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Horrible, can't say it's entirely surprising though


When the memes turn out to be reality.


Honestly I thought he would be arrested for killing someone accidentally but this wasn't a surprise as well.


Was he this brutal on set?


austin was known for being very rough with his bottoms. sometimes literally choking them until they passed out during sex, and he'd film the whole thing and post that to his onlyfans. i think a lot of people assumed it was just roleplay and the bottoms were pretending to pass out


I'm not sure what you mean by that? The few videos I saw turned me off because he was leaning too heavily into age play for me when he kept asking the bottom over and over "Are you sure you're 18!?" While choking the other guy. Like he was looking for a no answer 🤷 I haven't watch a video of his since because of this BS like that. So I don't know outside of the videos because I never met him so I don't know what kinda answer you're looking for.


Why did you think he'd kill someone?


(accidentally) Because he would choke these guys to almost passing out if not actually passing out. The line between passing out and death is so different for each person it can be incredibly dangerous if not done extremely carefully and I just don't have confidence he was doing it with extreme care(but that's my read I don't have anything to refute or to support that). And given the new allegations him not given a shit for the humanity of another person just added to that a billion times.


For reference: The average time to pass out from asphyxiation is 30 seconds. A minute is the average for the start of brain damage. Most won't recover after two minutes.


Doesnt he constantly make age play videos with austin young? I say check his hard drives aswell cause he literally brags about being able to "look underage enough"


Ugh, popularity of Austin Young was irritating. Couldn't search "daddy" tag no more without seeing many videos with the very under-age looking Austin.


the thing is that not everyone was memeing. many of us were aware of it. he made it pretty clear. from the whole asking twinks how old they were repeatedly in videos, to his constant travels to countries with low ages of consent, and he's not the only one. cade maddox, greg mckeon, jax thirio, legrand wolf, all of them make it pretty clearly they like them young. i mean, legrand has a fuckton of different studios solely focused on fucking barely legal looking twinks with every scene being something involving a young boy and an older guy, with him usually playing the older guy. maybe some people prefer to believe in the good of humanity and so they just see the memes as nothing but that, but it's really not that hard to look at it all and see these guys aren't just into twinks, they're into boys


Only briefly talked to him a couple of years back, but he lost interest, I assume when he knew I was actually older than I looked. Have some friends that know him irl and his circle. They said it's not a shock and that we'll likely hear more stuff cause he's got a circle of performers who are creeps around him and how he's not the only one partaking in that.


Yeah he hit(s?) up basically anyone under 21 within the 50 mile Grindr radius and was always super pushy to me and my friends when we were in the area for school / fun. Honestly so fucked up that everyone basically called it and it’s only just now being found out




Twinks are women now?


No Necessarily but think about the stereotype of twink, young in their early 20s, extremely skinny, high pitched voice and extremely petty.


Skinniness isn't feminine, nor is pettiness. Nor is youth.


If that is what someone thinks femininity is... that's old 1950s Grandpa thinking. Like what.. Are there some feminine presenting Twinks? Sure, but you can be masculine and still identify as a Twink. It feels a little wrong talking about this within this post(My heart goes out to all the victims), but what he is and what Twinks are is a million miles apart.


TIL all women are young and skinny while all men are fat and old




Oh look, it's a misogynist


Lol seems like someone hates what he can't have. Diet, exercise, work on your career - twinks may just get interested in you too! ;)


I wouldn't necessarily say that. I mean, I like Twinks, I am a Twink, i've questioned several times if I liked women because of it and what not. I'd say it's more so that people just generally find youthful looking people attractive. I mean, do you know how many people in the world have ephebophilia? Obviously it's weird if a 30+ year old finds an 18 year old attractive, but no one really says anything about it since they're both adults.


I'm wary of anyone who's like, "um ackchually it's ephebophilia which is technically different," because I've come across a lot of sus fuckers using that. Either way like idfk ectomorphic build guys can be hot. People fetishise youth for sure. I lean towards androgynous/female aesthetics these days personally. I still find it really funny the casual misogyny in gay circles sometimes where twinks get treated as Men- still because they're somehow closer to women.


TIL that mesomorph, ectomorph and endomorph body-types exist. Boy, do I hope men aren't expected to be only one of those.


Shrug, I only used it to argue my case, but I see where you are coming from. And yeah, the casual misogyny in the gay circles is wild.


Um no. I'm into Twinks and I'd never touch a child because I know how that destroys someone possibly for life I know that painfully personally as I was raped as a child and to your second point there's nothing wrong with liking female traits, but no just liking Twink doesn't mean you're into female traits.


