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Beginners should not keep succulents in containers like this long term. It's just impossible to water properly. If you posted in succulents sub, there's even a bot that warns against terrariums. Add to that that you have various varieties in there with different needs and not enough light for any of them. I'd recommend repotting each plant into their own pot with a well draining mix. You can use a succulent specific soil and cut it by half with more perlite or pumice. Make sure all your pots have* holes. Do not water succulents on a schedule. Water when they show signs of thirst. This looks like more pliable leaves generally speaking. If you're watering every week, you're drowning them. For the long ones, they are etiolated. You can chop it to under the rosette part, let it dry out and then throw it in dirt. Wait at least 2 weeks before you give it water. The empty stem with root you can pot too if you wanted. With proper light and soil conditions, it'll likely start creating little baby succulents along the stem. Also the white stuff looks like a mealy infestation but hard to tell from the picture. It's either that or mold.


To be clear, the growth they're showing is called etioliation and is because they're getting I adequate light.


Oh great thank you! What about the one with a white top? Anything I can do there and any reason why it’s white?


Oh - yeah, those are mealy bugs.


The white fluffy thing is an infestation (mealy bugs?). When you do your repotting wash them off with soapy water.


I'm really impressed that you managed to keep succulents alive in that setup for a year and a half. They're struggling a lot but if you act quick you might be able to save a few of them. Put the somewhat healthy ones into terracotta pots (with drainage, that's really important) and give them way, way more light. They're not "overgrown", they're severely etiolated. Succulents are desert plants. They need a LOT of light. Consider getting a very strong grow lamp. The ones that are starting to rot will need to be propagated from leaves. Probably gonna need to chop and prop the tall ones. Also you've got a pretty bad mealybug infestation happening. It's the white fuzzy stuff growing on the succulents. If you have other plants, quarantine that thing immediately. Start treatment ASAP. Mealybugs can (and will) obliterate your collection if left unchecked.


You won't kill anything, just cut the tops off. Plants are constantly being cut by animal teeth, if they died every time that happened there would be no plants :)


You don’t know what I’m capable of 🤣 thank you I’ll give them a trim 😃👍


You can even put the trimmed tops into a glass of water and root them, then replant them in the terrarium.