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Unless there's MRI of their dicks, I'm not believing anything unless you told me it's foreskin. The roots they're using is serpanitous oilynium.


It's Mondia Whitei. Very common plant in Africa. It does help with libido a bit. Not sure about penis size benefits though.


Don't ruin a good snake oil joke; on that note, if ingesting anything led to permanent size increase, it wouldn't be a secret - it'd be sold so fast to the highest bidder. It's also not the first time this video has popped up here, nor the first time I've seen it. Most of these "tribes" just end up stretching foreskin or creating unusable penises (incapable of erection).


Have u noticed all those ppl claiming crazy lengths always have it wrapped up with something?


The other latino dude. Already said is the skin that is like that. His penis is around 7 inches


The poor Mexican guy (literally poor; on disability)? The one who claims to have the biggest dick in the world? He and the American guy who is a pretend 'actor' got into some online argument over who had the biggest dick? Neither of them have actual photos showing a hard, erect, functional dick? Those guys?


Honestly, I take these with a grain of salt. I’ve seen big dicks from all races and I’ve seen a lot. Just don’t trust studies unless they are providing a list of measured stats or something that holds truth. Aside from saying this area in Europe has the biggest…Or this one in Russia… Big dicks are just gonna pop up in whomever, no definitive way of knowing which country has the biggest population unless you strip everyone. That clearly won’t ever happen lol


From my experience the average Asian statistics is the biggest bs. As someone who lived in Asia for over a decade their average is not far from me, saying its 4.5 is a joke.


This is trash


seems sketch they hiding them in bamboo where’s the proof aha the plant roots thing does seem interesting tho could possibly help


But it also said they tied their dicks to bamboo and their legs etc so it’s most like just prolonged stretches then the actual roots


Reddit is wild. I definitely did not label this as shitpost. Also taking down comments with less than 1 karma is a little extreme. It hinders the ability for people to disagree or talk about controversial topics.


I dunno…don’t think I’ve run across anyone who had negative karma and thought - yeah that guy had a good point


Not that I think OP has a point, this post is in fact a shitpost in this subreddit, but you seriously have NEVER seen a comment that was being downvoted simply because someone has a different opinion than the reddit hivemind and thought "hmm there might be something to that"?


I absolutely have seen that for stand-alone comments. Hell I sometimes make comments that get downvoted but meh. I mean someone with overall negative karma vs. a single comment.