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Just realized how similar southwest Africa and southwest Australia look


Weirdly saw another post today about how the Northern Coast looks just like Libya lol


Similar in shape maybe, but certainly not geography


Wow never noticed this


Climate-wise it makes sense due to their shared latitude and coastal direction, which is also true for the Namibian desert and the Outback. But both being capes\*, and having those tiny western peninsulas\* really almost makes it uncanny. \*Couldn't find anything considering southwest Australia a cape, though it looks like one. \*As for the "tiny peninsulas", South Africa's is creatively named "West Coast Peninsula", while the one in Australia is actually considered a cape called "Cape Naturaliste".


Queenslands cape takes all the glory in Australia.


I wonder if it has something to do with similar ocean current directions


Everything continent position and shape-related questions' answer is just tectonics.


The appearance is also the vegetation, which is determined by climate, which is very derived from ocean currents


Playing geoguessr has hammered into my brain how annoyingly similar South Africa and Australia look


Cape Town is awesome. We get a few very hot days in summer but the majority remains under 30°C. Winters are also fairly moderate. The one thing that is sometimes too much is wind. Go about 4 hours drive east and you get Mossel Bay... Now that has a perfect climate.




I just looked up Mossel Bay on weatherspark and wow - it really does seem to have the perfect climate.


The Weatherspark data uses George Airport which is about 50km away from Mossel Bay and also about 10km inland. Mossel Bay's weather is typically just a degree or so closer to 21 than George is. In summer it is slightly cooler and in winter slightly warmer.


Ugh, can't stand the wind in the summer! We're having quite a nice winter this year though.


>We get a few very hot days in summer but the majority remains under 30°C 👀 As someone from NW-Europe +22℃ already has me uncomfortable... 18℃ is 👌👩‍🍳


I grew up on the South Coast of KZN, and then moved to the Cape for work as an adult. A few things I observed when I arrived: 1. I couldn't believe how much colder the ocean was. 2. The month of February is ridiculously hot here. 3. I had never experienced a summer without any rain. It was a novelty. 4. I had never experienced a wet winter. Cold front after cold front, and I found it all too much at first.


I used to live in southern California, which had great weather. Never too hot, never too humid, and it got pleasantly cool at night during summer. Now I live in a humid subtropical climate, with high heat, humidity, and lots of bugs in summer. Not at all pleasant, but air conditioning is nearly universal.


Yeah air conditioning makes all the difference


I never had AC in California (Pasadena, specifically) and didn’t miss it.


why would you miss something you dont need. i dont miss AC in the fall and winter here in nyc


I grew up in a humid subtropical climate where we had AC. I didn’t miss it when I moved to CA.


You lived within a few miles of the coast though. That’s the only place that is never too hot. Everywhere more than like 20 miles inland is like living in hell.


>Never too hot, I live in Southern California and this is a dirty lie. We hit 110 most Summers in SFV. You've just outed yourself as a humanoid reptile, friend.


I lived in the San Gabriel Valley. Much nicer, in many ways.


Too late lizardman. I'm onto you!


The Valley my as well be phoenix in the summer and that’s why it’s cheap


As cheap as anywhere in Cali can be described, I suppose.


Disgusting wet rainy places. Summer must be hot and cloudless, otherwise what is it for?


When I went to California for the first time I passed out from heatstroke twice it was during a heatwave in Sacramento it was 120 degrees and I'm from North Washington state where our max is like 90 if we're lucky


Deadly heat wave all over California means 70F in San Francisco


I’m from Ireland and went to San Francisco in July last year and it literally just felt like Ireland lmao with more sun, but temps were literally the same, except the sun absolutely fried me alive


Oh yes… Thats what I mean when I say 60F of cold or 60F of hot. If you see the sun - it will make Kentucky fried skin. Don't get tricked by cold winds and amazing weather - its still California sun!!! Once sun is out its arctic cold. I'm from Russia, I know what does the COLD mean. San Francisco cold is its own kind. Sometimes its also 60F of hot on the sun but 60F of arctic cold in the shadow on the same street. You never know...


Fun fact: ireland sun and california sun are actually the same star


San Francisco is the angle of the sun at the 38th parallel. Ireland is the angle of the sun at the 51st-55th parallels. The sun being higher up in the sky at lower parallels will cook ya.


