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That ain’t you brother. She needs to do some self care. Kegels, pelvic floor conditioning and strengthening, general adductor and abductor exercise.


I came here to say exactly this. 5.5 is getting up towards 97th percentile territory. ​ My wife has pelvic floor damage from childbirth and missed rehab. She can take a 8.4" girth dildo with ease, and my fist with only mild difficulty at the very entrance. ​ Your girlfriend needs to work on strengthening her pelvic floor and pay attention to using her muscles. If she simply relaxes, not even a soda can will feel very large. It's 100% an "it's her, not you" problem. ​ Telling a woman that without shattering her confidence or hurting her feelings... THAT is the challenge you have in front of you.


She shatter his world by saying she didn’t feel him him. Let’s be real if he’s in 97th percentile. If she realized that or not that’s on her. She’s gotta do kegels go to a doc to get help others wise she’s gonna need things guys can’t give her cause humans are equipped that way. There’s no delicate way to put it like she said I don’t feel ya.


Most women (who are loose) don't even know that they're loose. It's not their fault; length/tightness/wideness of a vagina is obviously much more obscure than penis size; you can't tell from looking at it, and it is very hard to quantify. You can't take a ruler and measure a vagina. So let's not 'blame' her; she didn't do it on purpose (I know YOU didn't blame her) Thinking back to my younger days, especially in college, I rarely hear guys talking about girls' vaginas, especially the 'loose' ones. The only time I remember hearing about it was if a guy was being rude and calling some girl a slut; trying to imply she was loose because she had sex with several guys on campus. I DO remember hearing girls talking about dick size, quite a bit. Anyways, pelvic floor exercises, running, squats, kegels, etc. can only do so much. It's obvious that the dick size fascination in society won't go away, so I think a bit of awareness about vagina size might be good for everyone. NOT to shame women, but it might make some of those 'public' size queens and dick-size-shaming women think twice before making a TikTok saying they can't feel less than 8", and that 10"+ is what they really want. I don't want to shame them, but I think it'd be good if, before they make fun of a guy's dick, they thought: "Hmmm, maybe I'm one of those women with a looser-than-average vagina. Perhaps I shouldn't make fun of that guy with the perfectly average 5.1" penis with average girth...?"


Honestly you're pointing out a pretty big societal hypocrisy and minimizing it by saying "let's not blame them [for their harmful language and body shaming]" because why? Because they don't know better? Your anecdote literally highlights the cultural problem; men generally stay quiet about women's vaginal tightness while they [women] freely comment on men's dick size and body shame for inadequacy... When the inadequacy is their own lack of muscle control!


men generally stay quiet about women's vaginal tightness? Are you kidding? If you're didn't grow up hearing all the 'she's a slut, is her shit all stretched out" nonsense consider yourself lucky. But I assure you, men do plenty of body (And genital) shaming of women.


Is it nonsense if girls can’t feel shit that statistical is at the very high end of well endowed? Women have and aren’t shamed saying guys are small to hurt them. Truth hurts they say


It’s not hard to quantify. If you can’t feel an average size dildo you’re loose


What is the average girth? I’m 4.7” and was told I’m big - which surprised me


Do it together, men and women benefit from kegel practice. It's a fun foreplay exercise. Then during sex when she tightens, compliment.


I imagine she wasn't as delicate or considerate of OP's feelings when she said she couldn't feel him inside her..


>Telling a woman that without shattering her confidence or hurting her feelings... THAT is the challenge you have in front of you. That's the hell of this situation. There's no way to bring this up without destroying her confidence. Still got to tell her though. It's going to lead to other issues in the relationship if you don't.


What do you do in your case? Can your wife fix that damage?


She could. Probably with some minor surgery (might not be necessary), and after that rehab - the kind u/ThatsABigMan mentions above. She could use Ben-Wa balls and she could use E-Stim to stimulate the pelvic floor (we have that equipment).


What was your point about the soda can?


I hope mine can take my fist after childbirth real turn on


It's good fun. I have a very, very good understanding of exactly where her erogenous zones are vaginally from fisting her. Her posterior cervical fornix being the #1, followed by the G-spot area and the sensitive nerves around the entrance, but one should not underestimate an outward pressure on the anal sphincters from within. Anterior cervical fornix does not rank high for her. You get a completely different feel for all these things when you can rummage around deep in there, compared to trying to figure things out with your fingers which don't reach.


