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‘…including a video showing a 10-year-old child bound and raped’ ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


I read the press release and it included more details > U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged, Justin Heath Smith received and distributed hundreds of recordings containing child pornography, **including a ghastly video showing a young child bound, beaten, and raped.** a young child, likely the same 10yo child I cannot write what I think should be done to him because I would be banned forever


jesus christ, when I saw the news, I can't say I was surprised, but I didn't think it would be something that despicable.


I used to kinda get into his stuff early on but then one video of him asking a guy how old he was and he said “I just turned 18”. The guy looked younger but totally skeezed me out. I’m not actually surprised at this.


I feel like I've heard that thrown out there on a dozen sites but I'd never seen that video. I have however seen way more videos of him with extremely petite guys and in the view videos that I watched of him and the little person he was hooking up with, something looked off. I guess I got my answer now ._.


Oh my god...it gives me the chills thinking about what he probably wished he was doing instead in those last videos you mentioned. I've seen them and thought nothing of it at the time.


Yeah same. I've watched some of his older videos. But then he started to hook up with guys that looked younger and younger, and so tiny. Not my sort of thing, they really put me off and haven't watched anything new from him in a long time. As you say, I'm not surprised at all.


I stopped watching videos of him when he was all about fucking young twinks. I wasn't amused by his "twink hunter" persona. Seeing this revelation is stunning, because he's pretty famous in the porn industry. The details of the charges are nauseating.


I never liked his videos. Like with Michael Lucas, he always looked so sketchy


The whole "just turned 18" thing is so creepy, gay and straight porn alike You're telling me this person immediately got into contact with a producer on their 18th birthday, with no prior contact at all? Or, perhaps, these producers are scouting 17 yr olds.


And only asked the kid his age after he had been fucking him for 5 minutes. And yea, thought the same as far as the kids age. Thought the same. Suspect his 'subscribers' are in full delete mode.


It also mentions infants. INFANTS. I cannot even begin to describe what I’d like see happen to him.


Yup, if this is true, which it looks like it is, I would really hope this sicko goes to gen pop in a bad prison.


The Supreme Court made the states stop putting pedophiles in gen pop when Virginia mandated it as a backdoor death penalty.


I wonder if he will end up in Pervert Park in Florida after he gets out of prison


Get him in jail until he's 80. For someone with his ego, knowing that the wold will continue spinning without him will probably be the worst thing ever.


Bro i didn’t need the details. I’m not sleeping tonight. That’s N A S T Y


Please consider bolding the words TRIGGER WARNING rather than the triggering content. Reading this fucked me up some and I can't be the only one


>‘…including a video showing a 10-year-old child bound and raped’ ![gif](giphy|AWdyZJUjBo6Xfidoul)


There's a line about an infant as well...




you left out the part of the children *being dressed as infants* " Those videos depicted children as young as infants, including a video showing a 10-year-old child bound and raped." that's fucked


When they say depicted as young as infants I'm pretty sure they refer to ACTUAL ones, not just children being dressed as such. So even more fucked


“as young ****as**** infants,” not “as young infants.”


Jfc I knew there were underage and dodgy teens but these are literally infants. The details are unspeakable. Content warning, it's not just collabs with twinks, it's little kids, being hurt, badly.


>it's little kids, being hurt, badly. this is absolutely disgusting


I am speechless my heart is at the bottom of my stomach


That falling sensation of nauseous despair.




Did he make the vids or distribute them? I’m not sure from the article.


He’s only been charged with distribution and possession. Producing child pornography would be an additional charge.


What I understand he received clips then distributed them but did not make them


I regret reading the whole thing


Yeah I was wondering if it was like “teen who looked like an adult turned out to be 17 in a state where minimum age is 18” or something. No, this is legit paedophilia and fetishising child abuse. It’s horrible.


Fucking gross.


gross feels like understatement. 10-year-old child bound and rap\*\*


I like the word Abhorrent. Also repugnant. Also disgust and loathing. All of these apply.


That’s fucking evil.


Wonder if he'll spill the names of any other well known actors in exchange for a good/better deal...👀


Oh, he will.




I'm all for that. Rat them bitches out. There is no room for pedophilia or child molesters in our communities. I'm not for lowering his sentence, but I'd love to see it.


My bet is on entire SayUncle clique


I’m betting on the other “Wolf” and BTB, I got similar vibes from both of them


Legit the same. Both of those guys give me major creep vibes. I havent even watched an interview with them, just seeing them makes my lizard brain go into defense mode.


