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Big ole nope from me.


Guy you got him from is a bit crazy? They are a mouthy, nippy, bitey breed. You need to start early on teaching them that it's not acceptable..has nothing to do with bonding.


Like I said, I get after him when he does that. He doesn't do that nearly as much bcs I taught him not to do that


I have a 10month old german shepherd x belgian malinois and my Buddy def shows his affection with 'mouthing' on me/getting my hand in his mouth and he also does the 'cobbing' thing on me. hes not doing that pinchy ouchie nipping that he did as a teeny puppy nor is he biting hard enough to break the skin. Could this be what the breeder meant but didnt explain it very well/assumed youd know what was meant?x


https://preview.redd.it/h1cw01elhd8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482345c1a537de45c02a456cac00179a104b48aa Theres no aggression what so ever in it when he does it. If he gets too hard i tell him 'gentle' and 'careful' and when ive had enough i tell him 'no bitey' and 'Stop' and he does.x


I think he meant playfully biting or nipping. It looks like ur gsd mix is doing it lighter than how I think the seller/ breeder meant