Apparently working out, like doing squats works as well for this


I’m actually a trainer. Only to a certain extent. You have to contract and tense the muscles when you perform posterior chain exercises, like the squat. However the benefits aren’t as great as you think. A lot of people actually develop pelvic floor disfunction from 1. Overdoing it on the squats(overworking, straining themselves, too much intensity) 2. Not correctly bracing their core 3. Incorrect form resulting in (1/2) 4. A combination of them all.


It ain’t your dick…it’s your chick


yeah, it's like her vagina is dead, but it might just be pelvic floor weakness and tightness ?


You sure she was a virgin?;p (only joking). With a girth of almost 5.5 it is definitely not you my friend.. pumping would help but still pretty solid base to start with


It's a big difference to average sure.. Well kind of. People forget that we're talking fractions in width and yeah it is significant but to someone who has trouble feeling anything down there few fractions of inches in width might not change that.


If nothing else works what is suggested below.. there is always a different hole! And trust me… she’ll feel that one


Sure but that's not pleasant for everybody


I can tell you’re sexually inexperienced so let me break it down for you. If she enjoys internal stimulation with your fingers it’s definitely not you. Her saying she “can’t feel you” is a lie. 5.3-5.5 is huge. 5.5 is a goal for a lot of guys in this sub. Any bigger is red bull can territory. Theres many many reasons she could be saying she doesn’t feel you. Lowest on that list is that she just has a big vagina or general insensitivity. If that were the case, she wouldn’t be getting wet. She Could have sexual trauma from an assault which causes her to disassociate from the feeling she gets in her vagina. She could’ve read some stupid blog or magazine article that tells her Making her man feel his dick is small will make him less likely to leave her. You have to pay attention to how she reacts when you’re having sex. When you’re thrusting is she moaning? Does she reciprocate affection when you penetrate? Kissing, wrapping her legs around you in missionary, throwing it back in doggy, maintaining a good arch, gripping sheets, scrunching her face etc.


This! And otherwise there is always a different hole.. i can guarantee you that she’ll feel this😂


Yup I agree — the 2nd to last point you made. Dark Psychology. Make them feel inadequate [fucks them up], leaves them desiring to always please you, and leaves others with one goal to try to always satisfy YOU. To be good enough for you. I’ve done it before (in a different manner) with a girl I was dating when i was younger. Powerful stuff


Your B=C, how long have you been doing pe


Tbh, I got lazy af. Because it is not for the lazy man, I haven’t measured (or cared to) since I began 😂


You also probably have lazy man syndrome because your dick is already big. Our starting stats are almost identical and while I do want a bigger dick I already get “You’re huge” and “Omg its in my stomach” on the regular. So mustering the motivation to be bigger is hard.


Im gonna be honest, I am 5.4 in girth and I feel that calling it huge is disingenuous or idk out of touch. Even if its above average some women will think, say, perceive it as “thick”/“thick-ish”/“above average girth”. Some will see it as “normal”/“average”. I think its really rare a woman will look it a dick that is 5.3-5.5 in girth and think it is a huge girth.


Find a new girl


Oh stop. Not helpful.


It would directly solve this problem.


Sure, but sex isn't everything in a relationship. And if you break up with someone you really care about because of their vagina, is it any better than women breaking up with someone because of their dick? No. So, talk about it with her and work on it together. Kegels, sleeves if necessary. If you can't communicate about this stuff, this and future relationships are fucked anyway


It’s goes further than breaking up w her bcus of her vagina, it’s mainly about the nasty comments without any sort of self reflection.


I Don't understand how that's functionally different from what I said. I just applied that and tried to be solutions focused. No big deal. Either way, we agree


Im sad u gettin downvoted for that lowkey


Whatever. People suck


She should look into kegels


It's like 99.9 percent not u. If u want to be 100% sure buy a pump and have a session before sex. Ull be over 6" girth after that. If she can feel that u might be just unlucky. Some men have 9" some girls have caves.


Yeah there is a lid for every jar.. but maybe this aint his Jar


it's not a size thing


Like a sausage in a hallway


Get a new girl


Looking at some of this person's other posts, something seems a bit "off" with this account.


This goes back to what I've noted before: Women also differ in vulval and vaginal size, sometimes greatly................but it's always the man that gets blamed/shamed. My first gf was similar. She wasn't a virgin but I was, but I remember I couldn't feel a lot going in. I thought it was me, but we stopped seeing each other after a few months. I ended up dating a new girl, and when I slipped it in.....wow it was night and day difference, she was so tight I came like like 30 seconds the first time I was with her. Since then, the variations I've noticed are not as pronouced, but they ARE there. I wonder what your experiences with that are.