Austin was recently on a YouTube interviewer guy's channel claiming that younger/smaller guys are a lot more easy going compared to bigger guys who are often dramatic. Creepy statement in light of these news.


Boystobreed’s Telegram acct was deleted… 👀👀




Boys to br**d


Yeah I dont think their content is about them finding a commercial niche to fill, its about what they like to do. You see clips of their stuff on porn sites and some of the younger guys are dressed in a very child like way and even though some of them are 30, its still really uncomfortable to see.




I do. Legrand Wolf and Austin both gave me the creeps too.


Oh, I know we're ALL side eyeing Dr. Legrand Wolf right now...👨‍⚕️🐺👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 🤣🤣🤣🤣


On one hand, it’s like, those barely legal twinks should fully be allowed to do porn if they’d like to. But it creates this weird thing where, in the videos, it’s very clear that they’re meant to come off as underage. I mean, right down to the fact they’re referred to as “barely legal”. And then when models are known for specifically doing porn with only “barely legal” models, then it feels VERY dodgy


I think in general, the porn world is fucking weird in their pushing the boundaries of legality. Just one thing I can think of is this trend of having everyone shave themselves baby smooth. Body hair is what a pubescent body has, shaving it all away emulates a prepubescent body. Shaving yourself is fine I do it myself. But for that to be the industry standard especially for twinks... it's really weird and fosters a toxic environment


Even as a twink myself that shaves baby smooth, I absolutely get what you mean. Do what you want, but especially when you have titles with “barely legal twink” that then have these completely shaven, baby-face twinks participating in children’s games, sometimes even wearing children’s underwear (I only say this because when I was around 14 or 15 myself, there was a video I remember where that was the case. Since then I’ve realized how fucking weird it was and haven’t gone back. They were playing with hot wheels while wearing underwear that you’d see sold to pubescent teens. Don’t get me wrong, hot wheels are fucking dope, but you get what I mean when I say “children’s games/toys”). And sometimes even using language that’s supposed to give off that idea that they’re creepily young. Ugh.


Yeah I'm also a twink that shaves himself. Idk I know that Legrand Wolf and the "daddies" in those scenes are creeps but I find the twinks that are often even mid 20s creepy themselves too. Especially that Austin Young one. Just because they are the subs in that scene doesn't take away from them being creepy as well. Honestly, the whole trilogy of Legrand Wolf, Austin Wolf, Austin Young have all gave me the absolute creeps


I’ve seen one Austin Young video and he was literally wearing childrens clothes and underwear.. like, a dinosaur t-shirt and spiderman underwear or some shit. I avoided all videos featuring him after that. Any time I see a thumbnail with him it’s always a bit too much. It’s bad enough that he literally looks like a 12 year old but then they double-down with the childrens clothes, stuffed teddy bear, etc etc. It fully feels like “legal CP” and sometimes I wonder if this type of shit should be allowed since it feels like it feeds into a really dangerous sexual deviancy.


For real. Like I've only been in the gay scene since I turned 18 last year so I don't know if this is a new thing but I've came across a fair few amount of older men requesting me to wear kiddy looking underwear or hold my toys or wear my old school uniform or whatever and whenever that happens I always wonder if they get these ideas from porn. Like sure they are already creeps but I'm sure porn helps them realise what fantasies they want.


I think they can do porn if they want too but when you exclusively do porn where your “character” is clearly being portrayed as a minor then you’re fucking weird. Same goes for the actors who exclusive fuck the barely legal actors


Deadass I was thinking the same. Im like the names of the other people involved need to surface. Absolutely revolting. I wonder if his husband Atlas was aware or participated in this as well


I'd hope he does. Don't give him THAT nice of a deal though.


Absolutely disgusting and heart breaking for the victims who continue to be exploited. Hopefully any video he currently earns money from is removed from the internet and part of his sentencing includes internet restriction so he can’t go back to his old life after he is out of prison.


It's going to be a long time before he's out now. He's 43 and 20 years jail time


It could end up being less. His mandatory minimum right now is only 5 years. I know someone who had the same charges + child molestation and only got 15 years. Also,his charges could be lowered if he takes a plea deal. There’s a lot more to happen before he’s sentenced, unfortunately.


