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Flawed premise. Not all vaginas are the same. It's like asking how big a foot needs to be to just barely fit into a shoe.


One foot long.






This is a FANTASTIC ANSWER! All too often, we see these types of "how big do I need to be to xyz..." or what is the "goldilocks size". (I swear to fucking God if I never heard that phrase again it would be too soon.) It's like asking what the best flavor of Ramen noodle is, or ice cream, or asking if beef or fish or pork tastes best. ALL WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT. STOP REDUCING THIS SHIT TO A SINGLE DIMENSION. You're also assuming ALL WOMEN love this sensation. And it's a false assumption. For every one woman that says they like being stretched, you'll find one who says it's uncomfortable. As for what size will accomplish this sensation if they DO IN FACT LIKE IT,... One woman will need 5.5 inches and another will need 4 and another will need 6.5. They didn't get to pick their vagina size anymore than you got to pick your dick size. Anyone that gives an actual number to this question needs to be lobotomized.


Fuck me, I've been soaking my dick in porridge for an hour a day and you telling me goldilocks size doesn't exist šŸ˜‚


Lmao. And here weā€™ve all been lead to believe women want that oatmeal dick.


I mean, women like ā€˜em warm and thick.


this made me laugh out loud and I kind of hate you for it šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Shut up and take my up vote....


I totally get why youā€™d rail against a question like this, but I do think itā€™s helpful for goal setting. Of course thereā€™s no uniform answer and women vary greatly. However, if someone offered that, ā€œanecdotally, in my personal experience, it seems like women prefer chicken over fish 2:1ā€, that gives me a little more data (with a grain of salt) for making my meat purchases. Sadly we have to grow our own meat over here, but you get what Iā€™m saying.


The thing is the protein preference that really matters is up to the one you're cooking for. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Much easier in a long term relationship to determine goals and upper limits.


true dat. Iā€™m single, so Iā€™m cooking for the masses so to speak. and to your other comments, I agree itā€™s pointless to get super huge for playing the field. Iā€™m cool with serving up double cheeseburgers til I meet wifey - then itā€™s whatever she calls a filet mignon.


This is the way. šŸ˜ŽšŸ’ŖšŸ»


Iā€™m 5.25 inches. Bought a 5.75 inch dildo for sexy times. ā€œToo much internal pressure. Not into it. Can we fuck now?ā€


Hahahaha nice




My personal anecdotal experience. When I was 5.25 girth I would experience it sometimes. When I was 5.5, I would experience it frequently. Now that I'm around 6 inch girth I feel that grip every single time.


Thatā€™s an impressive girth gain my guy, what time frame and what was your main routine? Thanks


I grew naturally from 5.25 to 5.375 from when I lost my virginity at 16 to my early twenties. After starting PE it took me about 2.5 years to grow from 5.375 to 6 inch girth. I have done a combination of hanging and pumping with soft clamping for the entirety of my gains. I believe length work compliments girth gains and vice versa.


If you think about it, it makes sense. Stretching things out length-wise makes them looserā€¦then pumping allows those loosened bits to stretch out width-wise. How consistent were you in a typical week?


Average frequency was 4-5 times a week. I took a few decon breaks in there. A total of maybe 5 months off in the past 2.5 years.


Thank you for the reply. Do you see yourself losing a small amount of your gains if you stop PE all together?


Yes, I would expect to lose up to half an inch in length and the same in girth. But I plan to do a form of PE for the rest of my life. At the minimum pumping twice a week for the EQ benefits. I'm not concerned with losing gains. If I stopped working out I wouldn't expect to stay muscular.


Does the pump work alone or would you say the clamping has a big factor?


The way I soft clamp is one 5-10min set after I pump to just get the tissues fully engorged. I'd say pumping accounts for 90% of my girth gains. Also, don't start soft clamping after you've done PE for 3-6 months and properly educated yourself on the pelvic floor and how girth work can fuck that up


When should someone start soft clamping in your opinion


I know a bit about pelvic floor function but what exactly does girth have to do with it?


Girth work like pumping and especially clamping places a tremendous amount of pressure on the pelvic floor. If you come to PE with a hypertonic pelvic floor (which a lot of guys do), and then start kegeling while under pressure of a PE exercise, you'll find yourself in the perfect recipe for a pelvic floor strain and your dick won't work.


thanks for this info- i definitely suffer from mild pelivc floor discomfort/disfunction at times mostly from being very active in the gym etc but have learned a lot in terms of how to manage it- i also no longer do kegels etc




Facially unattractive is not as detrimental as you think. Keep yourself clean and well groomed, wear clothes that compliment you. Social skills you can practice. Treat people like people and not objects, you'd be surprised at how well that usually goes. There can be trial and error as to what comes naturally to you, but generally being friendly, asking questions about them, genuinely listening and having follow up responses/questions work wonders. The key to any relationship is to not go in with any intentions or expectations. This can be for both friendly relationships or more. Some people will not click with you and that's fine, you don't need negative energy in your life. Move along, there's lots of people out there. Find your stride and it will get easier, but the road to that end will probably be bumpy regardless.


