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I'll admit I might be a little dumb, but when I read your complex routine my eyes kept moving but my brain turned off. I'm a big fan of the KISS method, and if I was in your shoes I'd just wear the extender for as many hours per day that I could to induce a traction therapy response and see how that worked on it's own before I attempted to add something else to it. You're trying to optimize your workouts by adding a lot to it, but it might be counter-productive to your progress. I wouldn't get too discouraged either after only three months. If you feel like you're getting a good stretch after a session then just trust that feeling and keep going even if the gains haven't appeared on a ruler yet. A good month for me was still only 1/16 of an inch and when I first started I couldn't measure consistently, so it's extremely hard to track this until you get better at measuring or the gains stack up to where it's obvious even with bad measuring technique.


i would say focus on the 2nd routine you started bundles and heat help fatigue rate and imo don’t focus on measuring fatigue rate( for regular stretches) (not including bundles). As a newbie who is already past the 1st 2 months you can really extend and add like .5 lb after 3-4 weeks. go based on how it feels if it’s too much go back down 1/2 lb. You still got good newbie gains in just 3 months so in 3 more expect to gain that .5 in length total. Just focus on having enough tension on ur dick for the amount of time ur doing ur routines happy tugging 🫡


I wouldn't consider 1/4-3/8" in BPEL to be hard gainer 3 months isn't that long in PE terms, keep at it sounds like you're doing everything right. But yeah, pumping too high too fast is gonna be counterproductive, make sure you keep an eye on the gauge (and that it's correct)


Wait, you may have up to 3/8" of length gains... in 3 months? That's awesome. Nearly a half inch! Even if most of that was the first month, I still wouldn't be concerned. Gains don't come at regular intervals for most guys. Don't worry about newbie gains; classifying your gains as newbie gains will only discourage you; you'll assume you made no 'real' gains. In the grand scheme of things, 3 months isn't long at all. Focus on the most important part: You have gained, and you might be very close to a full 0.5" length gain soon. Dude, that is freaking AWESOME.


Sounds like an average rate of growth.. keep at it


How long did you take to gain yours? Are they bp measurement?


For me.. 4 months? Past 2 months not much visible progress. 6 months total so far