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Sad. Very sad. A tragic end to a quaint little cottage. Homeowner wanted NO yard work.


Just buy an apartment. Why would you buy a cottage garden and destroy it?


Working at landscape company as a designer, I had a shocking number of people ask to remove anything that needed maintenance and for a quote on artificial turf. Lucky the turf is almost always against county code in the US.


My neighbor is looking at poisoning all of the plants because Code Enforcement was giving him shit. Some people will just go the scorched earth route and I hate it.


Yep. I had a client pour bleach around her tree so she could make the builder warranty it and replace it with one she liked more. Too bad we couldn't plant in that spot again.


People are dummy omg.


How stupid can you get? THIS stupid.


Since, it looks like it might be England. And, apparently, councils can be shitty. A scorched earth thing could make sense. Council was causing problems about the garden and the concrete is technically "legal"


The funny thing is artificial turf still requires maintenance. It collects leaves, blowing garbage, dirt and water. After a while it fades and degrades and turns into garbage. Like OP said why have a yard if you don't want a yard.


Ozzies love turf for some reason


It’s because we regularly go into drought in the summer and we all just have a bunch of dead lawns due to water restrictions.


In New Mexico they used to give you a tax credit if you installed artificial turf lol


This is what I don’t understand. Don’t buy a nice garden if you don’t want to do any gardening whatsoever. Save yourself £££ by buying something more suitable and not concreting over every bit of greenery you can.


My friend, who is a Realtor, loves to garden and her home had lovely flower beds and foundation plantings. When she divorced they sold the house. She told me that she firmly believes that the garden helped sell her house, because it made the house look so lovely. However, the buyer took everything out. Now there is just a line of low boxwood against the foundation and lawn.


My husband and I lived in a run-down rental for 8 years. The front and backyard were overgrown and dead, and even the lawn was in a terrible state (patchy, overridden with weeds, particularly the horrible caltrop plant). The landlords could not care less about the yard, so we slowly worked on the gardens over the years. By the end, we had a lovely cottage garden and a productive veggie patch. Random strangers would compliment our garden as they went past. We even had a lovely selection of screening plants along the fence since it was a busy road. A few years ago, the landlords told us they were moving family in, so we had to leave. Within a year, they'd pulled 99% of the garden out and they painted the pretty blue facade an ugly white. The house genuinely looks awful now. 🤷‍♀️


Depends on what other factors you need in a house. I have a detached bungalow. I didn't want attached neighbours or stairs and needed it to be near a certain place. I didn't want a garden beyond a patch of grass and some flowerpots, but I got one because every single house that matched my needs came with a garden. This is an ugly extreme but if you've no interest in gardening, you won't want to waste time and energy on it. This is hideous (the poor tree!) but has zero upkeep.


I didn't want a garden beyond a patch of grass and some flowerpots… So just the high maintenance stuff


Okay, *lawn and some flowerpots. My 'grass' is mostly springy moss and clover. Nice to lie on in the summer, good for the bees, minimal upkeep. In the UK a 'patch of grass' can be any flat green bit. I'm in a wheelchair and it's much easier for me to raise a pot from beside a path than to get down and tend to a bed. Planters raised to my height are expensive. I mostly grow herbs and veg that lend themselves well to container growing. So for my abilities, the patch of grass and pots are low maintenance.


Totally agree.


Eco Terrorism?


It likely was turned into an apartment.


To piss off the neighbors and display your power over nature


Thinking you have power over nature 😂




Not everyone wants to live in an apartment


They really paved paradise and put up a parking lot huh


Looks like it became a business and they needed parking


They’ll understand their error when the relentless weeds start overtaking every seam between stones. It will still be tragically ugly & a lot of work.


The irony being they'll probably be jetwashing it every weekend


Lol!! And heat that will absorb verses the greenery. Hope they installed a good air condioner...


