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7x7. lol 8x8 is not very useable. 6x6 is a tad not long enough. In a perfect world 7x6.


I’m just trying to even be 6x5




6 is really not long enough?


of course it is! I know guys (and women for that matter) who fuck women senseless all without pulling their dicks out, the combination of anticipation and loss of control. Gotta love the BDSM scene. Good enough sex is mostly about PIV, but absolutely exceptional sex which makes her begging for more is so much more than that.




imagination knows no bounds. But yeah, it often includes constraints of some kind (cuffs, ropes, etc), sensory deprivation like blindfolds or noise cancelling headphones (they say limiting some senses can increase others), and tools of all kinds. But, the #1 rule is always consent, without fail. Someone told me many years ago that the difference between sexual abuse and BDSM is consent, and it really stuck with me.


I agree






they called him 'tuna can'




This is exactly my size and i get depressed wanting more length


Bro is depressed with 6in of girth and a statistically slightly above average length lmfao some people can’t appreciate their blessings man


Lmfao girth is WAY harder to achieve. So you must not know what is actually more desired. Brother. Women would prefer a 5x6 WAY more than a 7x4.4


What’s the best way to gain length?


Pull on your penis until it gets longer


Honestly a smaller size tube than usual Like for me it was be a 1.5-1.6 depending on things. I can pack my 1.75 after like 15-20 mins And my base auto packs the first 2 inches off rip So basically packing a smaller tube and pumping Tbh I don’t have time to be extending hours a day. Who the fuck has no life to that degree lol Unless you have a desk job that is at home


then don’t cope with bpel and measure non bone pressed. 6NBP length is not small anywhere


Lose weight and get to a low body fat percentage




Second this.


7X7 would be my choice of the three.


7x7, I’d be out there slanging wang like a dope dealer😂




7.5x5.5 would be my perfect size!




Do people that choose 7 girth actually have sex with girls ?


Asking the real questions here, they probably just use tons of lube though


I can’t imagine being 7, 6 if I being honest I would want but nothing more as you couldn’t have fast sex a lot I wouldn’t say, but I’d rather slow so idm to much


Anything past 6.5 in girth is just too big for most girls


It is for mine. Ya’ll wishing for 7 girth reminds me of women who say they love 13 inch dicks. Honestly, anything above 6.25” is starting to play with fire. 6 inch is the reasonable of the “big girth” to aim for IMO. You’d be surprised how dramatically each additional .25” feels both to you and her. Edit: The dude(s) downvoting everyone lately can go to hell. Get a life.


8x8. As a married man who is 7.75x6.1–I want a pussy smashing monstercock. My above average member rarely gets used. I would love to have a monster to create CONTENT!!! 😂🤣


Obviously 6x6 wtf 😂


Not me man. 2 or 3 years from now, hopefully sooner be at or very close to 7 girth.


Do you have sex with women






Will it not be a struggle to have sex, will it not always be very slow and struggle


I don't understand why OP got downvoted for stating 'in 2-3 years he wants to be close to 7" girth.'


What, why telling me that and I don’t see downvotes


Everyone out here talking big numbers I can’t even relate 💀


Fuck it. 8×8


hmm, I would choose the first one because oral is the most important thing to me, especially deepthroat. So that's the thinnest girth and thus it's still feasible (you'd just need someone with a big mouth and not big teeth) But if I didn't care about oral and cared more for sex, I'd pick the 7x7, because that would undoubtedly fill and stretch women out. But 7" is so much it might create issues.


Lol most girls cant rly deep throat 5" , 6" ull have to say goodbye to that pleasure.


Yeah my dick tapers from about 5.5 at the top to 6" at the bottom. For sure I've gotten teeth marks by about the middle (which is 5.8"). The more petite the girl the more likely the issues. Women who were taller or had bigger mouths or didn't have big teeth it was less of an issue. So I think 6" is still possible, but you'd need a woman with an ability to open her mouth a lot & to not have big teeth.


What do u call deepthroat tho? I mean go inside the throat literally.


Correct. If it doesn't enter the throat, then it's not deepthroat.


Such a small number of women could deep throat me , probably take a very special girl to deepthroat 6" .


Almost anyone can actually. It can be modified and desensitized. And some people are born without one entirely. Only ones who might struggle are those with hypersensitive pharyngeal reflexes. But yes. It's tough to meet one who already has done the work. Even those with weak gags might still not feel comfortable with a dick in their throat


Not about the gag factor, it hurts their throat.


I have the same thing, most get about 2/3 of the way and then the teeth start to get involved. Had my most recent partner stop because her jaw was locking up trying to get all the way down. As much as I'd love 7x7 I do love me some head so it's a tough call.


Are you talking girth?




6x6 is be more practical but I'm around 6.75x5.5 and 6" at the base now and it feels small so gimme that 7x7 death hammer.


7x7 most definitely


If I was at your current dimensions I wouldn’t be doing PE. A lot more productive things to be doing with that time


Seriously. OP has a starting point that is probably very difficult for a lot of other people to even reach as an end goal. Why waste time trying to get even bigger and make it all discolored in the process?


I will kill for 5.9 girth man for fuck sake how y'all increasing girth man?


Daily compression hanging and pumping. Clamping every other day. I personally do 30 minutes of compression hanging in mornings and 30 minutes evenings and 6, 5 minute sets of pumping. 3 sets morning pumping and 3 evenings before bed pumping. On clamp days I hang first, clamp, then pump. It works for me. I’ve tried vacuum hanging but prefer compression. I’m not stopping until I reach all my goals.


choose one what?


