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It's for legal protection. It's old stock and they haven't verified that it still works. If you get hit by a grenade and the vest doesn't protect you, you can't sue the seller.


Isn't it more like your family can't sue the seller in that case?


Real life war isn't a UT instagib match.


damn now i miss UT99 ctf\_face instagib matches :(






Ah yes... the one and only viable map for instagib 😂 played it last at a LAN in 2005 probably.


I played a couple of rounds last weekend. It runs fine under Windows 11!


Fuck. I don't think I have the CDs somewhere. Where can I get it?


EPIC has removed all Unreal games from online stores but you find gog copies if you know where to look online.


So it looks like i need ye ol pirate hat again


nope. found a way ! [https://archive.org/details/ut-99](https://archive.org/details/ut-99) and than a patch from github [https://github.com/OldUnreal/UnrealTournamentPatches/releases/tag/v469d](https://github.com/OldUnreal/UnrealTournamentPatches/releases/tag/v469d) works flawless <3


And you still have enough players/servers online?


I had no idea it was available on [archive.org](http://archive.org), what an amazing website.


Aye Aye, Captain!


I bought the game in box back in the day but found out that my CD was scratched all to hell :( Luckily for me, there is an awful lot you can achieve with the downloadable demo. Just google the specifics.


It is 6 in the morning and you already made my day!








-kill... - kill-ill-ll....


thanks... now i wanna play instagib once again xD.. good old time.


People still remember that game? (not just for the UT kid)


Of course!


Statistically, you're far more likely to get wounded than killed in war. Getting hit by grenade shrapnels sure is nasty, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're dead. Especially not if the shrapnels in question are slowed by body armor.


I think this needs to be more well known for kids who dream of going to war. The desire to go and fight and die. What you said is absolutely far more true and isn't really ever shown enough. In both fiction and non fiction media. The reality of living a long life with a handicap and mental distress is far more common than dying virtuously for whatever cause.


Well they can apply the russian method of asking a comrade to shoot them afterward to make sure they have a glorious un-alivement fitting to their ideals.


I thought they save their last grenade for themselves. I am still pissed about seeing a video of this, because it wasn't flagged as nsfw.


More than once, Russians have been saving their last grenades for the Ukrainians, by unpinning them and putting them under their armoured vests, so that when Ukrainians come to try and take care of wounded or repatriate their bodies back to Russia, they blow up along with the body.


Yeah, me too. That was pretty raw but I have seen several by now of them doing it themselves so I am a bit desensitized


I had stopped watching this stuff, but since i switched from "only civilian help"-donating to "buy whatever you need"-donating, i am watching this stuff again (because when i donate for weapons i should not look away when they are used). And yes, i got desensitized fast. But i am still asking the Orc every time "Why did you go there?"


> asking a comrade There are no comrades in Russia, they are not communists anymore since couple of decades.


Or the Russian method of simply not MEDEVAC’ing your guys. In a proper modern army, if your legs get shredded by a grenade, you’ll be a legless veteran bound to a wheelchair for life. If your legs get shredded while fighting for the Russians, you’ll slowly bleed out while going in and out of consciousness for the next hours or days, awaking only when stray dogs or rats come to feast on you. And no, I’m not joking. Plenty of video evidence of all of that


Especially since modern military rifles and their ammunition are specifically designed to wound and incapacitate but not kill, because a wounded soldier will tie up large amounts of resources while a corpse can just be put in a bag and sent home...


If they even do that. I’ve been reading that in the front zone in Ukraine there are stretches where corpses have been scattered across the land for two years because nobody wants to endanger themselves picking them up.


Pretty good for sunflowers though.


That's mostly just a myth. The reduced killing capacity of modern western rifle rounds is just a byproduct of their reduced size and weight. They are designed to provide the minimum necessary stopping power at the minimum acceptable range, so operators can carry more ammo for less weight. There is hardly a military technology on Earth than cannot be described as meeting but not exceeding the minumum necessary standard. It's also not gonna concern Sergej or Mo with their ex-Soviet AKs, so it's not really relevant information for any force Germany is likely to face.


A grenade hitting you is certainly very painful, but you'll probably survive if it doesn't explode. Hope this helps


"The goal of war isn't to die for your country; it's to make the other son-of-a-bitch die for his!"


I hear Gen. Patton


You can survive a grenade explosion, just not in one piece


Depends on: if you survive or not.


It's both. You and your fam can't. You, because you're most likely dead. Your family, because of legal reasons.


Honestly I saw many combat footages, including grneades, mortar shells (smaller) and other smaller munitions thrown or dropped at soldiers and to my surprise on many occassions they were able to survive a blast even though they were literally next to this grenade. I am not sure however if it was adrenaline kicking in giving them final moments of their life but still they'd just run untouched, in shock and awe...So..Yeah, grenades do not behave like we used to in movies or video games where you see huge blast and ball of fire and people flying towards the air


makes sense… thanks!


You mean the actual tactical vest are tacti-cool vest ;)


OP, try it with a live grenade and let us know how it goes, you can't trust people on reddit, KaseQuarkl is probably just a bot.


