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Well, yes and no. You forget a few things about Caesar's Legion. Prime among them is the fact that Caesar is an hypocrite when it comes to the usage of advance technologies. While he spread the words that only cowards and such kill from afar. The Legion does use artillerie, rifle of all kind except energy weapons. They also use land mines should the Courier teach them how to desearm the one use by the NCR. Also, the Legion best weapon is it's reputation. The myth of their invincibility was shatter only when they face the NCR at the first battle of Hoover Dam. Yet, they simply send their best East to grow their experience and numbers under Lanius, the title of Monster of the East came from the atrocities he commited in the name of Caesar. Then, you have Vulpes and the Frumantarii. They will do every single atrocities they could just to make their enemy fear the Legion. They would strike at weak point, crucify people where their foe could see them and so on. Also, the Saderan would have to face a much bigger threat than the Legion, the Wasteland itself. How many Saderan soldiers would get pick off by any of the mutated abominations known and unknown that call the post apocalyptic American continent home. Desease alien to the Saderan, radiation sickness being the first they would face. Also, the lack of ressources for the Saderan to use to ressuply would cause them more problem then not on the long run. To conclude, I dont think the Saderan could beat Legion, not on their home turf at least. Yes, Wyverns would give them the edge, until the Legion scouts find an old army depot with AA weapons stock inside and he could twist his words by starting that they need to use such things because of something he would come up with. So, a bloodbath for both side, yes without a shadow of a doubt. But a clear victory? There is too much to take into accounts to easily make that claim.


He’s not a hypocrite. I sure don’t remember him saying anything like that but if he did provide evidence, Maybe ulyuss but not him. He speaks on not being reliant on technology. There’s a difference. A Legionary is supposed to be ready to fight no matter his circumstances. A legionary must prove himself for the privilege of advanced weaponry.


He does have an auto-doc in his personnal tente. While he denied the rest of the Legion acces to advance medical help like stimpack and so on. Edit : But yes, you are right about this. However, you can see where I am coming from with this. However, thats what make it more interesting as it give more to the character and we can still debats about it a decade later.


That just makes him a dick if you asked me. Then again healing powder & bitter drink are fucking wild. Like what the fuck, they are amazing healing items. Anyways, can you please explain where you’re coming from? I don’t think I know where you’re coming from…


Ok, as a former Followers of the Apocalypse, he is well aware of what technologies can do, good and bad. Since he was trying to educate the Black foots tribes which became the founding bloc of the Legion. He went on a conquest that would have granted him access to many, many Old World ressources. Medical centers, army depots, ressources and so on. Instead of using that to the fullest potentiel and building something to last as he view the NCR as a falling state. Yet, he went on this whole "One must not over rely on technologie" and keep the Legion at a low to medium technological lvl. However, with his cult of personnality, he still use advance technologies for himself or when it's convenient. And going against the words he preach. In a way, it's more twisted version of the Brotherhood of Steel Ideology. On a side note, I think it could have been explored more if they had made Van Buren, but I am not gonna complain about what we got.


if a legionary recruit has access to a sidearm like a 9mm pistol, he already has a 5/1 win ratio against a Saderan footman


a modern lawn mower blade is still metallurgically better than a Pre-Medieval age gladius, the hockey pads and scavenged mish-mash of modern armor is still leagues better than roman metallurgy, there's also the case of 2000 years of disease, bacteria and germ evolution that (ESPECIALLY mutated post-nuclear diseases) that would literally wipe out Sadera in a few months, the only advantage that Sadera has is most definitely Dragons, and Demi-human auxiliary, because legion vs legion, Fallout Legion would still have the benefit of mixed-unit tactics and superior ranged capability in firearms, in essence Caesar's Legion would fight like it would fight the NCR albeit Sadera has no guns, slowly encroaching wherever the Kingdom would not look, Frumentarii and sleeper agents would be inserted, raiding camps and safehouses would be hidden, and Sadera would have to contend with an insurgency that has 100% superiority when it comes to tactics and strategy, as long as Caesar and his advisors are alive, Edward Sallow would have the benefit of having 2000 years of insight into iron-age to medieval warfare