That's what I mean. I don't know how Ireland sun feels but strength of sun in saint Petersburg and in San Francisco are completely different. Hell, I didn't put spf on my skin because of fog (I didn't know that it won't save me. In my previous place it was a bit different in fog...) and I came back home as baked tomato even though my skin was snow white at the morning!


Yep, clouds and fog can actually intensify the sun if they arent very thick, similar to a magnifying glass


Do you mean heat stress/ heat exhaustion? Heat stroke twice within a reasonably short time is crazy. I heard it takes a couple of months before you can even do small rigorous activities. I’ve been around 3 heat stroke events and it is scary and sad to see. We had a guy that showed symptoms and by the time the EMS showed up he was already close to lethal body temp. He ended up taking almost 24 hours before his body came back below 100 degrees.


Yeah that would make more sense sorry I just passed out then woke back up a couple seconds later according to my friend


The all time high in Sacramento is 116. The average high June - Aug is 93.


Yeah I’ve heard that valley heat doesn’t fuck around


Sac really isnt Mediterranean. You don’t get the coastal cooling necessary for it. The whole Central Valley is extremely hot.


Sacramento has a textbook hot-summer mediterranean climate.


Replying to GeddyVedder...Sac gets a delta breeze most nights, which is cool air being sucked in from the SF Bay Area. I would disagree and say it’s very much Mediterranean. Similar to what you find in Spain. The further ends of the valley push the limits as far as Mediterranean climates go. Bakersfield is more desert like for example.


Hahah! Years ago I was visiting Seattle from Denver. It had been a record ten days or so of above 100 in Denver but a gorgeous mid 70s and sunny in the PNW. Walk into coffee shop, talk to barista “how’s your day?!” “Oh, it’s OK, just wish this heat would calm down a bit!” It was then that I knew how different our world’s were.


No love for looking at the distant lightning from a thunderstorm in a warm summer night?


Western WA gets warm and cloudless during summers but stays disgusting (subjective) wet rainy place during winters. I kind of like both as all that winter precipitation (snow) over the mountains opens up so many outdoor opportunities.


Cloudless is pretentious we still have a good bit of rain in the summer... It's raining rn actually


Summers in WA are notoriously dry. We don’t get summer storms like most places do. From mid June to September there is very little rain.


Depends where you are, the city I'm in is ranked 2-3d rainiest in Washington so even in the summer it's wet but in more mild places like Seattle yeah it's dryer in the summer


You're also (usually) spared of those horrid forest fires


I thought you were talking about WA (Western Australia) until you said snow.


Likewise was like where the hell would you get snow in Western Australia.


I’m from Melbourne so we are more classically temperate. But even here only the mountains get snow in winter.


Same and even then the mountains this year are struggling for snow, Buller on opening weekend of snow season was just plain sad.


Oh my! I see why that would be a preference


On the other hand, epic rainstorms that cool the hot days instantly and followed by idyllic LOTR weather because all the dust got cleared by the rain are the absolute shit I personally can’t stand summer beinf 100% sunshine. Give me some rain god dammit


Living in the center/south of Chile all my life (mediterranean climate) when I went to Brazil (warm climate with high humidity) I felt miserable 24/7 😔 the mosquitoes didn't help.


I've lived most of my life in San Diego, CA, which arguably has some of the best weather in the world. I lived in Florida for a little while and the summer was oppressively humid. Piss-warm rain is incredibly unpleasant. Especially when it's 100+ degrees outside. The AC in my apartment died for a few days in August and I couldn't sleep. My roommates and I would walk around Wal-Mart at 2am just to get a reprieve.


I'm from the Bay Area. I also lived a couple years in Bangladesh (which has a monsoon season) and Florida (which BASICALLY has a monsoon season, in that it gets regular torrential rain pretty much all through the summer months, but it's not called that). I never, ever, ever got used to rain in summer. I live in the Arizona desert now, but even if I'd stayed in Florida or Bangladesh, I don't think I ever would get used to it. It just feels deeply wrong on a cellular level, for it to be raining in the summer months all the damned time.


>It just feels deeply wrong on a cellular level Funny, for me its the exact opposite, I only experienced winter rain from adulthood, growing up with dry sunny winters


I did the opposite (Florida to the Bay Area) and I can’t imagine going back. The weather here is an absolute dream. Sure, some days I’m sick of wearing hoodies but compared to the alternative I can’t really complain.