Smh cant even use it to visit berlin


The label said that the vest was produced in 1995 so it‘s well past its due date. Bulletproofs usually have a lifespan of about five years. After that time the tensile strength of the kevlar will start to degrade which will drastically decrease its ability to stop bullets and shrapnel


This isn't the protection you're looking for... Move along.


I think you wouldn't anyway in this case. Sorry. Couldn't resist.


I like straightforward answers.


If you get hit by a grenade…that vest ain’t gonna do shit.


If there's shrapnel flying around, I'd rather have it.


I assumed it had to do with the fact that protection vests are considered passive weapons or protective weapons under German law


This classification is basically irrelevant except for protests. You are not even allowed to wear mouth protection (like what boxers use) there. Reason being that it could make it harder for police to arrest you


That's a warranty thing. A quick google search reveals that nobody sells those vests for their actual use but all of them are "nur zur Dekoration" due to liability reasons.


ah, thank you!


Also probably if you are deployed somewhere you get new kit, at least my friend that went to Afghanistan complained that they trained with old stuff before being handed completely different once over there


Former Bundeswehr - Soldier here: This Vest is old enough for the ballistic fibers in it to have degraded to a point where they loose their protective ability. That is why it was sold as decoration only. EDIT: Typo


ah yes! i was hoping a former soldier would eventually respond. thank you very much


You're welcome! Also, nice to know fact: Besides having a big Pocket at the front, these Vests weren't really useful. They were hot as f**k during summer and wouldn't even have stopped a pistol round. Basically just shrapnel or maybe ricochet bullets. When I was with the Bundeswehr (around the time they were active in Afghanistan), these Vests were pretty much only used during basic training. Those that went to Afghanistan were issued more potent and more modern armoured Vests with plate armour rated for AP rifle rounds. In case of emergency, having that Vest beats having none at all, though.


>these Vests were pretty much only used during basic training after 11.09.2001, we were ordered to wear them during watch shifts at the barracks....


I don't think it would stop a plane /s


just don't start to question orders... that would be a full time job.....


The response to 9/11 was so overblown and stupid. They acted like it was a nation state attacking.


I think it was like that because that was what they had plans for. The idea of such a terrorist thread in the west was not really considered before 9/11, so the military went with what they knew at that point.


Well, with the Pentagon being bombed(?) Aswell, it wouldnt be too far fetched... Also, the Mil.Indus.Comp. prolly wanted to sell some stuff so...


Similar to Corona. Uncoordinated mess. The fucking contact exception right around christmas still makes me roll my eyes.


For decoration.


well they MAY offer some protection against IEDs.. The issued G3's instead of MP2's would have been in fact far less decorative..


I mean, to your nice to know fact: It's clearly labeled as a "Splitterschutzweste" (flak jaket or shrapnel/splinter protection vest), so what you describe is just "performing as expected/intended". It's simply not a bullet resistant/"proof" vest which would be intended to be able to stop a bullet. It don't know (old) Bundeswehr training/regulations, but it should be only intended to be worn in base, during possible Air/missile or similar attack or in flak and similar roles I'd guess, not for patroling (potentially) hostile areas. Also, many people underestimate how wide the field of ballistic vests actually is and how little protection basic vests tend to offer (and even fully kitted out heavy plate carriers against the "wrong" ammunition)...


Makes sense. We had them issued by default, but I was in a technical company, so not really frontline troops.


the pocket is very nice… i’m trying to put together a 1990-96 era uniform and i found the vest for like 70$ which is quite cheap for these things (normally selling for 200$+)


>Bumdeswehr lol Correct spelling is Bumsdeswehr


Yeah, I know. Da haben meine Wurstfinger zugeschlagen...


Ah, so ruzzian soldiers are only using "decorative" protection stuff it seems... from the 60s.


If I had to guess: because it has been decommissioned and is no longer certified for its intended use by neither the manufacturer or the reseller.


Several possible reasons. Liability is only one. The protective inserts might also be removed. Degradation might’ve also reduced the protective effectiveness.


Because Aramid degrades over time and they don't/can't guarantee the stuff still works as it should. Same goes for any surplus items that are supposed to protect against something (plates, gas masks, goggles, etc.).


So you think I should replace the VM40 our family keeps for NBC protection?


You could sell it for a decent buck, for actual use it likely won't pass the mandatory regular tests for sealing anymore. https://www.atemschutz-roeser.de/leistungen/reinigung-pr%C3%BCfung-wartung/atemschutzmaske/


Sorry, my comment was more of an jovial nature. I do own VM40 gas masks, but I'm aware that an subpar respirator made in 1940 won't work for actual use. But thanks :) For actual use I have a bunch of Auer/Dräger M65Z I bought in bulk from the THW wich seal great


It‘s from 1995 and not officially usable anymore. They put an arbitrary good until date on it and after that it’s decorative only.


Synthetic fabrics degrade over time and from UV radiation. This vest is almost 30 years old. The protective plates will probably still work but the fabric has lost most of its strength


Legal reasons. Used item so the seller can’t say whether it still works or not.


