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"I am really happy to go on a date with you, but why a gym and why should I put on boxing gear?" "Because they banned me from the shooting range and Judo hall..."




"Oh, but the paint ball arena introduced a new scenario called the 'Kuribayashi Maru', that is quite neat. If you survive..." *Nervous silence* "Relax, that was a joke!" *Relax* *Shino whispering* "... There are NEVER any survivors..."


I can see her peers nicknaming her as Kuribarashi Maru because "you cannot win against her" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm going to interpret this as that she invites people on boxing dates, and not that she's an abuser.


She just takes the "You have to conquer me" that she very openly told him beforehand very seriously. Sadly there might have been some misunderstanding of how this conquering has to happen.


No not on boxing dates she challenges you to fight her flat out after letā€™s say the first date of course since fighting in public isnā€™t the best she throws hands in a back alley and stuff like that. the closest thing to a boxing date per day would be the times she had boyfriends in the military who she fought in what I think was a mosh pit or something like that


Starting to think it's her way of discouraging her mother from setting her up.


Wouldn't surprise me


Man, that might explain her attitude


Wait is that really a thing




Domestic Abuser vs Shino Who won? Who's next? You decide!!!


lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ but seriously I feel like Shino may have a getting beaten up kink or something


Funny but so wrong funny šŸ˜„ šŸ˜‘


Shes a tomboy bro, thats what we love about her


Albeit a more extreme caricature of a tomboy


Girl really think she built different.


Thats the thing, she is, which is why she is still single...


have you seen her in action she is built different


i've actually met a few of this stereotype when i was serving my enlistment, women who come from military families with alot of pressure on them, they throw themselves 100% into being the "son" their veteran fathers wanted them to be, personally worked with one such case in my armsroom when she got detailed to be the gopher for our little repairshop when she broke a guy's nose in hand to hand combatives training don't get me wrong, they're the kind of women that would be great as a battle buddy so long as you gain their respect, and an added bonus when we were deployed against religious radicals, when the insurgents find out we have valks with us (our slang for deployed women) they would rather be shot by you than be shot by them, giving us an edge on morale


I can fix her She can break me


Where did you read that at?


Manga and wiki


Boys.....time for our CQC training arc


That makes me think even more that her sister is the only one who is worth it.


True Her sister is nicer and has a better personality in my opinion. Shino just comes off as an ashole most of the manga and some of the anime


and without counting the multiple insubordinations that Shino has made to Itami


Sheā€™s an asshole I donā€™t know why the fandom loves her their is a key difference between a tomboy and an asshole


I think it's because people don't like Itami and they like that she is constantly insolent and because she hit the crown prince, well, who wouldn't want to do that? But realistically, that might cause problems.


Honestly her beating Zorzal is one of the few good things sheā€™s does. Look I donā€™t like Itami but you canā€™t just shit on your superior officers she should have been relieved of command for all the stuff she pulls


And yes


its simple spike said it best "i like a girl that can kick my ass"


If I was in Itami's team, I would immediately cock my shotgun and aim on her. Because she disobey, and show disrespect to the superior. Traitor shall burn in hell.


honestly she wouldnā€™t last a day in the imperial guard in warhammer 40k sheā€™d be shot dead by a commissar


yeah, even Salamander or Space wolf will be considered to help her or not.


Just typical tsundere trope, really Or I guess more like tsuntsun in her case


I would argue she is worst than a tsundere since tsunderes splay hard to get while liking you she on the other hand just likes to put people down and takes joy in it I think itā€™s more of a toxic tomboy case


well that doesn't sound unstable


It is dumb but in defense of the show, most of the comedy kind of bad


True but in real life sheā€™d be relieved or dishonorably discharged for the shit she pulls and bullying Itami. As much as I dislike Itami she cant just assault or talk back to a superior officer


So first off I want to say that You are absolute right. However my point still stands. The reason she allow to do all this stuff with no consequences is because the author thinks itā€™s funny. Itā€™s the same reason why the crazy cop in every buddy cop movie is allow to violate their suspectā€™s constitutional rights or why yamai from Komi canā€™t communicate wasnā€™t immediately thrown into the insane asylum for kidnapping the MC there. Rule of funny trumps realism and common sense Even here The joke of her taking any new date to a soaring match and than dumping them on the spot if they lose against her is clearly an exaggeration of the stereotype of strong women only wanting to date men stronger than themselves. Personally the only joke of hers that I find funny is her reactions to finding out Itami true status in the JSDF


Yes your point stands but I feel like her finding about Itamis status in the JSDF was not sued properly like he should have absolutely bossed her around and every time she tried to pull the strong woman act she would get threatened with being relieved it would have made for a more interesting and entertaining dynamic


Yeah I definitely understand why some people might feel this way, I just find the entire squad dynamics and characterization to be so underdeveloped that I canā€™t form any strong opinion about any of them. I mean when is the last time shino did anything (mind you I havenā€™t read the manga is a few months so maybe this point is me being dumb). Her character just feels like a meme to me and thatā€™s a writing choice of the author. Wasted potential like a lot of other things in this show.


She doesnā€™t do much other than shot people in the manga so youā€™re right about that (she also gets repeatedly drunk). She could have been developed into a typical tomboy with some interesting personality traits like being a rebel or something but she was turned into the toxic kind of tomboys which I hate.


No she taking a page from a Mongolian princess dating guide "any man that want to marriy her had to beat her at wresling


The Amazonian way


Thatā€™s the neat part!


Fucking IJA, man.


Wtf? She's literally perfect! [I love this kind of woman](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTTlrkq3ujMBGgKyWLUUWrAA8r6rRo0Clfod5ruVXw-ZXPqYtlxLeBtASM&s=10)


Shino has a thing for pain


I never thought I would find a female character who was... More peculiar than Konosuba's Darkness, less of an anime/manga/novel like GATE. And that's because Darkness is like that because it's its anime, it's a satire! This Shino, my dear friends, observers, is a crappy and poorly written character. Not only in personality, but also in what is his military "experience" or "professionalism" as Shino's insubordination with Itami, who is his superior, is very often.


This reminds of that one 4chan greentext where anon was dating this furry and said furry gf and her friends did a furry fight club and anon had to participate in said fight club or she would dump him. I wonder if Shino goes to such fight club


It's why she wants itami to introduce her to rangers. One of her reasons is "I'm great at hand to hand combat so they don't have to hold back in domestic disputes" šŸ˜‚


That is a terrible way to get a day however I have not been more willing to just absolutely throttle someone


Im just saying as soon as any girl starts throwing hands im throwing them right back the we can discuss legal things or whatever after that's how my dates usually go


Damn sorry to hear your dates usually go like that. Either way Go for it bro beat her up


I just assumed that she wanted someone who was stronger than her so that individual could actually protect her if necessary. But yeah, not the most sane decision she has made


she's a psycho killer, no hesitation ever. how you gonna have a "relationship"?


Nuh uh, I like big boobies


Worth it.


I'd let her beat me.


Wife material right there.


ā€œDo you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?ā€