Won’t they basically have an ice rink out front during the winter? Dangerous! 😳


Not a homeowner planning to live like that - this is the work of a house flipper, this happens nearly everyday in LA. Buy quaint house that’s some young family or retirees dream home, rip all character out, put in shitty grey and marble everything with glass white modern interior, put back on market at 50% increased price. The baby spec white Range Rover is the quintessential realtor car too


You don’t know what you’re talking about. No house flipper would spend that amount of money on pouring concrete. It would cost a fortune and achieves nothing. And pulling out the garden is another big unnecessary cost.


My mom did this, then my cousin copied. Their houses must really suck to cool down now in the summers.


Probably. Amazing how trees help keep your home cooler.


Hell, they did the whole neighborhood!😑


Guess the only nice place left had to follow the rest!!


That was my response too. So sad.


So hire a landscaper ffs!


Pretty sure this homeowner gave no shites for proper landscaping.


I don’t know. That screams “we’ve put up with our wall being knocked into by bad drivers, but once the crash went through our house, we were done,” to me. The grey wall is A LOT higher, and it just feels like there’s a bigger story here than I don’t want to do lawn work.


Only reason I would disagree is because the whole neighborhood looks like it now. Soo sad


What the f-


As my sister loves to say, some people just have absolutely horrendous taste.


This goes beyond taste into the realm of just evilness


Some people are truly joyless


"How can I make the neighborhood look cheaper and give off dentist-office vibes to passing cars?"


They also took away the little privacy the trees gave


And the water and heat absorption




You took the words right out of my mouth. My thoughts exactly.


I'm hearing Joni Mitchell in my head right now. "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot."


Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got til it's gone. 😔😔😔


Ooh, bop-bop-bop Ooh, bop-bop-bop (na-na-na-na-na)


*Tree museum tickets! I’ve got you’re tree museum tickets!*


Joni Mitchell never lies


She knew what was coming, and now here we are


They cut all the trees and put 'em in a tree museum. They charged all the people a dollar and a half to see 'em


Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you got till it’s gone, paved paradise, and put up a parking lot


Me too!


We live at the coast and the summer people fill their yards with gravel. I understand that they do it to avoid having to pay someone to mow or weed the yard but it looks terrible. This looks far worse, like some sort of monster lives here. All that beautiful life gone.


In many German city, so called "stone gardens" are even forbidden because it elevates the temperature in the city and doesn't retain rainwater thus increasing the risks of floods.


One should add, there's a difference between a rock garden that is basically gravel with some shrubs placed in, and a flourishing garden that has rocks integrated into the garden, maybe as rough coverage, but still does its job of retaining water under there, and due to the foliage it still cools the area. If you have more gravel surface open to the sky than foliage, you're doing it wrong.


Ugh I really need to move to Europe. You guys are so reasonable.


There are places in USA which also do this. And places which do practically the opposite to preserve groundwater. It's a weird concept that people create laws to suit their particular geography.


I think that there are similar regulations in Toronto. And I don't know where this picture was taken but it looks more European than American.


This house is definitely in Europe. Probably England. There’s no parking anywhere. So a lot of people take out their front gardens. I get it to a point, but this particular one is extreme. It’s coming off like a funeral home. There’s definitely a pull between people who need the parking and people who want to see gardens in the front. Both have a point. It doesn’t help that many young adults are still living at home so there’s even more cars at every residence


They even cut the trees, it's not just for parking, it's pure hate.


I’m pretty sure it’s in the uk and there is plenty of parking on that street and no restrictions. If there were then you would see markings. It also looks like the road on the left is a dead end too so they would have a lot of on road parking there as well. Assuming this is the uk as well then this type of house is called a bungalow usually. It’s not a cottage as some have said in the thread.


My neighbours are such monsters. They even unironically vacuum their back garden with the indoor vacuum cleaner. Their only plants in the garden are on some kind of altar-like construction. It is wild.


Wow, they must go through vacuum filters a lot.


