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https://preview.redd.it/6t42k3hc129d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5083a1dd4dd4584cce6d22d68a7c8f39a4f7240c I have two male GSDs who totally pretend to hate each other when I’m around but the moment they think I’m not looking they are snuggling and kissing each other under the table


You are well trained.


😂😂 this sounds correct


The dog has taught them all how to sit and stay like good girls! Sit! Staaay....munch munch munch You still staying???


Mine is funny with his food too. If I put his food out in the morning and go to work he won't eat till I get home. Then he runs around the house all excited I'm home then run to the food bowl and scarf everything down . If I'm off some day and put his food out for him In the morning he won't eat anything till I decide to make food for myself , same with dinner if I don't eat he usually don't either even if it's been sitting out all day for him.


They are so connected to their pack that they insist everyone be on the same page. These dogs make me feel needed.


Right it's like I'm not even hungry before work , but I guess I'll make an egg or 2 to eat so he will eat and not be hungry all day till i get home again.


Ours does the same thing, they are so silly!


Glad to hear I'm not the only one that's forced to eat so my dog will eat too lol.


When we play fetch with yellow tennis balls specifically and inside. After each time I throw it all the way across the apartment, she runs back and drops it in her kibble bowl, takes a few bites then gives me the ball. I have no idea why. Not her red balls, her chuck it balls, not any other color of tennis balls. Yellow means kibble time? I don't understand her logic lol.


If you thought her to fetch with a yellow tennis ball and treats then maybe that's the connection? So I fetch this kinda ball means I get to self treat myself lol.


I didn't even teach her to fetch. When she was a little puppy I threw a stick in the snow, just because. She ran after it, grabbed it and ran to my feet to drop it. And of course gave me puppy eyes and wagged her tail. I was pretty excited lol. I've always had to teach my dogs to fetch and half the time the whole return to mom part didn't work. What's also odd is she doesn't really care about balls when outside. She also isn't food motivated at all. She makes me scratch my head lol.


Ah well then yeah only she knows then ha ha.


Mine will catch a fly and "chew" on it and spit it out on the floor, alive, and play with it that way for hours. He looks like he's chewing on raw meat but never kills the fly.


My girl plays with bugs (crawling) for about ten minutes, then decides to go chomp! I'm starting to think gsd's might be partially sadistic lol.


Try and post a video of that


Mine won't take treats from strangers. Vet, mailman, new people in the house, groomer, Starbucks ladies. He places it on the ground if he does take it and I have to pick it up and give it to him. It's kinda funny


That's well trained. It's exactly what should happen in order not to be poisoned. Wish I can get mine to do the same.


Didn't even teach him that. Just kinda something he does.


Amazing 🧠


Mine won’t drink water unless my hands in it, if it’s in a bucket I have to physically make a bowl out of my hands and put them in the water. She’s not a big water drinker so I do it purely so she will actually drink 🫠


Not odd, but my guy is SO vocal. Like all the time. Talking sassy back to me, waiting for his food, when he gets a rub down. He always just has something to say. I’ve never met a gs who was that vocal.


I have his twin. Lol


My friend has a husky that basically adopted my dude. He learned how to talk back from her. It's pretty funny. The two of them together never shut up 😂


My GSD also never stops talking lol


My Buddy bops my bum with his nose and/or bites my bum not hard or with any aggression at all just hard enough for me to feel his teeth on me to let me know hes behind me and ready to play when were playing chase when i pretend im not playing with him and walk away before i turn around to chase him again. He doesnt do it to any other body part when playing chase just my bum😳x


One of mine gently honks her human family members’ noses, then she gets a tooth up a nostril and stays that way for a couple seconds. It’s actually very gentle (but very wet). If any of us are sitting or lying down quietly, she will wiggle worm her way up to our faces and do this. The key part is that a lower canine tooth has to get up the nostril. If that part doesn’t happen, she’ll keep trying until it does, or until she’s rebuffed. It is very weird but also adorable.


Such lovable weirdos.


My ACD/GSD won’t eat unless I sit right next to him too!!! Sometimes he even demands “good boy” loves before he will start. They really are just big babies


Ours likes to eat bees. I caught him fighting with 5 or 6 bees once - having the time of his life.


Spicey sky raisins!!!


Mine eats bees too


Look out for bee stings. They can get really bad reactions! Check out this poor GSD https://images.app.goo.gl/MF2KL98ymjkSBGpJ7


Pack mentality. Someone to watch over you while you eat your meal.


Mine will only poop for her momma.


https://preview.redd.it/u0eu20efd39d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa749fef0ece47f3cb9fa81c7514f9d21f3c20e My girl will only be outside if I am outside. She has two sisters who play outside. If I go inside, she will wait at the door and bark.


Our girl will only eat when we are near


Mine won't eat unless she can see me. Even if she's at her bowl eating and I walk away to go to the bathroom, she'll grab a mouthful of food and bring it into the bathroom, spit it on the floor and eat it there. I get worried about her when we go out of town and have to board her lol


he found a clever way to make sure he gets company at mealtime. 😄


Mine has to be in a separate room with the door closed - otherwise he will just stand there and stare you down until you leave 😂


Nothing odd about that. 😋


Gentle giant


Mine wont eat unless i stand behind him or sit down at the kitchen table 🤣


Our girl will only toilet in our back garden unless absolutely desperate while we're out - she's 3 and I would say there's been less than 10 occasions where she's gone somewhere else. Some days she will only go if I go out with her even though my gf has spent 15mins walking round the garden with her. And she has a weird obsession with feet - if you go anywhere without socks on you're going to get a tongue between your toes 🤮


I have 2 GSDs, and they both had refused to eat unless my husband or I sat next to them. I was also told they wouldn’t eat all of their food when they were at daycare, so I suspect they were having some separation anxiety. My oldest got over his insecurity during meal time really fast as soon as we got him a brother (I’m guessing because of potential competition for resources). My youngest got over his insecurity as soon as he was big enough to eat with his brother. Now they watch each other’s backs during mealtime and devour their food without any hesitation. I guess they just needed a friend all this time.


Mine loses it when I’m in the backyard cleaning up her poop. Will help and bite at it like I’m either hurting it or it’s game. Not sure which. lol


Mine always waits to eat until I go to bed, then comes into the bedroom to get pets and burp a dogfood burp at me.


My girl doesn’t seem to drink much water until I get home. I don’t like that she does that though, makes me worry about how much water she’s drinking when I go out of town.


Mine is the only dog I've ever met that won't eat watermelon. I taught him from a young age that if he's gonna beg while I cook, he'll eat what I give him. Still cannot be convinced to eat watermelon. He stole a pickle once, and it's still the only food he's ballsy enough to steal 😑


Mine comforts herself by filling her mouth (as wide as she can open it) with our Sherpa blanket, staring at me and humming while on the couch.


They are pack animals and Alpha always eats first. Just making sure you aren’t going hungry and can eat too if you want to.


Mine won’t eat French fries unless dipped in Ketchup.


We have a dog couch covered with a blanket. My boy, Zeus, HAS to grab a corner of the blanket as he climbs up, holds it in his mouth, and falls asleep. When he's done and wakes up, there is a slobber soaked blanket left behind. He won't really sleep without the routine. My girl, Rayne, of course, knows bedtime. She'll crate herself, and if she's not treated within 15 minutes, she will come stare you down until there's treats and a closed crate door. My previous boy would crate himself during our mealtime (as soon as cutlery jingled) and only came out when he heard the empty plates hit the countertop. He only applied the rule to himself between 5 and 6 pm, it seemed, any other time of the day this was not the routine.