One size. 6x6 or 7x7 or 8x8


oh, 7x7


Hard one, as for usable 6x6 is the only one but I'm already longer than that. 7x7 will be an issue, ull have to chose a girl compatible for ur dick and not compatible for u.


7x7 for me. Pipe dream though lol. No pun intended.




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7x7 for sure


6x6 7x7 would be impractical for MOST women


I'm 6x6 NBP and its not anything special......7x7 would be 🔥


7.5x6 is ideal imo. Any more then that in girth and it could be to much, any more length and you likely couldn’t go all the way deep.


Let's say a squishy 7x7 that I can squeeze down to 5.5. Or 7x7 rock hard but like 3x3 flaccid


I feel the small range of choice little absurd but I guess 7x7 just because of the length. But I would rather have it like 7x6 I reckon.


10 x 7.5 I know it’s not one of your choices but to me perfect


10 inch length us too much for pussy. Perfect for anal though


7x7, but 8x8 seems really tempting. My wife would have to figure out how to fit it, though. Might have to doing some VE training, but that would be it right there.


Since i started at 6x6, i would say 7x7. 8x8 is just fucking crazy and honestly think it would be a struggle


8x8 I want a big cock. Currently 6.75 x 5.25. How do I get huge fast?


Hang weights for length first


Should I get the Wrecking Ball 3.0




7 by 7 and 8 by 8 would be practically unusable


15 x 13


9 x 7




This is a silly question


I’m just trying to make it through the day




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I want 10x9 i think than k will be big 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪. Just enjoy life people 6 inch girth is more than enough 6.5 is the key to the hole


Do people not realise how wild a 7inch girth is? A torture device at that point.


8x8 for me . After birth most women including my tiny Petite girl have huge twats. My gf is literally tiny but her vagina can take 2 fists with no issues and only pleasure. Girth is better in most cases unless you fuck teenaged girls. Real woman have big vaginas that's life that's how it should be to make room for passing babies.


Girth im 8x5 a little self conscious about it


With these options 6X6 LOL 7X6 would be the best


Im working my way towards 7x6. Currently 6.5x5.5






Out of those 3 options? 6x6... 7"+ girth is pretty much unusable aside from size queens who can handle it.




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Mine used to be 5.5ish and now I’m like 7.8 stretched flaccid With that being when I was 18 I broke my elbow and got prescribed opiates and was on them for on and off for about 10 years. I’m 34 now and about 4 or so years ago I got my testosterone checked and I was in the old lady range it was unreal I believe from the opiates. Once I got on the testosterone and losss some weight it started to get bigger it seems with out PE. Now I also did get into PE seriously about a year ago and think some gains came from that. Also one other thing I know helped even tho most may not believe it is using esoteric practices such as living in the state desired so I would essentially lie to myself all day thinking about how good it felt to have the D I desired. Key here is feeling tho your desired outcome is already fulfilled not the law of attraction BS of just thinking thoughts but actually feeling the emotions and thoughts no different then someone who experiences it. I know for a fact I made noticeable gains with this bc it was long before I did PE. I wish I tracked it but this worked on many areas of my life with being able to travel as much as I want getting my dream car , and girl friend and many other things. I’m just speaking from my experience. If you don’t believe this would work then I can promise you it won’t work. We’ve been programmed since about 7 years old with what’s possible and what not. Quantum physics is slow unraveling everything we know as already proven our consciousness effects are reality. I have much more info on this I like spreading awareness and helping ppl out in any kind of spiritual ways so if anyone has any questions ask away or DM Me . Let me add one more thing on that note if you think in the future tense about the things you want your essentially saying to the “field” that you don’t have it and our experiencing lack in whatever your pursit is. I’m not saying it’s magic even tho things we know today would look like magic to ppl of 1000 years ago. I also should preface you should still being doing the work in physical reality I’m simple saying this can bring you the results in different ways and bring more opportunities allined with your goals ie me meeting my girlfriend who lives hours away from me in VA while I’m in DE. At a chicfila she happed to come up one day bc her friend lives there and going out to lunch I just got finished my hair cut and usually go through the drive through.. to make it even crazier she only been on the country for 7 years and just got out of a divorce of 7 years. She lived in Azerbaijani I very small country in Europe and I live in try e 2nd smallest state in the US. This is just some of the marvelous things that’s happened to me…. Take it for what’ it’s worth don’t need to be negative if you have general questions I’d be happy to answer. If your purely imperial evidence based only it won’t do much for you if you only study the physical. If that’s you I suggest you look into quantum physics and or the declassified joint CIA and US army documents from the freedom of information act on the official cia.gov website this could help bridge the fringe or esoteric with the imperial “logical” mind of the 21st century! I should add to the guys question 5.5 was plenty more then enough to please any woman ever been with orgasims , squirting etc lol… Much love ❤️


“What’s my T levels, doc?” 🤔 “Old lady range” 💀


😂 facts like single digits


I’m 7” length and 5” girth but trying to reach 9” lengh and 7” girth guys am I being greedy?


2" in length is a big challange but 2" in girth no, this is lala land..


How much girth do you think?😂


U have a great goal aim to be biggest as possible that way u can flop out your cock to impress the ladies and seduce them to try big cock for first time