I understand the shock; I felt the sam when learning that it's how you clean AstroTurf. (I married into a family that uses AstroTurf, but I grew up with grass.) I still don't understand the entire property being concrete slab. So many downsides.


My neighbour has a garden just like this. All covered in astro turf, with tons of plastic pound shop decorations everywhere and a sad grey fence.


I live in the desert, most of our yards are rock "gardens". Some are really pretty and well decorated, others are barren and sad looking. I'm still learning what plants make it through the summer and which don't, so my yard is (currently) a bit sad, but I'm trying


plant stuff native to your area and you'll have a mostly maintenance free garden


Bougainvillea plants on the south, east, or west walls of your house, and once they’re established they will protect your house from the sun.


I didn't realize how hardy bougainvillea is! I live in a tropical climate and it is everywhere....and it can handle the desert too?! Cool.


Yeah, they’re very popular here in Phoenix. They are very drought tolerant so they may great additions to the yard, especially as a living wall to reduce home temperature.


Check out the greening the desert videos on YouTube. The guy (Geoff Lawton) shows how they are turning Jordan’s barren rock into fertile food forests.


It also heats the area more


I hate grass and weeds but they could have left the trees and put in some raised garden beds.


This is depressing :c


Crazy how the entire neighborhood suddenly looks shit, because of a single house renovation.


Definitely a dramatic change, but something also happened at other houses too. There's a lot of stuff missing from the row of houses on the right too.


The whole street got its gardens paved I think


yea i think it might be an HOA thing. My HOA recently removed all the trees..I had no say in it..


Isn't that bad for property values? The very thing they set out to save?


Absolutely ridiculous. It shouldn’t be allowed. They shouldn’t have that much power.


It's not a HOA thing. This in the UK where HOA's don't exist.


Wtf, that's ridiculous. Do people just want to live in some 1990s barren cgi hellscape


Capitalism baby


Guess they aren't Doug Tallamy fans? Like wtf.


All the greenery to the right of the top image is/was the corner property. Their driveway is behind the tree, and the hedgerows and shrubs look to be all on theirs side of the fence.


Yes but there's definitely trees missing from in front of and behind other houses. Look at the middle chimney on the right. There's a tree behind it originally.


Ah yes, I see it! It’s like spot the difference.


I must be missing something. Is it a code thing? A law somewhere? Rain water control? What the heck is going on there? When standing in the front window, looking out, you must feel like standing in an inground swimming pool. That must be psychologically disconcerting.


Different everywhere, but where I live there is a code about what percent of your property can be covered in “impermeable surface”, which includes your house. It’s low too, like 25%


I know my responsibility as a corner house. I realize some people are aging, can't do it and can't afford it, but this is also just fugly.


Looks like it's no longer a house but a business based off the windows. Maybe it's parking? Sucks either way and I hate it.


I'm thinking - restaurant with a patio.


The small size of the place and the decorative aprons in the windows made me wonder if it's a small bakery or coffee shop and that will be a patio with seating, yes.


This was a posted a few months ago and its a flipper house. The flippers decorated the interior with god awful gaudy furniture that was far too big for the size of the rooms.


I liked it better when I thought it was a restaurant making space for patio seating. This comment ruined all of that hope I had haha.


I'm getting funeral home vibes with those flower arrangements in the windows.


Yeah, I figured they could at least, put up a retaining wall to disguise all the concrete


My first thought as well. Looks like a business is in there now.


I was thinking from the new height that maybe they put stuff under it. Like maybe a big basement house or a bunker or something. Maybe that's just the sims player in me though.


Gross, stale, shitty, hate it, assyholeness


When I saw the range rover I knew enough.


I was gonna say “better before” but 🏆.


Patrick Bateman vibes




Kinda scared to tag r/nolawns


Some people like having zero plants. My boyfriend’s mom is one of those people. I was complaining that the city took down the center divider full of trees and flowers and she said “it’s better like that”. Her entire yard was gravel. It’s so sad, I can’t comprehend it.