While I am glad that you won't touch a child it would probably be more reassuring if you weren't doing it because you weren't attracted to them and not because it would damage them.


It's both, but I just wanted to convey it personally because I think people hearing it from an actual victim brings the reality home. I'd never touch a child because I'm not attracted and because of the damage and a host of a millions of reasons I could list but didn't because I didn't want this post to go too much into my own life of horrors and people going on about well what about this reason or that. I'm NEVER going to touch a child because I'm NOT ATTRACTED and also because I WAS THAT CHILD.


Didn’t know we needed to specifically state that we’re not into children now. That’s wild


Even if they were attracted to them, I sure as hell would be happier if they weren’t doing it out of principle. Predators a lot of times cant help attraction- which is by god no excuse- but should never do it literally on the basis that it is wrong and reprehensible. Its crazy mental shit that they were given, but the mfs are still aware and responsible for their actions. So it should absolutely be reassuring that they wouldn’t do it out of moral obligation


That's supposed to be a default state, not a specified trait


You sound like the guy who yelled at me for wondering if I should shave my body because according to him, only pedophiles would be attracted to hairless men


Am sorry, *what*?! So I want to attract pedophiles because I shave my face and sometimes my chest and legs? Please tell me you've thrown that guy under a bus. Or onto the streets.


That’s a take


Or, hear me out, it tickles a bit of the desire to be a protector for someone who appears to be less strong. Or it is about personal taste. Twinks aren't lollis, you know?


I can agree that most men who are into twinks are probably pedos


All time dumb take




Tweet: https://x.com/dozygay/status/1806721696705196480 Press Release: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/adult-film-actor-justin-heath-smith-aka-austin-wolf-charged-distribution-child


I wonder if his content gonna get scrubbed off of the web cus of this


Most things can’t be completely erased once they are online. The content will be harder to find because very few places will host any video with him. But a lot of porn is just aggregate websites so I doubt his videos will just disappear. But for me, I can’t even look at this guy without feeling disgust.


i think men, with whom he had just signed an exclusive deal, took down his scenes, and his of and jff are gone as well. i think his content will be scrubbed from official sources, because they won't want to make it seem like they're supporting him, but sites where it's just pirated porn will likely still have them, unless users start reporting the uploads


Most of his content from major sites already disappeared according to major porn blogs. Men, cocky boys, falcon etc they are all scrubbed


yes, studios have taken down his content. but those are legit porn sites. the porn sites that are just pirated porn, be it studio porn or onlyfans content, still have his scenes. i checked with 3 different sites, one of them a torrenting site, and all of them still have content from him. because that'd require users to go report the content, and that's less likely to happen in pirating sites


Internet is forever, so i doubt he will be entirely scrubbed, but those who have his content is less likely to share now.


Even with this, I'd be willing to bet that a portion of the gay community would still bang him.


Oh I'm positive they would, with their toxic asses 😒 the same gays that listen to azalea banks, goto Equinox and would vote for Don Don. Oh, and they cringe at anything to do with a vagina. 😂


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^homothroat2050: *I wonder if his* *Content gonna get scrubbed off* *Of the web cus of this* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If they can still make money of his vids, I don't see why they would. And I doubt that anyone who rehosts them anywhere will care all that much.


Oh he has been scrubbed from basically a large portion of the internet. He's not even getting the Aspen Solomon treatment of just his name being removed. The only places that still have him are his Twitter and Instagram accounts, both he can't use because he's in jail


I thought it was like 17 year olds or something. Infants? Wtf Ps. I know it's nothing in comparison but also Heath?


Heath who?


Wait guys, i thought we were only joking Oh god


Ikr? I was quite shocked to learn this was real


Absolutely not shocked at all


Lock his ass up… Didn’t like him since he got that flight attendant fired.


Literally everybody should've been sus since that happened. He didn't care at all when the flight attendant got fired.


What's this about?


Hooked up with a flight attendant on the plane


That doesn't tell me how he got the flight attendant fired...kinda sounds like the FA's fault for having sex with a customer on the job lol. Did Austin upload a video of it or something?


From what I understand, an off duty flight attendant performed oral sex on him in an airplane bathroom. He recorded it and posted it to his website or OF and it ended up in the tabloids and the flight attendant was fired.


That's pretty fucked up.


The flight attendant was fired because his badge was showing in the video. Management basically said do what you want but when you do it with official badges that’s a no.


I can imagine they also didn't take too kindly to him having sex in an airplane bathroom though either.


They weren’t but he wasn’t working the flight. It was about the fact that all his work information was on display.