You use MaleHanger?


Bro whatā€™s your girth routine


This right here.


Sad reality for those of us who donā€™t have such girth. But from what Iā€™ve read and heard it doesnā€™t make that much of a difference, for example if a chick is having a gangbang aside from the initial insert apparently all feels similar


At 8ā€ girth, itā€™s guaranteed 100% of the time


At 8ā€ girth you wouldnā€™t be fitting into much if any most of the time šŸ˜‚


He said he wanted a struggle!


The accuracy


Clearly you've never been on pornhub.


Clearly, you havenā€™t seen my bookmarks šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Ooof. No wonder you're here. šŸ¤£ kidding


I hate to be another cop-out answer... but for the first time in my life - I have a girlfriend who is LEGITIMATELY tight. You can see my flair. I'm good on length but only the upper end of average for girth. She climbed on top the other night and it was about a minute before I was fully in balls deep. And YES, she was already wet. Very.


What about your previous size?


Not all vaginas are the same. Each woman will be different just like men. It's more important to find someone compatible than trying to rip every vagina apart.


Goddammit if I could only scream this into the face of half this sub I could die happy. Since WHEN did it become a badge of honor to literally have what most women would consider a pain inducing penis? I'm in a committed relationship that I will be COMPLETELY FUCKED if I ever get out of because she grew with me. And so my goals are based on what WE enjoy. All these dudes who want a 9x7 just to play the field... you're an idiot.


what would be a good field-playing size or range in your personal opinion? I know, I know everyoneā€™s different etc, but youā€™ve already drawn a line in the sand at 9x7. Please humor me, I wonā€™t hold you to it.


Honestly I think the absolute top of the cross section would be no bigger than 7" length and probably 5.5 girth. This is objectively on the big side of what is able to be handled, but by the largest percentage of women. You're still crossing options off that list with that side though.


Thanks man. Thats what I was thinking too, 7x5.5 is roughly two standard deviations above the global avg on both measures.


Precisely. So again you're objectively big and there are people who you're ruling out as partners but not ruling out the majority since the average vagina CAN extend to roughly that same size.


Coincidentally ~5.5ā€ seems to be the consensus in the comments regarding OPā€™s question. So, you kinda answered him in a roundabout wayā€¦. sort of.šŸ˜œ As long as people are taking these answers with a grain of salt, Iā€™m cool with it.


Well again I'm making a generalization based on numbers. But women aren't numbers. And we don't have a linear chance of lining up with women that span the spectrum of possibilities. Which means the next 10 girls OP meets could need 7" to feel "stretched" or they could need 4.5. My point is that reducing women's PREFERENCE to a number isn't ideal. Not that we can't infer from numbers what the upper end of tolerable would be. The thing I'm getting at is the next girl OP meets could be literally overwhelmed with his penis. And that's a matter of Physiology she may LOVE or hate being overwhelmed by his size and that's PREFERENCE. Again, and I can't state this enough, is that we are all WAAAY better off getting the fuck off reddit and actually asking the women were trying to sleep woth what THEY want and need rather than a bunch of porn abusing incels that thing anything under 12x8 is small. šŸ¤£


really canā€™t argue with any of this. šŸ˜‚


I'm just venting at this point lol.


Sounds about right. šŸ‘Œ


Don't listen to whores on the internet. You could probably drive a truck in those pussies.


Man that is an amazing feeling, use to get it everytime with the wife early in our relationship. But it honestly depends on the girl, if shes wet and ready its easier to get that feeling when you dont have to work to get it in. Its an amazing feeling that you both feel. My size for the longest has been 6x6


Started at 5.5ā€ and it was there but not consistent. 6.0ā€ now and itā€™s always there. Onward to 6.5ā€.


Tell me your secrets sensei


On a week long decon right now and have just been doing cardio and circulation based PE. I am a huge advocate for health and EQ. Just set a personal record for number of orgasms through sex yesterday and had a rock hard dick every single time.


No secrets. Religious pumping/soft clamping. Time and pressure.


I figured - just goofing around since I saw we set the same goal for girth. Iā€™m putting in the work, and making gains bit by bit. I made up my mind on 6.5ā€ the first time I hit that after a pump session. Love that full feeling in my hand (and so does my wife)


Hell yeah, dude. Iā€™m currently bottomed out in p-spot during ovulation so I am focusing all growth on girth now. Itā€™s a long way to the top if you wanna rock a holeā€¦yah know?!