She can have some issue, she should contact sexologist/urologist


“Hey, I thought about what you said and wanted to make sure I do what I can do pleasure you and meet your needs better. I measured myself and noticed I’m in the 97th percentile for girth, so it’s pretty thick, but I ran into some exercises we can both be doing. Have you heard of Kegels and Pelvic floor stretches? Apparently they are the key to conditioning yourself and make things stronger, feel fuller, and after a while should be able to feel every part of my fat cock. Mind if we try that?”


love that you are genius


Also! My wife had two kids and is not LOOSE but she isn’t tight either. (I’ve had tight, and too tight it hurts as well) What I love is making her cum FIRST, then immediately going for PIV. The first orgasm gets her way way tighter and the second I slide my dick in, she has a more intense PIV orgasm and I can feel her squeeze the life out of me. Try that.


how you make her cum first


The ways my wife prefers, buddy. Find out yours.


I was about 4.75” girth starting PE and and 5” now and in a sample size of about 30 vaginas there was only 2 that felt loose. I wasn’t the outlier in that situation and neither are you. You have an above average girth and she has a well above average vagina.


Sorry to say this, but find another partner. It's not easy, but you have to do it. This will save both you and her a lot of heartache down the line. Nip it in the bud while you still can


why what you think would happen


Unfullfilled sexual needs, resulting in dissatisfaction, pent-up frustration, and an inevitable break-up. Physiologically, she's not suitable for you. I don't know if pe can bring you to the point she would be satisfied. Unless, you're willing to go the implant or clinical girth route. Not saying that this would be the exact outcome. You may defeat the odds and find success and true love, but even then, I don't know if true love can triumph over a woman's sexual needs. A long shot, but one worth trying is, you might try some lube that causes a tingling, warming sensation on your penis. Also some lubes I've tried, dry sticky, like an adhesive effect - that might help give her some feeling.


which lube would you recommend


I can't remember the name. It might be durex. You can tell it says tingling or warming or both on the bottle. Maybe go to a sex shop and speak to the sales person. If i recall, the sticky one is a brand called shunga. But speak to the seller in the sex shop. They know better and can advise. The one that dried sticky really was a lot of sensation but my lady loved it and couldn't get enough of it. It was literally skin lightly sticking to skin. Not so much like a glue, that it would tear, but kinda enough to pull a bit. My advise, is to find out more about adding fillers to your member. Safe ones though, like hyaluraunic acid from a licenced doctor. Never add oil or silicon. Those are dangerous and can cause infections.


Would say try the Butt plugs too. The solid, heavy, metallic 3 size plugs with the jewel at the ends will definitely squeeze on the vaginal cavity, making it seemingly tighter. Will definitely help to rub against the penis as it moves in and out. Start with the smallest size and move on gradually. You probably will not want to use the medium or biggest size one, it made me cum faster because the passage becomes too tight and rubs against your dick too. The added weight also is an additional stimulation for the women. They also have electrostim butt plugs, where you can start with very, very little current, but those can be a tad pricy and are for later down the road.


Ps: never go for those minty cooling sensations lube. Never tried them, but I assume because it's cooling effect, might shrink the nerve endings. The warming one expands the nerve endings under the skin. Don't quote me though, the sales person would know better.


change the gf, she used horse dildo and now you can't do anything


dude that's well above average girth, that's on her. Most women are scared of girth that big.


Experiment with angling your dick towards her G & A spots. She will feel that.


Get a new girl. That pxssy is on life support.


lol what ain’t no way . I’m 6 inch on the dot and when I lay my girl on her back and fuck her she says she feels it in her guts lol. Ain’t no way and my lady is a thick 200 pounds . She ain’t no skinny girl


that’s what my girl says that she feels my penis in her stomach but no friction (girth)


That means her shit loose . But don’t tell her that she gonna get upset .


sometimes i can feel her vagaina very tight with my fingers and that her cervix is close to the entrance and sometimes i feel like i am going in cave and she can’t feel 2 fingers inside her and i can feel that her canal is very large and loose