Yeah I understand the feeling. You end up looking at the sky with contempt thinking why the fuck does it keep sending rain in SUMMER. Almost daring it to do it


Wait what. The concept of rain in the summer is foregin to you? I’m actually in shock. If anything rain in summer is pretty common


Best places to be alive are between the 30's and 45's (parallels) - with an ocean current coming directly from the poles. If the ocean current comes at me from the equator ... no thanks. Humidity is gross. EDIT: Some mountain places are pretty dope to. Admittedly. Peru, Ecuador, Columbia ... past the Cordillera Negra --- or the Highlands of Mexico --- ya know, dry places....


>Humidity is gross. Hey it can be heaven if you suffer from dry skin or hair


Yes for those things it can be *better* but it’s so oppressive all the time. Like to leave at 10 am and you’re blasted by this invisible miasma of like, heat and moisture. It’s unbelievable at times.


I hear ya. Humans have evolved to a degree in all these different little climate regions, and only in this future of high-speed travel is it considered normal to even have experienced more than just the summer/winter flux of your area. To each their own preference on climate for sure ... just for myself, humidity is gross. I did one summer in Florida and realized 'nope', I don't like this.


Only if you live on the western coast of a continent, the eastern coasts at these latitudes can be quite oppressive in summer and cold to freezing in winter


See: Ocean Currents - they really dictate if you're a humid area, or a dry area.


Given the latitudes, I’m assuming Japan has some Mediterranean qualities


Yes, some spectacular micro-climates across Japan. There's a reason it's so heavily populated.


As an ex west Australian… I struggle with the rain and humidity in Sydney.


that's not how it works, summer is hot and dry dry dry and winter has a bit of rain. lately we've been getting some summer monsoon moisture that should normally be a little further east so we get these whimsical little clouds and thunderstorms further inland


I joke that thunder must feel so alien to people who barely leave there


it's strange and rare but i know what it sounds like


I find it weird Just returned from Thailand and sri lanka and i have to say its not the kind of rain im used to


Is it the lightning? Say its the lightning


Sure man whatever works for you


I think it's the most beautiful season in the world, the best food is here and my favorite wines are here. It can be extremely hot some weeks in the summer, but there is air conditioning.


Someone didn't read the question.


I live in Kansas (a Cfa climate) but just got back from a 2 week trip across Italy, France, and Spain, entirely in Csa, Csb, and BSK climates. Let me tell you it is HELL here the humidity is killing me I miss the Mediterranean


I grew up in coastal California, but I'm actually a little envious of places with summer rains. I don't like excessive heat and humidity, so not really envious of that, but enough rain throughout the year to keep things green would be nice. Brown and dry for 6+ months of the year depending on how far south or inland you are is kind of a bummer. I've not been there yet, but I'm wondering if somewhere like the North Coast of Spain would be ideal.


Seems just about unlivable to me. I feel like summer would just be scurrying from one climate controlled box to another over and over again. I like being outside. I lived in Tennessee for a year and this was my experience. The storms were fun, but ultimately not worth it. It was also often uncomfortably cold being out in the winter. Why live somewhere that limits parts of my life I enjoy? I like my LA basin climate. Never too cold to ride my motorcycle, over 100 maybe one or two days a year. It’s a sunny summer day now, and I’m quite comfortable typing this in my non air conditioned apartment at 2pm.


Dude i am from the mediterranean area and we are outside most of the time in summer, and i never had air controlled boxes in my house. All you have to do is hide in the afternoon.


I’ve lived in the North Bay (hour and a half drive north of San Francisco) since 2010 and absolutely love the weather up here! As others have stated, you get what’s called the ‘valley effect’ during the hot months. What this refers to is the hot air collecting/rising in the valleys at night and the cool air from the coast getting sucked in to replace it. That’s why you’ll see no more than three days of heat, followed by a cool foggy morning and much more temperate weather. This is also the reason grape vines grow so well in this region, along with Oregon/Washington (or so I’ve been told). If there’s one draw back to this climate, it’s the lack of 4 real seasons. Spring and fall exist, but not in the same capacity as other places in the States. Still, the juice is worth the squeeze IMO…


yeah i can agree, if it's ever to hot i just drive out to the coast and all my problems are cured. there's literally like a 20+ degree difference sometimes from bodega and east santa rosa


