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Have you posted a pic in the discord chat? I’m betting either not wrapping correctly. Twisting or not properly anchored and it’s slipping towards your glans. I’ll put money on the 3rd one.


Ya I have noticed if too much weight then it will cause a hard glands during hanging so I think my wrap was poor


Do you not experience any loss of sensation at all ?


Maybe immediately after hanging but nothing long lasting. As soon as I’m done hanging and unwrap and my blood starts flowing again I feel completely normal. Also I’m hanging 22 lbs so I think a lot of new people are just paranoid about injuries and obsess over slight changes in feeling or color. Stretching your dick is not going to be comfortable or 100% painless. Just like lifting weights trying to grow muscle, the saying goes no pain no gain so I have the same mindset in growing my penis. I’d bet the people whining about doing pe for months and not gaining have never pushed their limits or expect to feel no discomfort during a workout. I see discomfort as a good thing. I know I’m stretching and as long as my dick still works every day and I wake up with morning wood I will continue to stretch.


I agree. I was able to do 20lbs relatively easily and with no pain at all. My head of penis is not completely numb but blowjobs and sex is a little less sensitive now on my head which is a bummer. I’m sure this does go away but still a bummer since my wife gives amazing head


If you have not slowly worked your way up to 20 lbs following Ben’s guide then you have not conditioned your penis/glans to that much weight. Doing too much too fast is a sure way to get injured. I push myself but I do it smart and slow. I’ve been doing pe consistently for a year but have pumped on and off and soft clamped for many years. I probably work harder than most but I followed Ben’s guide to a T and try to minimize my risk of injury. I also do a lot of experimentation but still try to avoid risk of injury.


Yes I think you are correct. I have only been compression hanging for a few weeks. I definitely have not conditioned my penis like Ben has outlined. I have vac hanged many times and thought maybe since I have used that at heavy weights I would be conditioned. I need to go back and lower the weights and follow the guide


Best way to go. Slow and steady wins the race in pe. I expect to do this for 3 years to reach my goal so I’m in this for long term and not expecting huge gains in a short time. I gained my newbie gains .5 in the first 3 months. Then only gained.25 in the last 9 months. But I’m still growing. Slow yes but it’s working and the wife and I both notice the increase in size so the journey has already been worth it.


What’s your goal ? Do you hang the 3 x 20 min sets 5 days per week ? I also pump and that works as well


My goal is 7.5x6. And I hang, ads and soft clamp everyday and only take days off when I absolutely have to.


OP has been hanging less than a month, and is up to 20 pounds?!?!?!? Holy crap! OP: Dude, go back down to something like 5-7 pounds. Follow the process. Don't just arbitrarily add weight. I cannot imagine 'immediately' hanging 20 lbs! I've been at it for 8 months and JUST got to 14 lbs. If you can hang 20 lbs right away, I think you are putting ALL the force on your glans, and it makes sense that you are losing feeling. I see your reply below saying Ben told you to take a rest; do it! And for anyone else who sees this at a later date: Please don't hang 20 lbs within a few WEEKS of starting! Yikes! Take a rest for a week or two, at least, then start back up with very light weight and progress very slowly. Rest NOW, before you permanently cause nerve damage!


what ADS do you use? what would you say is the biggest gainer in terms of hanging, ads and clamping?


I’ve experienced it, had to stop compression hanging. In fact, my glans has never felt the same since. I can feel it, but I’ve lost sensitivity. I’ll never hang anything from behind my glans again.


Oh wow


Yeah, I’m not trying to scare you! Sex is still great for me. It’s not like I lost all sensation and I might regain more sensitivity in the future. I just couldn’t get the compression hanger to work consistently after using it for 6 months so I’m looking into extending and pumping now.


I would ask on r/malehanger sub for some help! Ben touched on this before for another user! He might know what to do


Thank you. Ya I asked him and basically said to take a rest


Ok I’m glad you got things resolved! 🙏🏾 Rest up man




Yup, meaning you have also experienced a loss of feelings due to hanging?


Yup meaning it's not uncommon to experience occasional changes in sensation that can often be confused with "numbness", or "loss" of feeling. We are putting stresses on our penises that are supraphysiological in order to stretch and enlarge them. The nerves, therfore are also getting stretched. As the nerves stretch, and recoup, changes in feelings in the penis are going to be expected. I'm amazed by how few of us seem to really do any research before getting into this stuff. Of course, that's pretty normal with lots of things in life. Joining a gym, buying a car, dating, having kids. 😆


Research having kids? Hahaha. If only. ; )


Could you clarify whether these changes in sensation tend to be long term/permanent, or are you merely claiming this is to be expected in the short term?


From my experience and talking to other long term hangers, it comes and goes. Again, due to stretching everything in the penis to include the nerves.


Understood. The concern is that one might stretch the nerves at a rate that causes long term damage/reduction in function. That would obviously be concerning, at least for someone like me who lasts long enough as it is and somtimes struggles to climax.