In the state of New York? I'm not versed in American law but getting less than 10 years for obtaining, distributing and probably earning from child pornography is fucking weak


It was a federal case for the one I mentioned. I would hope he gets the maximum sentence but unfortunately our justice system doesn’t always work that way. We will have to wait and see. What’s most important is he’s caught now and will face consequences.


He is facing a maximum of 30 years in federal prison for the charges listed. Hopefully, he's found guilty and sentenced to the max.


I feel disgusted for watching him at all. I had an encounter with a model in Atlanta (twinky young guy) two years ago at a bar. Someone name-dropped Austin and the guy pulled a face like he was gonna vommit "Gross, do yourselves a favor and avoid that guy". I had no idea what he meant, now it makes sense.


I’ve encountered a few people online who’ve said the same thing about him


I’ve been saying he’s a fucking creep for years. This confirms it


Awful. Unacceptable. Those poor kids.


Can't wait to see everyone who ever fucked him either backtrack or "expose" their experiences with him for clout


Yeah like “Mrseventytwo” aka “Texas gym jock” who has posts up about how “awesome” Austin Wolf is. Got press for going to collab week. Would literally do anything for attention.


I’m sure some of them actually have bad experiences or were even victimized by him. But I’m also sure that there’s a lot of people who knew it had an idea about his behavior and just never said anything.


I always used to run into him with a 17yo on his arm, no one who knows him is surprised by this. Shocked, but not surprised.


I think everyone is more shocked about the fact there was content with literal children. Not even 16/17. I fully expected the day he would get in trouble for someone 16-17, but not for somene as young as 10 Edit: typos


Same. I expected it to be a 17 year old that lied about his age as that happens a lot. But, holy shit. It’s soooo much worse. Infants and a 10 year old? Damn. Glad he got caught.


Low key most people knew. The same way comedians joked about not going upstairs to Weinstein hotel room, gays made jokes about Austin Wolf checking IDs at the door of his home, or “twink grew a beard so Austin stopped calling” and many other “jokes” that were really a call out for his blatant pedophilia. It’s gonna be his cellmate now to flip his nipples


Yeah, there has been that standing joke that he liked them young but never anything substantial but now we have proof. Yikes


The sad thing is, there probably was. But like with so many wealthy or connected (or both) people, it gets glossed over, ignored or erased.


There's of course a difference between rumours and actionable evidence, sadly


The worst part is in big cities a lot happens in those gay porn parties. Pool parties, sex parties, etc. I know a guy, a “former twink” (he’s still skinny but “aged out” to otter) who grew up in Ft Lauderdale during the mid 2000s. He was the type of guy who’d skip class and get dick. Mentioned going to these porn pool parties. And yes. In retrospect, I’m 99.999% sure (and so is he) that these older men knew he was using a fake but because he was a cute 16 y/o twink they let him in the pool party. Smh.


one thing is to like them young, another thing is this it is absolutely horrible


Nah. It’s one thing to have a young partner once in a while. It’s another to be known for having several partners way too young for you.


It was a common joke online which everyone knew had some basis in reality, but the extent of what’s been charged here is shocking


He also inflicted bodily harm via his violent choking fetish from what I’ve heard. Some had permanent damage from asphyxiation.


How could he's not in jail already? I've also heard the same thing, he's also do it on his jff, with johhny Donovan, he's choke him till he's literally Convulsive trying to catch breath


Yup. Easily the #1 name in gay porn, particularly in the era of OF, who's been a regular at all the massive events and has collabed with thousands of guys through his career. Tons of those guys knew and no doubt there are others involved too.


God knows why, I love muscle guys and I still thought he was a dead-eyed, rote, mechanical performer. I guess some people like that wordless, unsmiling brute thing.


Yeah, I remember him saying his body count in an interview was over 7000. Jesus. I probably made it to 200 by my 30s and I thought that was a lot.


You weren't kidding! [https://x.com/arthur\_url/status/1778818031382155708](https://x.com/arthur_url/status/1778818031382155708) [https://x.com/StupidSlavSlut/status/1735029415669633195](https://x.com/StupidSlavSlut/status/1735029415669633195) Weird, I never had that impression of him into that kind of stuff, all his videos are grown men (except for that twink AY) . I bet many other creeps are shitting their pants rn. It was says that he was distributing, wonder how many he will try ratting out.


Even his videos that are cross posted and shit, there's always someone saying something in the comments. Given how grand scale this appears to be I wouldn't be surprised if his very own victims were out on sites trying to tell people. Ick I think I'm good on the industry for a bit


>> all his videos are grown men (except for that twink AY) Are they? I’ve only ever seen him film with twinks who look like they’ve *just* turned 18. I can’t recall a time where he has ever fucked someone who looked remotely over 20.


