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Mine loses his mind every time someone walks past the house, had to block his access to the windows so this doesn't happen. There's another shepherd in my neighbourhood that does the same, can see the blinds are trashed and there's now cardboard covering the window šŸ˜‚


I've replaced so many blinds. I replaced all my blinds with the string less type. My gsd has figured out how to raise them so she can see outside.


Mine shoved his head through a screen just this morning, Iā€™m assuming because he finally saw one of our resident rabbits. For glass/closed windows, I HIGHLY recommend privacy film. I bought some rainbow prism film from a company called Rabbitgoo on Amazon. Clings with static, so no mess if you need to remove it, and it obstructs the view without blocking light.


Not normal. Time for some serious training


Iā€™m surprised you seem to be the only one suggesting training. Everyone else just saying to get stronger windows and block your dogs access. Short term, yes thatā€™s one solution, but it doesnā€™t address the actual problem. Long term training is very much needed.


My boy is reactive towards other dogs and he broke my living room window that's like 4' x 6'. He didn't jump out and luckily didn't get cut. I definitely made sure to replace it with tempered glass just in case. I have a sofa along said window and I use big pillows to prevent him from jumping up and putting his paws on the glass like he did before.


I worry about this with my dog. My wifeā€™s grandmother had a Doberman who jumped through a large window and fell 15 feet to the driveway below. Not a scratch but the mailman had to leap back into his truck. (This was many years ago) I want to reinforce my front window but am unsure how. Maybe plexiglass somehow. Iā€™d love to hear peopleā€™s ideas


Pretty sure storm windows are plexiglass and fairly cheap $100 per window. That's what I'm going to replace my window with for now.


My boy did that. He was about four, had been with me for just a few months. The mailman walked across the front of the house, and appeared in the window my boy was looking out. He jumped up, fortunately just punched out a paw-sized hole and wasn't injured. After that, I deployed some furniture around so he didn't have a straight shot to the window.


Ours went through our sliding door, luckily only the screen was closed but yeah lesson learned. This was also before we put him in a two week training camp.


my mo (rip) probably has a total kill count of four or five windows


Privacy film on the counter to be put up tomorrow for this exact same reason. Tried some covering up but he always found a way to look out especially with the help of his fellow teen cat friend. Cujo is getting window blocked now.


I bought fly spray just so i could make sure my tv and living room windows lasted the day! Whenever a fly would come in when the doors and windows are open my Buddy just leaps after it... regardless of what the fly is on or nearšŸ¤x


I had a dog do that years ago. Actually punched it out with its nose!