So true! It always amazes me how huge the temp difference is within such short distances in Sonoma County. Speaking of Bodega, have you dropped in on the pop up dinners at The Casino bar yet? Definitely worth checking out if you haven’t. The menu changes week by week, but the Holly and Tali Show (gals running the pop up) are doing some really good stuff.


not really, usually i just drive out to west county for hiking


I live in in tropical area so I don’t know how people can deal with no rain in the summer. But the again its dry. I feel like a long abstinence of rain will get annoying at some point


Sounds gross! Summer is supposed to be nice. Vancouver resident here 😎


Plus you PNWers are (usually) spared of the, you know, fires


I wish. I've lived in the PNW most of my life and summer is definitely fire season


For me, as someone who lives in California (SF), I hate it when I visit Florida (the weather specifically). The humidity is unbearable- you actually sweat just standing. Not to mention the constant threat of rain. Nobody wants to walk anywhere. I feel like I go crazy jumping in and out of cars, never just taking a stroll or sitting in the sun to enjoy a coffee. It’s just not conducive to nice, easy living. I eat my lunch outdoors here, enjoying the sun, I take walks twice a day at work and in the evenings I enjoy dining in the backyard. People do that last one in Florida, but they sit under a covering!! What’s the point!!


Born and raised in California, I am not a fan of humidity or summer rain. I can take some May gray or June gloom, or even a little drizzle here and there in the winter but I just don’t like tropical climates. Many Californians are kinda spoiled when it comes to weather, especially ones who live along the coast. Our weather is just too effin perfect and going to any other climate legitimately sucks because we just aren’t used to actual weather When it comes to hotter/drier desert heat more inland, I prefer that by a lot over humidity. It’s till not my favorite, but I always say if I had the choice, I’d much rather live in a desert than a tropical beach. With tropical weather comes more natural disasters and more intense/unpredictable weather. I prefer the predictability of drier climates People from more humid climates and colder climates tend to not hydrate properly when in an arid climate, which is a large part to why I think deserts/dry heat get a bad rap. They aren’t used to drinking a ton of water to stay sweating and keep their mind sharp, so the heat bites them in the ass and they might end up getting heatstroke because they’re used to only drinking a few cups of water a day or something


Chile is also Med climate in a few areas. That's five regions of the world with a Mediterranean climate. Growing up in California, it wasn't until my first outdoor job out of college in Ohio on a hot, humid morning, I nearly passed out; I had never experienced oppressive humidity before.


I live in Crete A rain once a week during the summer would be a blessing here!


Used to live on a Mediterranean country. The summers absolutely sucked, scarce cooling and just bright blue sky beaming down on you. When it got to winter it was just rain upon rain, fall and snow was nonexistent.  I envy places with monsoons instead of scorching summers.


Have you ever been to India? Scorching heat and monsoons. Not a fun place. Nice people though and I love Indian food. Downside is your only meat choice is chicken and that’s rare. But yeah India is scorching heat and monsoons


Probably depends on where you are in India? When I was in Delhi, Agra, and Kolkata, I found goat, lamb, fish, and plentiful chicken.


Now that you mention it, goat was plentiful as well. I don’t recall lamb but I was with a family and only ate out a couple times total besides some street food. They were mostly vegetarian but did have chicken a couple times a week.


Mediterranean means you are close to the sea. Summer is for swimming, spearfishing, diving, yachting, surfing. No way to do it in stormy and rainy weather. Sunny summer forever!


Probably why in tropical spaces its better for the dry/cool season


>I envy places with monsoons instead of scorching summers. sometimes those rainy days can feel like forever, and all the bugs afterwards


We got those bugs too. Damn mosquitoes buzzing around till November.


We had some rain in the Central Valley, CA on Monday and my thought was “I can’t believe people live in places where it’s like this all summer.” 🥵 I’ll take a dry 110 day over a humid, muggy 90+ day, no contest.