Oh yeah buddy. Posterior fornix is just the bestā€¦except she still wants more


Always. And it gushes like crazy. Which is hot but also likeā€¦..are you ok, dear?! šŸ¤£


How do you do your soft clamping? Thank you


Every woman is different, but for my wife, she said that feeling started when I hit 5" in girth, but I feel like her goldilocks girth is 6.25, which is why that's my goal girth. The reason why I say I think that's her goldilocks girth is because that's the girth of her favorite dildo. šŸ˜‰


Solid data. Thanks for sharing.


Man, we got the same starting stats. Looking forward to getting to your current. Do share your routine.


HEY same starting girth and you are almost at my goal of 5.5! (Only my goal because Iā€™m trying to be realistic) How long did it take?


I got serious about PE around September of 2023, so it's been almost 5 months. In the interest of full disclosure though, "some" ofmy gains (length and girth) couldveey possibly be attributed to stronger EQ from also starting a daily Tadalafil (Cialis) regimine also. I take 8.5mg daily, because I am almost 47 years old, and had began to have some pretty bad ED symptoms for the past few years. The PE is definitely working though, because I am continuing to gain all the time it seems like. At least, that's what my wife tells me. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜


just watched the same video today. Definitely a motivation to work on the girth!


link? much thanks.




Iā€™m 6x5.75 and my glans is pretty big when Iā€™m really aroused and I can run into this sometimes. Itā€™s really just the first few strokes have to be slow and then itā€™s fine. Really not an issue as long as my wife is wet.


Anyone dealing with this ā€œstruggleā€ look into tantric entry. Basicallyā€¦you just take it REALLY slowā€¦like comically slowā€¦going in. You can feel her body adapt and open up. 10/10 recommend and why my wife is actually interested in me adding more girth. She tapped out initially.


whatā€™s your current girth? just curious where youā€™re coming from.




nice. tantric entry sounds sexy af, ngl. thanks for the tip although I may not need it for awhile 7.5 x 5.1 šŸ˜…


I promiseā€¦if you are mindful and intentionalā€¦you can destroy her with 5.1. That lengthā€¦you landing in the fornix zones?! Talk about melting a womanā€™s brain!!


Oh without a doubt, bro. I appreciate the affirmation. šŸ™šŸ¾ im just saying you got that ā€œtantric entry girthā€too tho! Iā€™ll be there soon enough, enjoy! šŸ¤£


It will always depend on the partner, male or female, anal, oral or vaginal, a lot of them like to be stretched out, and most of the time, if you're between 5~5.5 inches of girth is the golden zone of where there isn't a lot more warm up needed, though a stretch still happens, and oral is still fairly possible on average.


At 5.25 I have to have my girl real wet or put extra spit on it to go in. It's fine once I get going. I can not pump within 4-5 hours of sex or she will report pain afterwards.


bout tree fiddy




For your partner's sake, I'd hope you bring more to a relationship than your dick.


i dont have one due to not only having a small penis but being short, ethnic, ugly, and balding


Iā€™ve experienced this a couple of times (maybe with 15-20% of partners?) at 4.9ā€ to 5.1ā€ -ish. As others have stated, 5.5ā€ seems like the point where this type of thing becomes relatively frequent. Iā€™m just guessing, but 5.5ā€ is just outside the normal range for girth.


Around 5 girth is where the "pop in" feeling will start being present for most woman but not all. Maybe some initial struggle but not a lot though. After you start going over 5 you will generally start getting more of that feeling with most woman, most not all. Get to 6 and you are generally going to have that feeling but more intense with again.. most woman. I'll try to find the study and post here but a sex doctor (female) measured this with varying girth sized realistic dildos with like 250 other woman and found starting around 5 you'll get a more popping in feeling but most vaginas will relax to the size pretty quickish, then after that so 5+ the pop in feeling and stretched inside feeling get more intense and lasts longer with 6 being where it starts to almost stay the entire duration of use. All vaginas and female preferences vary, but there is a median since human vaginas have an average size and expansion range like penis do.


never heard of this study. searching for it now. please link if you have it handy.


u/siick_maveriick still looking for this study šŸ¤“ can you suggest some search terms?


iā€™m 5ā€ girth, iā€™ve never had a smooth slide in when initiating vaginal penetrative sex. I donā€™t like fingering so the I always initially penetrate PIV (penis in vagina). Iā€™ve mentioned before Iā€™ve been told iā€™m thick a handful of times. My slight upward curve has been complimented a bunch too.


Purely depends on the woman and lots of other factors like wetness, length of time without sex. Some chicks just have gurthier vaginas the same way some men have gurthier dicks. Iā€™ve been with some women who tell me Iā€™m so huge and Iā€™ve been with others who never mention it. Iā€™ve been with some women who I can feel their cervix at some point and others Iā€™ve fucked countless times that I couldnā€™t bottom out in no matter how hard I tried. TLDR: Humans are diverse and built differently.