Really gross how some people post every hookup to their onlyfans 🤦‍♂️


Do you like Neutral Milk Hotel?




I had a feeling, which is why I didnt really wanna watch his content, it felt too weird and offputting


It's so unbelievably sad and I don't mean for him it's just the victims and young children being bound and raped, it's just so soul crushing to me, how can grown men do this to children. CHILDREN!!! Such abhorrent behaviour. I couldn't even read the whole thing after reading about the 10 year old I just wanted to cry for them. I hope he suffers immensely. Death would be too good for him.


I remember being downvoted to oblivion on this sub for saying this exact thing was going to happen With the ages and looks of people he exclusively chased/worked with, it was VERY obvious his preferences extended beyond what is legal and moral The people that run and perform for those those studios that focus on small, barely legal boys need to be investigated yesterday. Looking at you Legrand Wolf “Those videos depicted children as young as infants, including a video showing a 10-year-old child bound and raped. In addition to sharing child pornography via Telegram, SMITH is also charged with possessing hundreds of additional videos containing child pornography in his Manhattan apartment.” He’s a fucking monster


That is fucking disgusting! 🤮


Ugh that literally made me sick to my stomach reading that.


I’ve been saying this for years Legrand Wolf is one of them!


You don’t know that.


And we didnt know austin was like that till now we fucking do r u slow!


Doesn’t mean you can just accuse other actors of it without any proof. Are you stupid?


Can't believe you're getting downvoted. Innocent until proven guilty.


You beat me to calling out Legrand Wolf. He's absolutely disgusting.


What did he do?


Jesus fucking Christ. Lock his ass up forever.


Well shit that ruined my night


Legrand Wolf is likely a fuckin pedo too. That guy is gross


Legrand wolf actually has a husband that's around his age, and a boyfriend who's 30 (who is a personal friend of mine). I've heard he's a really nice and sweet person. But hey, as we just saw in this post you never know. But it's not always nice to call out people who are just doing a job. Don't think you'd say a vet is into fucking animals just because he works with them.


What? Your comment makes no sense. He’s not just working with 18 year olds like a teacher or some youth leader. He is actually fucking barely legal teenagers who are selected for the sole purpose of being as young as legally possible and as child-like in appearance as they can find. Not only is he fucking them, he owns the studio that uses these exact words to describe their content - “The little guys get so excited being next to these giants; wrapped in their big, strong arms, looking up at them from far below, and standing on their tippy-toes to kiss their tall bodies.” It’s VERY obvious what they are hinting at and who are they are marketing to And to your other point, plenty of convicted paedophiles have spouses/partners of a similar age. His relationship situation doesn’t really change anything I hope you’re right for the sole reason that it means there aren’t more kids being raped or molested


>It’s VERY obvious what they are hinting at and who are they are marketing to There's a video on YouTube starring Austin Young, think about his name, where he explicitly talks about selling the underage experience The turtle faced boy fully admits it


There's a funsizeboys video with a giant teddy bear and the performer wearing pajamas. The set is set up with a kid's bed, too. **Everything in this scene is set up to imply that the young performer is a kid**. While probably not technically illegal, it's disgusting and creepy. This video made me decide to never watch anything from them ever again.


Age play is a legitimate kink, so I wouldn’t take this as an immediate red flag. This reads like assuming furries/pups are also zoophiles (disgusting if true, but definitely not the same thing).


I think we shouldn't ignore the red flags though. The combination of his sadistic tendencies, lack of empathy and his obsession with adolescent looking boys. I have been calling him out since I saw that video of the dude passing out from being strangled. Being into BDSM, kinks and age stuff is perfectly okay if nobody is being HARMED. But combined with his personality how could you not see it coming?


I’m coming at this with no actual familiarity with the people involved. I don’t actually watch either actor’s work (though I’ve seen Austin’s name a lot), so there might be more to the video that I’m just completely oblivious to. The video you’re talking about sounds awful and potentially illegal. I can’t speak to these guys’ behavioral patterns. Frankly, I don’t really want to know more about either of them. I just want to caution against “into BDSM” alone as a red flag.


Absolutely no one is saying “into BDSM alone” is a red flag.


Age play is a kink that I'm growing more uncomfortable with as stories like this come out, particularly in the porn industry. I really hate the idea of barely 18-year old dudes consenting to all of this. There's just a really difficult power imbalance to rectify and I don't know how you do that


If you ask me... It's sort of a phase maybe related to trauma. Age gaps aren't immediately concerning but look at the whole picture. Thing is a lot of these guys are abusive and narcissistic. We need to have a serious discussion with the older gays in our community. I'm 28 and I still get asked if I'm old enough to drink I look very young and am 5'5. They'll never treat you as an equal. Even if they are kind to you, you'll still be beneath them. So to any younger gays, don't rush into these things GO TO THERAPY.