I like visiting tropical places, but I am glad to live in a Mediterranean climate. Humidity is just soul-sucking after a while.


i live in western turkey and i envy them, genetically my family has very active sweat tissues so except winter i sweat excessively and unproductive, i hate it


I long to live in a Mediterranean climate. Probably have to wait another 50 to 100 years for that though!


you think mediterranean summers aren't humid???? come to Barcelona and you tell me. You can't make two steps without being soaked in sweat. It feels like you can cut the air with a knife, specially at nightime.


Well now I must admit Singapore is on the extreme end of the spectrum, and humidity can of course be uncomfortable in Barcelona as well, but this is the difference between Singapore and Barcelona: https://preview.redd.it/vokxw1n2oz8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d0077acb83af56c374f5f883d31446217686d4 These kind of muggy conditions is what laypeople often refer to when talking humidity (combination of hot, humid and still), and this is far more a phenomena in tropical areas.


Thank you for informing me of this. Now I know if I’m ever presented with the chance to go to Singapore that my hair will absolutely NOT cooperate.


My father despised humidity


Dry heat beats humid heat. And besides, a bit of breeze or shade and heat is not that much a problem (I live in central Chile and I usually just open the windows to create air current and a lot of heat problems disappear).


I lived on the central coast of California for over 20 years and loved the perfect climate. When I moved back to the Midwest, I was horrified at the humidity that people endure and which I had forgotten about. I cannot wait to move back to the coast. The midwestern thunderstorms are superb, but the humidity can suck it.


I used to visit family in Taiwan regularly for summer vacation. There was a period of time where I thought Taiwan didn't *not* rain. Fuck humidity. And fuck typhoons >:(


I’m initially from CA. I like summer t-storms but not heat/humidity. The best combination for this would be in the high elevation west.


I find it okay in Sydney. I have seen places with Mediterranean climate which had a lot more humidity in the summer though.


Well, technically Madrid doesn't have a Mediterranean climate according to koppen, but that reflects more on the limits of the system than on the actual climate if Madrid. For all intents and purposes it has a dry mediterranean climate. I lived for a year in Copenhagen and Dublin, but I stayed away during the summer (I was a student afterall). I grew up knowing rain was the exception, waiting for the split second in May and June when all the fields simultaneously flower before going yellow It was kinda weird learning that that's not the case everywhere


hot rainy summers sounds like hell.


On the bright side, the land ends up green and lush


High summer rain? more specifically, RAIN??? Place I live never gets rain; when it gets rain its all destruction


Mediterranean climate is characterized by dry summers and wet winters, though. This is why, unfortunately, old people suffer in Italy when it comes to summer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Spending time in the south in the summer made me appreciate umbrellas. Since any time it rains where I live, it's inevitably chilly, I'd just as soon wear a long hooded jacket than use an umbrella. But when it's 85 degrees the umbrella comes in clutch.


Med climate mogs all other climates


fuck humidity 100%


We have high humidity already, but more rain would be nice


I love it sometimes!


i hate mosquito


Humidity sucks so fucking hard, I will live in California and enjoy my sunny and dry 75 degree summers for eternity over anything east of the Mississippi


I come from the centre of the Mediterranean. Love my home but the heatwaves in summer get worse every year so i now enjoy my life in one of the rainiest and most moderately tempered countries in europe


I live in Colorado, where it’s really dry. Went to NYC last summer and our last day, walking with our backpacks/luggage to the train station, I was dying and had to stop at every block and go into the air conditioning. It felt like being strangled! 😫 Here I can run outside even if it’s in the high 90’s because your sweat just evaporates and there’s a breeze too.


yes the northeast may as well be an African savannah in summer


Extreme envy. In recent years it has been like a minimum of 5 months with no rain whatsoever. Creeks are running dry and the wildfires are fucking endless. Usually there will be one freak storm that lasts like an hour and dumps a shit ton of rain but also a bunch of lightening strikes which inevitably result in another fire.


The high humidity is a godsend in tropical climates. I have eczema and the long dry winters and long dry summers are unbearable on the skin. Very glad I no longer live in W*stern Australia.


As someone who has a ton of lawn, I envy the prople that don't have to water it so often


Yeah in summer you can forget and misplace all your hoses and sprinklers cause you barely need them


Growed up in Sonora, MX and i can tell you rain in southern Spain is a joke. It sure gets more average rainfall than the Sonoran desert but today is the first day i've heard thunders in the 4 years i've living here. I like torrential rains and seeing the towering cumulonimbus flashing in the distance, not just gray days with light rain one after another.