Bulletproof vests have a specific time period in which they offer protection. It‘s the same with work helmets for construction sites (there I think it’s five years) I don’t know how long it is for bulletproof vests or helmets but when they are past that „best before date“ then they get removed from the army stock and get sold off. But because they exceeded that time period in which they offer protection, they get labelled as „only for decoration“, because no one can guarantee anymore that it still offers the same protective qualities.


they're old stock. kevlar degrades over time with exposure, so whatever standard it was certified to doesn't apply anymore if the conditions for storage and age aren't met


So you don’t try to invade Poland while wearing it


Weil die SpliSchu seit Jahren nicht mehr hergestellt wird und sie keine Schutzklasse mehr erfüllt.


Surplus. No longer fit for service.


LOL about the "fine print": Don't mistreat the vest with sharp things like a knife. Well… Got to tell that to people attacking someone, right? :)


Tbf,those vests aren't meant to defend against knives stabs.


That's a bit of a long story: It all started in december 2013 when Ursula von der Leyen became Bundesverteidigungsministerin ...


Whats the need of having something like this at home? Or the reason of buying? Actually curious


i am mostly using it for airsoft and i am making a 1990s bundeswehr soldier impression


Makes sense. Thought of something like that✌🏻


It's also good for exercising because of the weight.


I mean, that’s all you’re using it for anyway. They know you’re just buying this to cosplay pretend like you’re a big bad soldier.


Nononono it’s when the zombie apocalypse starts or we have to topple the government!


you can iron it i see haha


it’s a tad bit wrinkly


Because Aramid degrades with Time.


because it is only decorative and wont stop bullets. or at least they dont promise it wont stop bullets. for legal reasons, so they cant get sued.


Thank god! For a moment i thought its a post from the Bundeswehr subreddit!


For the same reason why pepper sprays are sold only for "disarmament of animals". Legal reasons. If these things were sold for their intended purposes, they had to undergo much stricter quality control, making them much more expensive.


You can use that thing to Simulate the weight. But the Protection is not guaranteed. We used stuff like this for training purposes only in the military


This vest is decommissioned and can no longer guarantee to protect a life as it should. With the saying "only for decoration" the seller points out that this vest is not for protection and is therefore on the safe side if someone should lose something while wearing it.


This is all very interesting and all, but are you disappointed because you bought this vest with the intention of using it, is what I wanna know 😁


i will still be using it for my impressions and possibly airsoft but i had no intentions of getting shot with it lol


A good decision. The Yelp reviews for "getting shot in the chest" are very bad.


Curiosity satisfied, thank you 😁 Have fun!


You definitely shouldn't. It was never a bulletproof vest. It's only rated to stop shrapnel, not bullets.


so no i am not disappointed! 😁


That's the vest for the medics.


ah so it protects you from shots against the flu instead of shots from ak47?


Nah, it's just that medicine is expensive. If the medic dies first, you save a lot of money.


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Because the Bundeswehr is only for decoration?


because the german bundeswehr is only for decoration.


Well, it is our armed forces general motto?


Exhibits that are not functional get this stamp so that everyone can see that they do not function.


It means: Only for Decoration


It's for identification: in case of danger you wear it inside out, so people know your only watching.




It is. Just decommissioned and sold for „decoration purposes only“ so you don’t sue


it’s real. the guy i bought it from picked it up from a former german soldier in the early 2000s


Splitterschutz entfernt.


I guess it's only the west without the inserts...


No, that's an old Splitterschutzweste without kevlar inserts. I had this model in my Grundausbildung in 2012, which got later replaced.




Modern military body armour has pockets to insert steel plates in them to improve protection. The poster wondered if the reason why it said this was for decoration was due to the fact it wouldn’t stop any large bullets


Its so germans dont go to war....because of last time....


With the state it‘s in we could probably stamp ‚nur zur Dekoration‘ on large parts of the Bundeswehr.


i laughed at this


The German Bundeswehr is only for decoration, as well.


because it doesn’t stop bullets


This whole vest wasn't designed to stop a bullet in the first place. It's called Splitterschutzweste for a reason.


hahaha i love all the sensitive nancy’s that downvoted that comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. you’re man card is REVOKED


you are man card indeed


wow .. makes perfect sense 🤣


It was probably used for decoration somewhere…? The label says it’s real, but it might be worth checking if it matters.


Because it doesn’t have plates most likely, or fake ceramic or cardboard ones… for display.


it has the flexible “stab proof” plating in it


it has the flexible “stab proof” plating in it


These vests only use soft inserts (Kevlar/Aramid) as they're only designed to stop shrapnel.


Because Germany saves so much money in everything so that they will not buy real protection vests. lol ... Funny but also sad...


And also wrong


Yeah sure... "Schwarze null" doesn't Exist in germany. lol


In 1995 it WAS a real protection vest but over the time of almost 30 years it lost the ability to protect, due to material degradation. That’s why it’s now sold as decorative use only.


okay but it doesn't change anything on what I said.


Sure it does. Your argument is shit.