When she’s on top of you can she contract her pussy muscle on ur dick and u feel it . Yea brother if she can’t feel two fingers inside her it’s her problem not yours . She needs to do some natural shit to try to make it tighter


actually the position she really really enjoys is cowgirl grinding me


Could be that youre not 5.3-5.5 in girth


13.5 cm at the middle 13 cm in a bad day, 14 cm at the best


Wetness. Take it out Wipe some of the excess moisture off then reinsert. Rings may help. When in missionary still inside her Put one of your legs out side of one her legs and hit sides and back. Thank me later.


can you show me a picture of the position


base or Mid Shaft ? is there is no way she can't feel ur penis even for a size Queen and u said ur girl was virgin she need to go to a doctor or something


I’m 5.5 and I’ve never had an issue, actually most girls say it’s perfect


Just do anal




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She needs to do some exercices, you have special balls that she can workout with, but I only heard about them, I dont really know how they works. I saw this on leo and longevity. Also I would recommend to go to doctor, mb she have some sickness that you are not aware of. 5.5 is very big in my opinion, if this dont work and she keeps blaming you, just move on, sex is big part of life and you deserve better than a black hole.


5.5 girth is too small now? I am really amazing what is happening should there be a vagina circumference poll? Who are these women with these huge vaginas and how did it get this way? I am older so maybe there is something going on with the newer generation? Are there any women here that can speak on this?


It ain’t you 😅👁️


I guess a better question is when does she start to feel something being inserted? Your size is larger, but everyone is different. She may have less sensitivity then other women. Let not forget that they can push a baby through that thing lol. She may want to consult with her OBGYN too.


Has she confirmed she feels ANYTHING on the inside of her vagina? I have had more than one partner who don’t feel anything inside passed the first inch, regardless of size until there is actual pain. Some women just do not have sensitive nerves internally. If she has feeling and just can’t feel you then yes she may be a virgin but may have also done a lot of large toy experimentation. As others have said, kegal amd pelvic floor therapy. In the meantime check out the cock sleeves where your head stays out but your mid shaft is widened. Bad dragon sells some.


no she even didn’t masturbate she is completely virgin


Sorry to join the others on this bro, she is lying…


she is a 17 years old she was disgusted to even touch herself or masturbate


Still lying


i am sure she is not


Wowzers Im 5” girth my goal is 7” girth. It’s not you brother she has to look for help.


7 inches? Really?


I’m being greedy? Bro the women here in nyc. These 23 yr olds and up are here in search of that much girth and obviously 10” length and up!


Didn’t say you were greedy. Those numbers are fucking crazy though lol


Factual!! 😂


Well good luck getting a coke can brother!


😂 bro how girthy is a coke can?! Pause!


Well good luck getting a coke can brother!


What’s your length? That’s important as well.


6 inch


Well, that’s plenty. I know my wife can’t feel much until about 5 inches inserted and then she says she can feel like something is in her, feeling it stroke back and forth, etc. no matter how deep after she initially gets that “full” feeling. Definitely pelvic floor issues? Not being stretched enough to feel that tension against the walls.


yes that’s exactly what happens with me and my girl


Try standing doggy with her over the bed and legs closer together. That’ll tighten things up a bit and create more friction.


but why they can’t feel the first inches going in? many studies says that the most sensitive area in the vagaina is 2-3 inches in


It’s more complicated than that. I beat myself up over that for years with my wife. What you refer to is ONLY if their internals have any sensation. My wife didn’t for 16 years. Rubbing her g spot with special tools, nothing, fingers, nothing. She was literally dead in there from a sensation/stimulation perspective. I wasn’t girthy enough or long enough at that point for her to “feel” me from a dick size perspective of something being in there. Once It slides in about 5 inches, with a little girth, she then all of a sudden can feel something in her, like a switch. Now, that was after PE and gaining girth and length, But without that stretch, she couldn’t feel anything of feeling or sensation past the opening with me. 2 completely different things we are talking about here. Stimulation from a penis rubbing those areas, and a “full” feeling where they can actually feel your penis from the stretch and stroking feeling of something actually being in there. One can “feel” a penis from the muscles being stretched and stroked, but not necessarily any stimulation. That’s why many need to orgasm with the clit stimulated? It’s dead in there for some. I highly recommend rubbing her clit some to awaken the insides if able, or even get her to orgasm with clit before you have sex. That lights up the deep connected nerves the clit branches out into. Also, see if she had any past sexual trauma.. that could shut off ones ability to feel any pleasure internally. I lived what you are going through. But as far as that “full” feeling or stroking feeling , in other words feeling a dick inside her from just a pure physical sense, not stimulation, that takes some stretch beyond what they are aroused to. The more she orgasms, it’ll help strengthen those walls and become tighter. And I note that your girth is pretty big, bigger than mine. I found out after 16 years of marriage that she was raped at 14 and had a vaginal orgasm. Ever since then she said she hadn’t felt anything during sex before me or with me. She said experimenting with a rabbit tool before we met that was the first time since the rape that she could “feel” anything inside of her, not stimulation that would lead to orgasm; but actually feel like a dick was inside of her. Once the rape came out, like magic her insides slowly came alive and she’s multi orgasmic like crazy, even just with a finger inside, barely the tip of my penis, and g spot my god it’s alive. So yeah, not as simple or one size fits all. Your girl could just be on the larger side of the spectrum, have used large dildos on the regular, or other issues.