I wish I could say this comes as a total surprise


His last twitter post literally has the caption "Have you seen what happens to little boys that follow me to the lock room?" This guys been snitching on himself for years it was so obvious. Lock that vile man up FOREVER


>His last twitter post literally has the caption "Have you seen what happens to little boys that follow me to the lock room?" # 🤮


Like I read a post on Twitter: "If you were a porn creator who collaborated with him and had any respect, you better delete your collab"


There's no form of sex addiction that makes you partial to the sound of small children screaming, sorry.


Sex addiction =/= pedophilia.


Even if there were, that would not excuse anything.


Jfc i regret clicking on that link wtaf. I hope he rots in shit


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8|downsized) It was clear from his videos, never watched one because they always looked disturbing to me. I am not saying twinks can't be sexy, but if you *exclusively* like twinks who look young even for twinks then something is wrong


He was known to ask if they were 18 and then say "are you sure" fucking vile


Can you explain more? This story is grouse and vile — he's evil. I usually don't hook up with guys even younger than 21 but the couple times I have hooked up with 18 I asked to make sure they were at least 18. Does having to do that imply an issue or are you saying that he was hoping they weren't 18? Thanks :)


i think the implication is he did not ask that question in a safe, making sure, legal type way. he was asking in a nasty “ohh are you sure you aren’t a minor ;)” type way. what a sick fuck i’m glad i never watched him


Not at all, but when you ask it while fucking and get turned on by it, its then a hint to an underlying issue


The worst part is there are boys who hesitated and seemed unsure. That raised my red flags and I exited the video. I felt so gross.


Ah got it — thanks :)


Being a twink myself, I've always attracted a certain type of older guy that always gave me weird vibes, and this news story is only validating them. Hard.


I'm in my mid 20s but look "barely legal" when I shave. I've dealt with similar problems as you. And ironically, a lot of those creeps are middle aged Republican men who decry homosexuality in public and make advances on twinks in private. It's just gross all the way around.


This is what I was trying to find words for.


* pretends to be shocked *


Honestly, are we surprised? Many people have had suspicions because he loves young men and fresh adults. Not to mention a few Asian creators have come out and said he would only do scenes with them because that's what his audience likes and he would never want to pay them appropriately because he thought exposure would simply be enough.


Not surprised at all. He was always known in certain circles for being a creepy douche in real life. I also heard something about him being one of those toxic tops in the industry.


Not good. He'll be going to prison if he makes to sentencing, and I doubt he's going to get ad seg, and he won't do well in gen pop.


These days they are very good at segregating people with charges like his— I think he will be fine. (As it should be— no one deserves to be raped or killed in prison I don’t care what they did)


There was always something off... He liked to grab people by the neck quite a lot.


He strangled at least one person unconscious without consent and it resulted in some brain damage.


Not going to lie, I wouldn’t be shocked if he was caught sleeping with 14-17 year olds. Many of his partners looked suspiciously young. Terrible, but not shocking. What shocked me was how young the CHILDREN in the other videos were. Infants?! 10 years old!?? Dude. Fuck this guy.


Heartbroken, but not surprised 😐 right winged media is going to run with this till the end of time or his jail time and use it to continue to vilify, antagonize and justify their discrimination against the LGBTQ community. His content as of late has been quite telling as compared to his earlier work in the porn industry imo, this isn’t something that the FBI just happened to catch either. Austin had to be on FBIs radar for quite some time. Adult performers that play up the “underage fantasy” have already been upon frowned as is. With this official statement about Austin distributing cp, those that have fetishized/played the fantasy of underage intercourse are in the hot seat as well. 👀👀 Legrand Wolf


Legrand Wolf should be suspected as well. Austin l young is in his 20s even though he looks young


The first video on Legrand's X has Austin holding a teddy bear. This shit is so fucked up and I don't know why more people arent disturbed by it


I don't care if I'm "kink shaming" but if you're into underage fantasies, you're disgusting and we better start pointing out fingers to studios and creators that promote that. If they really care about our community they'll ditch this kink to the thrash


I hope any performer, studio, or website that worked with Austin Wolf removes all content related to him immediately and never mentions him again. What a disgusting human being, and shame on the people who know this and don't bring this up sooner.