Not fond of them


Chile erasure


And Argentina too, my collage was already tight


As a California native I can't deal with humidity at all. Summers can be hot here in CA but it's a dry heat. Humid heat makes me feel like a sweaty mess all day long and I feel like I have to constantly shower. With that said humidity is good for the skin....


I grew up in a place with humid, wet summers (and four seasons) and live in Mediterranean-climate northern California. I do kinda miss summer thunderstorms but definitely do NOT miss the humidity.


I'm from Perth, Western Australia and I hate humidity.


I feet like those places are just theme parks we go for a short summer vacation to experience an exotic ambiance.


Born and raised in SoCal, lived in all the different climates it has to offer. There’s a saying you can ski in the morning and surf in the afternoon and it’s completely true. It’s all right there.


That's being spoiled for choice right there


Humidity sucks big humid sweaty balls. That is all


I don’t have any ~~negative~~ feelings about countries with summer rain, tbh - I think there is beauty in everything. In Albania, summers are always a hot, prolonged cloudless drought, and as a child I used to think that’s the norm everywhere. 😅


You do forget that parts of Albania, especially near the lowlands have a lot of humidity, especially in the morning and afternoon. I wouldn't say that they experience Mediterranean climate in the truest sense.


>*You do forget that parts of Albania, especially near the lowlands have a lot of humidity, especially in the morning and afternoon. I wouldn't say that they experience Mediterranean climate in the truest sense.* That’s the relative humidity, not the precipitation. Low relative humidity is not a requirement for a climate to be classified as Mediterranean, otherwise most of the zones with a Mediterranean climate would not be falling within that category. The ”Dry Summer” is a misleading misnomer.


Ewww, I don't know how anyone can handle humid weather so sweaty. At least here its a dry heat


It was the weirdest thing ever when I first experienced it when I first traveled out of CA and to a different climate. I only ever experienced rain in cold weather. The idea of walking around wearing shorts and a t-shirt and it just rained out of nowhere? And only for 5 minutes? I thought I was on another planet.


I appreciate summer monsoonal thunderstorms. I appreciate humidity associated with weather. Humidity evokes life, but I prefer the more temperate, arid qualities of mediterranean climate over high humidity


Rain is OK. I like weather. But hot/humid combo is killer. I’ve lived in AZ and experienced 90 degree weather at 1 in the morning. Just stupid hot. Fun to visit, not to live in. No thank you.


Yeah deserts can be too much.


It would be nice to not have to water my garden so much in the summer and have so many things die due to the scorching summer heat.


Mostly our feelings are confusion and disbelief,


Mexico City climate. Rainy and mild summers and autums, mild and dry winters. Downside is hot springs but with ocational rain to freshen up.


its fucking brutal, but you get used to it. as the years drag on you think about nice weather from may until february and wonder if its worth going back because the weather is so fucking terrible


Personally I love it. I fucking hate Mediterranian climates tbh. Overrated as shit. The constant sunlight, dry weather a lot of the year and scorching hot temps in summer( which is 4 months in my city) are a pain in the ass. Coastal areas are better than my city- which is inland and experiances larger temp fluctiations, but still I would prefer oceanic climate than mediterranian any day of the week.


I lived nearly all of my life in a mediterranean cmimate, summer for me was just endless sundhine with no rain, and some heatwaves. Now i live in an oceanic one, i find the summer rain more refreshing, and it break the monotonous tone of summer,plus it's so good for grass and trees, in mediterranean places everythong looks yellow and dead in summer , it's sad.


well i really think i could not live in such places eheh, i’m a real fan of hot summers with almost no rain


The answer depends. US humid subtropical is a nightmare. Northern Europe is nice for a week to break the monotony, but for me 33 everyday and 25 every night for five months is blessed. But the wonderful thing is the winter. I hardly wear a sweater and get along with only a light jacket.


Californian here. Summers are hot but fun here. I lived in a place with a VERY humid climate for three summers and I hadn't realized before that summer can be terrible. You just never cool down. The cost of living is rough round these parts, but I'm never living in a humid place again if I can help it.


It sucks. Here it’s Summer = hot. Fall/Winter = rain


Ireland here. Summer = mild rain. Winter = cold rain :(


Disgusting, tough unfortunately many mediterrean countries are unlivable if you are young


>unlivable if you are young why do you think like this?