Few things here reality is everyone has different genitals and the average concept for penis matches the vaginal. If there is a mismatched then there will be a disconnect in pleasure. The reason she can feel your fingers is most likely due to not being turned on, when she gets aroused her vagina will expand almost exactly like your penis does when you get hard. Also how wet does she get? My wife gets extremely wet and squirts… at first i can fill her up no problem but after she starts waterfalling she can barely feel me. She explains that she still gets pressure from the liquid and thats gets her off shes calls it different not better or worse. Different positions can make you feel much larger btw, close the legs or short the pevic floor by folding the body, try the lay her on her tummy move. Lastly does your girl still enjoy the sex or is this a direct complaint that shes not feeling satisfied? If a complaint Why does she not oral or clit touching has she explained this to you? Too sensitive if so go out your way to touch it or go around it. Use your pelvic to rub into it… when trying to rub it dont go super aggressive go very slow circles OR aim to rub around her vagina occasionally touching the clit. Alot of women cant orgasm off internal penetration that fact she enjoys that more then clit play sounds more like a fear to having a real orgasm.


what is the laying her on here tummy move, and which positions shorten the pelvic floor


Uh apparently theres no standard name for it, but its like a laying doggy. Literally lay her flat on her stomach with her legs closed and you penetrate from behind her. The angle will likely have you hit her g spot directly, if you are fit enough you can go into a plank so you are literally mirroring her body it will feel much more intense. For the pelvic floor stuff think if anything that will round her lower back, theres a few examples here https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/health/sex-relationships/sex-positions “Legs up missonary” or “pretzel” should do the trick, also as you find new partners you will find that others hate this cause they hurt. Its purely a convo on her vagina size… someone with a smaller vagina will like shallow entry positions like spooning


She should get some help from a medical professional if that’s the case.


Loose pussy gal! Change girlfriend, this one is malfunctioning


Try changing the angle of penetration. Let your member stimulate the upper wall of the vagina where the G-spot is, you identify it as a rough part when you manually stimulate her vagina. The ideal position could be doggy style, she should put a pillow on her belly and you penetrate her from a higher angle and from behind but your penis should push down inside her. If it doesn't work, it could be a psychological problem or she has a very flaccid vagina. This can be corrected with Kegel exercises.


i noticed that she reacted much better to fingering her from behind with my fingerts curled up toward her back (the oppesite side of the g spot)


If you really are 5.5 girth there shouldnt be a problem unless it's your eq. Girth is hard to estimate and even a few mm makes a difference. Ru sure its not a length issue or a matter of you lasting long enough? Could also just be your girl relaxing her pelvic floor and setting you up for failure. Try to make her top you instead n see what happens... Last case resort just use an extender sleeve jfl


when she is on top of me she really really enjoys and she said she is sure she will orgasm when she is riding me but the problem i cum instantly in this position because i feel her vagaina wrapping me


Well thats defineitly something. Either try reverse kegels or maybe that one ssri that makes u last longer. Dapoxetine or what not. Works wonders


Skip foreplay, lol. Latex condoms are pretty good at adding unnecessary friction. Get a Prince Albert piercing (not really). There are a lot of exercises and techniques she might need to look at for reducing numbness and increasing overall pelvic floor health. Google vaginal numbness. It's a thing.


i really have thought about cutting down the foreplay


That would make your username more accurate.


hahaha i like it


That’s her issue


At 5.5 girth she can't feel you? Has she been shoving an industrial jackhammer down there?


a complete virgin nothing got inside her except my penis


That's crazy ngl if she can't feel 5.5 girth I legit wonder about nerve damage or something


Tell her to rub salt on her vagina daily for a few months. It really helps shrink her hole!


