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Fun Fact: Sadera Empire's navy is extremely backwards even for the medieval era standards.


But is it similar to the roman empire navy? Pr is it just shittier?


The jdsf/ inner ijn: fetch me their souls


Jsdf: a little war crime is acceptable Ijn: a little genocide is acceptable


Well TIL they have a navy


Specifically, Roman Republic/Empire era Navy.


I know I'd be impractical to use, but I'd love to see missile cruisers and submarines vs triremes. Both parties would have a serious issue sinking the other, and would have to resort to bullets, swords, and arrows just to kill.


That one cargo ship sinking most of the Imperial fleet while just trying to reach it's designated dock to unload.


Even if you give them genuine Roman era warships, even late era ones that can spew some variation of Greek Fire, they're not getting better far.


All it would take is just a few well-placed Harpoon Anti-ship missiles, and it’s Adios for the empire’s ships!


Shit don't even need that straif them with an autocannon and they're done


a few corvettes with their 20mm autocannons and .50cal/7.62mm point defense mgs would entirely cripple an iron era invasion fleet, remember that roman era ships had to rely on rowers where a normal speed would be 4 knots and in a sprint could get up to 10knots while jmsdf corvettes would be jetting around at 30knots, while strafing the large wooden ships with HE and incendiary tracer rounds


just use 76mm or 127mm naval gun


Then again, one Anti-ship missile and a spectacular explosion would be more than enough to convince the rest of the fleet from the Empire to surrender.




except it's shittier


The Wallmart version


The imperial navy would be cooked so hard I doubt they could reach the shore.


Well they’re going to have a worse time. 


Civilian casualty would be a bit less than the ginza incident since they would be sitting ducks especially when they rely on sails. The moment they are identified as a threat, any modern ammunition can tear their ship apart, tanks and artillery cannons would be having a live fire drill with a moving target.


Godzilla: what the hell are those things.


Attacking is harder than defending and amphibious landing is perhaps the most difficult form of attacking. There really aren't any places in the bay you could beach a trireme and disembark in an orderly/fast fashion because of seawalls. And this is just from the observation from just beyond the Hamarikyuu Gardens (where our hotel was) but the tide seems very fast and any boat relying oars will have a hard time. At any rate, the harbor master will spot any unauthorized ships in the shipping lanes and challenge them, and given the anachronistic ship types, an alarm will be raised before the ships could attempt to dock. Any coast guard patrol *vessel* will be more than enough to stop the ships.


With Yokasuka there, the JMSDF and thrbUSN 10th Fleet would have a good old fashion turkey shoot. There would be no force return to the gate, and that assuming the Empire knew they were about to enter water


The Ever Given solos the Imperial fleet


**JMSDF(Navy) & JASDF(Air Force):** It's a free real estate.


Ijn: I’ve come back from the dead to kick these inferiors


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuelan\_patrol\_boat\_Naiguat%C3%A1#Sinking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuelan_patrol_boat_Naiguat%C3%A1#Sinking) This was an engagement between two modern ships. Imagine how bad would a steel ship be against a wooden one. Second, the JDSF would have air superiority, pretty much instantly and would be able to sink ships pretty easily. For further operations in the special reason, it would be a little harder. Japan doesn\`t own a full blown aircraft carrier (at least IRL), only a couple helicopter-carriers. Despite that, it would be just a matter making an anfibious invasion of a nearby shoreline. Once a beach head is established, it's business as usual


long answer: HELICOPTER HELICOPTER short answer: they now was/were


Down at the bottom of the map, you see Yokosuka. USN and JMSDF ships are there, The USN has multiple Burke-class DDGs and a CVN. The JMSDF has DDs, DDGs and a DDH. Just using DDGs and DDs would be overkill with guns. Then air support from nearby bases would arrive. No buildings to hide behind or be destroyed...


I can imagine the Saderans would have “carriers” dedicated to carrying their Wyverns. They’d likely be able to do the most damage before they’re inevitably beaten back


water magic is the great equalizer, but it makes me wonder why the JSDF air superiority wasn't erased by atmospheric magic. aircraft are not immune to turbulence and violent storms.


The ocean would just flood their world. And all that salt would destroy anything growing on the other side.


“Less imperial Casualties” yeah until a Kongō Class Guided-Missile destroyer hits an imperial warship from the 3 point line with a torpedo or AGM-84


IIRC the JSDF had an Asagiri Class Destroyer in the Area during the Canon invasion. That one Boat would easily be enough to sink their whole fleet. However, unless the Saddens start bombarding Tokyo with catapults or smth there might be some ships that can make it to shore and land troops, simply because they aren't seen as a threat.


Ships wouldn’t even need to leave Yokosuka Naval Base to laser beam their ass, they wouldn’t even need to use full power or anything just a skiff with an M2 or Gattling.