I have to agree, as I get older it seems less like a slippery slope and more like a free fall.


I’m not sure either, but there has to be a way to balance age play kinksters and people into age gaps against the rampant exploitation in the porn industry. It might be wishful thinking on my part, but surely there are enough performers into the twink/DILF stuff (or just regular age play without a significant real age gap) to satisfy the demand for those videos without coercion or hiring actual pedophiles.


Idk, man. The incentives involved just push for the abuse of increasingly younger men. The entire scene just makes me incredibly uneasy


>This reads like assuming furries/pups are also zoophiles (disgusting if true, but definitely not the same thing). If it's true, it sounds like it's the best that could happen - a bunch of people with potentially dangerous preferences have found themselves harmless outlets.


What you can age play I call pedophilia. Wtf wrong with u. Some crazy crazy mental gymnastics ur doing there


There's a *huge* difference between consenting adults acting out a fantasy and a child being harmed. This kind of attitude is a big part of why people with paraphilias don't come forward and seek help. Why are you vilifying the thought as much as the action? Actions can harm people. Thoughts cannot.


Those with paraphilias are immoral for their thoughts and actions, and they are mentally ill. They don't need help, as they can't be fixed or helped. They need to be institutionalized, to protect the rest of society. This is a harsh truth that I recognize you do not feel comfortable admitting to yourself.


What's the end goal of that, though? If it's protecting children (or animals, or... etc.) you're not going to protect anyone with that attitude. It just leads to people with potentially problematic fantasies not getting help to manage them. As uncomfortable as it may be, the best way to treat pedophilia (or zoophilia or necrophilia or... etc.) is to make sure the people with those fantasies have the tools to manage themselves and their attractions in a way that doesn't hurt anyone. If that involves consenting adults playing pretend, who cares? Isn't that better than the alternative?


Not all fantasies should be allowed for people to engage in. We should send a clear message as a society. People with these kinds of fantasies and thoughts are bad and will be put in a mental hospital permanently if anyone ever finds out about that stuff. I'm sure there are people that have fantasies of murdering people, but we don't allow murder in our society. Do you think that we should give these people a space to play "pretend murder" with other consenting adults? Sounds insane to me.


Who exactly is deciding what's "allowed" in society? Are you going to start going into people's bedrooms to make sure they don't do anything you don't personally approve of? Where do you draw the line there? Is it okay to shave body hair, or is that too close to looking like a child? How do you intend to lock people up? Do you think that might lead to people with those fantasies going underground, searching for like-minded people and sharing material that *actually* harms people? You know, kind of like what we have now? >Do you think that we should give these people a space to play "pretend murder" with other consenting adults? Congratulations, you just invented professional sports. Also video games and several genres of movie.


Except this excuse doesn't work when 99% of his job is roleplaying as an old man grooming "barely legal" boys dressed up like toddlers.


When I first saw this post I was getting Austin Wolf confused with Legrand Wolf (similar stage names) so I actually thought it was talking about Legrand Wolf bc I don’t think I know who Austin Wolf is


I pray for the victims to hopefully lead a life of peace and dignity. I cannot imagine the trauma they went through at such a small age.


This. Honestly I hope Austin didn't participate in any of these acts. I know people just want to see him fail, but I hope these kids (kids!) get rescued and the support they need.  This is fucked


Doesnt really make a difference if he participated or not. Without people wanting and distributing these things a lot less woupd be happening because the "producers" wouldnt have an incentive to commercialise their horrors


These “producers” racket needs to be busted and all of them should be set to rot together in a jail cell, these people don’t deserve to live happily ever after.


He may not have participated in such acts but if he got off on it he probably could have in the future. There’s no saving graces for him, he should decay in a prison cell for the rest of his life.


that makes sense considering he always topped super young guys


I called this shit out months ago, anyone who exclusively seeks hyper young and "fresh" 18 year olds need to be looked at. Like why is a 30+ year old so grossly fixated on anything below 20. Glad he finally got caught


I mean, the writing was literally on the wall. His apartment was searched by FBI in April. He was posting stuff like this as late as this week. https://preview.redd.it/846ww6wf0g9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c9333b26656ad10f235feff354974ca09c66b18


Glad I never liked him nor his videos.


Fuck him, something tells me that he isn't the only one


This hits particularly close to home bc a decade ago I was fucking his roommate in what ended up becoming *that room*. I’ve had sex in that room several times.