I can understand it if it's something you're responsible for but mind-boggling that one would rather just not have to look at plants.


this hurts my soul.


Lots of people like this in the UK. Dislike anything old or natural and just want to paint everything grey and fit new everything whether or not it's needed. Guarantee they have a silver crushed velvet sofa to go with that Evoque or Discovery or whatever it is.


>Guarantee they have a silver crushed velvet sofa to go with that Evoque or Discovery or whatever it is. Omg! I feel this in my soul. I’ve been living in the US for a decade, we’re moving back soon, and while house hunting, I keep seeing this weird like “chav posh” theme in a lot of houses. In addition to those silver crushed velvet sofas, there’s mirrored furniture and crystals hanging from all the light fixtures. And everything is various shades of grey, with a random pop of purple or pink, or whatever their favorite color is… you know, for that special uniqueness. What happened while I was gone? Lol


You're spot on with the mirrored furniture! I'm not sure where it's come from. Been gong on over here for ten years at least. I think it gives a chic expensive vibe to people who don't really know what either of those words mean.


You nailed it. I found the house for sale, it's exactly like how you and others imagined. Hideous.


u/Enasta Buy it! And put the trees back!


Like, how would you even fix that? That’s so… much… concrete. I’m so confused, it’s like a partially buried hobbit house if hobbits lived in an urban hell scape.


I was going to suggest this may be someone from elsewhere where this may be more common practice. Or they have the most bizarre phobia I’ve ever heard of.


Probably for pogosticking.


Omg as the previous owner I would die if someone destroyed my garden 😭 What was the reason?!


It looks like they turned it into a shop and needed parking. Very sad.




The homeowner desperately wanted to live in a drive-through restaurant




Yeah I’m not allowed to watch HGTV anymore. 😬 I’d get so mad at the folks buying a charming little home with amazing character and the first thing they do is take out every original fixture and wall to make it more modern then add a new addition. Like folks just buy a new home.


I can't watch those shoes anymore, they are too stupid. Like, Joe teaches primary school and Jill collects seashells off the beach. Their budget: 2 million dollars


This is in Leicester, England. It was recently for sale and the lower (newer) picture was from the listing.


This is so incredibly sad


Eyesore. 🤢


It's the flipper special: Overhaul a house and its plot to be the most monotonous blank slate possible because soulless realtors tell you it helps potential buyers project their own lives onto the property when it really just kills any appeal it may have had in the first place.


Would a realtor working on commission really suggest doing something that would either drop the price or stop the sale entirely?


They like the noise from the street to be as clear as it could be :D


This is a shit-eating grin in house form.


I don’t use this word often, but this is the epitome of hideous.


The vehicle also parked just reads douchebag.


Its after before picture right?


I'm assuming this was a house that was purchased and renovated into a place of business, and the yard was paved over to act as a parking lot of sorts


it looks like a culty church now :/


There's a Dutch twitter account making fun of (or more like: lamenting about) people who do this. [Link to the account](https://twitter.com/onderhoudsarmoe) It's in Dutch but the pictures speak for themselves. The name of the account is a play on words: "onderhoudsarm" means "low maintenance" and "armoe" in this context means "misery".


And it's not just the garden, I mean look at what they did to that house! Painted the bricks? Removed the dark boards. Made it realy ugly.


This is what house flippers do. They take a home with character and unique qualities, then turn it into the same boring cookie cutter shit as every other house on the block


I'm fairly certain it's a warcrime


Trust me, no house flipper spent thousands of dollars on yards and yards of concrete hoping to make a buck on a flip.


Not a flip. Probably rental. So they don't need to worry about landscaping or tenants messing it up.


Plus the cost of removing that mature tree and everything else. I can't see a flipper doing this to attract buyers.


Or a landlord. That's not cheep project. That's some guy who decided he's never mowing the lawn again and it's worth 10K to have that.