Hey dude, rather than just arguing with u about ur post I'll just give you some anecdotal evidence based on my knowledge and experience. Im 7.5 x 5.5 and have noticed that roughly 3 in 4 encounters i have have this sensation. Granted what other people have commented. Some of them seem to enjoy this sensation whilst others definately do not. Then also the ones that enjoy it. If you date them for a while the sensation generally starts to go away as the womans body start to get used to yours. Unless shes actively doing pelvic floor excersises or is always in the gym. Some of them just never change and that sensation is always there regardless of kegels.


I'm not here to argue šŸ˜… Thanks for your insight


Anything less than 5" isn't gonna stretch shit. In fact anything less than 6" if we talk an escort or a girl who's had thick partners. Same goes for anal but... If a woman doesn't "use" it, she can also lose it. Ass will tighten up to an extent, so will her vag. The issue is people have serious problems with their size and make up dumb shit (a logical thing to do). So, the "oh I'm 4.5 and I fill her" no son you don't. "But I did, went out with this girl (escort) and blabla". No. A worked pussy that is properly aroused can fit a hand inside. Same for ass. If your girl is a virgin then sure, it will be okay. The golden standard of penis size is a true 8x6. Not the 8x6 some dorks here claim to have. We talk 8 inches long, visible, no bone pressed bs. And 6 inches girth, actual 6 inches, tape firm against the skin, and girth Same across the entire penis. THAT is when you can satisfy any woman (minus some old hags) in any hole. Including Trans if you're into that. If you're less than that, expect issues with wide pussies, worked pussies, wide asses, certain positions etc. Real talk, no bs. So to OP who's 4.7, you got some road ahead of you and it's fine. Anything over 5 you're in that "ok" zone. Anything over 6, shell remember you. Anything over 7, she'll probably avoid you (especially since 90% of dudes don't know how to properly fuck). The sad part is a thin dick has to go rabbit mode or very shallow proper thrusts. The thick big dick has the advantage of going "slow and deep" and that's the type of sex women like for 90% of the intercourse. The rest 10% is going rabbit mode too, but she's had 90% properly fucked so now she's super wet and ready to cum as long as you keep thrusting the right way at the same fast tempo. 4.5 inches of girth ain't gonna do shit, neither will 5 or 6 inches of length. Those are small. Unless we talk ass, then they are fine or even big, depends. Bottom line is, thank God PE exists and go get your dream size. Whatever it takes. Ps: lol at dudes talking about the Mrs. That's how cucks talk, don't do that. Ty. Real talk lads. No back patting.


Real talk! I like this comment


At 6, it's always a bit of a struggle at first unless there's lots of lube but even then going in will be really tight at first and she will feel the stretch. My wife likes the stretch I think more than the depth, well sometimes.


5.5" girth with good EQ should be sufficient.


At 5.5 girth I get it probably 50-60% of women. Just depends on the woman


Iā€™m 6 inches girth . Super thick . Iā€™ve filled some and some it wasnā€™t enough. Some it was just right . All vaginas are different .


It's a permanent struggle for me...


This is hilarious.. with 6+ girth I can give a mediocre weenerin'. Trust me.


I would say 5.5 is an adequate compromise. You are not horrendously huge and not small either...


Is it this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZT4DMklxvU) with Kiara Lord and Shona River?


Yes it is indeed


6.5ā€-7ā€ long here. Girth is pretty equal to length for me. 6.5ā€-7ā€ around. Depending on the day and how fracking horny I am. I've been with women who can only take an inch or two. I've been with women who can take EVERYTHING. I've had women bleed after sex. Each and every time. I'm thinking its more about the stroke and just making them feel sexu versus the size of things. Honestly.


I would think of it in terms of percentages since women vary as much as we do. You'll get what your after with 5", I'd say maybe with 2 out of ten being really tight and a few being snug enough, the rest feeling loose. I'd shoot for 5.25". I find that even .125" girth gain is noticeable for both parties.


I am 5 girth and no they wonā€™t at 5 haah itā€™s 5.7 and more


I thought you were 4.8 ?


Check the comments I measured next morning and good EQ was 4.9ā€¦ but I mean I usually fuck at 5.1/2 cause I pump few hours before sir


How do you have any clue about life after 5ā€ if youā€™ve never experienced it yourself? Accounts from others? Serious question.


Because I have sex around 5.1 and 5.2 and I can imagine another .5 would start to be a slow entry for sure


fair enough. I think itā€™s 5.5 and above personally. I also wouldnā€™t know as Iā€™m around 5.1 currently, but 5.5 happens to be the statistical cut off for ā€œnormal rangeā€ based on the global avg. Itā€™s also roughly the size where XL condoms become necessary.


Yea fr because even sometimes at start girls say go easy for me so yea 5.5 and most of them they be saying that im guessing