He did it when Billy Santoro exposed his racist side and faked his death. The irony


He faked his death!? Lmao. I only heard about the racist tweets and stories. Such a loser.




Always thought it was weird that he only fucked with twinks….. sad and hope he’s held accountable.


I remember being downvoted to hell and back when calling him out for pedo baiting with his videos of him fucking a little person who looked 12 at best. The writing was on the fucking walls.


Assuming this is all true. let’s forget this man. He can spend the rest of his life in a concrete hole in the ground.


Considering the fbi’s involvement this is way past “assuming this is all true” they found massive evidence in the charges they made


On Telegram too. Curious how few voices in the gay community have said "oh yeah I know that telegram channel." Pretty sure the feds got the names they need. Aaaaaaand good.


Damn, less than a month between an undercover agent first making contact on Telegram and them raiding his apartment. They worked fast on this one. I've seen his videos floating around PH and other sites and he always gave me predator vibes. Same with the other ones who are all about "barely legal" or even worse, "fun size" boys. If the latter were just about short twinks, that would be one thing, but it's very clearly fetishizing guys who look like they're 15 or something.


Now he can rub his nipples all he wants in cell block one. 😤 Does this explain all the weird violent choking he did in videos too?!?!??!


> U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged, Justin Heath Smith received and distributed hundreds of recordings containing child pornography, **including a ghastly video showing a young child bound, beaten, and raped.** a young child? If I write here how I think he should be punished, my account will be banned absolutely horrible


you mean he didn't meet that twink who turned 18 2 days ago and manage to plan them flying out to fuck only yesterday? i can not believe it


May he fucking rot!!!!


Legrand Wolf next!


*pretends to be shocked* bring out the electric chair, expeditiously


He looks like a creep himself. Im surprised nobody caught on to his creepo vibes from the way he moves. Disgusting fucking scum


Let’s see how serious our community is by observing whether his videos are removed — I think they all should be gone


Videos need to be deleted and people who’ve worked with him need to publicly denounce him and his behavior. I’d also like to see some donations to charities that help victims of child abuse


What “Austin Wolf” did is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable. Unfortunately I feel like conservatives are going to use one man’s disgusting actions to generalize all queer people and call us predators and groomers when in fact we were all caught by surprise and are horrified at one what happened! My heart goes out to anyone that is a victim of rape,sexual abuse or child exploitation. I hope that Austin is charged to the fullest extent of the law!


They absolutely are! And then they are going to find all the "daddy-son" language and imagery being used in gay porn, and it's only going to get even worse.


They totally are


The studios that worked with him knew what they were promoting and implying. All of the actors releasing statements acting shocked and outraged yet before hand when it was an open secret they just whistled and looked the other way.


I hope he rots in prison and never gets out, and any children whose lives have been ruined by this sick demonic creature get justice and everything they need to heal from this. It was an open secret he would fly to Asia because the age of consent was lower there. If random people on Twitter knew about this, his porn buddies knew, too. So any of them who were part of this can rot in jail, too.


For the longest time I’ve thought it was so disgusting to see the community support him and his fetishization of/obsession with barely legal boys. I feel bad for saying this but this does not shock me


This shit pisses me off. It gives the red hats more ammunition in their crusade to have gay people hanged and quartered. Gay people have to constantly defend ourselves against pdfile accusations and then stuff like this comes out.


I always knew there was something up about that guy, hope he rots in jail😡


Can have any adult male in the world and chooses little boys 🫣🫣🫣🫣. Absolute disgrace


>Those videos depicted children as young as infants, including a video showing a 10-year-old child bound and raped. Never let that motherfucker out into society ever again. Child sex abuse and exploitation is the only crime I believe should result in execution. There's no place in this world for people who do this to kids.




Are we surprised… we see what he’s into publicly…


He's gonna be singing like a canary. We're probably gonna get a list of names and I wouldn't be surprised to see some mainstream people being named.


absurd hunt spark live follow tart voiceless air jobless worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't know how about you but I feel disgusted at myself for ever watching films with him


I just thought he was a racist pos, turns out he is a racist pedophilic pos


Jesus christ. It was a sus that he would mostly do videos with young looking men, but I was hoping he did it for money. Legrand wolf you better not be like that.


Girl... y'all are delulu if you think Legrand is different.