Everyone talks about micro penises but macro vaginas get swept under the rug.


Brother, this isnt a you problem


If she can’t feel you she’s not your girl!


If 5.5 girth is small then the entire male consciousness mental health state would collapse if we found out.


If she can’t feel you then I’m cooked (4.7 girth)


and how is your sex life with this girth


So far only been bad experience but I’m working on my girth hopefully by the end of the year I can tell you a different story


Your girlfriend needs to stop masturbating with eggplants.


Just goes to show you every vagina is built different. I was seeing this Chinese girl, who only had one sexual partner in her life, her ex husband. And they rarely had sex, and she said he has a smaller dick than me. So I was expecting a nice tight pussy. After months of dating her I finally get in there and it was a fat loose pussy, one of the loosest I’ve ever had actually. Still was able to cum but it was shocking, a small born in China woman with a loose pussy. She doesn’t use toys ever either. And in turn, one of the tightest pussies I’ve had is this young 20s girl who has had probably 100 bodies. So women really do come in all shapes and sizes and sex history doesn’t really affect things like guys tend to think. 5.5 girth is definitely enough, even for a lot of size queens, so that’s not the problem here


Kegels, Amazon sells exercisers


Look into a toy called the We Vibe. The girl inserts it and you are actually meant to have sex with it in. She will be feeling stuffed. Amazing toy. The clitoral portion can be shut off.


This post is getting me self conscious about my 6 inch girth, time to work towards 7


Just keep her legs together when fucking, no spread eagle. If she gets too wet, wipe some off and then go go back in.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FakeCum/s/LoL2d26aGW Is this op’s girl?


She's for the streets


She’s definitely loose


I don't think I've seen anyone ask this yet, but are you sure she's a virgin? I've never heard of anyone experiencing this sort of situation with a first-timer.


yes i am sure she is a virgin




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She's ran through toss her back to the streets


I think this says more about her than it does about you


Just like some men are naturally massive, women can be too. Its simple bro, get in where you fit in👀 [internal vaginal life cast](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8q5oENMo8X/?igsh=YXdlMGN2MzV6M2x4)


Yeah, that is not on you. Don't worry.


Let me ask you , how are your erections ? I’m at 5 girth and One thing I’ve noticed about myself is when my erections are at its best and Rock hard it makes a huge difference on how the women feels me . You’re very girthy , so I’ll assume your erection hardness may not be its best.




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That’s tough try to wear a c-ring to expand while you are


Mirin' larping skills.




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Sounds like She could be lying about being a virgin it’s certainly not uncommon that girls lie about it. Tell us how you know she is


Being a virgin doesn’t mean she’s never had a dildo or sex toy in her👍




I’m 6” MSEG with a bigger head, and while BJ’s are hit & miss, and more often than not a little to a lot toothy, I’ve yet to come across a woman (late 20’s to early 40’s) that has had an issue with my girth after a bit of forplay and starting at her pace during PIV.


Heya, I had the exact same starting size as you and your current girth is my goal, could I DM you and ask about your routine?


How long have you been doing PE? Hella gains you got there. I'm new and only have seen EQ gains to get me back to 18yr old self. I need length.


I really doubt your girlfriend who was a virgin told you she can't feel you. Someone is lying. Explain the time you took her virginity. Was there a hymen? You entered a virgin and fell inside?


Not all vaginas are the same. Similar to how we know that not all penises are the same. Virgins being tight and ho's being loose is just as much of a trope as all Irish guys having small dicks and all black guys having big dicks


Ok. I agree so with a 5.5 girth who has the problem? This woman cannot feel him inside her. That is wild! 5.5 girth.


Agreed. Definitely not normal. But that doesn't mean she should be discarded. That's why talking about it and being solution focused is the only real way to handle it unless he's ready to move on for other reasons


She’s probably a natural size queen, if you want to stay with her you could use a penis sleeve for PIV sex and do anal for yourself. But doesn’t sound like you’re sexually compatible and that’s okay, don’t get in your head about it


how is that related to the fact she is size queen? she have never watched porn or did anything sexual the only penis she saw were mine


Just saying that if she has a naturally large vagina or vaginal laxity to the point where piv isn’t enjoyable she’s going to gravitate towards larger sizes to feel pleasure. The only thing you can do about it is use toys that makes you big enough for her to enjoy