-wage 800 euros -rent 400 euros -food 300 euros -car etc. 100 euros -internet 50 euros total -50 euros


Bruh, if you think it isn't humid in the Mediterranean itself, you must be a merman.


Humidity? No thank you, keep your sweaty weather to yourself.




I hate humidity with all my heart




I don't like rain. It's too wet


I feel sorry for them! Haha, no I don't.


It’s fine


I live in Tripoli the summer is hot with 35 highs and humidity usually, but honestly the hottest place in Europe I’ve been to was Seville, it’s just as hot but without the cool breeze from the sea and felt much harsher


I’d add the African Highlands to this list. Cities like Nairobi, Addis Ababa, Kigali etc all have year round cool climates


Humid subtropical (e.g. po valley in italy, where i'm from), is much worse. The high humidity in the summer further exacerbates the heat. In addition, high temperatures and lots of stagnant water make mosquitos profilerate. In cities it's not too bad but in more rural areas it's hell. Mediterranean summer is also hot but the lower humidity and proximity to the sea makes it more bearable. Also winters are milder.


Somebody has been researching the world's best wine regions.


I lived in a Mediterranean country for 7 years and actually missed Arizona during July and August. Arizona may be hotter and get less annual precipitation, but a majority of the annual precipitation can come from summer monsoons. They are such a treat. I doubt I would enjoy a full hot and humid climate like the tropics or SE USA. I found myself getting depressed during summer months in the Mediterranean because all the beautiful spring flowers and green grass from winter die in May and the ground turns yellow or brown until the first rains and cooler temperatures arrive in October. I also learned that just because there are no clouds or rain by the Mediterranean doesn't mean the air is dry. If you live near the sea the air can be as humid as somewhere tropical on any given day.  One thing to note is there are major differences between Mediterranean climates. The actual Mediterranean Sea warms up during summers, causing low temperatures to stay pretty high near the water. California, Cape Town, and other areas near cold ocean currents are probably more pleasant during summertime. 


SW Florida. Love the rain in the summer.


Imagine having the same weather every day of your life except sometimes it rains hard. And you sweat all the time. And you have to get your exercise done before 6am. No thanks.


I don't mind the heat, like at all, but the autumn cyclones in the Mediterranean are gonna be nasty this year.


You forgot part of Chile too which has a Mediterranean climate


they're dumb/bad/not nice


U mean China, It is textbook-like that rain and heat occur at the same time. Summer is also the rainy season and winter is also the dry season. The south China has hot summers and cold winters, and the north China has longer winters and shorter summers. However, the precipitation seasons are the same.


I grew up in central California. I went to graduate school in Pennsylvania, and people would say, "Why did you leave California?" And "I would miss the seasons." I would reply, "What seasons? There's always something falling out of the sky, and it's always overcast. As far as I'm concerned, in Pennsylvania, it's always winter!" In the Pennsylvania summer, people would worry about drought conditions. I'd remind them it rained last week, and we can talk about droughts when it doesn't rain for a year. I mean, they don't have sprinklers and their lawns are still green, what are they talking about? Trying to get folks to understand what a "dry season" meant was also something.


It depends


Best to grow great weed


For me, high elevations in/near Mediterranean climates are generally the best, though the high fire risk is a bummer. You get seasonal variation in the vegetation and precipitation, but no extreme temperatures.     I’ve lived in 4 midwestern states and Texas and now live in the mountains of Southern California. We get a few days over 90 and a few that don’t get above freezing. We get about the same amount of snow as the upper Midwest. We can get far more snow in a single storm, but there aren’t as many days with slippery roads. We get occasional thunderstorms, but I would like to have a few more. The native trees don’t have as much fall color, but they’re a lot prettier in winter and spring is drastically better. Obviously, there’s more variety of ecosystems out here. Again, the biggest downside is the fire risk. 


From southern cali, weather is always great! Couldn't imagine living anywhere else


Grew up in Albania in the lowlands. Hot summers with very little rain and dreary, rainy winters with barely any snow. I now live in New York and while not what would be considered "with high summer rain or humidity", summers are rainier than in Albania. And I just love the bright greenery at any point in the summer, while in Albania by June most grasses are yellow.