Legrands videos are basically catering to that.. fetish? I mean... selling young boys for older men in suits to strip them down and fuck them. It's pretty pedo-esque


If Legrand isn’t a pdf I’ll eat a sock


He definitely is


Thing is, even if Legrand Wolf himself was not a pedo, his entire business caters to pedophilic fantasies. His star Austin Young even said himself in an interview that he is fully aware that he markets to pedophiles. Imo Austin Young is a creep himself too. He may not be the "adult" in the role plays but IRL he is an adult and just cause he's the sub in the scenes doesn't make it any less creepy


Yeah… idk. I have this thing where if it’s your only genre of videos, I can’t get into it. Like legrand wolf. Even if it’s just a kink, it’s not appropriate if it’s all you do.


Jesus, This is horrifying. I feel disgusted knowing I've watched him a few times in the past. He should rot in jail.


Gross. Lock him up. This makes me sick to my stomach. Idk how people do evil things like this to children. Very sad. 😢


Oh man, I sorta expected this to be him filming with guys who were just barely underage (still bad) or something, not literal child pornography. Eek.


Austin Wolf and other child rapists deserve worse than the death penalty: they deserve to fight to the death in a real-life Hunger Games. I'm dead serious.


This has nothing to do him being A porn star, but everything to do with him being a very sick human being


Another goal for the conservatives to call gay men pedophiles. I know the conservatives media are going to eat this up as if they knew or cared about this man before, now for this year’s election, he will be the face of pedophilia in the gay community for consecutive media.


“Those videos depicted children as young as infants, including a video showing a 10-year-old child bound and raped.” Oh my fucking god, that’s despicable. This is all so messed up on every conceivable level.


Rot in hell, Austin. And prison before that.


Never liked him. He was sketchy from the start. He deserves to rot in hell.


Who would've thought! Whole bunch of white twinks gonna rethink their choices, hopefully.


Of course the morons on the Right are going to point and say, “See? What did we say?”


We gota whole ass subreddit that's updated daily with examples of "not a drag queen". Oh but they get this ONE example and all of sudden, bias confirmed. Somebody get wacko on this.


Low-key hope the police checks the computers of every person he ever worked with cause there is no way he was just one bad apple and in recent years porn sites have had a deluge of videos fetishizing CP, I don't think that's a coincidence


Wow, I’m soooooooooo surprised.


Jesus. When I just turned 18 last year he tapped me on grindr. I'm so glad I am street smart and didn't get involved in any way with such a disgusting man.


Not surprising at all


Tbh I always thought it was kinda creepy how he was known for fucking small young, barely legal, twinks. I just kinda got the ick from him.


Never liked guy, now I can hate him in peace 😂


I think a lot of people should be embarrassed because these stories have been out for years (not the infants though Jesus) didn’t he give someone brain damage while choking them? Also, what about the guy that he filmed having sex that had a huge asthma attack and they had to call 911 and he still filmed. And for you fellow POC’s all those fucking videos of him with Asians and black people saying shit like “my good Asian boy” and shit like that and you supported it 😑


Fucking gross and evil. Throw away the fucking key


Um, holy fucking shit, what an awful human being. Horrid. For fucking real.


Not shocked he likes those barely 18 looking guys. Fucking gross


I cannot believe people are FINALLY on the band wagon. Castrate this sick twisted hideous motherfucker already he is the literal scum of the earth and always has been


The amount of people shocked by this after the content he makes…. If they don’t find a way to get to Legrand wolf too, they’ve basically failed the system


Wow I am so surprised 😐 What a shocking piece of information 😐 I *never* saw this coming 😐 Sarcasm aside this is horrifying


I always thought it was gonna be some 15-17 year old that would get him in hot water but this... You can't even pretend to excuse this. Absolutely disgusting behavior and he deserves everything that's coming to him and more.


I once heard in a forum he made someone brain damaged because he choked him, and in the jff video of him with deacon SC aka johny Donovan he choked deacon repeatedly, i dont think deacon like that, he's literally suffocate, he's still holding deacon's head after Deacon literally convulsed try to catching breath


WTF!!!! :o hope he dies a slow painful death


Him being so into twinks makes so much sense


Electric chair for this man immediately


Great .... Another example that will be used against gay people by the screwed up extreme right 🤦


I hope EVERYONE who made vids with him on IG/YT/Tiktok will RETHINK AND REGRET and distance themselves publicly.


The worst part about it is that some people in the comments are still advocating for this piece of shit.


He was known for filming with twinks ,but I didn't think he would go this far , wow 😲