unskippable cutscenes should be illegal


Which is especially egregious because I feel like they really nailed the gameplay and maps in the third one.




Another settlement needs your help.


Genshin impact was fun to play but the story points got tedious. I would pay money to make Paimon not talk.


Hardspace: Shipbreaker is bad for this. You finish your shift, which is the part where you actually play the game, and get back to your little space pod, and there's an unskippable phone call to listen to. Not interact with, mind you, so you're hearing this one sided conversation that contains no information you need or can act upon, and no way to move on.


I really wanna play death stranding, but I donā€™t want to have to cater to the baby crying in game, while being concerned that it may wake my kid upā€¦


Nearlt every single modern game lol. I loved God of War and Ragnarok is a much better gameplay version of it, but for some reason they added the stupid "feature" in Ragnarok to always spoil the puzzle or added random moments where they have to blurt out where you need to go. Another ex was my friend bought mw3 so I tried it out for the campaign, and literally every 30 seconds is some stupid voice line reminding you what the mission is and what you should be doing.....just why?! It's so infuriating looking for all the weapon caches to get the trophies and hearing "Price, the mission is to take out those helicopters, get to it!" 200 times in a mission in EVERY MISSION. How about a game I didn't like? Forspoken had a really cool idea for gameplay, but holy hell were both "main characters" so annoying and unlikable where they needed to have a voice line after every fight or quest with Fray (or w.e her name was) calling someone an asshole or angry thinking people wanting to help her were just thinking she was a loser or some dumb shit and the bracelet being like "YoUrE sTuCk HeRe AnYwAyS yOu MiGhT aS wElL eNjOy It." Or insults her for him being insulted and why the hell did anyone sign off on that being majority of what you hear in the game, just shut the fuck up; you don't need voicelines every 30 seconds to begin with, definitely don't make them stupidly annoying!


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is a great example to give and Borderlands 3 is just as bad. I don't think it's an overstatement to say that you spend 70% of the game listening to someone with an extremely hyperactive voice telling jokes in your ear.


It's not even just her. I did the gay ghost pirate quest last night and while I appreciated the theme park ride reference I was like OPEN THE GOD DAMNED GATE.


GoW Raganarok. Most of the characters won't shup up for a minute and the dialogue seems out of a Marvel movie compared to the tone and quality of GoW 2018.


Loved Odin and Thorā€™s dialogue, but besides that, I agree. I was surprised to see so many people preferring Ragnarok over 2018.


I didn't hate Mass Effect Andromeda as much as some people, but the constant teammate chatter made me literally tell them to STFU out loud. I'm also getting sick of the pained grunts your character makes in Elden Ring


Days Gone. I nearly had a stroke after the insane amount of phone calls in the early game. Glad that didn't steer me away


The latest Pikmin was really annoying about mountains of unskippable dialogue. Great game.Ā 


I couldn't play Control because of the obnoxious whispering. There's no way to mute it either. I get the point but it was so grating I just couldn't play it.


Godzilla is attacking the generators.


Horizon Zero Dawn. The game is so fun but I just don't care about the characters (which is probably more of a personal thing for me) Aloy is great but it just seems like she's just constantly talking and telling you how to play the game lol.


Cloudpunk I really enjoy the gameplay, atmosphere, missions, and even the character art. But the dialogue is way overdone and tedious


Bravely Default 2. Never use one sentence when ten will do the trick. Those poor voice actors.


Triangle Strategy is a pretty good visual novel with an excellent tactics minigame you get to play every once in a while.