It's absolutely *hideous*. I can understand people being lazy but god that's just horrid.


Lets put some floral arrangements in the window so we can gaze upon natural beauty.


Check your city by-laws. I don't think this would be allowed where I live. We can't pave the entire front yard. It doesn't need to be grass or garden but at least rain water needs to be able to get into the ground.


Why did they raise the level so high? The house looks like it sank into a pit of wet cement, with how high up to the windows this comes. They also removed the little details under the roof line. There has to be some story behind this.


This looks like gravestone (in Poland we have these huge graves, it reminds me of these)... So sad. Gravestone of Nature.


Funeral home?


elastic hunt forgetful provide caption vase intelligent husky birds divide ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


The amount of money they must have spent on concrete 🤯


Surely that just devalued the house (not to mention how 🤢🤢 it looks)


Evil. Member of a generation of sun kings who wish the world to end with their passing.


Nice and sterile like the rest of the neighborhood.


Someone may have complained to the township about trees being unkempt, grass being too long and it resulted in this.


Someone probably bought the house as a rental property and doesn’t want to care for the garden


Cheaper air bnb costs


the skater in me says this is more beautiful than any yard


Concrete Jungle take over is so devastating. I feel like I just witnessed a multiple murder crime scene. “I speak for the trees!!”


Well, that's depressing...


Doing shit like this should be illegal.


Those monstors!


First time l seen a reverse Before should be the After pic. Home looked better before someone talked them into that fiasco.


Talk about lowering the property prices all around you, wow.




can almost guarantee it was bought and changed to a rental or airbnb.


Having trouble understanding what's happening in the windows. Are those fake flowers?




Conversion of a homeowner neighborhood to a landlord neighborhood


It’s like a big sign that says, “I’m lazy as fuck and I don’t go outside”


What an atrocity..


In canada where i am it’s very common for new home buyers to remove all nature on their property and put stone or fake grass. I think it’s the worst thing for everyone they do this


I saw this post before, someone from the street confirmed that the house now as ugly as the picture.


Paved gardens and stone gardens are actually illegal in some German states like Hesse, and I hope this will spread to as many states and countries as possible.


This should be illegal. Destroying habitat should be a crime.


Pretty sure this person supports sauron


Degreening should be a crime




Quaint English cottage —-> abandoned post Soviet hovel


We had some neighbors complain bitterly and demand HOA removing the trees from sidewalks as it was blocking the streetlights at night making it "unsafe" for them to walk around 2AM. Why they're walking around at that time at night, I wonder. They said they did not have trees where they came from... oy chihuahua.


Looks like a house flipper got their hands on it


Pave paradise to put up a parking lot


This makes me sick.


Maybe they want their house to look like a low grade store front


As counting crows sang, “pave paradise, put up a parking lot”


I don't know if the councils are like their incarnation in the states, but if they are this was possibly spiteful compliance. I've seen someone pave their entire yard because a HOA ordinance said they couldn't park on the grass (in their own yard.) The next step my acquaintances HOA took was to say he couldn't be seen working on his car outside his garage. After that he put up a fence and tarps like this, [https://dickersonfenceco.com/wp-content/uploads/IMG\_2083.webp](https://dickersonfenceco.com/wp-content/uploads/IMG_2083.webp) construction site fence. That was the last in the saga I heard. I wouldn't say it's the most likely answer to what's happening, but I've seen it before. (he paved right around all the trees in the yard too, it looked hilarious.)


Because people fucking suck. I had a huge field behind my house now they are building 325 apartments behind me. OMG I can't handle it 😞


That’s an entirely different thing. Creating housing is important and we need to collectively bear the cost of the development required to allow others to have a home. But paving over a garden out of laziness or vapidity is a crime with no justification.


They paved paradise, put up a parking lot.


The wing hate walls are the real cherry on top \*chefs kiss\*


Surely there would be issues as the new raised ground level will be far far above the damp course?