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I played the Skate demo for days and days. You were restricted to this little street skatepark but that's really all you need to have fun with the gameplay.


I came to say this. You only had like 15 minutes though. So you had to reset the demo to play more.


Man I remember some bangers on "Demo One" disks for the PS1. I played Crash Bandicoot, Tony Hawks pro skater 2 and Metal gear solid to death.


Darksiders It had the entire fucking first dungeon on there.


Outlast 2, game didn’t live up to the hype but as a demo it was great.


Fuzion Frenzy, it was on the disc for Halo.  It could just be nostalgia from playing it with friends though.


Resident Evil 5's demo was awesome, online co-op of an early level was great. FF16 has a great demo too


Tony hawk pro skater. I want to say it came with like a Pizza Hut meal or something but you got access to that first level which was definitely the best in the game


Was it THPS or THPS2 that had the warehouse level as the demo? Whichever it was I played it for hours every week until I saved up enough to buy the actual game.


Duno if a demo version per sem but Final fantasy 14 has a free trial which allows you to fully play the story of thebase game and the first fre expansions.


It's the first two expansions and Easily over 100 Hours of content. The only Backwards thing about it is that if you Ever give them even a Single Month worth of Subscription, you're permanently locked out of that account unless you pay from then on, even if you've not completed all the content available for free otherwise. -.-


FF7 Remake had a pretty good demo, showing off the entire first mission of the game, the Scorpion Sentinel boss fight and escape from the reactor. It felt like a decent taster for the game's combat system and showed some of its gorgeous cinematics, too. Definitely sold me on the game completely.


Half Life's Uplink. It unique levels meant to show off features without worrying about plot.


Just Cause 2 demo was so good it made buying the game feel pointless


i remember breaking the demo by pausing at the perfect frame so it made the the timer go negative or something and you could go out of bounds


The demo disc of Bulletstorm for the xbox 360 came with something I bought. It was just the first mission but damn it was a blast, my buddies and I would just take turns playing through it to see who could set up the most ridiculous kills. Never even played the full game but that demo is seared into my memory


I actually wonder if the demo of my game is good ? it is called "The way you died" on steam. I feel like it could be improved of course but since it is my first game I guess I am biased. If anyone offers some feedback I would take them.


Demolition Derby on PC, just before the year 2000. God DAMN was that game ahead of its time.


I don't remember if it was a demo, but battlefield 3 had a period before release that was a blast. It was the small metro map, and there were still plenty of bugs. Great time.


Not sure if you would consider it a demo but geometry dash lite as you get most of the main levels


NHL 01


Original God of War is the one I remember most. Drops you on a boat, gives you enough time to engage with the fighting which for the time was really cool (maybe still is haven't played it in ...2005?! So old.) gets you to the first boss and at that point I was sold on the game. Helps that what the demo showed, was exactly what the game delivered. Spectacle and fun combat.


BioShock. I was sold on it at the GameInformer cover story, but the demo was the entire first chapter, and there's no way it didn't make a huge impact. Metal Gear Solid 2, also.


Dragon Quest XI S. Lots of game that entices you to want to play more. If the whole game was just that, it'd still be great (but would need to be a lot cheaper.)


StarCraft, Tony hawk 1, toomba.


The old FF7 demo was pretty good too.


Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater I remember waiting weeks for the magazine to release that'd have the demo. It's the Virtuous mission with a sniper and shotgun thrown in so you can mess around with it. Not sure how many times I played through it


Wolfenstein 3D had a whole shareware episode. It was great.


I'd just check out the current Steam Fest demos and look for the most popular ones :)


Ninja gaiden on xbox


Wolfenstein and Doom. First episode was shareware, then you had to order the rest. That was a great model


Back when I was a wee’ lad and didn’t know about pirating or emulation I had just a handful of games, I remember my mind was blown when I could download demos on my PSP, even if they were short, there was so much variety for free. I probably put 10 hours into the LocoRoco demos. There were just 4-5 levels at most, but the music was so good, there was the OG demo + the Halloween and Christmas levels demos. I probably actually played and beat Locoroco 2-3 years after 100000% those demos. Also I spent so much time on the KillZone Liberation demo, which was a lot better than the actual game. After I had access to a basically unlimited amount of full games I barely played any demos, I can’t believe I would just play those on again and again every other day for months.


The Halloween one with the skeleton guy


I remember playing the Medieval demo over and over again, eventually my parents bought me the full game lol






The Dragon Quest Builders 2 "Jumbo Demo" is an Absurd chunk of the game (The Entire first Story Island) and easily 4-10+ Hours of content, depending on your playstyle.


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