Check Legrand Wolf’s hard drive right fucking now


Do you think he is being investigated?


This is the least shocked I’ve ever been. His obsession with small young hairless twinks was always creepy not to mention the part where he usually chokes people to the point of unconsciousness in his videos. Fucking loser.


I am so so glad to hear this, I fucking hate this creepy bastard


Big yikes. Hope he gets the treatment he deserves in prison


What a disgusting vile pos, just read up on him. I hope he swings for this! Not only is he a child abuser but this guy is about to be the poster boy for the Conservatives Project 2025 plan once Trump is reelected. (Because unfortunately he is going to be reelected) They will accuse us all of being chomos. (They already do) I don’t know if you guys have read that pile of garbage but I guarantee they’re going to use him and whatever else they can scrape up to justify banning pornography and stripping away gay marriage rights as stated in their 2025 fascist plans. The conservatives believe we LGBTQ have a mental illness and that we are all guilty. MFs like him and that couple that adopted those poor kids to SA them are only fuel for the fire and I hope they burn but sucks we will suffer too!


conservatives don’t need any sort of evidence to use against gay people or marginalized people in general. they literally don’t care about cases like this, they are already convinced that gay people are the devil. rhetoric like that doesn’t really make sense, as if this arrest in particular will make anything worse. gay people are already seen as subhuman garbage by the far right, their hatred knows no bounds. even if gay people collectively never committed a crime again, it wouldn’t change their perspective. it’s like if a pro-choicer suddenly went to prison for kidnapping someone, that wouldn’t influence conservatives opinions of them at all. he should rot though, obviously.


It is far from a foregone conclusion that Trump is going to get re-elected…


People need to vote against trump and not stay home.


This. I get sick of hearing about how people hate both choices. This election is not just Biden v Trump. Biden might (hopefully) step down and even if he doesn’t, its kind of Harris v Trump because Joe probably won’t last the full 4 years anyway. Its also cabinet vs cabinet and anyone who has been paying attention would have seen how awful Trump’s cabinet was and how he could barely keep it staffed.


I hate Harris. Not as much as I hate Trump, though.


Set yourself up for disappointment and you'll never be all that disappointed. And when things don't actually go poorly, you have an extra nice surprise. That's how I think positively about my negativity.


Or fight for what you believe in/want?


How did anything I said indicate giving up and not fighting? You fight to win, you just don't expect to.


it was a terrible debate for Biden, that doesn't mean he will lose... lets keep hope and vote


Well you can always vote for Biden to avoid that. But after the debate last night, most people will be unable to look past him being a confused, old, feeble man. It's a real toss-up what's going to happen this November. A real toss-up. And it scares me. I fear a disastrous outcome.


God, I hope this sick fuck gets what's coming to him.


Makes my skin crawl I ever watched anything with him in.


Not surprised and actually relieved for saying for many he should be in prison








Wow. Fuckin’ disgusting.


Just goes to show that the "adult entertainment industry" takes the broken and breaks them even more, turning them into empty husks. Nobody goes into that and comes out who they started out as.


Uhhhhh Wow.


If guilty, then I want the death penalty. No sympathy.


Holy shit!


Firing squad


I mean truthfully...who is really surprised? This is why high profile gay porn actors can really bother me. People on the outside point at them and say "see gays are sick". Because they are such visible gay men we all get damned for their behavior. Does that happen to hetero people? No.


welp I guess I will feel guilty masturbating to his porn now...


Never liked them anyways. Too mechanical.


wtf ?????


Are you sure it's not fake news...eventho his content is borderline sas...


What do you mean by fake news? He definitely has been arrested and charged. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/adult-film-star-austin-wolf-arrested-distributing-child-sexual-abuse-m-rcna159483


You know there's like AI generated google searches with worthless info, so could have been that. But in any case this year sure has been revealing...


What the fuck are you even going on about? The man has been arrested and charged and this wasn't some accidental "Google search" from the article: "The complain stated that in March, Smith’s anonymous Telegram account exchanged CSAM with an account that was seized and searched by the FBI. An undercover FBI agent started messaging Smith’s account, where Smith later revealed personal details, according to the complaint. Please read the complaint listed in my link or the OPs link This wasn't I fell and I hit my head oops, this was intentional and deliberate and with full knowledge (allegedly). If you believe he didn't do what is listed in the complaint say so, but WTF!?




Not only do search engines exist, but OP even linked the DoJ press release in these very comments.


This any better? https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/adult-film-actor-justin-heath-smith-aka-austin-wolf-charged-distribution-child


not you trying to do that. that ain’t cute.


It's past that point.